Merged PR 21151: Cleaning up fp16 behavior

This PR improves clipping and pruning behavior of NaNs and Infs during fp16 training, ultimately avoiding the underflow problems that we were facing so far.
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt 2021-10-26 20:25:39 +00:00
parent 7f06f3c5d2
commit 1404201926
13 changed files with 233 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ void ConfigParser::addAliases(cli::CLIWrapper& cli) {
cli.alias("fp16", "true", [&](YAML::Node& config) {
if(mode_ == cli::mode::training) {
config["precision"] = std::vector<std::string>({"float16", "float32"}); // inference type, optimization type, save type
// scaling factor (power of 2), frequency, multiplier at increase, tolerance, range, minium factor
config["cost-scaling"] = std::vector<std::string>({"0", "1000", "2", "0.05", "10", "1e-5"});
// scaling factor, frequency, multiplier at increase, minium scaling factor
config["cost-scaling"] = std::vector<std::string>({"256.f", "1000", "2.f", "256.f"});
} else {
config["precision"] = std::vector<std::string>({"float16"}); // for inference we do not need the other types

View File

@ -522,15 +522,15 @@ void ConfigParser::addOptionsTraining(cli::CLIWrapper& cli) {
// mixed precision training
"Shortcut for mixed precision training with float16 and cost-scaling, "
"corresponds to: --precision float16 float32 --cost-scaling 0 1000 2 0.05 10 1e-5f");
"corresponds to: --precision float16 float32 --cost-scaling 256.f 1000 2.f 256.f");
"Mixed precision training for forward/backward pass and optimizaton. "
"Defines types for: forward/backward pass, optimization.",
{"float32", "float32"});
"Dynamic cost scaling for mixed precision training: "
"power of 2, scaling window, scaling factor, tolerance, range, minimum factor")
->implicit_val("0.f 1000 2.f 0.05f 10 1e-5f");
"scaling factor, frequency, multiplier, minimum factor")
->implicit_val("256.f 1000 2.f 256.f");
"Window size over which the exponential average of the gradient norm is recorded (for logging and scaling). "
"After this many updates about 90% of the mass of the exponential average comes from these updates",

View File

@ -106,24 +106,24 @@ using Weak = std::weak_ptr<T>;
/** @brief Creates shared_ptr of any type, passes all arguments to any available
* constructor */
template <class T, typename... Args>
Ptr<T> New(Args&&... args) {
return Ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
inline Ptr<T> New(Args&&... args) {
return std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <class T>
Ptr<T> New(Ptr<T> p) {
inline Ptr<T> New(Ptr<T> p) {
return Ptr<T>(p);
/** @brief Creates InstrusivePtr of any type, passes all arguments to any available
* constructor */
template <class T, typename... Args>
IPtr<T> INew(Args&&... args) {
inline IPtr<T> INew(Args&&... args) {
return IPtr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <class T>
IPtr<T> INew(Ptr<T> p) {
inline IPtr<T> INew(Ptr<T> p) {
return IPtr<T>(p);

View File

@ -147,8 +147,7 @@ public:
int dimDepth = dimModel / dimHeads;
auto output
= reshape(input, {dimBatch * dimBeam, dimSteps, dimHeads, dimDepth});
auto output = reshape(input, {dimBatch * dimBeam, dimSteps, dimHeads, dimDepth});
return transpose(output, {0, 2, 1, 3}); // [dimBatch*dimBeam, dimHeads, dimSteps, dimDepth]
@ -361,9 +360,9 @@ public:
Expr LayerAttention(std::string prefix,
Expr input, // [-4: beam depth, -3: batch size, -2: max length, -1: vector dim]
const Expr& keys, // [-4: beam depth=1, -3: batch size, -2: max length, -1: vector dim]
const Expr& values, // ...?
const Expr& mask, // [-4: batch size, -3: num heads broadcast=1, -2: max length broadcast=1, -1: max length]
Expr keys, // [-4: beam depth=1, -3: batch size, -2: max length, -1: vector dim]
Expr values, // ...?
Expr mask, // [-4: batch size, -3: num heads broadcast=1, -2: max length broadcast=1, -1: max length]
int dimHeads,
bool cache = false,
bool saveAttentionWeights = false) {
@ -373,6 +372,12 @@ public:
auto opsPre = opt<std::string>("transformer-preprocess");
auto output = preProcess(prefix + "_Wo", opsPre, input, dropProb);
// fixes missing norm for keys and values in self-attention with pre-norm
if(input == keys)
keys = output;
if(input == values)
values = output;
// multi-head self-attention over previous input
output = MultiHead(prefix, dimModel, dimHeads, output, keys, values, mask, cache, saveAttentionWeights);

View File

@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ void IsNaN(const Tensor /*in*/, Ptr<Allocator> /*allocator*/, bool& /*isNaN*/, b
ABORT("Not implemented");
bool SanitizeGradient(marian::Tensor /*in*/, Ptr<Allocator> /*allocator*/, bool /*pruneNaN*/, bool /*clipInf*/) {
ABORT("Not implemented");
template <bool add, typename To, typename From>
void CopyCastTo(To* out, const From* in, int length) {
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)

View File

@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ __global__ void gElement(
indices[i] = tensors[i].shape().bindex(dims);
tensors[0].data()[index] = functional::apply(functor, tensors, indices);
// This performs the internal application of the functor in float32 regardless of the input type.
// It seems there are no speed penalties but improved precision.
tensors[0].data()[index] = (T)functional::applyWithCast<float>(functor, tensors, indices);
@ -65,13 +67,7 @@ void Element(Functor functor, Tensor out, Tensors... tensors) {
ElementTyped<float>(functor, out, tensors...);
} else if(out->type() == Type::float16) {
std::vector<marian::Tensor> ts({out, tensors...});
bool div2 = std::all_of(ts.cbegin(), ts.cend(), [](marian::Tensor t){ return t->shape()[-1] % 2 == 0; });
if(div2) {
ElementTyped<halfx2>(functor, out, tensors...);
} else {
ElementTyped<half>(functor, out, tensors...);
ElementTyped<half>(functor, out, tensors...);
ABORT("FP16 not supported with chosen current hardware or CUDA version");

View File

@ -16,15 +16,12 @@ namespace gpu {
namespace atomics {
static inline __device__ void atomicAdd(float *address, float val) {
//*address += val;
::atomicAdd(address, val);
// @TODO: copied from CuTorch, adapt this better, give credit.
static inline __device__ void atomicAdd(half *address, half val) {
//*address += val;
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700 && CUDA_VERSION >= 10000 // compute capability 70 and higher with CUDA 10
::atomicAdd(address, val);
#else // __CUDA_ARCH__ < 700
@ -50,7 +47,8 @@ static inline __device__ void atomicAdd(half *address, half val) {
} while (assumed != old);
#endif // __CUDA_ARCH__
#endif // COMPILE_FP16
@ -96,6 +94,81 @@ void IsNaN(const Tensor in, Ptr<Allocator> allocator, bool& isNaN, bool& isInf)
template <typename T>
__global__ void gSanitizeGradient(T* in, int length,
bool* isNaN, bool* isInf,
bool pruneNaN, bool clipInf,
float forNaN = 0.f, float forInf = 65504.f, float forInfNeg = -65504.f) {
for(int bid = 0; bid < length; bid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
int index = bid + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if(index < length) {
float v = (float)in[index];
// handle NaN
if(isnan(v)) {
if(pruneNaN) {
in[index] = (T)forNaN;
} else {
*isNaN = true;
// handle +/- Inf
if(isinf(v)) {
if(clipInf) {
in[index] = v > 0 ? (T)forInf : (T)forInfNeg;
} else {
*isInf = true;
// This function is meant to clean gradients, i.e. clip infinities and prune NaNs if required.
// If all NaNs and Infs have been removed we return `true` for indicating a sane gradient.
// If `clipInf` is set, infinities are replaced with the maximum/minimum non-inf value for the tensor.
// In that case infinities do not result in a bad gradient, since they get clipped.
// If `pruneNaN` is set, NaNs are replaced with 0. Since NaNs get removed now they do not result
// in a bad gradient.
// If NaNs or infinities are detected but not removed (either because of `pruneNaN=false` or `clipInf=false`),
// we return `false` indicating a bad gradient.
bool SanitizeGradient(marian::Tensor in, Ptr<Allocator> allocator, bool pruneNaN, bool clipInf) {
int length = in->size();
int threads = std::min(MAX_THREADS, length);
int blocks = std::min(MAX_BLOCKS, length / threads + (length % threads != 0));
auto mem = allocator->alloc<bool>(2);
bool* dIsNaN = &mem->data<bool>()[0];
bool* dIsInf = &mem->data<bool>()[1];
fill(in->getBackend(), dIsNaN, dIsNaN + 2, false);
float forNaN = 0.f;
float forInf = NumericLimits<float>(in->type()).max;
float forInfNeg = NumericLimits<float>(in->type()).lowest;
if(in->type() == Type::float32) {
gSanitizeGradient<<<blocks, threads>>>(in->data<float>(), length, dIsNaN, dIsInf, pruneNaN, clipInf, forNaN, forInf, forInfNeg);
} else if(in->type() == Type::float16) {
gSanitizeGradient<<<blocks, threads>>>(in->data<half>(), length, dIsNaN, dIsInf, pruneNaN, clipInf, forNaN, forInf, forInfNeg);
} else {
ABORT("gSanitizeGradient for type {} not implemented", in->type());
bool isNaN, isInf;
CudaCopy(dIsNaN, dIsNaN + 1, &isNaN);
CudaCopy(dIsInf, dIsInf + 1, &isInf);
return !isNaN && !isInf;
template <bool add, typename To, typename From>
__global__ void gCopyCastTo(To* out, const From* in, int length) {
for(int bid = 0; bid < length; bid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@ void PasteRows(Tensor out,
size_t rowsToCopy = indices->size();
int threads = std::min(MAX_THREADS, (int)cols);
#if 1 // @TODO: make this configurable with a 'deterministic' flag
#if 0 // @TODO: make this configurable with a 'deterministic' flag
// If we only use one block, then each core operates on a different column,
// hence the summation becomes deterministic.
// However, we only use e.g. 512 cores out of possibly 3000+, so this will be
@ -1355,7 +1428,7 @@ __global__ void gGRUFastForward(T* out,
for(int bid = 0; bid < rows; bid += gridDim.x) {
int j = bid + blockIdx.x;
if(j < rows) {
T m = !mask || mask[j];
float m = !mask || mask[j];
T* rowOut = out + j * cols;
const T* rowState = state + j * cols;
@ -1365,21 +1438,21 @@ __global__ void gGRUFastForward(T* out,
for(int tid = 0; tid < cols; tid += blockDim.x) {
int i = tid + threadIdx.x;
if(i < cols) {
T r = functional::Ops<T>::sigmoid(xWrow[i] + sUrow[i] + b[i]);
float r = functional::Ops<float>::sigmoid((float)xWrow[i] + (float)sUrow[i] + (float)b[i]);
int k = i + cols;
T z = functional::Ops<T>::sigmoid(xWrow[k] + sUrow[k] + b[k]);
float z = functional::Ops<float>::sigmoid((float)xWrow[k] + (float)sUrow[k] + (float)b[k]);
int l = i + 2 * cols;
T h;
float h;
h = functional::Ops<T>::tanh(xWrow[l] + (sUrow[l] + b[l]) * r);
h = functional::Ops<float>::tanh((float)xWrow[l] + ((float)sUrow[l] + (float)b[l]) * r);
h = functional::Ops<T>::tanh(xWrow[l] + sUrow[l] * r + b[l]);
h = functional::Ops<float>::tanh((float)xWrow[l] + (float)sUrow[l] * r + (float)b[l]);
T out = ((T)1.f - z) * h + z * rowState[i];
rowOut[i] = m * out + ((T)1.f - m) * rowState[i];
float out = (1.f - z) * h + z * (float)rowState[i];
rowOut[i] = (T)(m * out + (1.f - m) * (float)rowState[i]);
@ -1441,7 +1514,7 @@ __global__ void gGRUFastBackward(T* outState,
for(int bid = 0; bid < rows; bid += gridDim.x) {
int j = bid + blockIdx.x;
if(j < rows) {
T m = !mask || mask[j];
float m = !mask || mask[j];
T* rowOutState = outState + j * cols;
T* rowOutXW = outXW + j * cols * 3;
@ -1459,56 +1532,56 @@ __global__ void gGRUFastBackward(T* outState,
int k = i + cols;
int l = i + 2 * cols;
T r = functional::Ops<T>::sigmoid(rowXW[i] + rowSU[i] + b[i]);
T z = functional::Ops<T>::sigmoid(rowXW[k] + rowSU[k] + b[k]);
float r = functional::Ops<float>::sigmoid((float)rowXW[i] + (float)rowSU[i] + (float)b[i]);
float z = functional::Ops<float>::sigmoid((float)rowXW[k] + (float)rowSU[k] + (float)b[k]);
T h;
float h;
h = functional::Ops<T>::tanh(rowXW[l] + (rowSU[l] + b[l]) * r);
h = functional::Ops<float>::tanh((float)rowXW[l] + ((float)rowSU[l] + (float)b[l]) * r);
h = functional::Ops<T>::tanh(rowXW[l] + rowSU[l] * r + b[l]);
h = functional::Ops<float>::tanh((float)rowXW[l] + (float)rowSU[l] * r + (float)b[l]);
T adj = rowAdj[i];
float adj = rowAdj[i];
T t = ((T)1.f - z) * ((T)1.f - h * h);
float t = (1.f - z) * (1.f - h * h);
// df/ds
rowOutState[i] += (m * z - m + (T)1.f) * adj;
rowOutState[i] += (T)((m * z - m + 1.f) * adj);
// df/d(xW_r) ...
T dfdxW_r = m * r * ((T)1.f - r) * t * adj;
float dfdxW_r = m * r * (1.f - r) * t * adj;
dfdxW_r *= rowSU[l] + b[l];
dfdxW_r *= (float)rowSU[l] + (float)b[l];
dfdxW_r *= rowSU[l];
dfdxW_r *= (float)rowSU[l];
rowOutXW[i] += dfdxW_r;
rowOutXW[i] += (T)dfdxW_r;
rowOutSU[i] += dfdxW_r;
rowOutSU[i] += (T)dfdxW_r;
rowOutB[i] += dfdxW_r;
rowOutB[i] += (T)dfdxW_r;
// df/d(xW_z) ...
T dfdxW_z = m * ((T)1.f - z) * z * (rowState[i] - h) * adj;
float dfdxW_z = m * (1.f - z) * z * ((float)rowState[i] - h) * adj;
rowOutXW[k] += dfdxW_z;
rowOutXW[k] += (T)dfdxW_z;
rowOutSU[k] += dfdxW_z;
rowOutSU[k] += (T)dfdxW_z;
rowOutB[k] += dfdxW_z;
rowOutB[k] += (T)dfdxW_z;
// df/d(xW_x) ...
T dfdxW_x = m * t * adj;
float dfdxW_x = m * t * adj;
rowOutXW[l] += dfdxW_x;
rowOutXW[l] += (T)dfdxW_x;
rowOutSU[l] += dfdxW_x * r;
rowOutSU[l] += (T)(dfdxW_x * r);
rowOutB[l] += dfdxW_x * r;
rowOutB[l] += (T)(dfdxW_x * r);
rowOutB[l] += dfdxW_x;
rowOutB[l] += (T)dfdxW_x;

View File

@ -41,6 +41,25 @@ DISPATCH2(CopyCast, marian::Tensor, const marian::Tensor);
DISPATCH2(AddCast, marian::Tensor, const marian::Tensor);
DISPATCH4(IsNaN, const Tensor, Ptr<Allocator>, bool&, bool&);
namespace gpu {
bool SanitizeGradient(marian::Tensor in, Ptr<Allocator> allocator, bool pruneNaN, bool clipInf);
namespace cpu {
bool SanitizeGradient(marian::Tensor in, Ptr<Allocator> allocator, bool pruneNaN, bool clipInf);
static inline bool SanitizeGradient(marian::Tensor in, Ptr<Allocator> allocator, bool pruneNaN, bool clipInf) {
if(in->getBackend()->getDeviceId().type == DeviceType::gpu)
return gpu::SanitizeGradient(in, allocator, pruneNaN, clipInf);
return cpu::SanitizeGradient(in, allocator, pruneNaN, clipInf);
template <class Functor, class... Tensors>
void Element(Functor functor, marian::Tensor out, Tensors... tensors) {

View File

@ -10,25 +10,19 @@ GraphGroup::GraphGroup(Ptr<Options> options, Ptr<IMPIWrapper> mpi)
mbRoundUp_(options_->get<bool>("mini-batch-round-up", true)) {
if(options_->hasAndNotEmpty("cost-scaling")) {
auto vcs = options_->get<std::vector<std::string>>("cost-scaling");
costScale_ = true;
float costExponent = std::stof(vcs[0]);
costScaleFactor_ = std::pow(2.0f, costExponent);
if(vcs.size() > 1) costScaleFreq_ = std::stoul(vcs[1]);
if(vcs.size() > 2) costScaleMultiplier_ = std::stof(vcs[2]);
if(vcs.size() > 3) costScaleNanTolerance_ = std::stof(vcs[3]);
if(vcs.size() > 4) costScaleNanRange_ = std::stoul(vcs[4]);
if(vcs.size() > 5) costScaleFactorMinimum_ = std::stof(vcs[5]);
costScaling_ = true;
costScalingFactor_ = std::stof( vcs[0]);
if(vcs.size() > 1) costScalingFreq_ = std::stoul(vcs[1]);
if(vcs.size() > 2) costScalingMultiplier_ = std::stof( vcs[2]);
if(vcs.size() > 3) costScalingFactorMinimum_ = std::stof( vcs[3]);
"Training with cost scaling - factor: 2^{} = {}, frequency: {}, multiplier: {}, tolerance: {}, range: {}, minimum: {}",
"Training with cost scaling - factor: {}, frequency: {}, multiplier: {}, minimum: {}",
if(options_->hasAndNotEmpty("dynamic-gradient-scaling")) {
@ -96,21 +90,17 @@ void GraphGroup::initGraphsAndOpts() {
// given number of iterations. Usually we increase by 2 which adds
// one more bit for precision.
void GraphGroup::increaseCostScaleFactor() {
size_t total = nanSeen_ + noNanSeen_;
float nanPercent = noNanSeen_ == (float)nanSeen_ / (float)total; // total is at least 1 because of noNanSeen_++
if(noNanSeen_ % costScaleFreq_ == 0) {
costScaleFactor_ *= costScaleMultiplier_;
"NaN/Inf percentage {:.2f} after {} gradient updates. Increasing cost-scaling factor to {}",
if(noNanSeen_ % costScalingFreq_ == 0) {
costScalingFactor_ *= costScalingMultiplier_;
LOG(debug, "No NaN/Inf after {} gradient updates. Increasing cost-scaling factor to {}", total, costScalingFactor_);
// Resetting counts after cost-scale change
noNanSeen_ = 0;
@ -120,48 +110,56 @@ void GraphGroup::increaseCostScaleFactor() {
// call when a NaN was seen to decrease cost-scaling factor
void GraphGroup::decreaseCostScaleFactor() {
size_t total = nanSeen_ + noNanSeen_;
float nanPercent = (float)nanSeen_ / (float)total; // total is at least 1 because of nanSeen_++
if(total >= costScaleNanRange_ && nanPercent > costScaleNanTolerance_) {
if(costScaleFactor_ > costScaleFactorMinimum_) {
costScaleFactor_ /= costScaleMultiplier_;
"NaN/Inf percentage {:.2f} in {} gradient updates, reducing cost-scaling factor to {}",
} else {
// @TODO: think if should this rather abort?
"NaN/Inf percentage {:.2f} in {} gradient updates, but cost-scaling factor {} is already at minimum",
// Resetting counts after cost-scale change
noNanSeen_ = 0;
nanSeen_ = 0;
// do not reduce cost-scaling factor below minimum
if(costScalingFactor_ > costScalingFactorMinimum_)
costScalingFactor_ /= costScalingMultiplier_;
if(isMainProcess()) {
if(costScalingFactor_ > costScalingFactorMinimum_)
LOG(debug, "Seen NaN/Inf after {} gradient updates. Reduced cost-scaling factor to {}", total, costScalingFactor_);
LOG(debug, "Seen NaN/Inf after {} gradient updates, Reduced cost-scaling factor to minimum {}. Pruning NaNs now.", total, costScalingFactor_);
// Resetting counts after cost-scale change
noNanSeen_ = 0;
nanSeen_ = 0;
float GraphGroup::checkNanOrNorm(size_t i, size_t begin, size_t end) {
auto curGrad = graphs_[i]->params()->grads()->subtensor(begin, end-begin);
if(checkGradientNan_ || costScale_) {
bool hasNan = false, hasInf = false;
IsNaN(curGrad, graphs_[i]->allocator(), hasNan, hasInf); // @TODO: make safe with different compiler options
if(hasNan || hasInf) {
LOG(debug, "Found Nan ({}) or Inf ({})", hasNan, hasInf);
// If costScaling_ then check for NaN values if the costScalingFactor_ is larger than
// the minimum. If a NaN value is seen we exit here and will reduce the factor next and
// this skips an update.
// If costScalingFactor_ is already at the minimum, prune the NaN values away. This replaces
// NaNs with 0. Updates are not skipped any more.
// Regardless of NaNs, we clip +/-inf to the largest corresponding values for the gradient value type.
// This changes the gradient but seems to be quite stable. In effect, for fp16 this is equivalent
// to gradient clipping at (65504.f / costScalingFactor_) which in most cases is still large.
if(costScaling_ || checkGradientNan_) {
bool pruneNaN = !checkGradientNan_ && costScalingFactor_ == costScalingFactorMinimum_;
bool clipInf = !checkGradientNan_;
bool saneGradient = SanitizeGradient(curGrad, graphs_[i]->allocator(), pruneNaN, clipInf);
// This should never happen, if it does, something is wrong with the kernel above and needs to be fixed.
ABORT_IF(pruneNaN && clipInf && !saneGradient, "We are removing NaNs and clipping Infs, but gradient is still not sane??");
if(!saneGradient) {
LOG(debug, "Found NaN");
return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
// The optional clipping above will affect the norm here. The norm can be non-finite despite the above
// gradient sanitization, hence check again and propagate a NaN.
if(dynamicGradientScaling_) {
auto gNorm = L2Norm(curGrad, graphs_[i]->allocator());
if(isFinite(gNorm) && gNorm > 0.0)
@ -197,8 +195,8 @@ float GraphGroup::executeAndCollectNorm(const std::function<float(size_t, size_t
float GraphGroup::computeNormalizationFactor(float gNorm, size_t updateTrgWords) {
float normalizationFactor = 1.f;
normalizationFactor *= costScaleFactor_;
normalizationFactor *= costScalingFactor_;
normalizationFactor *= updateTrgWords;
@ -207,9 +205,9 @@ float GraphGroup::computeNormalizationFactor(float gNorm, size_t updateTrgWords)
return normalizationFactor;
if(dynamicGradientScaling_) {
// make gradient norm invariant to changes in costScaleFactor_, luckily norm(c * g) = c * norm(g)
gNorm = gNorm / costScaleFactor_;
// make gradient norm invariant to changes in costScalingFactor_, luckily norm(c * g) = c * norm(g)
gNorm = gNorm / costScalingFactor_;
// Normalize gradient norm w.r.t. number of labels in batch for statistics,
// there should be no gradient normalization before this point, @TODO: check this
@ -288,9 +286,7 @@ void GraphGroup::load(const OptimizerBase::ScatterStateFunc& scatterFn) {
restoreFromCheckpoint(modelFileName, scatterFn);
} else if(options_->hasAndNotEmpty("pretrained-model")) {
std::string nameInit = options_->get<std::string>("pretrained-model");
"[training] Initializing model weights with pre-trained model {}",
LOG(info, "[training] Initializing model weights with pre-trained model {}", nameInit);
size_t i = 0;
for(auto graph : graphs_)

View File

@ -60,22 +60,21 @@ protected:
double typicalTrgBatchWords_{0}; // for dynamic batch sizing: typical batch size in words
bool mbRoundUp_{true}; // round up batches for more efficient training but can make batch size less stable, disable with --mini-batch-round-up=false
bool costScale_{false};
float costScaleFactor_{1.f}; // @TODO, add current costScaleFactor_ to trainingState for serialization
size_t costScaleFreq_{2000};
float costScaleMultiplier_{2.f};
float costScaleNanTolerance_{0.f};
size_t costScaleNanRange_{1};
float costScaleFactorMinimum_{1.f}; // @TODO make this configureable
bool costScaling_{false};
float costScalingFactor_{1.f}; // @TODO, add current costScalingFactor_ to trainingState for serialization
size_t costScalingFreq_{2000};
float costScalingMultiplier_{2.f};
float costScalingFactorMinimum_{1.f};
size_t noNanSeen_{0}; // @TODO, add current noNanSeen_ to trainingState for serialization
size_t nanSeen_{0};
bool checkGradientNan_{false};
bool dynamicGradientScaling_{false};
float dynamicGradientScalingFactor_{2.f};
bool dynamicGradientScalingUseLogs_{false};
bool checkGradientNan_{false};
// determines the number of input streams (i.e. input files or fields in the TSV input) that need
// to be included in the batch, i.e. without alignments and weights
size_t numberOfInputFiles();

View File

@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ void AsyncGraphGroup::execute(Ptr<data::Batch> batch) {
thread_local Tensor accGradients;
thread_local Ptr<TensorAllocator> accAlloc;
ABORT_IF(costScale_ ,"Cost-scaling not implemented for AsyncSGD");
ABORT_IF(costScaling_ ,"Cost-scaling not implemented for AsyncSGD");
auto graph = graphs_[tid];
Ptr<RationalLoss> dynamicLoss = models_[tid]->build(graph, batch);
if(costScaleFactor_ != 1.f) {
if(costScalingFactor_ != 1.f) {
// it's ok to go out of scope, this will still insert the new top node into the graph
auto costNode = dynamicLoss->loss() * costScaleFactor_;
auto costNode = dynamicLoss->loss() * costScalingFactor_;
if(t % optimizerDelay_ == 0) {

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@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ void SingletonGraph::execute(Ptr<data::Batch> batch) {
auto opt = optimizerShards_[0];
auto lossNode = model->build(graph, batch);
if(costScaleFactor_ != 1.f) {
if(costScalingFactor_ != 1.f) {
// for fp16 training, it's ok to go out of scope, we do not use the scaled version for anything
auto scaledLoss = lossNode->loss() * costScaleFactor_;
auto scaledLoss = lossNode->loss() * costScalingFactor_;
bool noNanOrInf = true;
if(costScale_) {
if(costScaling_) {
// Are there NaNs in the gradient?
bool hasNan = false, hasInf = false;
IsNaN(graph->params()->grads(), graph->allocator(), hasNan, hasInf);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void SingletonGraph::execute(Ptr<data::Batch> batch) {
if(scheduler_) {
scheduler_->update(*lossNode, batch);

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@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ void SyncGraphGroup::update(std::vector<Ptr<data::Batch>> subBatches, size_t num
{ // let loss go out of scope, frees memory
auto rationalLoss = models_[localDeviceIndex]->build(graph, subBatch);
if(costScaleFactor_ != 1.f)
rationalLoss->loss() * costScaleFactor_;
if(costScalingFactor_ != 1.f)
rationalLoss->loss() * costScalingFactor_;
localDeviceLosses[localDeviceIndex] += *rationalLoss;
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ void SyncGraphGroup::update(std::vector<Ptr<data::Batch>> subBatches, size_t num
graph->backward(/*zero=*/false); // (gradients are reset before we get here)
#if 1
#if 0 // @TODO: this can probably be removed now, keep around until confirmed.
// experimental and should eventually be somewhere else
// Handle local gradient explosion but only clip to largest possible value
// given number of GPUs and type. Should clip rarely. Also clips inf
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void SyncGraphGroup::update(std::vector<Ptr<data::Batch>> subBatches, size_t num
comm_->scatterReduceAndResetGrads(); // reduce gradients across all devices (globally) into shards
float gradNorm = 0.f;
if(costScale_ || dynamicGradientScaling_ || checkGradientNan_) {
if(costScaling_ || dynamicGradientScaling_ || checkGradientNan_) {
// Wrapping member function
auto checkNanOrNorm = [&](size_t i, size_t begin, size_t end) {
return GraphGroup::checkNanOrNorm(i, begin, end);