Merged PR 19761: Expose SPM Interface from Marian

This PR adds interfaces in Marian to allow it to handle segmentation duties.

Related work items: #121418
This commit is contained in:
Rohit Jain 2021-07-30 03:28:00 +00:00 committed by Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt
parent b653db0a9b
commit 4ff2ef189e
6 changed files with 505 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -81,11 +81,16 @@ if(MSVC)
# These are used in src/CMakeLists.txt on a per-target basis
# Disabled bogus warnings for CPU intrinsics:
# Disabled bogus warnings for CPU intrinsics and Protobuf:
# C4100: 'identifier' : unreferenced formal parameter
# C4310: cast truncates constant value
# C4324: 'marian::cpu::int16::`anonymous-namespace'::ScatterPut': structure was padded due to alignment specifier
# C4702: unreachable code; note it is also disabled globally in the VS project file
set(DISABLE_GLOBALLY "/wd\"4310\" /wd\"4324\" /wd\"4702\"")
set(DISABLE_GLOBALLY "/wd\"4310\" /wd\"4324\" /wd\"4702\" /wd\"4100\"")
set(DISABLE_GLOBALLY "/wd\"4310\" /wd\"4324\" /wd\"4702\"")
# set(INTRINSICS "/arch:AVX")

View File

@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ if(USE_SENTENCEPIECE)
# regardless of -DUSE_STATIC_LIBS setting always build sentencepiece statically
set(SPM_ENABLE_SHARED OFF CACHE BOOL "Builds shared libaries in addition to static libraries." FORCE)
set(SPM_ENABLE_SHARED OFF CACHE BOOL "Builds shared libaries in addition to static libraries." FORCE)
set(SPM_ENABLE_TCMALLOC ON CACHE BOOL "Enable TCMalloc if available.")
@ -111,16 +109,11 @@ if(USE_SENTENCEPIECE)
# regardless of -DUSE_STATIC_LIBS setting always build sentencepiece statically
install(TARGETS sentencepiece-static sentencepiece_train-static
EXPORT marian-targets
DESTINATION sentencepiece)
install(TARGETS sentencepiece sentencepiece_train
EXPORT marian-targets
DESTINATION sentencepiece)
install(TARGETS sentencepiece-static sentencepiece_train-static
EXPORT marian-targets
DESTINATION sentencepiece)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ include_directories(.)
include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/3rd_party/intgemm) # running cmake on the intgemm submodule triggers config file generation in this directory.
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ set(MARIAN_SOURCES
# this is only compiled to catch build errors
# copied from quicksand to be able to read binary shortlist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "sentencepiece.h"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override"
#include "sentencepiece/src/builtin_pb/sentencepiece.pb.h"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include "sentencepiece/src/sentencepiece_processor.h"
#include "sentencepiece/src/sentencepiece_trainer.h"
#include "unicode_conversions.h"
namespace marian {
namespace spm {
class SentencePieceInternal {
std::unique_ptr<sentencepiece::SentencePieceProcessor> m_processor;
void checkStatus(sentencepiece::util::Status status, const char* what) {
std::string err = status.ToString();
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("SentencePiece error ") + what + ": " + err);
int createNativeSentencePieceText(sentencepiece::SentencePieceText& spt, Native_SentencePieceText** outSpt) {
Native_SentencePieceText* spt_ret = new Native_SentencePieceText();
spt_ret->text = new char[spt.text().size() + 1];
::strcpy(spt_ret->text, spt.text().c_str());
spt_ret->num_pieces = spt.pieces().size();
spt_ret->pieces = new Native_SentencePiecePiece*[spt_ret->num_pieces];
int counter = 0;
for(auto& piece : spt.pieces()) {
spt_ret->pieces[counter] = new Native_SentencePiecePiece();
spt_ret->pieces[counter]->id =;
spt_ret->pieces[counter]->begin = piece.begin();
spt_ret->pieces[counter]->end = piece.end();
spt_ret->pieces[counter]->surface = new char[piece.surface().size() + 1];
::strcpy((spt_ret->pieces)[counter]->surface, (char*)piece.surface().c_str());
spt_ret->pieces[counter]->piece = new char[piece.piece().size() + 1];
::strcpy((spt_ret->pieces)[counter]->piece, (char*)piece.piece().c_str());
*outSpt = spt_ret;
return 0;
SentencePieceInternal(const uint16_t* modelPath, const uint16_t** vocab, size_t vocabSize) {
m_processor.reset(new sentencepiece::SentencePieceProcessor());
// load the model file
const auto status = m_processor->Load(utf16_to_utf8(utf16string(modelPath)));
// implant the restricted vocabulary, if given
if(vocab && vocabSize > 0) {
std::vector<std::string> vocab_str;
for(size_t i = 0; i < vocabSize; i++)
checkStatus(status, "loading");
int getPieceID(char* sentence) {
std::string sentInUtf8(sentence);
return m_processor->PieceToId(absl::string_view(sentInUtf8));
int encodeAligned(char* sentence, Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt) {
sentencepiece::SentencePieceText spt;
std::string sentInUtf8(sentence);
m_processor->Encode(absl::string_view(sentInUtf8), &spt);
return createNativeSentencePieceText(spt, nSpt);
int decodeAligned(int num_tokens, char** inp_tokens, Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt) {
sentencepiece::SentencePieceText spt;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
for(int i = 0; i < num_tokens; i++) {
std::string tok((char*)inp_tokens[i]);
m_processor->Decode(tokens, &spt);
return createNativeSentencePieceText(spt, nSpt);
int SentencePieceInteropFreeNativeSentencePieceText(Native_SentencePieceText* spt) {
auto num_pieces = (*spt).num_pieces;
for(int i = 0; i < num_pieces; i++) {
Native_SentencePiecePiece* piece = (*spt).pieces[i];
spt = NULL;
return 0;
intptr_t SentencePieceInteropLoadModel(const uint16_t* modelPath,
const uint16_t** vocab,
size_t vocabSize) {
try {
return (intptr_t) new SentencePieceInternal(modelPath, vocab, vocabSize);
catch(...) { return (intptr_t) nullptr; }
int SentencePieceInteropDecodeAligned(intptr_t object,
int num_tokens,
char** tokens,
Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt) {
try {
return ((SentencePieceInternal*)object)->decodeAligned(num_tokens, tokens, nSpt);
catch(...) { return -1; }
int SentencePieceInteropEncodeAligned(intptr_t object,
char* word,
Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt) {
try {
return ((SentencePieceInternal*)object)->encodeAligned(word, nSpt);
catch(...) { return -1; }
int SentencePieceInteropGetPieceID(intptr_t object, char* word) {
try {
return ((SentencePieceInternal*)object)->getPieceID(word);
catch(...) { return -1; }
int SentencePieceInteropUnloadModel(intptr_t object) {
return 0;
int SentencepieceInteropTrainModel(char* args) {
std::stringstream command;
command << std::string(args);
auto status = sentencepiece::SentencePieceTrainer::Train(command.str());
return (int)status.code();
} // namespace spm
} // namespace marian

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace marian {
namespace spm {
// Describes an individual token in a sentencepiece encoding
struct Native_SentencePiecePiece {
int id;
int begin;
int end;
char* surface;
char* piece;
// Mirrors the SentencePieceText protobuf struct returned by SPM
// and provides individual piece and corresponding surface details
struct Native_SentencePieceText {
char* text;
int num_pieces;
Native_SentencePiecePiece** pieces;
int SentencePieceInteropFreeNativeSentencePieceText(Native_SentencePieceText* spt);
intptr_t SentencePieceInteropLoadModel(const uint16_t* modelPath,
const uint16_t** vocab,
size_t vocabSize);
int SentencePieceInteropDecodeAligned(intptr_t object,
int num_tokens,
char** tokens,
Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt);
int SentencePieceInteropEncodeAligned(intptr_t object, char* word, Native_SentencePieceText** nSpt);
int SentencePieceInteropGetPieceID(intptr_t object, char* word);
int SentencePieceInteropUnloadModel(intptr_t object);
int SentencepieceInteropTrainModel(char* args);
} // namespace spm
} // namespace marian

View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// This was extracted from
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
typedef std::basic_string<uint16_t> utf16string;
#define LOW_3BITS 0x7
#define LOW_4BITS 0xF
#define LOW_5BITS 0x1F
#define LOW_6BITS 0x3F
#define BIT4 0x8
#define BIT5 0x10
#define BIT6 0x20
#define BIT7 0x40
#define BIT8 0x80
#define H_SURROGATE_START 0xD800
#define SURROGATE_PAIR_START 0x10000
// Create a dedicated type for characters to avoid the issue
// of different platforms defaulting char to be either signed
// or unsigned.
using UtilCharInternal_t = signed char;
inline size_t count_utf8_to_utf16(const std::string& s)
const size_t sSize = s.size();
auto const sData = reinterpret_cast<const UtilCharInternal_t*>(;
size_t result {sSize};
for (size_t index = 0; index < sSize;)
if (sData[index] >= 0)
// use fast inner loop to skip single byte code points (which are
// expected to be the most frequent)
while ((++index < sSize) && (sData[index] >= 0))
if (index >= sSize) break;
// start special handling for multi-byte code points
const UtilCharInternal_t c {sData[index++]};
if ((c & BIT7) == 0)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 string character can never start with 10xxxxxx");
else if ((c & BIT6) == 0) // 2 byte character, 0x80 to 0x7FF
if (index == sSize)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 string is missing bytes in character");
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {sData[index++]};
if ((c2 & 0xC0) != BIT8)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 continuation byte is missing leading bit mask");
// can't require surrogates for 7FF
else if ((c & BIT5) == 0) // 3 byte character, 0x800 to 0xFFFF
if (sSize - index < 2)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 string is missing bytes in character");
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {sData[index++]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c3 {sData[index++]};
if (((c2 | c3) & 0xC0) != BIT8)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 continuation byte is missing leading bit mask");
result -= 2;
else if ((c & BIT4) == 0) // 4 byte character, 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF
if (sSize - index < 3)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 string is missing bytes in character");
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {sData[index++]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c3 {sData[index++]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c4 {sData[index++]};
if (((c2 | c3 | c4) & 0xC0) != BIT8)
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 continuation byte is missing leading bit mask");
const uint32_t codePoint =
((c & LOW_3BITS) << 18) | ((c2 & LOW_6BITS) << 12) | ((c3 & LOW_6BITS) << 6) | (c4 & LOW_6BITS);
result -= (3 - (codePoint >= SURROGATE_PAIR_START));
throw std::range_error("UTF-8 string has invalid Unicode code point");
return result;
utf16string /*__cdecl conversions::*/utf8_to_utf16(const std::string& s)
// Save repeated heap allocations, use the length of resulting sequence.
const size_t srcSize = s.size();
auto const srcData = reinterpret_cast<const UtilCharInternal_t*>(;
utf16string dest(count_utf8_to_utf16(s), L'\0');
utf16string::value_type* const destData = &dest[0];
size_t destIndex = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < srcSize; ++index)
UtilCharInternal_t src = srcData[index];
switch (src & 0xF0)
case 0xF0: // 4 byte character, 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {srcData[++index]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c3 {srcData[++index]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c4 {srcData[++index]};
uint32_t codePoint =
((src & LOW_3BITS) << 18) | ((c2 & LOW_6BITS) << 12) | ((c3 & LOW_6BITS) << 6) | (c4 & LOW_6BITS);
if (codePoint >= SURROGATE_PAIR_START)
// In UTF-16 U+10000 to U+10FFFF are represented as two 16-bit code units, surrogate pairs.
// - 0x10000 is subtracted from the code point
// - high surrogate is 0xD800 added to the top ten bits
// - low surrogate is 0xDC00 added to the low ten bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<utf16string::value_type>((codePoint >> 10) | H_SURROGATE_START);
destData[destIndex++] =
static_cast<utf16string::value_type>((codePoint & 0x3FF) | L_SURROGATE_START);
// In UTF-16 U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF are represented exactly as the Unicode code point
// value. U+D800 to U+DFFF are not valid characters, for simplicity we assume they are not present
// but will encode them if encountered.
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<utf16string::value_type>(codePoint);
case 0xE0: // 3 byte character, 0x800 to 0xFFFF
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {srcData[++index]};
const UtilCharInternal_t c3 {srcData[++index]};
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<utf16string::value_type>(
((src & LOW_4BITS) << 12) | ((c2 & LOW_6BITS) << 6) | (c3 & LOW_6BITS));
case 0xD0: // 2 byte character, 0x80 to 0x7FF
case 0xC0:
const UtilCharInternal_t c2 {srcData[++index]};
destData[destIndex++] =
static_cast<utf16string::value_type>(((src & LOW_5BITS) << 6) | (c2 & LOW_6BITS));
default: // single byte character, 0x0 to 0x7F
// try to use a fast inner loop for following single byte characters,
// since they are quite probable
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<utf16string::value_type>(srcData[index++]);
} while (index < srcSize && srcData[index] > 0);
// adjust index since it will be incremented by the for loop
return dest;
inline size_t count_utf16_to_utf8(const utf16string& w)
const utf16string::value_type* const srcData = &w[0];
const size_t srcSize = w.size();
size_t destSize(srcSize);
for (size_t index = 0; index < srcSize; ++index)
const utf16string::value_type ch(srcData[index]);
if (ch <= 0x7FF)
if (ch > 0x7F) // 2 bytes needed (11 bits used)
// Check for high surrogate.
else if (ch >= H_SURROGATE_START && ch <= H_SURROGATE_END) // 4 bytes needed (21 bits used)
if (index == srcSize)
throw std::range_error("UTF-16 string is missing low surrogate");
const auto lowSurrogate = srcData[index];
if (lowSurrogate < L_SURROGATE_START || lowSurrogate > L_SURROGATE_END)
throw std::range_error("UTF-16 string has invalid low surrogate");
destSize += 2;
else // 3 bytes needed (16 bits used)
destSize += 2;
return destSize;
std::string /*__cdecl conversions::*/utf16_to_utf8(const utf16string& w)
const size_t srcSize = w.size();
const utf16string::value_type* const srcData = &w[0];
std::string dest(count_utf16_to_utf8(w), '\0');
std::string::value_type* const destData = &dest[0];
size_t destIndex(0);
for (size_t index = 0; index < srcSize; ++index)
const utf16string::value_type src = srcData[index];
if (src <= 0x7FF)
if (src <= 0x7F) // single byte character
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(src);
else // 2 bytes needed (11 bits used)
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(char((src >> 6) | 0xC0)); // leading 5 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(char((src & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8)); // trailing 6 bits
// Check for high surrogate.
else if (src >= H_SURROGATE_START && src <= H_SURROGATE_END)
const auto highSurrogate = src;
const auto lowSurrogate = srcData[++index];
// To get from surrogate pair to Unicode code point:
// - subtract 0xD800 from high surrogate, this forms top ten bits
// - subtract 0xDC00 from low surrogate, this forms low ten bits
// - add 0x10000
// Leaves a code point in U+10000 to U+10FFFF range.
uint32_t codePoint = highSurrogate - H_SURROGATE_START;
codePoint <<= 10;
codePoint |= lowSurrogate - L_SURROGATE_START;
// 4 bytes needed (21 bits used)
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>((codePoint >> 18) | 0xF0); // leading 3 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(((codePoint >> 12) & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8); // next 6 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(((codePoint >> 6) & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8); // next 6 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>((codePoint & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8); // trailing 6 bits
else // 3 bytes needed (16 bits used)
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>((src >> 12) | 0xE0); // leading 4 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>(((src >> 6) & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8); // middle 6 bits
destData[destIndex++] = static_cast<char>((src & LOW_6BITS) | BIT8); // trailing 6 bits
return dest;