This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2016-09-16 14:14:05 +02:00
commit 517fb6c385
7 changed files with 287 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -36,11 +36,16 @@ cuda_add_executable(
target_link_libraries(validate_mnist marian_lib)
target_link_libraries(validate_mnist_batch marian_lib)
target_link_libraries(validate_encoder_decoder marian_lib)
foreach(exec marian train_mnist validate_mnist validate_mnist_batch )
foreach(exec marian train_mnist validate_mnist validate_mnist_batch validate_encoder_decoder)
target_link_libraries(${exec} ${EXT_LIBS} cuda cudnn)

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ struct Chainable {
virtual void set_zero_adjoint() { }
virtual void allocate(size_t) = 0;
virtual std::string graphviz() = 0;
virtual const Shape& shape() = 0;
virtual DataType &val() = 0;

View File

@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ class ExpressionGraph {
std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "digraph ExpressionGraph {" << std::endl;
ss << "rankdir=BT" << std::endl;
typedef typename ChainableStack::reverse_iterator It;
for(It it = stack_->rbegin(); it != stack_->rend(); ++it)
ss << (*it)->graphviz();
ss << "}" << std::endl;
return ss.str();
void backward() {
for(auto&& v : *stack_)

View File

@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ struct InputNode : public Node {
void forward() {}
void backward() {}
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"parallelogram\", label=\"input\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"lawngreen\"]" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct ConstantNode : public Node {
@ -35,6 +42,13 @@ struct ConstantNode : public Node {
void forward() {}
void backward() {}
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"diamond\", label=\"const\"]" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct ParamNode : public Node {
@ -60,6 +74,13 @@ struct ParamNode : public Node {
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"hexagon\", label=\"param\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"orangered\"]" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
std::function<void(Tensor)> init_;
bool initialized_;
@ -89,6 +110,14 @@ struct LogitNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2 * _3 * (1 - _3),
a_->grad(), adj_, val_);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"logit\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct TanhNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
@ -105,6 +134,14 @@ struct TanhNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2 * (1 - _3 * _3),
a_->grad(), adj_, val_);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"tanh\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
// @TODO, make this numerically safe(r):
@ -131,6 +168,14 @@ struct SoftmaxNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
SubtractMean(&result, val_);
Element(_1 += _2 * _3, a_->grad(), val_, result);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"softmax\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct LogNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
@ -146,6 +191,14 @@ struct LogNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2 * 1.f / _3,
a_->grad(), adj_, a_->val());
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"log\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct ExpNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
@ -161,6 +214,14 @@ struct ExpNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2 * Exp(_3),
a_->grad(), adj_, a_->val());
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"exp\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct NegNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
@ -175,6 +236,14 @@ struct NegNodeOp : public UnaryNodeOp {
void backward() {
Element(_1 += -_2, a_->grad(), adj_);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"-\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
@ -220,6 +289,15 @@ struct DotNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
Prod(a_->grad(), adj_, b_->val(), false, true, 1.0);
Prod(b_->grad(), a_->val(), adj_, true, false, 1.0);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"×\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"orange\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*b_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct PlusNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
@ -238,6 +316,15 @@ struct PlusNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2,
b_->grad(), adj_);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"+\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*b_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct MinusNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
@ -256,6 +343,15 @@ struct MinusNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 -= _2,
b_->grad(), adj_);
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"-\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*b_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct MultNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
@ -274,6 +370,15 @@ struct MultNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 += _2 * _3,
b_->grad(), adj_, a_->val());
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << &*b_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();
struct DivNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
@ -292,6 +397,15 @@ struct DivNodeOp : public BinaryNodeOp {
Element(_1 -= _2 * _3 / (_4 * _4),
b_->grad(), adj_, a_->val(), b_->val());
virtual std::string graphviz() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "\"" << this << "\" [shape=\"box\", label=\"÷\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"]" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << a_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl;
ss << "\"" << b_ << "\" -> \"" << this << "\"" << std::endl << std::endl;
return ss.str();

View File

@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Y[t] = Yt;
std::cout << g.graphviz() << std::endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#include "marian.h"
#include "mnist.h"
#if 0
ExpressionGraph build_graph() {
std::cerr << "Loading model params...";
// read parallel corpus from file
std::fstream sourceFile("../examples/mt/dev/");
std::fstream targetFile("../examples/mt/dev/newstest2013.en");
std::string sourceLine, targetLine;
while (getline(sourceFile, sourceLine)) {
getline(targetFile, targetLine);
std::vector<size_t> sourceIds = sourceVocab.ProcessSentence(sourceLine);
std::vector<size_t> targetIds = sourceVocab.ProcessSentence(targetLine);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
using namespace marian;
using namespace keywords;
int input_size = 10;
int output_size = 15;
int batch_size = 25;
int hidden_size = 5;
int num_inputs = 8;
int num_outputs = 6;
ExpressionGraph g(0);
std::vector<Expr*> X(num_inputs+1); // For the stop symbol.
std::vector<Expr*> Y(num_outputs);
std::vector<Expr*> H(num_inputs+1); // For the stop symbol.
std::vector<Expr*> S(num_outputs);
// For the stop symbol.
for (int t = 0; t <= num_inputs; ++t) {
X[t] = new Expr(g.input(shape={batch_size, input_size}));
// For the stop symbol.
for (int t = 0; t <= num_outputs; ++t) {
Y[t] = new Expr(g.input(shape={batch_size, output_size}));
Expr Wxh = g.param(shape={input_size, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="Wxh");
Expr Whh = g.param(shape={hidden_size, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="Whh");
Expr bh = g.param(shape={1, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="bh");
Expr h0 = g.param(shape={1, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="h0");
std::cerr << "Building encoder RNN..." << std::endl;
H[0] = new Expr(tanh(dot(*X[0], Wxh) + dot(h0, Whh) + bh));
for (int t = 1; t <= num_inputs; ++t) {
H[t] = new Expr(tanh(dot(*X[t], Wxh) + dot(*H[t-1], Whh) + bh));
Expr Wxh_d = g.param(shape={output_size, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="Wxh_d");
Expr Whh_d = g.param(shape={hidden_size, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="Whh_d");
Expr bh_d = g.param(shape={1, hidden_size}, init=uniform(), name="bh_d");
std::cerr << "Building decoder RNN..." << std::endl;
auto h0_d = *H[num_inputs];
S[0] = new Expr(tanh(dot(*Y[0], Wxh_d) + dot(h0_d, Whh_d) + bh_d));
for (int t = 1; t < num_outputs; ++t) {
S[t] = new Expr(tanh(dot(*Y[t], Wxh_d) + dot(*S[t-1], Whh_d) + bh_d));
Expr Why = g.param(shape={hidden_size, output_size}, init=uniform(), name="Why");
Expr by = g.param(shape={1, output_size}, init=uniform(), name="by");
std::cerr << "Building output layer..." << std::endl;
std::vector<Expr*> Yp(num_outputs+1); // For the stop symbol.
Expr* cross_entropy = NULL;
for (int t = 0; t <= num_outputs; ++t) {
if (t == 0) {
Yp[t] = new Expr(named(softmax_fast(dot(h0_d, Why) + by), "pred"));
cross_entropy = new Expr(sum(*Y[t] * log(*Yp[t]), axis=1));
} else {
Yp[t] = new Expr(named(softmax_fast(dot(*S[t-1], Why) + by), "pred"));
*cross_entropy = *cross_entropy + sum(*Y[t] * log(*Yp[t]), axis=1);
auto graph = -mean(*cross_entropy, axis=0, name="cost");
// For the stop symbol.
for (int t = 0; t <= num_inputs; ++t) {
Tensor Xt({batch_size, input_size});
float max = 1.;
std::vector<float> values(batch_size * input_size);
std::vector<float> classes(batch_size * output_size, 0.0);
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < input_size; ++j, ++k) {
values[k] = max * (2.0*static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX - 1.0);
thrust::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), Xt.begin());
*X[t] = Xt;
for (int t = 0; t < num_outputs; ++t) {
Tensor Yt({batch_size, output_size});
std::vector<float> classes(batch_size * output_size, 0.0);
int l = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
int gold = output_size * static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
classes[l + gold] = 1.0;
l += output_size;
thrust::copy(classes.begin(), classes.end(), Yt.begin());
*Y[t] = Yt;
std::cerr << graph.val().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << X[0]->val().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << Y[0]->val().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << Whh.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << bh.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << Why.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << by.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << Wxh.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
std::cerr << h0.grad().Debug() << std::endl;
return 0;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const size_t IMAGE_SIZE = 784;
const size_t LABEL_SIZE = 10;
int BATCH_SIZE = 10000;
ExpressionGraph build_graph(int cudaDevice) {
ExpressionGraph build_graph() {
std::cerr << "Loading model params...";
NpzConverter converter("../scripts/test_model_single/model.npz");
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ExpressionGraph build_graph(int cudaDevice) {
std::cerr << "Building model...";
ExpressionGraph g(cudaDevice);
ExpressionGraph g(0);
auto x = named(g.input(shape={whatevs, IMAGE_SIZE}), "x");
auto y = named(g.input(shape={whatevs, LABEL_SIZE}), "y");
@ -46,12 +46,15 @@ ExpressionGraph build_graph(int cudaDevice) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cerr << "Loading test set...";
std::vector<float> testImages = datasets::mnist::ReadImages("../examples/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte", BATCH_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE);
std::vector<float> testLabels = datasets::mnist::ReadLabels("../examples/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte", BATCH_SIZE, LABEL_SIZE);
std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl;
ExpressionGraph g = build_graph(1);
ExpressionGraph g = build_graph();
@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
g["x"] = (xt << testImages);
g["y"] = (yt << testLabels);
std::cout << g.graphviz() << std::endl;
std::vector<float> results;