Merged PR 22490: Faster LSH top-k for CPU

This PR replaces the top-k search from FAISS on the CPU with a more specialized version for discrete distances in sub-linear time.
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt 2022-02-10 16:30:21 +00:00
parent f00d062189
commit e6dbacb310
5 changed files with 257 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -86,11 +86,17 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<lsh::ParamConvInfo> toBeLSHed;
if(addLsh) {
// Add dummy parameters for the LSH before the model gets actually initialized.
// This create the parameters with useless values in the tensors, but it gives us the memory we need.
toBeLSHed = {
{lshOutputWeights, "lsh_output_codes", "lsh_output_rotation", lshNBits}
lsh::addDummyParameters(graph, /*weights=*/lshOutputWeights, /*nBits=*/lshNBits);
for(auto p : toBeLSHed)
lsh::addDummyParameters(graph, /*paramInfo=*/p);
@ -99,7 +105,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if(addLsh) {
// After initialization, hijack the paramters for the LSH and force-overwrite with correct values.
// Once this is done we can just pack and save as normal.
lsh::overwriteDummyParameters(graph, /*weights=*/lshOutputWeights);
for(auto p : toBeLSHed)
lsh::overwriteDummyParameters(graph, /*paramInfo=*/p);
// added a flag if the weights needs to be packed or not

View File

@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
#include "common/utils.h"
#include "3rd_party/faiss/utils/hamming.h"
#include "3rd_party/faiss/Index.h"
#include "3rd_party/faiss/VectorTransform.h"
#include "common/timer.h"
#include "layers/lsh_impl.h"
namespace marian {
namespace lsh {
@ -98,24 +100,22 @@ Expr encode(Expr input, Expr rotation) {
return lambda(inputs, encodedShape, Type::uint8, encodeFwd, encodeHash);
Expr rotator(Expr weights, int nBits) {
Expr rotator(Expr weights, int inDim, int nBits) {
auto rotator = [](Expr out, const std::vector<Expr>& inputs) {
fillRandomRotationMatrix(out->val(), out->graph()->allocator());
static const size_t rotatorHash = (size_t)&rotator;
int dim = weights->shape()[-1];
return lambda({weights}, {dim, nBits}, Type::float32, rotator, rotatorHash);
return lambda({weights}, {inDim, nBits}, Type::float32, rotator, rotatorHash);
Expr searchEncoded(Expr encodedQuery, Expr encodedWeights, int k, int firstNRows) {
Expr searchEncoded(Expr encodedQuery, Expr encodedWeights, int dimK, int firstNRows, bool noSort/*= false*/) {
ABORT_IF(encodedQuery->shape()[-1] != encodedWeights->shape()[-1],
"Query and index bit vectors need to be of same size ({} != {})", encodedQuery->shape()[-1], encodedWeights->shape()[-1]);
int currBeamSize = encodedQuery->shape()[0];
int batchSize = encodedQuery->shape()[2];
int numHypos = currBeamSize * batchSize;
auto search = [=](Expr out, const std::vector<Expr>& inputs) {
Expr encodedQuery = inputs[0];
@ -128,30 +128,25 @@ Expr searchEncoded(Expr encodedQuery, Expr encodedWeights, int k, int firstNRows
if(firstNRows != 0)
wRows = firstNRows;
int qRows = encodedQuery->shape().elements() / bytesPerVector;
ABORT_IF(dimK > wRows, "k is larger than number of candidate values?"); // @TODO: use min(k, wRows) silently?
uint8_t* qCodes = encodedQuery->val()->data<uint8_t>();
uint8_t* wCodes = encodedWeights->val()->data<uint8_t>();
IndexType* outData = out->val()->data<IndexType>();
auto gather = [outData, dimK](IndexType rowId, IndexType k, IndexType kthColId, DistType /*dist*/) {
outData[rowId * dimK + k] = kthColId;
// use actual faiss code for performing the hamming search.
std::vector<int> distances(qRows * k);
std::vector<faiss::Index::idx_t> ids(qRows * k);
faiss::int_maxheap_array_t res = {(size_t)qRows, (size_t)k,,};
faiss::hammings_knn_hc(&res, qCodes, wCodes, (size_t)wRows, (size_t)bytesPerVector, 0);
Parameters params;
params.k = dimK;
params.queryRows = encodedQuery->val()->data<uint8_t>();
params.numQueryRows = encodedQuery->shape().elements() / bytesPerVector;
params.codeRows = encodedWeights->val()->data<uint8_t>();
params.numCodeRows = wRows;
params.bytesPerVector = bytesPerVector;
// Copy int64_t indices to Marian index type and sort by increasing index value per hypothesis.
// The sorting is required as we later do a binary search on those values for reverse look-up.
uint32_t* outData = out->val()->data<uint32_t>();
for (size_t hypoIdx = 0; hypoIdx < numHypos; ++hypoIdx) {
size_t startIdx = k * hypoIdx;
size_t endIdx = startIdx + k;
for(size_t i = startIdx; i < endIdx; ++i)
outData[i] = (uint32_t)ids[i];
std::sort(outData + startIdx, outData + endIdx);
hammingTopK(params, gather);
Shape kShape({currBeamSize, batchSize, k});
Shape kShape({currBeamSize, batchSize, dimK});
return lambda({encodedQuery, encodedWeights}, kShape, Type::uint32, search);
@ -166,7 +161,7 @@ Expr search(Expr query, Expr weights, int k, int nBits, int firstNRows, bool abo
} else {
ABORT_IF(abortIfDynamic, "Dynamic creation of LSH rotation matrix prohibited");
LOG_ONCE(info, "Creating ad-hoc rotation matrix with shape {}", Shape({dim, nBits}));
rotMat = rotator(weights, nBits);
rotMat = rotator(weights, dim, nBits);
@ -195,34 +190,43 @@ Ptr<inits::NodeInitializer> randomRotation() {
return New<RandomRotation>();
void addDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, std::string weightsName, int nBitsRot) {
auto weights = graph->get(weightsName);
ABORT_IF(!weights, "Trying to encode non-existing weights matrix {}??", weightsName);
void addDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, ParamConvInfo paramInfo) {
auto weights = graph->get(;
int nBitsRot = paramInfo.nBits;
ABORT_IF(!weights, "Trying to encode non-existing weights matrix {}??",;
int nBits = weights->shape()[-1];
nBits = weights->shape()[-2];
int nRows = weights->shape().elements() / nBits;
Expr rotation;
if(nBits != nBitsRot) {
LOG(info, "Adding LSH rotation parameter lsh_output_rotation with shape {}", Shape({nBits, nBitsRot}));
rotation = graph->param("lsh_output_rotation", {nBits, nBitsRot}, inits::dummy(), Type::float32);
LOG(info, "Adding LSH rotation parameter {} with shape {}", paramInfo.rotationName, Shape({nBits, nBitsRot}));
rotation = graph->param(paramInfo.rotationName, {nBits, nBitsRot}, inits::dummy(), Type::float32);
nBits = nBitsRot;
int bytesPerVector = lsh::bytesPerVector(nBits);
LOG(info, "Adding LSH encoded weights lsh_output_codes with shape {}", Shape({nRows, bytesPerVector}));
auto codes = graph->param("lsh_output_codes", {nRows, bytesPerVector}, inits::dummy(), Type::uint8);
LOG(info, "Adding LSH encoded weights {} with shape {}", paramInfo.codesName, Shape({nRows, bytesPerVector}));
auto codes = graph->param(paramInfo.codesName, {nRows, bytesPerVector}, inits::dummy(), Type::uint8);
void overwriteDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, std::string weightsName) {
Expr weights = graph->get(weightsName);
Expr codes = graph->get("lsh_output_codes");
Expr rotation = graph->get("lsh_output_rotation");
void overwriteDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, ParamConvInfo paramInfo) {
Expr weights = graph->get(;
Expr codes = graph->get(paramInfo.codesName);
Expr rotation = graph->get(paramInfo.rotationName);
ABORT_IF(!weights, "Trying to encode non-existing weights matrix {}??", weightsName);
ABORT_IF(!weights, "Trying to encode non-existing weights matrix {}??",;
ABORT_IF(!codes, "Trying to overwrite non-existing LSH parameters lsh_output_codes??");
if(paramInfo.transpose) {
weights = transpose(weights);
if(rotation) {
fillRandomRotationMatrix(rotation->val(), weights->graph()->allocator());
encodeWithRotation(codes->val(), weights->val(), rotation->val(), weights->graph()->allocator());

View File

@ -17,26 +17,34 @@
namespace marian {
namespace lsh {
// return the number of full bytes required to encoded that many bits
int bytesPerVector(int nBits);
// encodes an input as a bit vector, with optional rotation
Expr encode(Expr input, Expr rotator = nullptr);
// compute the rotation matrix (maps weights->shape()[-1] to nbits floats)
Expr rotator(Expr weights, int nbits);
Expr rotator(Expr weights, int inDim, int nbits);
// perform the LSH search on fully encoded input and weights, return k results (indices) per input row
// @TODO: add a top-k like operator that also returns the bitwise computed distances
Expr searchEncoded(Expr encodedQuery, Expr encodedWeights, int k, int firstNRows = 0);
Expr searchEncoded(Expr encodedQuery, Expr encodedWeights, int k, int firstNRows = 0, bool noSort = false);
// same as above, but performs encoding on the fly
Expr search(Expr query, Expr weights, int k, int nbits, int firstNRows = 0, bool abortIfDynamic = false);
// struct for parameter conversion used in marian-conv
struct ParamConvInfo {
std::string name;
std::string codesName;
std::string rotationName;
int nBits;
bool transpose;
ParamConvInfo(const std::string& name, const std::string& codesName, const std::string& rotationName, int nBits, bool transpose = false)
: name(name), codesName(codesName), rotationName(rotationName), nBits(nBits), transpose(transpose) {}
// These are helper functions for encoding the LSH into the binary Marian model, used by marian-conv
void addDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, std::string weightsName, int nBits);
void overwriteDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, std::string weightsName);
void addDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, ParamConvInfo paramInfo);
void overwriteDummyParameters(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, ParamConvInfo paramInfo);
* Computes a random rotation matrix for LSH hashing.

src/layers/lsh_impl.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __builtin_popcountl __popcnt64
#define __builtin_popcount __popcnt
namespace marian {
namespace lsh {
struct Parameters {
int k;
uint8_t* queryRows;
int numQueryRows;
uint8_t* codeRows;
int numCodeRows;
int bytesPerVector;
typedef uint32_t DistType;
typedef uint64_t ChunkType;
inline DistType popcount(const ChunkType& chunk) {
switch (sizeof(ChunkType)) {
case 8 : return (DistType)__builtin_popcountl((uint64_t)chunk);
case 4 : return (DistType)__builtin_popcount((uint32_t)chunk);
default: ABORT("Size {} not supported", sizeof(ChunkType));
// return the number of full bytes required to encoded that many bits
inline int bytesPerVector(int nBits);
// compute top-k hamming distances for given query and weight binary codes. Faster than FAISS version, especially for larger k nearly constant wrt. k.
template <int StaticValue = 0, bool Dynamic=true, typename T>
inline constexpr T getStaticOrDynamic(T dynamicValue) {
return Dynamic ? dynamicValue : StaticValue;
template <size_t StepsStatic, bool Dynamic=false>
inline DistType hamming(ChunkType* queryRow, ChunkType* codeRow, int stepsDynamic = 0) {
static_assert(Dynamic == true || StepsStatic != 0, "Either define dynamic use of steps or provide non-zero template argument");
DistType dist = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < getStaticOrDynamic<StepsStatic, Dynamic>(stepsDynamic); ++i)
dist += popcount(queryRow[i] ^ codeRow[i]);
return dist;
template <int warpSize, int NumCodeRows, int BytesPerVector, bool Dynamic, class Functor>
inline void hammingTopKUnrollWarp(int queryOffset, const Parameters& parameters, const Functor& gather) {
const int numBits = getStaticOrDynamic<BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(parameters.bytesPerVector) * 8;
ABORT_IF(numBits % 64 != 0, "LSH hash size has to be a multiple of 64");
// counter to keep track of seen hamming distances
std::vector<std::vector<DistType>> counter(warpSize, std::vector<DistType>(numBits, 0));
// buffer the distances for query vector warpRowId to all weight weight vectors codeRowId
std::vector<std::vector<DistType>> distBuffer(warpSize, std::vector<DistType>(getStaticOrDynamic<NumCodeRows, Dynamic>(parameters.numCodeRows), 0));
// minimal distances per query
std::vector<DistType> minDist(warpSize);
constexpr int StepStatic = BytesPerVector / sizeof(ChunkType);
int stepDynamic = parameters.bytesPerVector / sizeof(ChunkType);
ChunkType* codeRow = (ChunkType*)parameters.codeRows;
for(int warpRowId = 0; warpRowId < warpSize; warpRowId++) {
std::memset(counter[warpRowId].data(), 0, numBits * sizeof(DistType)); // Reset the counter via memset to 0
minDist[warpRowId] = (DistType)numBits;
for(IndexType codeRowId = 0; codeRowId < (IndexType)getStaticOrDynamic<NumCodeRows, Dynamic>(parameters.numCodeRows); ++codeRowId, codeRow += getStaticOrDynamic<StepStatic, Dynamic>(stepDynamic)) {
ChunkType* queryRow = (ChunkType*)parameters.queryRows;
for(IndexType warpRowId = 0; warpRowId < warpSize; warpRowId++, queryRow += getStaticOrDynamic<StepStatic, Dynamic>(stepDynamic)) {
// Compute the bit-wise hamming distance
DistType dist = hamming<StepStatic, Dynamic>(queryRow, codeRow, stepDynamic);
// Record the minimal distance seen for this query vector wrt. all weight vectors
if(dist < minDist[warpRowId]) {
minDist[warpRowId] = dist;
// Record the number of weight vectors that have this distance from the query vector.
// Note, because there is at most numBits different distances this can be trivially done.
// Not the case for generic distances like float.
// Record the distance for this weight vector
distBuffer[warpRowId][codeRowId] = dist;
// warp finished, harvest k top distances
for(int warpRowId = 0; warpRowId < warpSize; warpRowId++) {
// Here we search for the distance at which we have seen equal or more than k elements with
// smaller distances. We start with the minimal distance from above which is its own address
// to the counter.
DistType maxDist = minDist[warpRowId];
size_t cummulativeDistances = 0;
// Accumulate number of elements until we reach k in growing distance order. Note that
// counter is indexed by hamming distance - from lowest to highest. Some slots will be 0.
// The cumulative sum from position a to b tells you how many elements have distances smaller
// than the distance at b.
while(cummulativeDistances < parameters.k)
cummulativeDistances += counter[warpRowId][maxDist++];
maxDist--; // fix overcounting
// Usually, we overshoot by a couple of elements and we need to take care of the distance at which the k-th
// element sits. This elements has more neighbors at the same distance, but we only care for them
// as long we have not reached k elements in total.
// By contrast, we trivially collect all elements below that distance -- these are always safe.
// This is the number of elements we need to collect at the last distance.
DistType maxDistLimit = /*number of elements at maxDist=*/counter[warpRowId][maxDist] - /*overflow=*/((DistType)cummulativeDistances - (DistType)parameters.k);
IndexType kSeen = 0;
IndexType kSeenAtKDist = 0;
for(IndexType codeRowId = 0; kSeen < (IndexType)parameters.k && codeRowId < (IndexType)getStaticOrDynamic<NumCodeRows, Dynamic>(parameters.numCodeRows); ++codeRowId) {
DistType dist = distBuffer[warpRowId][codeRowId];
// - if the current distance is smaller than the maxDist, just consume.
// - if the distance is equal to maxDist, make sure to only consume maxDistLimit elements at maxDist
// and ignore the rest (smaller indices make it in first).
// - after we finish this loop we have exactly k top values for every query row in original index order.
int queryRowId = queryOffset + warpRowId;
if(dist < maxDist) {
gather(queryRowId, (IndexType)kSeen, codeRowId, dist);
} else if(dist == maxDist && kSeenAtKDist < (DistType)maxDistLimit) {
gather(queryRowId, (IndexType)kSeen, codeRowId, dist);
// Faster top-k search for hamming distance. The idea here is that instead of sorting the elements we find a hamming distances at which it is safe
// to copy the given index. Copying only the indices below that distance is guaranteed to results in no more than k elements. For elements at that
// distance we need to correct for overshooting.
// Once we have that distance we only need to traverse the set of distances. In the end we get exactly k elements per queryRows vector.
template <int NumCodeRows, int BytesPerVector, bool Dynamic, class Functor>
inline void hammingTopKUnroll(const Parameters& parameters, const Functor& gather) {
static_assert(Dynamic == true || (NumCodeRows != 0 && BytesPerVector != 0), "Either define dynamic use of variables or provide non-zero template arguments");
int warpSize = 4; // starting warpSize of 4 seems optimal
auto warpParameters = parameters;
for(int queryOffset = 0; queryOffset < parameters.numQueryRows; queryOffset += warpSize) {
while(parameters.numQueryRows - queryOffset < warpSize)
warpSize /= 2;
int step = getStaticOrDynamic<BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(parameters.bytesPerVector);
warpParameters.queryRows = parameters.queryRows + queryOffset * step;
warpParameters.numQueryRows = warpSize;
switch(warpSize) {
case 8 : hammingTopKUnrollWarp<8, NumCodeRows, BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(queryOffset, warpParameters, gather); break;
case 4 : hammingTopKUnrollWarp<4, NumCodeRows, BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(queryOffset, warpParameters, gather); break;
case 2 : hammingTopKUnrollWarp<2, NumCodeRows, BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(queryOffset, warpParameters, gather); break;
case 1 : hammingTopKUnrollWarp<1, NumCodeRows, BytesPerVector, Dynamic>(queryOffset, warpParameters, gather); break;
default: ABORT("Unhandled warpSize = {}??", warpSize);
template <class Functor>
inline void hammingTopK(const Parameters& parameters, const Functor& gather) {
if(parameters.numCodeRows == 2048 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 64)
hammingTopKUnroll< 2048, 64, false>(parameters, gather);
else if(parameters.numCodeRows == 4096 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 64)
hammingTopKUnroll< 4096, 64, false>(parameters, gather);
else if(parameters.numCodeRows == 6144 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 64)
hammingTopKUnroll< 6144, 64, false>(parameters, gather);
else if(parameters.numCodeRows == 8192 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 64)
hammingTopKUnroll< 8192, 64, false>(parameters, gather);
else if(parameters.numCodeRows == 32000 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 64)
hammingTopKUnroll<32000, 64, false>(parameters, gather);
else if(parameters.numCodeRows == 32000 && parameters.bytesPerVector == 128)
hammingTopKUnroll<32000, 128, false>(parameters, gather);
hammingTopKUnroll< 0, 0, true>(parameters, gather);
} // namespace lsh
} // namespace marian

View File

@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ public:
auto score = std::get<2>(result);
// determine alignment if present
AlignmentSets alignmentSets;
if (options_->hasAndNotEmpty("alignment"))
if (options_->hasAndNotEmpty("alignment")) {
float alignmentThreshold;
auto alignment = options_->get<std::string>("alignment"); // @TODO: this logic now exists three times in Marian
if (alignment == "soft")
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ bool convertModel(std::string inputFile, std::string outputFile, int32_t targetP
// Add dummy parameters for the LSH before the model gets actually initialized.
// This create the parameters with useless values in the tensors, but it gives us the memory we need.
lsh::addDummyParameters(graph, /*weights=*/lshOutputWeights, /*nBits=*/lshNBits);
lsh::addDummyParameters(graph, /*paramInfo=*/{lshOutputWeights, "lsh_output_codes", "lsh_output_rotation", lshNBits});
@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ bool convertModel(std::string inputFile, std::string outputFile, int32_t targetP
if(addLsh) {
// After initialization, hijack the paramters for the LSH and force-overwrite with correct values.
// Once this is done we can just pack and save as normal.
lsh::overwriteDummyParameters(graph, /*weights=*/lshOutputWeights);
lsh::overwriteDummyParameters(graph, /*paramInfo=*/{lshOutputWeights, "lsh_output_codes", "lsh_output_rotation", lshNBits});
Type targetPrecType = (Type) targetPrec;