Martin Junczys-Dowmunt c3fb60cbcd Merged PR 13476: Add LASER reimplementation and code for embeddings sentences
This reimplements the LASER encoder from:
Massively Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer and Beyond
Mikel Artetxe, Holger Schwenk

and adds functionality to embed sentences with any Marian encoder, also different from LASER. Some early attempts to train a transformer model with Encoder-Decoder bottle-neck. This is quite early code, so some code-duplication is to be expected. Nevertheless, it's functional and I would like to have it in master as we will slowly put that into production in various places. I will make the code "nicer" as we go along.
2020-06-24 01:54:27 +00:00

85 lines
3.0 KiB

import numpy as np
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
import torch
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert LASER model to Marian weight file.')
parser.add_argument('--laser', help='Path to LASER PyTorch model', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--marian', help='Output path for Marian weight file', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
laser = torch.load(args.laser)
config = dict()
config["type"] = "laser"
config["input-types"] = ["sequence"]
config["dim-vocabs"] = [laser["params"]["num_embeddings"]]
config["version"] = " conversion"
config["enc-depth"] = laser["params"]["num_layers"]
config["enc-cell"] = "lstm"
config["dim-emb"] = laser["params"]["embed_dim"]
config["dim-rnn"] = laser["params"]["hidden_size"]
yaml.dump(laser["dictionary"], open(args.marian + ".vocab.yml", "w"))
marianModel = dict()
def transposeOrder(mat):
matT = np.transpose(mat) # just a view with changed row order
return matT.flatten(order="C").reshape(matT.shape) # force row order change and reshape
def convert(pd, srcs, trg, transpose=True, bias=False, lstm=False):
num = pd[srcs[0]].detach().numpy()
for i in range(1, len(srcs)):
num += pd[srcs[i]].detach().numpy()
out = num
if bias:
num = np.atleast_2d(num)
if transpose:
num = transposeOrder(num) # transpose with row order change
if lstm: # different order in pytorch than marian
stateDim = int(num.shape[-1] / 4)
i = np.copy(num[:, 0*stateDim:1*stateDim])
f = np.copy(num[:, 1*stateDim:2*stateDim])
num[:, 0*stateDim:1*stateDim] = f
num[:, 1*stateDim:2*stateDim] = i
marianModel[trg] = num
for k in laser:
for k in laser["model"]:
print(k, laser["model"][k].shape)
convert(laser["model"], ["embed_tokens.weight"], "encoder_Wemb", transpose=False)
for i in range(laser["params"]["num_layers"]):
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.weight_ih_l{i}"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_W", lstm=True)
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.weight_hh_l{i}"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_U", lstm=True)
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.bias_ih_l{i}", f"lstm.bias_hh_l{i}"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_b", bias=True, lstm=True) # needs to be summed!
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.weight_ih_l{i}_reverse"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_reverse_W", lstm=True)
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.weight_hh_l{i}_reverse"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_reverse_U", lstm=True)
convert(laser["model"], [f"lstm.bias_ih_l{i}_reverse", f"lstm.bias_hh_l{i}_reverse"], f"encoder_lstm_l{i}_reverse_b", bias=True, lstm=True) # needs to be summed!
for m in marianModel:
print(m, marianModel[m].shape)
configYamlStr = yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False)
desc = list(configYamlStr)
npDesc = np.chararray((len(desc),))
npDesc[:] = desc
npDesc.dtype = np.int8
marianModel["special:model.yml"] = npDesc
print("\nMarian config:")
print("Saving Marian model to %s" % (args.marian,))
np.savez(args.marian, **marianModel)