
255 lines
7.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// tslint:disable:no-new-decorators
import '../../focus/focus-ring.js';
import '../../ripple/ripple.js';
import {html, LitElement, TemplateResult} from 'lit';
import {eventOptions, property, query, queryAsync, state} from 'lit/decorators.js';
import {ClassInfo, classMap} from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import {ifDefined} from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
import {when} from 'lit/directives/when.js';
import {dispatchActivationClick, isActivationClick} from '../../controller/events.js';
import {FormController, getFormValue} from '../../controller/form-controller.js';
import {ariaProperty} from '../../decorators/aria-property.js';
import {pointerPress as focusRingPointerPress, shouldShowStrongFocus} from '../../focus/strong-focus.js';
import {ripple} from '../../ripple/directive.js';
import {MdRipple} from '../../ripple/ripple.js';
* @fires input {InputEvent} Fired whenever `selected` changes due to user
* interaction (bubbles and composed).
* @fires change {Event} Fired whenever `selected` changes due to user
* interaction (bubbles).
export class Switch extends LitElement {
static override shadowRootOptions:
ShadowRootInit = {mode: 'open', delegatesFocus: true};
* @nocollapse
static formAssociated = true;
* Disables the switch and makes it non-interactive.
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) disabled = false;
* Puts the switch in the selected state and sets the form submission value to
* the `value` property.
@property({type: Boolean}) selected = false;
* Shows both the selected and deselected icons.
@property({type: Boolean}) icons = false;
* Shows only the selected icon, and not the deselected icon. If `true`,
* overrides the behavior of the `icons` property.
@property({type: Boolean}) showOnlySelectedIcon = false;
@property({attribute: 'data-aria-label', noAccessor: true})
override ariaLabel!: string;
@property({attribute: 'data-aria-labelledby', noAccessor: true})
ariaLabelledBy = '';
@state() private showFocusRing = false;
@state() private showRipple = false;
// Ripple
@queryAsync('md-ripple') private readonly ripple!: Promise<MdRipple|null>;
// Button
@query('button') private readonly button!: HTMLButtonElement|null;
* The associated form element with which this element's value will submit.
get form() {
return this.closest('form');
* The HTML name to use in form submission.
@property({reflect: true}) name = '';
* The value associated with this switch on form submission. `null` is
* submitted when `selected` is `false`.
@property() value = 'on';
[getFormValue]() {
return this.selected ? this.value : null;
constructor() {
this.addController(new FormController(this));
this.addEventListener('click', (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isActivationClick(event)) {
if (this.button != null) {
// this triggers the click behavior, and the ripple
protected override render(): TemplateResult {
const ariaLabelValue = this.ariaLabel ? this.ariaLabel : undefined;
const ariaLabelledByValue =
this.ariaLabelledBy ? this.ariaLabelledBy : undefined;
// NOTE: buttons must use only [phrasing
// content](
// children, which includes custom elements, but not `div`s
return html`
class="md3-switch ${classMap(this.getRenderClasses())}"
${when(this.showFocusRing, this.renderFocusRing)}
<span class="md3-switch__track">
private getRenderClasses(): ClassInfo {
return {
'md3-switch--selected': this.selected,
'md3-switch--unselected': !this.selected,
private readonly renderRipple = () => {
return html`
<span class="md3-switch__ripple">
private readonly getRipple = () => {
this.showRipple = true;
return this.ripple;
private readonly renderFocusRing = () => {
return html`<md-focus-ring visible></md-focus-ring>`;
private renderHandle(): TemplateResult {
/** @classMap */
const classes = {
'md3-switch__handle--big': this.icons && !this.showOnlySelectedIcon,
return html`
<span class="md3-switch__handle-container">
${when(this.showRipple, this.renderRipple)}
<span class="md3-switch__handle ${classMap(classes)}">
${this.shouldShowIcons() ? this.renderIcons() : html``}
private renderIcons(): TemplateResult {
return html`
<div class="md3-switch__icons">
${this.showOnlySelectedIcon ? html`` : this.renderOffIcon()}
private renderOnIcon(): TemplateResult {
return html`
<svg class="md3-switch__icon md3-switch__icon--on" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M9.55 18.2 3.65 12.3 5.275 10.675 9.55 14.95 18.725 5.775 20.35 7.4Z"/>
private renderOffIcon(): TemplateResult {
return html`
<svg class="md3-switch__icon md3-switch__icon--off" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M6.4 19.2 4.8 17.6 10.4 12 4.8 6.4 6.4 4.8 12 10.4 17.6 4.8 19.2 6.4 13.6 12 19.2 17.6 17.6 19.2 12 13.6Z"/>
private renderTouchTarget(): TemplateResult {
return html`<span class="md3-switch__touch"></span>`;
private shouldShowIcons(): boolean {
return this.icons || this.showOnlySelectedIcon;
private handleClick() {
if (this.disabled) {
this.selected = !this.selected;
new InputEvent('input', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
// Bubbles but does not compose to mimic native browser <input> & <select>
// Additionally, native change event is not an InputEvent.
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true}));
private handleFocus() {
this.showFocusRing = shouldShowStrongFocus();
private handleBlur() {
this.showFocusRing = false;
@eventOptions({passive: true})
private handlePointerDown() {
this.showFocusRing = false;