first pass at textfield readme

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Elliott Marquez 2019-08-19 19:53:37 -07:00
parent d40ef9062d
commit 9ec9cab98b

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@ -160,13 +160,21 @@ npm install @material/mwc-textfield
| `icon` | `string` | Leading icon to display in input. See [`mwc-icon`](
| `iconTrailing` | `string` | Trailing icon to display in input. See [`mwc-icon`](
| `disabled` | `boolean` | Whether or not the input should be disabled.
| `required` | `boolean` | Displays error state if value is empty and input is blurred.
| `maxlength` | `number` | Maximum length to accept input.
| `charCounter` | `boolean` | **Note: requries `maxlength` to be set.** Display character counter with max length.
| `outlined` | `boolean` | Whether or not to show the material outlined variant.
| `fullwidth` | `boolean` | Whether or not to make the input fullwidth. No longer displays `label`; only `placeholder` and `helper`.
| `helper` | `string` | Helper text to display below the input. Display default only when focused.
| `helperPersistent` | `boolean` | Always show the helper text despite focus.
| `required` | `boolean` | Displays error state if value is empty and input is blurred.
| `maxlength` | `number` | Maximum length to accept input.
| `validationMessage` | `string` | Message to show in the error color when the textfield is invalid. (Helper text will not be visible)
| `pattern` | `string` | [`HTMLInputElement.prototype.pattern`]( (empty string will unset attribute)
| `min` | `number|string` | [`HTMLInputElement.prototype.min`]( (empty string will unset attribute)
| `max` | `number|string` | [`HTMLInputElement.prototype.max`]( (empty string will unset attribute)
| `step` | `number|null` | [`HTMLInputElement.prototype.step`]( (null will unset attribute)
| `validity` | `ValidityState` (readonly) | The [`ValidityState`]( of the textfield.
| `willValidate` | `boolean` (readonly) | [`HTMLInputElement.prototype.willValidate`](
| `validator` | `Validator**|null` | Callback called before each validation check. See the [validation section](#Validation) for more details.
\* `TextFieldType` is exported by `mwc-textfield` and `mwc-textfield-base`
@ -174,6 +182,19 @@ type TextFieldType = 'text'|'search'|'tel'|'url'|'email'|'password'|
\*\* `Validator` is not exported. See the [validation section](#Validation) for more details.
type Validator = (value: string, nativeValidity: ValidityState) => Partial<ValidityState>
### Methods
| Name | Description
| -------- | -------------
| `checkValidity() => boolean` | Returns `true` if the textfield passes validity checks. Returns `false` and fires an [`invalid`]( event on the textfield otherwise.
| `reportValidity() => boolean` | Runs `checkValidity()` method, and if it returns false, then ir reports to the user that the input is invalid.
| `setCustomValidity(message:string) => void` | Sets a custom validity message (also overwrites `validationMessage`). If this message is not the empty string, then the element is suffering froma custom validity error and does not validate.
### CSS Custom Properties
Inherits CSS Custom properties from:
@ -190,6 +211,8 @@ Inherits CSS Custom properties from:
| `--mdc-text-field-outlined-hover-border-color` | `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)` | Color of the outlined textfield's outline when hovering.
| `--mdc-text-field-outlined-disabled-border-color` | `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)` | Color of the outlined textfield's outline when disabled.
### Validation
## Additional references
- [MDC Web textfields](