extends: google globals: goog: false env: browser: true plugins: - mocha parserOptions: ecmaVersion: 2017 sourceType: module rules: indent: [error, 2] max-len: [error, 120] no-new: warn quotes: [error, single, {"avoidEscape": true}] no-var: error curly: error no-floating-decimal: error no-unused-vars: - error # Account for closure compiler conventions. See docs/closure-compiler.md # Ignores: MDC[PascalCase]Adapter (records), [PascalCase]Type (typedefs) - varsIgnorePattern: ^(?:(?:MDC(?:(?:[A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+)Adapter)|(?:(?:(?:[A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+)Type))$ # TODO: Enable once https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/milestone/4 # is complete require-jsdoc: off valid-jsdoc: off prefer-const: error # Rules for our mocha unit tests. Note that even though we use mocha, we model our unit tests # after frameworks such as tape and ava, which encourage modern paradigms, seek to minimize # shared state across tests, and try and make tests look as simple as possible. mocha/handle-done-callback: error mocha/no-exclusive-tests: error # mocha/no-hooks: error mocha/no-identical-title: error mocha/no-nested-tests: error mocha/no-pending-tests: error mocha/no-skipped-tests: error mocha/valid-suite-description: [error, ^MDC.+|^webpack|^mwc-.+]