Material Web Team 288b6b13e0 refactor: added types to the templates.ts file.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 468005474
2022-08-16 13:14:48 -07:00

358 lines
12 KiB

* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {TemplateResult} from 'lit';
import {DirectiveResult} from 'lit/directive';
import {ref} from 'lit/directives/ref';
import {literal, StaticValue} from 'lit/static-html';
import {Harness, HarnessElement, isElementWithHarness} from './harness';
import {TestTableTemplate} from './table/test-table';
* Pre-defined test table template states commonly shared between components.
export enum State {
DEFAULT = 'Default',
DISABLED = 'Disabled',
ERROR = 'Error',
FOCUS = 'Focus',
HOVER = 'Hover',
PRESSED = 'Pressed',
* A template builder class that can be used to easily build test table template
* render functions for multiple variants.
* If a harness is used, invoke `.withHarness()` before `.withVariants()` for
* accurate types.
* @example
* const templates = new TemplateBuilder()
* .withHarness(MyHarness)
* .withVariants({
* filled(directive, props) {
* return html`
* <my-filled-element .label=${props.label} ${directive}>
* ${props.content}
* </my-filled-element>
* `;
* },
* outlined(directive, props) {
* return html`
* <my-outlined-element .label=${props.label} ${directive}>
* ${props.content}
* </my-outlined-element>
* `;
* },
* });
* // Create an array of templates for every variant and provided property
* // object. This example creates both variants with and without a label.
* const testTemplates = templates.all({label: 'Foo'}, {});
* // Create specific variant templates. Useful for when the properties are
* // not the same for each rendered variant.
* const variantTemplates = [
* templates.variant('filled', {label: 'Filled'}),
* templates.variant('filled', {label: ''}),
* templates.variant('outlined', {label: 'outlined'}, {}),
* templates.variant('outlined', {label: ''}, {}),
* ];
* @template H Optional element harness type.
* @template V Variant name types.
export class TemplateBuilder<H extends Harness = never,
V extends string = never> {
* A map of variant names and their template factories.
private readonly variants = new Map<V, TemplateVariant<H>>();
* The current harness constructor to use when rendering.
private harnessCtor?: new(element: HarnessElement<H>) => H;
* The current state callback to invoke after rendering.
private stateCallback?: TemplateStateCallback<H>;
* Creates and return an array of test table templates that will render every
* variant once for each test case element properties object provided.
* @param testCaseProps Element properties to render for every variant.
* @return An array of test table templates for every variant and test case.
all(...testCaseProps: Array<TemplateProps<H>>): TestTableTemplate[] {
if (!testCaseProps.length) {
// Allow calling templates.all() and assume default props.
return Array.from(this.variants.values()).flatMap(({display, factory}) => {
return => ({display, render: factory(props)}));
* Creates and returns the test table template for a specific variant and
* test case.
* @param variant The variant to render.
* @param testCaseProps Element properties to render for this variant.
* @return A test table template for the given variant and test case.
variant(variant: V, testCaseProps?: TemplateProps<H>): TestTableTemplate {
const displayAndRender = this.variants.get(variant);
if (!displayAndRender) {
throw new Error(`Missing variant '${variant}' in TemplateBuilder.`);
const {display, factory} = displayAndRender;
const render = factory(testCaseProps);
return {display, render};
* Sets the harness constructor to use for the template builder.
* @template NewHarness The new harness type.
* @param harnessCtor The constructor for the harness.
* @return The template builder, now using the provided harness type.
withHarness<NewHarness extends Harness>(
harnessCtor: new(element: HarnessElement<NewHarness>) => NewHarness) {
const typedThis = this as unknown as TemplateBuilder<NewHarness, V>;
typedThis.harnessCtor = harnessCtor;
return typedThis;
* Sets the state callback to use for the template builder. It is invoked
* after the template's element has rendered and provides the current state
* and harness.
* This callback is typically used when additional behavior needs to be
* simulated with the harness according to the current state.
* @example
* // Element-specific state that does not belong in the shared `State`
* // enum.
* enum MyState {
* FOCUS_MOUSE = 'Focus (Mouse)', // A unique state
* }
* const templates = new TemplateBuilder()
* .withHarness(MyHarness)
* .withStateCallback(async (state, harness) => {
* // Use the harness to perform additional behavior not handled
* // by default.
* if (state === MyState.FOCUS_MOUSE) {
* await harness.focusWithMouse();
* }
* })
* .withVariants({/* ... *\/})
* @template NewHarness The new harness type.
* @param callback The callback to be called.
* @return The template builder, now using the provided harness type.
withStateCallback(callback: TemplateStateCallback<H>) {
this.stateCallback = callback;
return this;
* Adds multiple variant render functions to the template builder.
* @param variants An object whose keys are variant names and values are
* either variant render functions or an object of variant options. The
* options specify a `display` name and the variant `render` function.
* @return The template builder, now using the provided variants.
variants: Record<string, TemplateRender<H>|TemplateVariantOptions<H>>) {
// TODO: clean this up by only allowing TemplateVariantOptions and force
// users to specify the display name.
for (const variant of Object.keys(variants)) {
this.withVariant(variant, variants[variant]);
return this as unknown as
TemplateBuilder<H, V|Extract<keyof typeof variants, string>>;
* Adds a variant render function to the template builder.
* @param variant The new variant name to add.
* @param renderOrOptions The variant's render function, or an object with the
* `render` function and a `display` name. The default display name is the
* `variant` name when a render function is provided instead.
* @return The template builder, now using the provided variant.
withVariant<NewVariant extends string>(
variant: NewVariant,
renderOrOptions: TemplateRender<H>|TemplateVariantOptions<H>) {
// TODO: clean this up by only allowing TemplateVariantOptions and force
// users to specify the display name.
const typedThis = this as unknown as TemplateBuilder<H, V|NewVariant>;
const {display, render} = typeof renderOrOptions === 'function' ?
{display: variant, render: renderOrOptions} :
typedThis.variants.set(variant, {
display: display ?? variant,
factory: props => {
return state => {
const directive = ref(async element => {
if (!element) {
const harness = await this.createHarnessAndApplyState(
element as HarnessElement<H>, state);
// Allow the component to apply additional state or perform custom
// state logic.
this.stateCallback?.(state, harness);
return render(directive, props || {}, state);
return typedThis;
* Creates a harness for the given element (if a harness constructor is
* being used). This function will also apply default shared state, including
* focusing, hovering, and pressing the element.
* @param element The element to create a harness for.
* @param state The current state of the element.
* @return The created harness, or undefined if a harness constructor is not
* being used.
private async createHarnessAndApplyState(
element: HarnessElement<H>, state: string): Promise<H|never> {
if (!this.harnessCtor) {
return undefined as never;
const harness = isElementWithHarness(element) ?
element.harness as H :
new this.harnessCtor(element);
// Common shared component state harness actions
await harness.reset();
switch (state) {
case State.FOCUS:
await harness.focusWithKeyboard();
case State.HOVER:
await harness.startHover();
case State.PRESSED:
await harness.startClickWithMouse();
return harness;
* A template variant, which includes the display name of the variant and a
* factory to create `TestTableTemplate` objects.
* @template H The harness type.
export interface TemplateVariant<H extends Harness> {
/** The variant's display name. */
display: string|StaticValue;
* A factory function that takes an object of element properties and returns
* another a test table template that renders the variant's element for a
* given state.
* @template H The harness type.
* @param props Optional properties for the element.
* @return A function that renders the element for a given state.
factory: (props?: TemplateProps<H>) => TestTableTemplate['render'];
/** Options for rendering a template variant. */
export interface TemplateVariantOptions<H extends Harness> {
/** A function to render this variant. */
render: TemplateRender<H>;
/** Custom variant display name. Defaults to the name of the variant. */
display?: string|ReturnType<typeof literal>;
// TODO: clean this devx up a bit by swapping props/state args
* A function that renders a variant to display. The function receives a test
* directive that should be added to the element.
* If a harness for the element is used, optional properties for the harness's
* element are provided to bind to the template.
* The render function may also use a third parameter, which is the current
* state the element should be rendered in.
* @template H The harness type.
* @param directive A test directive that should be placed on the element.
* @param props Properties for the element.
* @param state The current state to render the element in.
* @return A `TemplateResult` rendering the element.
export type TemplateRender<H extends Harness> =
(directive: DirectiveResult, props: TemplateProps<H>, state: string) =>
* A callback that is invoked after the template's element has rendered. It
* provides the current state and harness (if used).
* This callback is typically used when additional behavior needs to be
* simulated with the harness according to the current state.
* @template H The harness type.
* @param state The current test table state.
* @param harness The rendered element's harness.
export type TemplateStateCallback<H extends Harness> =
(state: string, harness: H) => void;
* Element properties for a harness constructor. Returns a partial object with
* shared template properties and optional properties that are unique to the
* element itself (excludes `HTMLElement` properties).
* @template H The harness type.
export type TemplateProps<H extends Harness> = Partial<Pick<
HarnessElement<H>, Exclude<keyof HarnessElement<H>, keyof HTMLElement>>>&
* Shared element properties for all harnesses.
export interface SharedTemplateProps {
* The light DOM content of the element.
content?: TemplateResult;