Elizabeth Mitchell 5df9410e60 fix!: aria-labels announcing twice with "group" on components
BREAKING CHANGE: `querySelector` for `[role]` and `[aria-*]` attributes may no longer work. See `@material/web/migrations/v2/` and `@material/web/migrations/v2/query-selector-aria.ts`.

Browser/SR test results (go/mwc-double-aria-test-results)
  -  VoiceOver on Chrome
  -  VoiceOver on iOS Safari
  -  TalkBack on Chrome
  -  ChromeVox on Chrome
  -  NVDA on Chrome
  -  NVDA on Firefox
  -  JAWS on Chrome
  -  JAWS on Firefox
  -  VoiceOver on Safari
  -  VoiceOver on Firefox

PiperOrigin-RevId: 648859827
2024-07-02 15:22:12 -07:00

141 lines
3.7 KiB

* @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import '../../focus/md-focus-ring.js';
import '../../ripple/ripple.js';
import {html, LitElement, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from 'lit';
import {property} from 'lit/decorators.js';
import {ClassInfo, classMap} from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import {mixinDelegatesAria} from '../../internal/aria/delegate.js';
// Separate variable needed for closure.
const chipBaseClass = mixinDelegatesAria(LitElement);
* A chip component.
* @fires update-focus {Event} Dispatched when `disabled` is toggled. --bubbles
export abstract class Chip extends chipBaseClass {
/** @nocollapse */
static override shadowRootOptions = {
delegatesFocus: true,
* Whether or not the chip is disabled.
* Disabled chips are not focusable, unless `always-focusable` is set.
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) disabled = false;
* When true, allow disabled chips to be focused with arrow keys.
* Add this when a chip needs increased visibility when disabled. See
* for more guidance on when this is needed.
@property({type: Boolean, attribute: 'always-focusable'})
alwaysFocusable = false;
* The label of the chip.
@property() label = '';
* Only needed for SSR.
* Add this attribute when a chip has a `slot="icon"` to avoid a Flash Of
* Unstyled Content.
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true, attribute: 'has-icon'}) hasIcon =
* The `id` of the action the primary focus ring and ripple are for.
* TODO(b/310046938): use the same id for both elements
protected abstract readonly primaryId: string;
* Whether or not the primary ripple is disabled (defaults to `disabled`).
* Some chip actions such as links cannot be disabled.
protected get rippleDisabled() {
return this.disabled;
override focus(options?: FocusOptions) {
if (this.disabled && !this.alwaysFocusable) {
protected override render() {
return html`
<div class="container ${classMap(this.getContainerClasses())}">
protected override updated(changed: PropertyValues<Chip>) {
if (changed.has('disabled') && changed.get('disabled') !== undefined) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('update-focus', {bubbles: true}));
protected getContainerClasses(): ClassInfo {
return {
'disabled': this.disabled,
'has-icon': this.hasIcon,
protected renderContainerContent() {
return html`
<md-focus-ring part="focus-ring" for=${this.primaryId}></md-focus-ring>
protected renderOutline() {
return html`<span class="outline"></span>`;
protected renderLeadingIcon(): TemplateResult {
return html`<slot name="icon" @slotchange=${this.handleIconChange}></slot>`;
protected abstract renderPrimaryAction(content: unknown): unknown;
private renderPrimaryContent() {
return html`
<span class="leading icon" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="label">${this.label}</span>
<span class="touch"></span>
private handleIconChange(event: Event) {
const slot = as HTMLSlotElement;
this.hasIcon = slot.assignedElements({flatten: true}).length > 0;