#include "highlighters.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include "color_registry.hh" #include "highlighter_group.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "utf8_iterator.hh" #include <sstream> #include <locale> namespace Kakoune { using namespace std::placeholders; typedef boost::regex_iterator<BufferIterator> RegexIterator; template<typename T> void highlight_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferIterator begin, BufferIterator end, bool skip_replaced, T func) { if (begin == end or end <= display_buffer.range().first or begin >= display_buffer.range().second) return; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { if (line.buffer_line() < begin.line() or end.line() < line.buffer_line()) continue; for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { bool is_replaced = atom_it->content.type() == AtomContent::ReplacedBufferRange; if (not atom_it->content.has_buffer_range() or (skip_replaced and is_replaced)) continue; if (end <= atom_it->content.begin() or begin >= atom_it->content.end()) continue; if (not is_replaced and begin > atom_it->content.begin()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin); if (not is_replaced and end < atom_it->content.end()) { atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end); func(*atom_it); ++atom_it; } else func(*atom_it); } } } typedef std::unordered_map<size_t, const ColorPair*> ColorSpec; class RegexColorizer { public: RegexColorizer(Regex regex, ColorSpec colors) : m_regex(std::move(regex)), m_colors(std::move(colors)), m_cache_timestamp(0) { } void operator()(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { update_cache_ifn(display_buffer.range()); for (auto& match : m_cache_matches) { for (size_t n = 0; n < match.size(); ++n) { auto col_it = m_colors.find(n); if (col_it == m_colors.end()) continue; highlight_range(display_buffer, match[n].first, match[n].second, true, [&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = *col_it->second; }); } } } private: BufferRange m_cache_range; size_t m_cache_timestamp; std::vector<boost::match_results<BufferIterator>> m_cache_matches; Regex m_regex; ColorSpec m_colors; void update_cache_ifn(const BufferRange& range) { const Buffer& buf = range.first.buffer(); if (m_cache_range.first.is_valid() and &m_cache_range.first.buffer() == &buf and buf.timestamp() == m_cache_timestamp and range.first >= m_cache_range.first and range.second <= m_cache_range.second) return; m_cache_matches.clear(); m_cache_range.first = buf.iterator_at_line_begin(range.first.line() - 10); m_cache_range.second = buf.iterator_at_line_end(range.second.line() + 10); m_cache_timestamp = buf.timestamp(); RegexIterator re_it(m_cache_range.first, m_cache_range.second, m_regex); RegexIterator re_end; for (; re_it != re_end; ++re_it) m_cache_matches.push_back(*re_it); } }; HighlighterAndId colorize_regex_factory(const HighlighterParameters params, const Window&) { if (params.size() < 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); try { static Regex color_spec_ex(R"((\d+):(\w+(,\w+)?))"); ColorSpec colors; for (auto it = params.begin() + 1; it != params.end(); ++it) { boost::match_results<String::iterator> res; if (not boost::regex_match(it->begin(), it->end(), res, color_spec_ex)) throw runtime_error("wrong colorspec: '" + *it + "' expected <capture>:<fgcolor>[,<bgcolor>]"); int capture = str_to_int(String(res[1].first, res[1].second)); const ColorPair*& color = colors[capture]; color = &ColorRegistry::instance()[String(res[2].first, res[2].second)]; } String id = "colre'" + params[0] + "'"; Regex ex(params[0].begin(), params[0].end(), boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::optimize); return HighlighterAndId(id, RegexColorizer(std::move(ex), std::move(colors))); } catch (boost::regex_error& err) { throw runtime_error(String("regex error: ") + err.what()); } } class SearchHighlighter { public: SearchHighlighter(const ColorSpec& colors) : m_colors(colors), m_colorizer(Regex(), m_colors) {} void operator()(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { memoryview<String> searches = RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(Context{}); if (searches.empty()) return; const String& search = searches[0]; if (search != m_last_search) { m_last_search = search; if (not m_last_search.empty()) m_colorizer = RegexColorizer{Regex{m_last_search.begin(), m_last_search.end()}, m_colors}; } if (not m_last_search.empty()) m_colorizer(display_buffer); } private: String m_last_search; ColorSpec m_colors; RegexColorizer m_colorizer; }; HighlighterAndId highlight_search_factory(const HighlighterParameters params, const Window&) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); try { ColorSpec colors; colors[0] = &ColorRegistry::instance()[params[0]]; return {"hlsearch", SearchHighlighter{colors}}; } catch (boost::regex_error& err) { throw runtime_error(String("regex error: ") + err.what()); } }; void expand_tabulations(const OptionManager& options, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { const int tabstop = options["tabstop"].get<int>(); for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (atom_it->content.type() != AtomContent::BufferRange) continue; auto begin = atom_it->content.begin(); auto end = atom_it->content.end(); for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { if (*it == '\t') { if (it != begin) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it); if (it+1 != end) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, it+1); int column = 0; for (auto line_it = it.buffer().iterator_at_line_begin(it); line_it != it; ++line_it) { assert(*line_it != '\n'); if (*line_it == '\t') column += tabstop - (column % tabstop); else ++column; } int count = tabstop - (column % tabstop); String padding; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) padding += ' '; atom_it->content.replace(padding); break; } } } } } void show_line_numbers(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { LineCount last_line = display_buffer.range().first.buffer().line_count(); int digit_count = 0; for (LineCount c = last_line; c > 0; c /= 10) ++digit_count; char format[] = "%?d "; format[1] = '0' + digit_count; auto& colors = ColorRegistry::instance()["LineNumbers"]; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { char buffer[10]; snprintf(buffer, 10, format, (int)line.buffer_line() + 1); DisplayAtom atom = DisplayAtom(AtomContent(buffer)); atom.colors = colors; line.insert(line.begin(), std::move(atom)); } } void highlight_selections(const Editor& editor, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { for (size_t i = 0; i < editor.selections().size(); ++i) { auto& sel = editor.selections()[i]; const bool forward = sel.first() <= sel.last(); BufferIterator begin = forward ? sel.first() : utf8::next(sel.last()); BufferIterator end = forward ? sel.last() : utf8::next(sel.first()); const bool primary = (i == editor.main_selection_index()); ColorPair sel_colors = ColorRegistry::instance()[primary ? "PrimarySelection" : "SecondarySelection"]; ColorPair cur_colors = ColorRegistry::instance()[primary ? "PrimaryCursor" : "SecondaryCursor"]; highlight_range(display_buffer, begin, end, false, [&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = sel_colors; }); highlight_range(display_buffer, sel.last(), utf8::next(sel.last()), false, [&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = cur_colors; }); } } void expand_unprintable(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto& atom : line) { if (atom.content.type() == AtomContent::BufferRange) { using Utf8It = utf8::utf8_iterator<BufferIterator>; for (Utf8It it = atom.content.begin(), end = atom.content.end(); it != end; ++it) { Codepoint cp = *it; if (cp != '\n' and not std::isprint((wchar_t)cp, std::locale())) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "U+" << std::hex << cp; String str = oss.str(); highlight_range(display_buffer, it.underlying_iterator(), (it+1).underlying_iterator(), true, [&str](DisplayAtom& atom){ atom.content.replace(str); atom.colors = { Color::Red, Color::Black }; }); } } } } } } class FlagLines { public: FlagLines(String flag, String lines_opt_name, const OptionManager& options) : m_flag(std::move(flag)), m_lines_opt_name(std::move(lines_opt_name)), m_options(options) { // trigger an exception if option is not of right type. m_options[m_lines_opt_name].get<std::vector<int>>(); } void operator()(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { auto& lines = m_options[m_lines_opt_name].get<std::vector<int>>(); const String empty{' ', m_flag.char_length()}; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { const bool flagged = contains(lines, (int)line.buffer_line() + 1); DisplayAtom atom{AtomContent(flagged ? m_flag : empty)}; atom.colors = { Color::Blue, Color::Cyan }; line.insert(line.begin(), std::move(atom)); } } private: String m_flag; String m_lines_opt_name; const OptionManager& m_options; }; HighlighterAndId flag_lines_factory(const HighlighterParameters& params, const Window& window) { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); return {"hlflags_" + params[1], FlagLines{params[0], params[1], window.options()}}; } template<void (*highlighter_func)(DisplayBuffer&)> class SimpleHighlighterFactory { public: SimpleHighlighterFactory(const String& id) : m_id(id) {} HighlighterAndId operator()(const HighlighterParameters& params, const Window&) const { return HighlighterAndId(m_id, HighlighterFunc(highlighter_func)); } private: String m_id; }; HighlighterAndId highlighter_group_factory(const HighlighterParameters& params, const Window&) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); return HighlighterAndId(params[0], HighlighterGroup()); } void register_highlighters() { HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance(); registry.register_func("number_lines", SimpleHighlighterFactory<show_line_numbers>("number_lines")); registry.register_func("regex", colorize_regex_factory); registry.register_func("search", highlight_search_factory); registry.register_func("group", highlighter_group_factory); registry.register_func("flag_lines", flag_lines_factory); } }