mirror of https://github.com/mawww/kakoune.git synced 2024-10-04 00:27:19 +03:00
2024-07-27 16:07:38 +10:00

228 lines
5.8 KiB

CXX = c++
debug = no
static = no
gzip_man = yes
# to get format compatible with GitHub archive use "gzip -S .gz" here
compress_bin = bzip2
compress-suffix-bzip2 = bz2
compress-suffix-zstd = zst
CXXFLAGS-debug-yes = -O0 -g3
tag-debug-yes = .debug
CXXFLAGS-debug-no = -O3 -g3
tag-debug-no = .opt
CXXFLAGS-sanitize-address = -fsanitize=address
LDFLAGS-sanitize-address = -lasan
tag-sanitize-address = .san_a
CXXFLAGS-sanitize-undefined = -fsanitize=undefined
LDFLAGS-sanitize-undefined = -lubsan
tag-sanitize-undefined = .san_u
LDFLAGS-static-yes = -static -pthread
version = $(shell cat .version 2>/dev/null || git describe --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null | sed s/^v// || echo unknown)
version != cat .version 2>/dev/null || ( git describe --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null | sed s/^v// ) || echo unknown
PREFIX = /usr/local
DESTDIR = # root dir
bindir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
libexecdir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/libexec/kak
sharedir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/kak
docdir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/doc/kak
mandir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
# Both Cygwin and MSYS2 have "_NT" in their uname.
os = $(shell uname | sed 's/.*_NT.*/Windows/')
os != uname | sed 's/.*_NT.*/Windows/'
CPPFLAGS-os-Darwin = -I/opt/local/include
LDFLAGS-os-Darwin = -L/opt/local/lib
CPPFLAGS-os-FreeBSD = -I/usr/local/include
LDFLAGS-os-FreeBSD = -L/usr/local/lib
LIBS-os-Haiku = -lnetwork -lbe
CPPFLAGS-os-OpenBSD = -DKAK_BIN_PATH=\"$(bindir)/kak\" -I/usr/local/include
LDFLAGS-os-OpenBSD = -L/usr/local/lib
mandir-os-OpenBSD = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/man/man1
LDFLAGS-os-SunOS = -lsocket -rdynamic
LIBS-os-Windows = -ldbghelp
CXXFLAGS-default = -std=c++2a -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare
compiler = $(shell $(CXX) --version | grep -E -o 'clang|g\+\+|c\+\+' | head -1)
compiler != $(CXX) --version | grep -E -o 'clang|g\+\+|c\+\+' | head -1
CXXFLAGS-compiler-clang = -fsized-deallocation
CXXFLAGS-compiler-g++ = -Wno-init-list-lifetime -Wno-stringop-overflow
CXXFLAGS-compiler-c++ = $(CXXFLAGS-compiler-g++)
$(CPPFLAGS-default) \
$(CPPFLAGS-debug-$(debug)) \
$(CPPFLAGS-os-$(os)) \
$(CXXFLAGS-default) \
$(CXXFLAGS-debug-$(debug)) \
$(CXXFLAGS-sanitize-$(sanitize)) \
$(CXXFLAGS-compiler-$(compiler)) \
$(LDFLAGS-default) \
$(LDFLAGS-sanitize-$(sanitize)) \
$(LDFLAGS-static-$(static)) \
$(LDFLAGS-os-$(os)) \
$(LIBS-os-$(os)) \
tag = $(tag-debug-$(debug))$(tag-sanitize-$(sanitize))
.SUFFIXES: $(tag).o .cc
.PHONY: src/kak
sources = $(shell find src -type f -name '*.cc' | sed -e '/\.version\.cc/d')
sources != find src -type f -name '*.cc' | sed -e '/\.version\.cc/d'
objects = $(sources:.cc=$(tag).o)
all: src/kak
src/kak: src/kak$(tag)
ln -sf kak$(tag) $@
src/kak$(tag): src/.version.o $(objects)
$(CXX) $(KAK_LDFLAGS) $(KAK_CXXFLAGS) $(objects) src/.version.o $(KAK_LIBS) -o $@
deps = $(shell touch src/.version$(tag).d && find src -type f -name '.*$(tag).d') # Ensure we find one deps for FreeBSD make
deps != touch src/.version$(tag).d && find src -type f -name '.*$(tag).d' # Ensure we find one deps for FreeBSD make
include $(deps)
$(CXX) $(KAK_CPPFLAGS) $(KAK_CXXFLAGS) -MD -MP -MF $(*D)/.$(*F)$(tag).d -c -o $@ $<
echo 'namespace Kakoune { const char *version = "$(version)"; }' > $@
src/.version.o: src/.version.cc
$(CXX) $(KAK_CPPFLAGS) $(KAK_CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ src/.version.cc
# Generate the man page
man: gzip-man-$(gzip_man)
gzip-man-yes: doc/kak.1.gz
gzip-man-no: doc/kak.1
doc/kak.1.gz: doc/kak.1
gzip -n -9 -f < doc/kak.1 > $@
check: test
test: src/kak
if [ $(os) = OpenBSD ]; then \
export KAKOUNE_RUNTIME=$$PWD/share/kak; \
fi && \
cd test && ./run
TAGS: tags
ctags -R
rm -f $(objects) $(deps) src/.version*
dist: kakoune-$(version).tar.$(compress-suffix-$(compress_bin))
kakoune-$(version).tar.$(compress-suffix-$(compress_bin)): kakoune-$(version).tar
$(compress_bin) -f $<
@if ! [ -d .git ]; then echo "make dist can only run from a git repo"; false; fi
@if git status -s | grep -qEv '^\?\?'; then echo "working tree is not clean"; false; fi
git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(@:.tar=)/ HEAD -o $@
echo "$(version)" > .version
tar --transform "s,^,$(@:.tar=)/," -rf $@ .version
rm -f .version
distclean: clean
rm -f src/kak src/kak$(suffix) src/.*.d src/*.o
find doc -type f -name '*.gz' -exec rm -f '{}' +
installdirs: installdirs-debug-$(debug)
mkdir -p \
$(bindir) \
$(libexecdir) \
$(sharedir)/rc \
$(sharedir)/colors \
$(sharedir)/doc \
$(docdir) \
installdirs-debug-yes: installdirs-debug-no
mkdir -p $(sharedir)/gdb
install: src/kak installdirs install-debug-$(debug) install-gzip-man-$(gzip_man)
cp src/kak$(suffix) $(bindir)
chmod 0755 $(bindir)/kak
ln -sf ../../bin/kak $(libexecdir)/kak
cp share/kak/kakrc $(sharedir)
chmod 0644 $(sharedir)/kakrc
cp -r rc/* $(sharedir)/rc
find $(sharedir)/rc -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} +
[ -e $(sharedir)/autoload ] || ln -s rc $(sharedir)/autoload
cp colors/* $(sharedir)/colors
chmod 0644 $(sharedir)/colors/*
cp README.asciidoc $(docdir)
chmod 0644 $(docdir)/*.asciidoc
cp doc/pages/*.asciidoc $(sharedir)/doc
chmod 0644 $(sharedir)/doc/*.asciidoc
install-gzip-man-yes: gzip-man-yes
cp -f doc/kak.1.gz $(mandir)
chmod 0644 $(mandir)/kak.1.gz
install-gzip-man-no: gzip-man-no
cp -f doc/kak.1 $(mandir)
chmod 0644 $(mandir)/kak.1
install-debug-yes: installdirs-debug-yes
cp -f gdb/kakoune.py $(sharedir)/gdb
chmod 0644 $(sharedir)/gdb/kakoune.py
install-debug-no: installdirs-debug-no
install-strip: install
strip -s $(bindir)/kak
rm -rf \
$(bindir)/kak \
$(libexecdir) \
$(sharedir) \
$(docdir) \