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= Hooks
== Description
Commands can be registered to be executed when certain events arise. To
register a hook use the following command:
hook [<switches>] <scope> <hook_name> <filtering_regex> <commands>
*scope* can be one of *global*, *buffer* or *window* (See
<<scopes#,`:doc scopes`>>).
*hook_name* must be one of the hook names in the list below, like `InsertKey`
or `BufSetOption`.
*filtering_regex* must match the entire parameter string in order for the
commands to be executed.
*command* is a string containing the commands to execute when the hook
is called.
For *switches*, see <<commands#hooks,`:doc commands hooks`>>.
If a hook is registered with the `-group` switch, it can later be removed with
the `remove-hooks` command:
remove-hooks <scope> <group>
This command removes all hooks originally registered in *scope* whose
`-group` switch matches the regex *group*.
For example to automatically use line numbering with .cc files, use the
following command:
hook global WinCreate .*\.cc %{ add-highlighter number-lines }
== Default hooks
The parameter string associated with each hook is described after the hook
name. Hooks with no description will always use an empty string.
a certain duration has passed since the last keypress in normal mode
*NormalKey* `key`::
a key is received in normal mode. This hook will not trigger when the user
presses a key on the left-hand side of a normal-mode mapping (see
<<mapping#,`:doc mapping`>>), but will trigger for keys on the right-hand
side. See also `RawKey` below.
a certain duration has passed since the last keypress in insert mode
*InsertKey* `key`::
a key is received in insert mode. This hook will not trigger when the user
presses a key on the left-hand side of a insert-mode mapping (see
<<mapping#,`:doc mapping`>>), but will trigger for keys on the right-hand
side. See also `RawKey` below.
*InsertChar* `char`::
a character is received in insert mode
*InsertDelete* `deleted char`::
a character is deleted in insert mode
*InsertMove* `move key`::
the cursor moved (without inserting) in insert mode
a certain duration has passed since the last keypress in prompt mode
*WinCreate* `buffer name`::
a window was created. This hook is executed in draft context, so any
changes to selections or input state will be discarded.
*WinClose* `buffer name`::
a window was destroyed. This hook is executed in a draft context, so any
changes to selections or input state will be discarded.
*WinResize* `<line>.<column>`::
a window was resized. This hook is executed in a draft context, so any
changes to selections or input state will be discarded.
*WinDisplay* `buffer name`::
a client switched to displaying the given buffer.
*WinSetOption* `<option_name>=<new_value>`::
an option was set in a window context. This hook is executed in a draft
context, so any changes to selections or input state will be discarded.
*GlobalSetOption* `<option_name>=<new_value>`::
an option was set at the global scope
*BufSetOption* `<option_name>=<new_value>`::
an option was set in a buffer context
*BufNewFile* `filename`::
a buffer for a new file has been created
*BufOpenFile* `filename`::
a buffer for an existing file has been created
*BufCreate* `filename`::
a buffer has been created
*BufWritePre* `filename`::
executed just before a buffer is written
*BufWritePost* `filename`::
executed just after a buffer is written
*BufReload* `filename`::
executed after a buffer reload has been triggered by an external
modification to its file
*BufClose* `buffer name`::
executed when a buffer is deleted, while it is still valid
*BufOpenFifo* `buffer name`::
executed when a buffer opens a fifo
*BufReadFifo* `<start line>.<start column>,<end line>.<end column>`::
executed after some data has been read from a fifo and inserted in
the buffer. The hook param contains the range of text that was just
inserted, in a format compatible with the `select` command.
executed when a fifo buffer closes its fifo file descriptor either
because the buffer is being deleted or the writing end has been closed
*ClientCreate* `client name`::
executed when a new client is created.
*ClientClose* `client name`::
executed when a client is closed, after it was removed from the client
*ClientRenamed* `<old name>:<new name>`::
executed when a client is renamed using the `rename-client` command
*SessionRenamed* `<old name>:<new name>`::
executed when a session is renamed using the `rename-session` command
*EnterDirectory* `path`::
executed on startup and when the current working directory is changed
using the `change-directory` command. The hook param is an absolute path
to the new working directory.
*RuntimeError* `error message`::
an error was encountered while executing a user command
*ModeChange* `[push|pop]:<old mode>:<new mode>`::
Triggered whenever a mode is pushed or removed from the mode stack.
The mode name can be things like 'normal' or 'insert' for regular
interactive modes, or 'next-key[<name>]' for sub-modes where Kakoune
prompts for a key. For example, `g` in normal mode pushes 'next-key[goto]'
mode, the `enter-user-mode foo` command pushes 'next-key[user.foo]' mode,
and the `on-key -mode-name bar` command pushes 'next-key[bar]' mode.
*KakBegin* `session name`::
Kakoune has started, this hook is called just after reading the user
configuration files
Kakoune is quitting
*FocusIn* `client name`::
on supported clients, triggered when the client gets focused
*FocusOut* `client name`::
on supported clients, triggered when the client gets unfocused
Triggered when the insert completion menu gets displayed
*InsertCompletionHide* `completion`::
Triggered when the insert completion menu gets hidden, the list of
inserted completions text ranges is passed as filtering text, in the
same format the `select` command expects.
*RawKey* `key`::
Triggered whenever a key is pressed by the user, regardless of what mode
Kakoune is in, or what mappings are present (see
<<mapping#,`:doc mapping`>>). It cannot be triggered by `execute-keys`,
even with the `-with-hooks` option (see
<<execeval#execute-keys-specific-switches,`:doc execeval execute-keys-specific-switches`>>).
*RegisterModified* `register`::
Triggered after a register has been written to.
*ModuleLoaded* `module`::
Triggered after a module is evaluated by the first `require-module` call
*User* `param`::
Triggered via the `trigger-user-hook` command. Provides a way for plugins
to introduce custom hooks by specifying what *param* would be.
Note that some hooks will not consider underlying scopes depending on what
context they are bound to be run into, e.g. the `BufWritePost` hook is a buffer
hook, and will not consider the `window` scope.
While defining hook commands with a `%sh{}` block, some additional env
vars are available:
* `kak_hook_param`: filtering text passed to the currently executing hook
* `kak_hook_param_capture_N`: text captured by the hook filter regex capturing
group N, N can either be the capturing group number, or its name
(See <<regex#groups,`:doc regex groups`>>).
== Disabling Hooks
Hooks can be disabled temporarily by prefixing any normal mode command by `\`
(see <<keys#,`:doc keys`>>) and permanently by setting the `disabled_hooks` option
which accepts a regex describing which hooks won't be executed. For example
indentation hooks can be disabled with '.*-indent'.
Finally, hook execution can be disabled while using the `execute-keys` or
`evaluate-commands` commands by using the `-no-hooks` switch.
(See <<execeval#,`:doc execeval`>>)
As an exception to these rules, hooks declared with the `-always` switch
are triggered no matter what. A good use case is doing some cleanup on `BufCloseFifo`.