mirror of https://github.com/mawww/kakoune.git synced 2024-12-29 22:52:06 +03:00
Maxime Coste f9e31856cf Buffer: Allow inserting at the end when the inserted text ends with an end of line
Adapted other code in consequence and added unit tests so that this behavior
is maintained.
2012-09-10 19:26:17 +02:00

237 lines
7.1 KiB

#ifndef buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#define buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include "line_and_column.hh"
#include "option_manager.hh"
#include "hook_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "units.hh"
namespace Kakoune
class Buffer;
class Window;
struct BufferCoord : LineAndColumn<BufferCoord>
constexpr BufferCoord(LineCount line = 0, CharCount column = 0)
: LineAndColumn(line, column) {}
template<typename T>
explicit constexpr BufferCoord(const LineAndColumn<T>& other)
: LineAndColumn(other.line, other.column) {}
// A BufferIterator permits to iterate over the characters of a buffer
class BufferIterator
typedef Character value_type;
typedef size_t difference_type;
typedef const value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type& reference;
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
BufferIterator() : m_buffer(nullptr) {}
BufferIterator(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord coord);
bool operator== (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
bool operator!= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
bool operator< (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
bool operator<= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
bool operator> (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
bool operator>= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
Character operator* () const;
size_t operator- (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
BufferIterator operator+ (CharCount size) const;
BufferIterator operator- (CharCount size) const;
BufferIterator& operator+= (CharCount size);
BufferIterator& operator-= (CharCount size);
BufferIterator& operator++ ();
BufferIterator& operator-- ();
void clamp(bool avoid_eol);
bool is_begin() const;
bool is_end() const;
bool is_valid() const;
void on_insert(const BufferCoord& begin, const BufferCoord& end);
void on_erase(const BufferCoord& begin, const BufferCoord& end);
const Buffer& buffer() const;
const BufferCoord& coord() const { return m_coord; }
LineCount line() const { return m_coord.line; }
CharCount column() const { return m_coord.column; }
CharCount offset() const;
const Buffer* m_buffer;
BufferCoord m_coord;
friend class Buffer;
class BufferChangeListener
virtual void on_insert(const BufferIterator& begin, const BufferIterator& end) = 0;
virtual void on_erase(const BufferIterator& begin, const BufferIterator& end) = 0;
// A Buffer is a in-memory representation of a file
// The Buffer class permits to read and mutate this file
// representation. It also manage modifications undo/redo and
// provides tools to deal with the line/column nature of text.
class Buffer : public SafeCountable
enum class Type
Buffer(String name, Type type, String initial_content = "\n");
Buffer(const Buffer&) = delete;
Buffer(Buffer&&) = delete;
Buffer& operator= (const Buffer&) = delete;
Type type() const { return m_type; }
void insert(BufferIterator pos, String content);
void erase(BufferIterator begin, BufferIterator end);
size_t timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
void begin_undo_group();
void end_undo_group();
bool undo();
bool redo();
void reset_undo_data();
String string(const BufferIterator& begin,
const BufferIterator& end) const;
BufferIterator begin() const;
BufferIterator end() const;
CharCount character_count() const;
LineCount line_count() const;
// returns an iterator at given coordinates. line_and_column is
// clamped according to avoid_eol.
BufferIterator iterator_at(const BufferCoord& line_and_column,
bool avoid_eol = false) const;
BufferCoord line_and_column_at(const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
// returns nearest valid coordinates from given ones
// if avoid_eol, clamp to character before eol if line is not empty
BufferCoord clamp(const BufferCoord& line_and_column,
bool avoid_eol = false) const;
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
Window* get_or_create_window();
void delete_window(Window* window);
// returns true if the buffer is in a different state than
// the last time it was saved
bool is_modified() const;
// notify the buffer that it was saved in the current state
void notify_saved();
void add_change_listener(BufferChangeListener& listener);
void remove_change_listener(BufferChangeListener& listener);
// returns an iterator pointing to the first character of the line
// iterator is on
BufferIterator iterator_at_line_begin(const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
// the same but taking a line number instead of an iterator
BufferIterator iterator_at_line_begin(LineCount line) const;
// returns an iterator pointing to the character after the last of the
// line iterator is on (which is the first of the next line if iterator is
// not on the last one)
BufferIterator iterator_at_line_end(const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
// the same but taking a line number instead of an iterator
BufferIterator iterator_at_line_end(LineCount line) const;
const String& line_content(LineCount line) const
{ return m_lines[line].content; }
OptionManager& option_manager() { return m_option_manager; }
const OptionManager& option_manager() const { return m_option_manager; }
HookManager& hook_manager() { return m_hook_manager; }
const HookManager& hook_manager() const { return m_hook_manager; }
friend class BufferIterator;
void check_invariant() const;
struct Line
CharCount start;
String content;
CharCount length() const { return content.length(); }
struct LineList : std::vector<Line>
Line& operator[](LineCount line)
{ return std::vector<Line>::operator[]((int)line); }
const Line& operator[](LineCount line) const
{ return std::vector<Line>::operator[]((int)line); }
LineList m_lines;
void do_insert(const BufferIterator& pos, const String& content);
void do_erase(const BufferIterator& pos, CharCount length);
CharCount line_length(LineCount line) const;
String m_name;
const Type m_type;
struct Modification;
typedef std::vector<Modification> UndoGroup;
std::vector<UndoGroup> m_history;
std::vector<UndoGroup>::iterator m_history_cursor;
UndoGroup m_current_undo_group;
void apply_modification(const Modification& modification);
void revert_modification(const Modification& modification);
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Window>> m_windows;
size_t m_last_save_undo_index;
size_t m_timestamp;
std::vector<BufferChangeListener*> m_change_listeners;
OptionManager m_option_manager;
HookManager m_hook_manager;
#include "buffer_iterator.inl.hh"
#endif // buffer_hh_INCLUDED