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Dmitry Matveyev 2a5a1ab611 Update Pony language support
The last update is from 2017, it's pretty outdated. Current
support was combined from existing languages such as Ruby and
Zig and tweaked to fit the Pony language.
2024-01-11 23:46:14 +03:00

156 lines
6.9 KiB

# http://ponylang.org
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*[.](pony) %{
set-option buffer filetype pony
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global WinSetOption filetype=pony %{
require-module pony
set-option window static_words %opt{pony_static_words}
# cleanup trailing whitespaces on current line insert end
hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group pony-trim-indent %{ try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> x s ^\h+$ <ret> d } }
hook window InsertChar \n -group pony-indent pony-indent-on-new-line
hook window InsertChar \n -group pony-insert pony-insert-on-new-line
set-option buffer extra_word_chars '_' "'"
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window pony-.+ }
hook -group pony-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=pony %{
add-highlighter window/pony ref pony
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter pony }
provide-module pony %§
# Highlighters & Completion
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/pony regions
add-highlighter shared/pony/code default-region group
add-highlighter shared/pony/comment region '/\*' '\*/' fill comment
add-highlighter shared/pony/line_comment region '//' '$' fill comment
# String literals
add-highlighter shared/pony/string region -match-capture '("""|")' '(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*("""|")' group
add-highlighter shared/pony/string/ fill string
add-highlighter shared/pony/string/ regex '(?:\\a|\\b|\\e|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t||\\v|\\\\|\\''|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{6})' 0:meta
# Character literals
# negative lookbehind to account for variables with prime such as myvar' or myvar''
add-highlighter shared/pony/character region "(?<![a-z0-9'])'" (?<!\\)(\\\\)*' group
add-highlighter shared/pony/character/ fill string
add-highlighter shared/pony/character/ regex '(?:\\a|\\b|\\e|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t||\\v|\\\\|\\''|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2})' 0:meta
# Operators
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '=|\+|-|\*|/|%|%%|<<|>>|==|!=|<|<=|>=|>|=>|;' 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '(\+|-|\*|/|%|%%|<<|>>|==|!=|<|<=|>=|>)~' 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '(\+|-|\*|/|%|%%)\?' 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '^\h*|' 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b_\b' 0:operator
# Integer literals
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9](_?[0-9])*\b' 0:value
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b0x[0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*\b' 0:value
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b0b[01](_?[01])*\b' 0:value
# Float literals
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b' 0:value
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9]+[eE][-+]?[0-9]+\b' 0:value
# Type literals
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b_?[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*\b' 0:type
# Literal words are highlighted below to also allow for autocompletion by appending
# them to static_words.
evaluate-commands %sh{
# Grammar
# Keyword list is collected using `keyword.kwlist` from `keyword`
# Add the language's grammar to the static completion list
static_words="${values} ${meta} ${keywords} ${types_decl} ${capabilities}"
static_words="${static_words} ${operators} ${builtin_types}"
printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list pony_static_words ${static_words}" | tr '|' ' '
# Highlight keywords
# The (?!') ensures that keywords with prime are highlighted as usual, for example try'
printf %s "
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${values})\b(?!') 0:value
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${operators})\b(?!') 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${meta})\b(?!') 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${func_decl})(\s+(${capabilities}))?(\s+\w+)[\[(] 1:keyword 3:attribute 4:function
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${func_decl})\b(?!') 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${keywords})\b(?!') 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${capabilities})\b(?!')(!|\\^)? 1:attribute 2:attribute
# Highlight types and attributes
printf %s "
add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '@[\w_]+\b' 0:attribute
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
define-command -hidden pony-insert-on-new-line %<
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %<
# copy // comments prefix and following white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s ^\h*\K//\h* <ret> y jgi P }
# wisely add `end` keyword
evaluate-commands -save-regs x %<
try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s ^ \h + <ret> \" x y } catch %{ reg x '' }
try %<
evaluate-commands -draft %<
# Check if previous line opens a block
execute-keys -draft kx <a-k>^<c-r>x(try|match|recover|repeat|object|.+\bdo$|.+\bthen$)[^0-9A-Za-z_']<ret>
# Check that we didn't put an end on the previous line that closes the block
execute-keys -draft kx <a-K> \bend$<ret>
# Check that we do not already have an end for this indent level which is first set via `pony-indent-on-new-line` hook
execute-keys -draft }i J x <a-K> ^<c-r>x(end|else|elseif|until)[^0-9A-Za-z_']<ret>
execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<esc> # insert a new line with containing end
define-command -hidden pony-indent-on-new-line %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ execute-keys -draft , K <a-&> }
# cleanup trailing whitespaces from previous line
try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s \h+$ <ret> d }
# indent after line ending with: =>, do, try, then, else, =; or
# starting with: actor, class, struct, trait, interface, if, elseif, recover, repeat
# excluding: primitive, type -- because they are often written in a single line
try %{ execute-keys -draft , k x <a-k> (\b(?:do|try|then|else|recover|repeat)|=>|=)$ | ^\h*(actor|class|struct|trait|interface|object)\b <ret> j <a-gt> }
# else, end are always de-indented
try %{ execute-keys -draft , k x <a-k> \b(else|end):$ <ret> k x s ^\h* <ret> y j x <a-k> ^<c-r>" <ret> J <a-lt> }