
45 lines
841 B

module Suite exposing (suite)
{-| -}
import Benchmark exposing (..)
import Css exposing (..)
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
three =
List.repeat 3 0
{-| A plain old record holding a couple of theme colors.
theme : { secondary : Color, primary : Color }
theme =
{ primary = hex "55af6a"
, secondary = rgb 250 240 230
suite : Benchmark
suite =
describe "Elm CSS"
[ benchmark "A simple button" <|
\_ ->
btn [] [ text "Click me!" ]
{-| A reusable button which has some styles pre-applied to it.
btn : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
btn =
styled button
[ margin (px 12)
, color (rgb 250 250 250)
, hover
[ backgroundColor theme.primary
, textDecoration underline