module Tests.Table exposing (box, container, main, view) import Html import Testable import Testable.Element as Element exposing (..) import Testable.Element.Background as Background import Testable.Element.Font as Font import Testable.Runner import Tests.Palette as Palette exposing (..) {-| -} main : Html.Html msg main = view box attrs = el ([ width (px 50) , height (px 50) , Background.color blue ] ++ attrs ) none container = el [ width (px 100), height (px 100) ] view = let data = [ { firstName = "David" , lastName = "Bowie" } , { firstName = "Florence" , lastName = "Welch" } ] in column [ spacing 20, width fill, paddingXY 1 30 ] [ text "Tables With Headers" , table [] { data = data , columns = [ { header = text "First Name" , view = \row -> text row.firstName } , { header = text "Last Name" , view = \row -> text row.lastName } ] } , text "Without Headers" , table [] { data = data , columns = [ { header = none , view = \row -> text row.firstName } , { header = none , view = \row -> text row.lastName } ] } , text "With Spacing and Styling" , table [ Background.color blue , spacing 20 , padding 30 ] { data = data , columns = [ { header = el [ Font.color white ] <| text "First Name" , view = \row -> el [ Background.color lightGrey ] <| text row.firstName } , { header = el [ Font.color white ] <| text "Last Name" , view = \row -> el [ Background.color lightGrey ] <| text row.lastName } ] } , text "Indexed Table With Spacing and Styling" , indexedTable [ Background.color blue , spacing 20 , padding 30 ] { data = data , columns = [ { header = el [ Font.color white ] <| text "Index" , view = \i row -> el [ Background.color lightGrey, width fill ] <| text (String.fromInt i) } , { header = el [ Font.color white ] <| text "First Name" , view = \i row -> el [ Background.color lightGrey, width fill ] <| text row.firstName } , { header = el [ Font.color white ] <| text "Last Name" , view = \i row -> el [ Background.color lightGrey, width fill ] <| text row.lastName } ] } ]