module Suite exposing (main) import Benchmark exposing (Benchmark) import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Dict import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font import Html import Html.Attributes import Internal.Flag as Flag import Internal.Model as Internal import Json.Encode import Set dict : Benchmark dict = let dest = Dict.singleton "a" 1 in Benchmark.describe "dictionary" [ Benchmark.benchmark "get" (\_ -> Dict.get "a" dest) , Benchmark.benchmark "insert" (\_ -> Dict.insert "b" 2 dest) ] main : BenchmarkProgram main = program <| Benchmark.describe "sample" [ --dict -- , deduplications -- renderPipeline gatheringAttributes -- flagOperations ] flagOperations = Benchmark.describe "Flag Operations" [ Benchmark.benchmark "check if present" <| \_ -> Flag.present Flag.height Flag.none , Benchmark.benchmark "add to flagt" <| \_ -> Flag.add Flag.height Flag.none ] gatheringAttributes = Benchmark.describe "Gathering Attributes" [ Benchmark.benchmark "existing - gatherAttrRecursive" <| \_ -> Internal.gatherAttrRecursive (Internal.contextClasses Internal.AsEl) Internal.Generic Flag.none Internal.Untransformed [] [] Internal.NoNearbyChildren [ Element.width Element.shrink , Element.height Element.shrink ] , Benchmark.benchmark "Simple list filterMap" <| \_ -> List.filterMap identity [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] , Benchmark.benchmark "Simple list map" <| \_ -> identity [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] , Benchmark.benchmark "Foldl base speed" <| \_ -> List.foldl (::) [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] , Benchmark.benchmark "Recursive" <| \_ -> recurse (::) [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] , Benchmark.benchmark "foldl - new record each iteration" <| \_ -> List.foldl flipFoldl { attributes = "class" , styles = [] , node = "Node" , children = Nothing , has = Flag.none } -- we reverse first because we have to for the attr api. (List.reverse [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] ) , Benchmark.benchmark "foldl - update" <| \_ -> List.foldl flipFoldlUpdate { attributes = "class" , styles = [] , node = "Node" , children = Nothing , has = Flag.none } -- we reverse first because we have to for the attr api. (List.reverse [ Just "thing" , Just "other width" ] ) , Benchmark.benchmark "String Concatenation" <| \_ -> "This" ++ "this" ++ "this" ++ "this" ++ "this" ++ "this" ++ "this" ++ "this" , Benchmark.benchmark "List String Concatenation" <| \_ -> String.concat [ "This" , "this" , "this" , "this" , "this" , "this" , "this" , "this" ] ] flipFoldl result found = { attributes = "class" ++ found.attributes , styles = Just 1 :: found.styles , node = found.node , children = Nothing , has = Flag.add Flag.height found.has } flipFoldlUpdate result found = { found | attributes = "class" ++ found.attributes , styles = Just 1 :: found.styles , has = Flag.add Flag.height found.has } recurse fn ls = case ls of [] -> [] fst :: remain -> fn fst (recurse fn remain) deduplications = Benchmark.describe "deduplications" [ Benchmark.benchmark "fold - dedup, String concat" (\_ -> String.join ":" (foldDedup largeList) ) , Benchmark.benchmark "fold - dedup" (\_ -> foldDedup largeList ) , Benchmark.benchmark "fold - dedup - Int" (\_ -> foldDedup largeListInt ) , Benchmark.benchmark "Json encode" (\_ -> Json.Encode.object largeListJson ) ] foldDedup list = let dedup ( name, val ) ( cache, ls ) = if Set.member name cache then ( cache, ls ) else ( Set.insert name cache, val :: ls ) in List.foldl dedup ( Set.empty, [] ) list |> Tuple.second largeListInt = List.range 1 10000 |> (\i -> let wrappingI = modBy 50 i in ( wrappingI, "elem-" ++ String.fromInt wrappingI ) ) largeList = List.range 1 10000 |> (\i -> let wrappingI = modBy 50 i in ( "elem-" ++ String.fromInt wrappingI, "elem-" ++ String.fromInt wrappingI ) ) largeListJson = List.range 1 10000 |> (\i -> let wrappingI = modBy 50 i in ( "elem-" ++ String.fromInt wrappingI, Json.Encode.string ("elem-" ++ String.fromInt wrappingI) ) ) renderPipeline = [ Benchmark.benchmark "build 2000 elements" (\_ -> elements 0 twoThousand ) , Benchmark.benchmark "build 2000 html" (\_ -> html 0 twoThousand ) ] twoThousand = List.range 0 2000 elements i count = Element.layout [] (Element.column [ spacing 8, centerX ] ( (viewEl i) count) ) viewEl selectedIndex index = el [ Background.color (if selectedIndex == index then pink else white ) , Font.color (if selectedIndex /= index then pink else white ) , padding 24 , width (px 500) , height (px 70) ] (if selectedIndex == index then text "selected" else text "Hello!" ) white = rgb 1 1 1 pink = rgb255 240 0 245 html i count = Html.div [] [ Html.div [] ( (viewHtmlElement i) count) ] viewHtmlElement selectedIndex index = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class (if selectedIndex == index then "white" else "pink" ) ] [ Html.div [] [ if selectedIndex == index then Html.text "selected" else Html.text "Hello!" ] ]