
291 lines
8.6 KiB

const compileToString = require("node-elm-compiler").compileToString;
const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
const fs = require('fs');
const program = require('commander');
const path = require("path");
const chalk = require('chalk');
const childProcess = require('child_process')
program.option('-s, --sauce', 'run tests on sauce labs')
.option('--chrome', 'run chrome tests (default)')
.option('--firefox', 'run firefox tests')
.option('--ie', 'run ie tests')
.option('--edge', 'run edge tests')
.option('--build [value]', 'Set build number for sauce labs')
.option('--name [value]', 'Set run name for sauce labs')
.option('--verbose', 'Print out all test results')
// 'Windows 10'
const windows = {
chrome: {
platform: "Windows 10"
, browser: "chrome"
, browserVersion: "latest"
firefox: {
platform: "Windows 10"
, browser: "firefox"
, browserVersion: "latest"
edge: {
platform: "Windows 10"
, browser: "MicrosoftEdge"
, browserVersion: "latest"
ie: {
platform: "Windows 10"
, browser: "internet explorer"
, browserVersion: "latest"
const all_windows = [
, windows.firefox
, windows.edge
, windows.ie
// "macOS 10.14"
const osx = {
chrome: {
platform: "macOS 10.14"
, browser: "chrome"
, browserVersion: "latest"
firefox: {
platform: "macOS 10.14"
, browser: "firefox"
, browserVersion: "latest"
safari: {
platform: "macOS 10.14"
, browser: "safari"
, browserVersion: "latest"
const all_osx = [
, osx.firefox
, osx.safari
const all_browsers =
function prepare_all_envs(config) {
var envs = []
for (i = 0; i < all_windows.length; i++) {
browser: windows[i].browser,
browserVersion: windows[i].browserVersion,
platform: winddows[i].platform,
build: config.build,
name: config.name
// for (i = 0; i < osx.length; i++) {
// envs.push({
// browser: osx[i].browser,
// browserVersion: osx[i].browserVersion,
// platform: "macOS 10.14",
// build: config.build,
// name: config.name
// })
// }
return envs
async function compile_and_embed(config) {
var template = fs.readFileSync(config.template)
// we embed the compiled js to avoid having to start a server to read the app.
await compileToString(config.elm, config.elmOptions).then(function (compiled_elm_code) {
const compiled = eval(`\`${template}\``)
fs.writeFileSync(config.target, compiled)
function prepare_sauce_driver(env) {
const username = process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME;
const accessKey = process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY;
driver = new Builder().withCapabilities({
'browserName': env.browser,
'platformName': env.platform,
'browserVersion': env.browserVersion,
/* Pass Sauce User Name and Access Key */
'sauce:options': {
'username': username,
'accessKey': accessKey,
'build': env.build,
'name': env.name
return driver;
async function prepare_local_driver(env) {
const firefoxOptions = new firefox.Options().headless()
const chromeOptions = new chrome.Options().headless()
let driver = await new Builder()
return driver;
async function run_test(driver, url) {
var results = null
try {
await driver.manage().window().setRect({ width: 1200, height: 800, x: 0, y: 0 });
await driver.get(url);
await driver.wait(until.titleIs('tests finished'), 120 * 1000);
results = await driver.executeScript("return test_results")
} finally {
await driver.quit();
return results
(async () => {
var dir = "tmp"
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
console.log("Compiling tests")
await compile_and_embed({
template: "./tests/automation/templates/gather-styles.html",
target: "./tmp/test.html",
elm: ["Tests/Run.elm"],
elmOptions: { cwd: "./tests" }
console.log("Done compiling")
if (program.sauce) {
const build = program.build
const name = program.name
if (build == null || name == null) {
throw ("A Build and a Name must be specified.");
var results = []
// Publish to netlify
childProcess.execSync("sh tests/automation/publish-file.sh", {
env: {
FILE: "test.html",
BUILD: program.build,
NAME: program.name
var url = `http://elm-ui-testing.netlify.com/tests/${program.build}/${program.name}/`
console.log(`Running sauce labs test:`)
console.log(` ${url}`)
const envs = prepare_all_envs({ build: build, name: name })
var test_runs = []
var test_labels = []
for (i = 0; i < envs.length; i++) {
var driver = prepare_sauce_driver(envs[i])
test_runs.push(run_test(driver, url))
var results = await Promise.all(test_runs)
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
print_results(renderEnvName(test_labels[i]), results[i]);
} else {
// Run chrome if nothing else is selected
if (program.chrome || (!program.chrome && !program.firefox)) {
console.log("Running locally on Chrome...")
const driver = await prepare_local_driver(osx.chrome)
var results = await run_test(driver, "file://" + path.resolve('./tmp/test.html'))
print_results("Local Chrome", results);
if (program.firefox) {
console.log("Running locally on Firefox...")
const driver = await prepare_local_driver(osx.firefox)
var results = await run_test(driver, "file://" + path.resolve('./tmp/test.html'))
print_results("Local Firefox", results);
if (program.ie) {
console.log("Running locally on IE...")
const driver = await prepare_local_driver(windows.ie)
var results = await run_test(driver, "file://" + path.resolve('./tmp/test.html'))
print_results("Local IE", results);
if (program.edge) {
console.log("Running locally on Edge...")
const driver = await prepare_local_driver(windows.edge)
var results = await run_test(driver, "file://" + path.resolve('./tmp/test.html'))
print_results("Local Edge", results);
function renderEnvName(env) {
return `${env.platform}, ${env.browser} ${env.browserVersion}`
function print_results(label, results) {
var total_passed = 0
var total_failed = 0
var i;
if (program.verbose) {
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var passed = 0
var failed = 0
for (j = 0; j < results[i].results.length; j++) {
if (results[i].results[j][1] == null) {
passed = passed + 1
} else {
if (failed == 0) {
if (!program.verbose) {
failed = failed + 1
console.log(" " + chalk.red("fail") + " -> " + results[i].results[j][0])
console.log(" " + results[i].results[j][1].description)
total_passed = total_passed + passed
total_failed = total_failed + failed
if (failed != 0) {
console.log(chalk.green(` ${passed} tests passed`))
console.log(chalk.red(` ${failed} tests failed`))
} else if (program.verbose) {
console.log(results[i].label + chalk.green(` ${passed} tests passed`))
if (total_failed == 0) {
console.log(`${label} -> ` + chalk.green(`All ${total_passed} tests passed`))