mirror of https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx.git synced 2024-09-11 15:05:32 +03:00
2023-10-16 17:43:31 +02:00

384 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

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* @typedef {import('node:fs').Stats} Stats
* @typedef {import('xast-util-feed').Entry} Entry
* @typedef {Exclude<import('vfile').Data['meta'], undefined>} Meta
* @typedef {Exclude<import('vfile').Data['matter'], undefined>} Matter
* @typedef Info
* @property {Meta} meta
* @property {Matter} matter
* @property {boolean | undefined} [navExclude]
* @property {number | undefined} [navSortSelf]
import assert from 'node:assert'
import {promises as fs} from 'node:fs'
import process from 'node:process'
import {fileURLToPath} from 'node:url'
import pAll from 'p-all'
import {globby} from 'globby'
import {u} from 'unist-builder'
import {select} from 'hast-util-select'
import {h, s} from 'hastscript'
import {rss} from 'xast-util-feed'
import {toXml} from 'xast-util-to-xml'
import {VFile} from 'vfile'
import {unified} from 'unified'
import rehypeParse from 'rehype-parse'
import rehypeSanitize, {defaultSchema} from 'rehype-sanitize'
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'
import chromium from '@sparticuz/chromium'
import {config} from '../docs/_config.js'
import {schema} from './schema-description.js'
const dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', {dateStyle: 'long'})
new URL('404/index.html', config.output),
new URL('404.html', config.output)
console.log('✔ `/404/index.html` -> `/404.html`')
const css = await fs.readFile(
new URL('../docs/_asset/index.css', import.meta.url),
const filePaths = await globby('**/index.json', {
cwd: fileURLToPath(config.output)
const files = filePaths.map((d) => {
return new URL(d, config.output)
const allInfo = await Promise.all(
files.map(async (url) => {
/** @type {Info} */
const info = JSON.parse(String(await fs.readFile(url)))
return {url, info}
// RSS feed.
const now = new Date()
const entries = await pAll(
// All blog entries that are published in the past.
(d) =>
d.info.meta.pathname &&
d.info.meta.pathname.startsWith('/blog/') &&
d.info.meta.pathname !== '/blog/' &&
d.info.meta.published !== null &&
d.info.meta.published !== undefined &&
new Date(d.info.meta.published) < now
// Sort.
.sort((a, b) => {
return (
new Date(b.info.meta.published).valueOf() -
new Date(a.info.meta.published).valueOf()
// Ten most recently published articles.
.slice(0, 10)
.map(({info, url}) =>
* @returns {Promise<Entry>}
async () => {
const buf = await fs.readFile(new URL('index.html', url))
const file = await unified()
.use(() => {
* @param {import('hast').Root} tree
return (tree) => {
const node = select('.body', tree)
return {type: 'root', children: node.children}
.use(rehypeSanitize, {
attributes: {
code: [
clobber: []
return {
title: info.meta.title,
description: info.meta.description,
descriptionHtml: String(file),
author: info.meta.author,
url: new URL(
url.href.slice(config.output.href.length - 1) + '/../',
modified: info.meta.modified,
published: info.meta.published
{concurrency: 6}
await fs.writeFile(
new URL('rss.xml', config.output),
title: config.title,
description: 'MDX updates',
tags: config.tags,
author: config.author,
url: config.site.href,
lang: 'en',
feedUrl: new URL('rss.xml', config.site).href
) + '\n'
console.log('✔ `/rss.xml`')
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(
? {
// See: <https://github.com/Sparticuz/chromium/issues/85#issuecomment-1527692751>
args: [...chromium.args, '--disable-gpu'],
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(),
headless: chromium.headless
: {headless: 'new'}
await pAll(
allInfo.map((data) => async () => {
const {url, info} = data
const output = new URL('index.png', url)
/** @type {Stats | undefined} */
let stats
try {
stats = await fs.stat(output)
} catch (error) {
const cause = /** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */ (error)
if (cause.code !== 'ENOENT') throw cause
// Dont regenerate to improve performance.
if (stats) return
const processor = unified().use(rehypeStringify)
const file = new VFile({path: url})
// To do: use hast instead of unified?
file.value = processor.stringify(
u('root', [
// To do: remove `name`.
u('doctype', {name: 'html'}),
h('html', {lang: 'en'}, [
h('head', [
h('meta', {charSet: 'utf8'}),
h('title', 'Generated image'),
h('style', css),
html {
font-size: 24px;
body {
/* yellow */
background-image: radial-gradient(
ellipse at 0% 0%,
rgb(252 180 45 / 15%) 20%,
rgb(252 180 45 / 0%) 80%
/* purple */
ellipse at 0% 100%,
rgb(130 80 223 / 15%) 20%,
rgb(130 80 223 / 0%) 80%
.og-root {
/* Twitter seems to cut 1em off the size in the height,
* compared to facebook. So thisll look a bit big on FB
* but the assumption is that most folks will share on
* twitter */
height: calc(100vh - calc(2 * (1em + 1ex)));
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
margin-block: calc(1 * (1em + 1ex));
padding-block: calc(1 * (1em + 1ex));
padding-inline: calc(1 * (1em + 1ex));
background-color: var(--bg);
.og-head {
margin-block-end: calc(2 * (1em + 1ex));
.og-icon {
display: block;
height: calc(1em + 1ex);
width: auto;
vertical-align: middle;
.og-title {
font-size: 3rem;
line-height: calc(1em + (1 / 3 * 1ex));
margin-block: 0;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
flex-shrink: 0;
.og-description {
flex-grow: 1;
overflow: hidden;
.og-description-inside {
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
display: -webkit-box;
overflow: hidden;
.og-meta {
flex-shrink: 0;
margin-top: calc(1em + 1ex);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.og-right {
margin-left: auto;
text-align: right;
h('body', [
h('.og-root', [
h('.og-head', [
{height: 28.5, width: 69, viewBox: '0 0 138 57'},
s('rect', {
fill: 'var(--fg)',
height: 55.5,
rx: 4.5,
width: 136.5,
x: 0.75,
y: 0.75
{fill: 'none', stroke: 'var(--bg)', strokeWidth: 6},
s('path', {
d: 'M16.5 44V19L30.25 32.75l14-14v25'
s('path', {d: 'M70.5 40V10.75'}),
s('path', {d: 'M57 27.25L70.5 40.75l13.5-13.5'}),
s('path', {
d: 'M122.5 41.24L93.25 12M93.5 41.25L122.75 12'
h('h2.og-title', info.meta.title),
h('.og-description', [
h('.og-description-inside', [
? unified()
.use(rehypeSanitize, schema)
// To do: use hast utilities.
// @ts-expect-error: element is fine.
: info.meta.description || info.matter.description
h('.og-meta', [
h('.og-left', [
h('small', 'By'),
h('b', info.meta.author || 'MDX contributors')
? h('.og-right', [
h('small', 'Last modified on'),
dateTimeFormat.format(new Date(info.meta.modified))
: undefined
try {
await fs.unlink(output)
} catch {}
const page = await browser.newPage()
// This is doubled in the actual file dimensions.
await page.setViewport({deviceScaleFactor: 2, height: 628, width: 1200})
await page.emulateMediaFeatures([
{name: 'prefers-color-scheme', value: 'light'}
await page.setContent(file.value)
const screenshot = await page.screenshot()
await page.close()
await fs.writeFile(output, screenshot)
console.log('OG image `%s`', info.meta.title)
await browser.close()
console.log('✔ OG images')