2016-07-09 09:57:01 +02:00

207 lines
6.3 KiB

Ideas for things to do
* Find some bugs and fix them :-)
* Check that the capstone merge in a block outline is merged
* Since the ancestry of its two parents is incomplete, Git would
probably try to do a recursive merge. See if we can somehow do
better without filling in the whole diagram.
* Compare the merges that would come from continuing each side of
the outline, and verify that they are identical.
Convenience features
* Add a two-argument form of the ``start`` and ``init`` commands to
specify both branches in one go. (Or maybe not, if we want to leave
the way open to supporting octipus merges!) Maybe ``--onto=X`` like
* Improve the handling of log messages. Incorporate log messages from
manual merge conflicts into suggested log messages for the
simplified commits.
* Allow the user to specify which conflict he would like to resolve
next, and set it up for him.
* Allow the user to block certain merges, meaning that they should
never be skipped over or merged automatically.
* Add a ``git imerge pause`` that puts an imerge on hold and resets
the working copy to a reasonable state.
* Allow the user to specify a test that is run automatically after
each automatic merge, (à la ``git bisect run``).
New merge goals and styles
* Add a ``--goal=sparse`` option that retains all of the conflicted
merges and enough intermediate history to connect them.
* Add an option that allows the user to resolve conflicts in larger
chunks; for example, add a rebase-with-history-type merge where each
branch commit is merged directly to its final location on the last
master commit. (Perhaps ``--conflicts={pairwise|fewest}``.)
* Permit switching between goal/conflict choices when they are
meaningful while prohibiting nonsensical ones.
* Add ``git imerge push REMOTE`` to push the status of an in-progress
merge to REMOTE.
* Add ``git imerge pull REMOTE`` to pull the current state of an
incremental merge from REMOTE.
* Add some kind of ``fetch``-like functionality that stores the result
into a remote namespace.
* The analogue of "non-fast-forward" for incremental merges is
different than for other references. A ``push``/``pull`` should be
prohibited if:
* Any of the branches is updated in a non-fast-forward fashion.
* Any commit I1-I2 is updated (at all!) when there is an existing
commit I1'-I2' with I1' >= I1 and I2' >= I2.
* As a safety precaution, the DAG of the retrieved merges should
probably be checked for self-consistency (see ``git imerge fsck``
* Add smarter ways to reconcile two versions of an in-progress merge
that are not fast-forwards of each other. Probably this should work
with two arbitrary local merges (one of which is probably from a
* Allow commits to be skipped over when merging if, for example, they
are broken (analogous to ``git bisect skip``). This should be
allowed when an imerge is being initialized and also after an imerge
is in progress.
* Allow arbitrary manual merge commits to be recorded, and be smarter
about how such commits are integrated.
* Allow recorded merges to be retroactively rejected, adjusting
subsequent merges accordingly.
* In first version, just discard all commits that depended on it.
* In later versions, salvage parts of the subsequent merges when
Relax ``--first-parent`` limitation
* Allow recursive merges: if one of the ``--first-parent`` merges is
itself a merge, maybe it can be "exploded" into individual commits
and these commits merged with the second branch as part of the first
merge or as a subsidiary merge.
* Allow more complicated topologies in the two branches to be merged,
and somehow form the appropriate Cartesian product of their commits
with the correct ancestry.
* ``git imerge info`` -- show a detailed, human-readable summary of
all intermediate commits related to this imerge.
* ``git imerge parse M-N`` -- show SHA-1 of the specified merge if
it has been done. Maybe also ``git imerge parse NAME/M-N``.
* ``git imerge show M-N`` -- show more, human-readable info about
the specified imerge.
* ``git imerge list -v`` -- add more information to the display; for
example, the goals, status, etc. of each imerge.
* ``git imerge status`` -- show the current imerge status (issue #22).
If the user has been asked to do a merge, show the log messages for
the two original commits again.
* Add a command ``git imerge fsck`` (for lack of a better name) that
checks the consistency of the intermediate commits (especially their
* Maybe expand diagram to 2x2 characters per merge, to make room for
more information (e.g., block boundaries could go in the
* Add commit numbers along the axes of merge diagrams. For the top
axis, maybe display the numbers vertically or maybe only show every
fifth number.
* Maybe fix PPM output.
* Maybe keep a record of all merge attempts, successful and failed.
* When running subprocesses, set a more specific value to environment
variable GIT_IMERGE reflecting exactly what git-imerge is doing at
the time (e.g., 'autofill', 'automerge', etc.). See issue #17.
* Add better tools and hints for getting out of a screwed-up merge
attempt (see, e.g., issue #29).
* Add a tool that can create two branches with conflicts at
arbitrary places. (This is pretty easy--if commit I1-I2 should
conflict, then make commits I1 and I2 both create a file
``conflict-i1-i2`` with differing contents.
* Test various conflict topologies:
* conflict at (1,1)
* conflict at (i1,1) or (1,i2)
* conflict at (1,-1) or (-1,1)
* conflict at (i1,-1) or (-1,i2)
* conflict at (-1,-1)
* adjacent conflicts in various places
* Cook up some way to make conflicts that unexpectedly appear and
disappear when merged as part of a block vs. pairwise. (Maybe this
can be done using commits involving file renames followed by the
addition of replacements.) Test such scenarios.
* Maybe add a web interface (implementing using Python's built-in
webserver) would be easiest.