Playwright does a range of actionability checks on the elements before performing certain actions. These checks ensure that action behaves as expected, for example Playwright does not click on a disabled button.
Playwright waits until all the relevant actionability checks pass before performing an action. This means that action will fail with the `TimeoutError` if checks do not pass within the specified `timeout`.
Some actions like [`method:`] support `force` option that disables non-essential actionability checks, for example passing truthy `force` to [`method:`] method will not check that the target element actually receives click events.
Element is considered visible when it has non-empty bounding box and does not have `visibility:hidden` computed style. Note that elements of zero size or with `display:none` are not considered visible.
### Stable
Element is considered stable when it has maintained the same bounding box for at least two consecutive animation frames.
### Enabled
Element is considered enabled when it is not a `<button>`, `<select>` or `<input>` with a `disabled` property set.
### Editable
Element is considered editable when it does not have `readonly` property set.
### Receiving events
Element is considered receiving pointer events when it is the hit target of the pointer event at the action point. For example, when clicking at the point `(10;10)`, Playwright checks whether some other element (usually an overlay) will instead capture the click at `(10;10)`.
### Attached
Element is considered attached when it is [connected]( to a Document or a ShadowRoot.
- For selector-based actions, Playwright first waits for an element matching `selector` to be attached to the DOM, and then checks that element is still attached before performing the action. If element was detached, the action is retried from the start.
- For handle-based actions, Playwright throws if the element is not attached.