2020-06-03 02:51:13 +03:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const {protocol, checkScheme} = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://juggler/content/protocol/Protocol.js");
const {Helper} = ChromeUtils.import('chrome://juggler/content/Helper.js');
const helper = new Helper();
class Dispatcher {
* @param {Connection} connection
constructor(connection) {
this._connection = connection;
this._connection.onmessage = this._dispatch.bind(this);
this._connection.onclose = this._dispose.bind(this);
this._sessions = new Map();
this._rootSession = new ProtocolSession(this, undefined);
rootSession() {
return this._rootSession;
createSession() {
const session = new ProtocolSession(this, helper.generateId());
this._sessions.set(session.sessionId(), session);
return session;
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async destroySession(session) {
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await session.dispose();
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_dispose() {
this._connection.onmessage = null;
this._connection.onclose = null;
this._rootSession = null;
async _dispatch(event) {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
const id = data.id;
const sessionId = data.sessionId;
delete data.sessionId;
try {
const session = sessionId ? this._sessions.get(sessionId) : this._rootSession;
if (!session)
throw new Error(`ERROR: cannot find session with id "${sessionId}"`);
const method = data.method;
const params = data.params || {};
if (!id)
throw new Error(`ERROR: every message must have an 'id' parameter`);
if (!method)
throw new Error(`ERROR: every message must have a 'method' parameter`);
const [domain, methodName] = method.split('.');
const descriptor = protocol.domains[domain] ? protocol.domains[domain].methods[methodName] : null;
if (!descriptor)
throw new Error(`ERROR: method '${method}' is not supported`);
let details = {};
if (!checkScheme(descriptor.params || {}, params, details))
throw new Error(`ERROR: failed to call method '${method}' with parameters ${JSON.stringify(params, null, 2)}\n${details.error}`);
const result = await session.dispatch(domain, methodName, params);
details = {};
if ((descriptor.returns || result) && !checkScheme(descriptor.returns, result, details))
throw new Error(`ERROR: failed to dispatch method '${method}' result ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}\n${details.error}`);
this._connection.send(JSON.stringify({id, sessionId, result}));
} catch (e) {
this._connection.send(JSON.stringify({id, sessionId, error: {
message: e.message,
data: e.stack
_emitEvent(sessionId, eventName, params) {
const [domain, eName] = eventName.split('.');
const scheme = protocol.domains[domain] ? protocol.domains[domain].events[eName] : null;
if (!scheme)
throw new Error(`ERROR: event '${eventName}' is not supported`);
const details = {};
if (!checkScheme(scheme, params || {}, details))
throw new Error(`ERROR: failed to emit event '${eventName}' ${JSON.stringify(params, null, 2)}\n${details.error}`);
this._connection.send(JSON.stringify({method: eventName, params, sessionId}));
class ProtocolSession {
constructor(dispatcher, sessionId) {
this._sessionId = sessionId;
this._dispatcher = dispatcher;
this._handlers = new Map();
sessionId() {
return this._sessionId;
registerHandler(domainName, handler) {
this._handlers.set(domainName, handler);
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async dispose() {
const promises = [];
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for (const [domainName, handler] of this._handlers) {
if (typeof handler.dispose !== 'function')
throw new Error(`Handler for "${domainName}" domain does not define |dispose| method!`);
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await Promise.all(promises);
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this._dispatcher = null;
emitEvent(eventName, params) {
if (!this._dispatcher)
throw new Error(`Session has been disposed.`);
this._dispatcher._emitEvent(this._sessionId, eventName, params);
async dispatch(domainName, methodName, params) {
const handler = this._handlers.get(domainName);
if (!handler)
throw new Error(`Domain "${domainName}" does not exist`);
if (!handler[methodName])
throw new Error(`Handler for domain "${domainName}" does not implement method "${methodName}"`);
return await handler[methodName](params);
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Dispatcher'];
this.Dispatcher = Dispatcher;