2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// @ts-check
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..');
const esbuild = require('esbuild');
const injectedScripts = [
path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'src', 'server', 'injected', 'utilityScript.ts'),
path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'src', 'server', 'injected', 'injectedScript.ts'),
2022-04-08 22:52:40 +03:00
path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'src', 'server', 'injected', 'consoleApi.ts'),
path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'src', 'server', 'injected', 'recorder.ts'),
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
2023-03-06 07:01:35 +03:00
const modulePrefix = `
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
var __commonJS = obj => {
let required = false;
let result;
return function __require() {
if (!required) {
required = true;
let fn;
for (const name in obj) { fn = obj[name]; break; }
const module = { exports: {} };
fn(module.exports, module);
result = module.exports;
return result;
2023-03-06 07:01:35 +03:00
var __export = (target, all) => {for (var name in all) target[name] = all[name];};
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
var __toESM = mod => ({ ...mod, 'default': mod });
2023-03-06 07:01:35 +03:00
var __toCommonJS = mod => ({ ...mod, __esModule: true });
2022-09-07 03:25:02 +03:00
async function replaceEsbuildHeader(content, outFileJs) {
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
let sourcesStart = content.indexOf('__toCommonJS');
if (sourcesStart !== -1)
sourcesStart = content.indexOf('\n', sourcesStart);
2022-09-07 03:25:02 +03:00
if (sourcesStart === -1)
throw new Error(`Did not find start of bundled code in ${outFileJs}`);
2023-03-06 07:01:35 +03:00
const preamble = content.substring(0, sourcesStart);
2022-09-07 03:25:02 +03:00
// Replace standard esbuild definition with our own which do not depend on builtins.
// See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/17029
2023-03-06 07:01:35 +03:00
if (preamble.indexOf('__toCommonJS') !== -1) {
2022-09-07 03:25:02 +03:00
content = modulePrefix + content.substring(sourcesStart);
await fs.promises.writeFile(outFileJs, content);
return content;
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
const inlineCSSPlugin = {
name: 'inlineCSSPlugin',
setup(build) {
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.css$/ }, async (args) => {
const f = await fs.promises.readFile(args.path)
const css = await esbuild.transform(f, { loader: 'css', minify: true });
return { loader: 'text', contents: css.code };
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
(async () => {
const generatedFolder = path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'src', 'generated');
await fs.promises.mkdir(generatedFolder, { recursive: true });
for (const injected of injectedScripts) {
const outdir = path.join(ROOT, 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'lib', 'server', 'injected', 'packed');
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
const buildOutput = await esbuild.build({
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
entryPoints: [injected],
bundle: true,
format: 'cjs',
platform: 'browser',
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
target: 'ES2019',
plugins: [inlineCSSPlugin],
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
2023-11-08 07:49:03 +03:00
for (const message of [...buildOutput.errors, ...buildOutput.warnings])
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
const baseName = path.basename(injected);
2022-09-07 03:25:02 +03:00
const outFileJs = path.join(outdir, baseName.replace('.ts', '.js'));
let content = await fs.promises.readFile(outFileJs, 'utf-8');
content = await replaceEsbuildHeader(content, outFileJs);
2022-03-29 09:10:17 +03:00
const newContent = `export const source = ${JSON.stringify(content)};`;
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(generatedFolder, baseName.replace('.ts', 'Source.ts')), newContent);