2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
/ * *
* Copyright ( c ) Microsoft Corporation .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
2023-09-21 22:40:18 +03:00
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
import path from 'path' ;
2023-09-21 22:40:18 +03:00
import fs from 'fs' ;
2023-01-14 00:50:38 +03:00
import { spawnAsync } from '../../packages/playwright-core/lib/utils/spawnAsync' ;
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
import { rimraf } from 'playwright-core/lib/utilsBundle' ;
2022-04-26 21:09:49 +03:00
import { TMP_WORKSPACES } from './npmTest' ;
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
const PACKAGE_BUILDER_SCRIPT = path . join ( __dirname , '..' , '..' , 'utils' , 'pack_package.js' ) ;
async function globalSetup() {
2023-07-18 20:58:07 +03:00
await rimraf ( TMP_WORKSPACES ) ;
2022-04-26 21:09:49 +03:00
console . log ( ` Temporary workspaces will be created in ${ TMP_WORKSPACES } . They will not be removed at the end. Set DEBUG=itest to determine which sub-dir a specific test is using. ` ) ;
await fs . promises . mkdir ( TMP_WORKSPACES , { recursive : true } ) ;
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
console . log ( 'Skipped building packages. Unset PWTEST_INSTALLATION_TEST_SKIP_PACKAGE_BUILDS to build packages.' ) ;
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
} else {
console . log ( 'Building packages. Set PWTEST_INSTALLATION_TEST_SKIP_PACKAGE_BUILDS to skip.' ) ;
const outputDir = path . join ( __dirname , 'output' ) ;
2023-07-18 20:58:07 +03:00
await rimraf ( outputDir ) ;
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
await fs . promises . mkdir ( outputDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
const build = async ( buildTarget : string , pkgNameOverride? : string ) = > {
const outPath = path . resolve ( path . join ( outputDir , ` ${ buildTarget } .tgz ` ) ) ;
const { code , stderr , stdout } = await spawnAsync ( 'node' , [ PACKAGE_BUILDER_SCRIPT , buildTarget , outPath ] ) ;
if ( ! ! code )
throw new Error ( ` Failed to build: ${ buildTarget } : \ n ${ stderr } \ n ${ stdout } ` ) ;
console . log ( 'Built:' , pkgNameOverride || buildTarget ) ;
return [ pkgNameOverride || buildTarget , outPath ] ;
} ;
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
const builds = await Promise . all ( [
build ( 'playwright-core' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-test' , '@playwright/test' ) ,
build ( 'playwright' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-chromium' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-firefox' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-webkit' ) ,
2023-08-27 17:24:35 +03:00
build ( 'playwright-browser-chromium' , '@playwright/browser-chromium' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-browser-firefox' , '@playwright/browser-firefox' ) ,
build ( 'playwright-browser-webkit' , '@playwright/browser-webkit' ) ,
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
] ) ;
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
2023-09-29 03:18:22 +03:00
const buildPlaywrightTestPlugin = async ( ) = > {
const cwd = path . resolve ( path . join ( __dirname , ` playwright-test-plugin ` ) ) ;
const tscResult = await spawnAsync ( 'npx' , [ 'tsc' , '-p' , 'tsconfig.json' ] , { cwd , shell : process.platform === 'win32' } ) ;
if ( tscResult . code )
throw new Error ( ` Failed to build playwright-test-plugin: \ n ${ tscResult . stderr } \ n ${ tscResult . stdout } ` ) ;
const packResult = await spawnAsync ( 'npm' , [ 'pack' ] , { cwd , shell : process.platform === 'win32' } ) ;
if ( packResult . code )
throw new Error ( ` Failed to build playwright-test-plugin: \ n ${ packResult . stderr } \ n ${ packResult . stdout } ` ) ;
const tgzName = packResult . stdout . trim ( ) ;
const outPath = path . resolve ( path . join ( outputDir , ` playwright-test-plugin.tgz ` ) ) ;
await fs . promises . rename ( path . join ( cwd , tgzName ) , outPath ) ;
console . log ( 'Built playwright-test-plugin' ) ;
return [ 'playwright-test-plugin' , outPath ] ;
} ;
builds . push ( await buildPlaywrightTestPlugin ( ) ) ;
2022-09-10 01:25:42 +03:00
await fs . promises . writeFile ( path . join ( __dirname , '.registry.json' ) , JSON . stringify ( Object . fromEntries ( builds ) ) ) ;
2022-04-25 19:30:14 +03:00
export default globalSetup ;