* [Codex](https://github.com/codex-src/codex-app): Playwright is used to run functional and performance tests
* [Instakittens React admin](https://github.com/fredericbonnet/instakittens-react-admin): Playwright is used to run end-to-end test scenarios written with Cucumber
* [Accessibility Insights for Web](https://github.com/microsoft/accessibility-insights-web): Playwright is used with Jest and axe-core to run end-to-end functional and accessibility tests of a WebExtension-based browser extension
* [expected-condition-playwright](https://github.com/elaichenkov/expected-condition-playwright): Supplies a set of common expected conditions that can wait for certain states and conditions
* [Applitools](https://applitools.com): Add AI-powered visual assertions and run your Playwright tests on all browser, device, and viewport combinations in parallel, without requiring any setup.
* [e2e Boilerplates](https://github.com/e2e-boilerplate?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=playwright): Project boilerplates for using Playwright with TypeScript, Cucumber, Jest, and other libraries
* [playwright-react-typescript-jest-example](https://github.com/azemetre/playwright-react-typescript-jest-example): Using Playwright + Jest with a custom webpack configuration for React + Typescript project
* [playwright-jest-circus-allure](https://github.com/d-shch/playwright-jest-circus-allure): Example how to use allure-report and jest-circus with playwright