If you're looking to do general network mocking, routing, and interception, please see the [Network Guide](./network.md) first. Playwright provides built-in APIs for this use case that don't require the information below. However, if you're interested in requests made by Service Workers themselves, please read below.
[Service Workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API) provide a browser-native method of handling requests made by a page with the native [Fetch API (`fetch`)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) along with other network-requested assets (like scripts, css, and images).
They can act as a **network proxy** between the page and the external network to perform caching logic or can provide users with an offline experience if the Service Worker adds a [FetchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FetchEvent#examples) listener.
Many sites that use Service Workers simply use them as a transparent optimization technique. While users might notice a faster experience, the app's implementation is unaware of their existence. Running the app with or without Service Workers enabled appears functionally equivalent.
Set the `PW_EXPERIMENTAL_SERVICE_WORKER_NETWORK_EVENTS` environment variable to `1` (or any other value) to enable the feature. Only Chrome/Chromium are currently supported.
If you're using (or are interested in using this this feature), please comment on [this issue](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/15684) letting us know your use case.
### Accessing Service Workers and Waiting for Activation
You can use [`method: BrowserContext.serviceWorkers`] to list the Service [Worker]s, or specifically watch for the Service [Worker] if you anticipate a page will trigger its [registration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorkerContainer/register):
[`event: BrowserContext.serviceWorker`] is fired ***before*** the Service Worker's main script has been evaluated, so ***before*** calling service[`method: Worker.evaluate`] you should wait on its activation.
There are more iodiomatic methods of waiting for a Service Worker to be activated, but the following is an implementation agnostic method:
* [`event: BrowserContext.request`] and its corresponding events ([`event: BrowserContext.requestFinished`] and [`event: BrowserContext.response`], or [`event: BrowserContext.requestFailed`])
* [`event: BrowserContext.request`] and its corresponding events ([`event: BrowserContext.requestFinished`] and [`event: BrowserContext.response`], or [`event: BrowserContext.requestFailed`])
* [`event: Page.request`] and its corresponding events ([`event: Page.requestFinished`] and [`event: Page.response`], or [`event: Page.requestFailed`])
On the first visit to the page via [`method: Page.goto`], the following Request/Response events would be emitted (along with the corresponding network lifecycle events):
Since the example Service Worker just acts a basic transparent "proxy":
* There's 2 [`event: BrowserContext.request`] events for `data.json`; one [Frame]-owned, the other Service [Worker]-owned.
* Only the Service [Worker]-owned request for the resource was routable via [`method: BrowserContext.route`]; the [Frame]-owned events for `data.json` are not routeable, as they would not have even had the possibility to hit the external network since the Service Worker has a fetch handler registered.
It's important to note: calling [`method: Request.frame`] or [`method: Response.frame`] will **throw** an exception, if called on a [Request]/[Response] that has a non-null [`method: Request.serviceWorker`].
When a Service Worker handles a page's request, the Service Worker can make 0 to n requests to the external network. The Service Worker might respond directly from a cache, generate a response in memory, rewrite the request, make two requests and then combine into 1, etc.
It's important to note that [`cache.add`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache/add) caused the Service Worker to make a request (Service [Worker]-owned), even before `addressbook.json` was asked for in the page.
Once the Service Worker is activated and handling FetchEvents, if the page makes the following requests: