2020-06-03 02:51:13 +03:00
/ * T h i s S o u r c e C o d e F o r m i s s u b j e c t t o t h e t e r m s o f t h e M o z i l l a P u b l i c
* License , v . 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file , You can obtain one at http : //mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict" ;
// Note: this file should be loadabale with eval() into worker environment.
// Avoid Components.*, ChromeUtils and global const variables.
const SIMPLE _CHANNEL _MESSAGE _NAME = 'juggler:simplechannel' ;
class SimpleChannel {
static createForMessageManager ( name , mm ) {
const channel = new SimpleChannel ( name ) ;
const messageListener = {
receiveMessage : message => channel . _onMessage ( message . data )
} ;
mm . addMessageListener ( SIMPLE _CHANNEL _MESSAGE _NAME , messageListener ) ;
channel . transport . sendMessage = obj => mm . sendAsyncMessage ( SIMPLE _CHANNEL _MESSAGE _NAME , obj ) ;
channel . transport . dispose = ( ) => {
mm . removeMessageListener ( SIMPLE _CHANNEL _MESSAGE _NAME , messageListener ) ;
} ;
return channel ;
constructor ( name ) {
this . _name = name ;
this . _messageId = 0 ;
this . _connectorId = 0 ;
this . _pendingMessages = new Map ( ) ;
this . _handlers = new Map ( ) ;
2020-10-02 14:13:42 +03:00
this . _bufferedRequests = [ ] ;
2020-06-03 02:51:13 +03:00
this . transport = {
sendMessage : null ,
dispose : null ,
} ;
this . _disposed = false ;
dispose ( ) {
if ( this . _disposed )
return ;
this . _disposed = true ;
for ( const { resolve , reject , methodName } of this . _pendingMessages . values ( ) )
reject ( new Error ( ` Failed " ${ methodName } ": ${ this . _name } is disposed. ` ) ) ;
this . _pendingMessages . clear ( ) ;
this . _handlers . clear ( ) ;
this . transport . dispose ( ) ;
_rejectCallbacksFromConnector ( connectorId ) {
for ( const [ messageId , callback ] of this . _pendingMessages ) {
if ( callback . connectorId === connectorId ) {
callback . reject ( new Error ( ` Failed " ${ callback . methodName } ": connector for namespace " ${ callback . namespace } " in channel " ${ this . _name } " is disposed. ` ) ) ;
this . _pendingMessages . delete ( messageId ) ;
connect ( namespace ) {
const connectorId = ++ this . _connectorId ;
return {
send : ( ... args ) => this . _send ( namespace , connectorId , ... args ) ,
emit : ( ... args ) => void this . _send ( namespace , connectorId , ... args ) . catch ( e => { } ) ,
dispose : ( ) => this . _rejectCallbacksFromConnector ( connectorId ) ,
} ;
register ( namespace , handler ) {
if ( this . _handlers . has ( namespace ) )
throw new Error ( 'ERROR: double-register for namespace ' + namespace ) ;
this . _handlers . set ( namespace , handler ) ;
2020-10-02 14:13:42 +03:00
// Try to re-deliver all pending messages.
2020-10-06 11:53:25 +03:00
const bufferedRequests = this . _bufferedRequests ;
this . _bufferedRequests = [ ] ;
for ( const data of bufferedRequests ) {
this . _onMessage ( data ) ;
2020-06-03 02:51:13 +03:00
return ( ) => this . unregister ( namespace ) ;
unregister ( namespace ) {
this . _handlers . delete ( namespace ) ;
/ * *
* @ param { string } namespace
* @ param { number } connectorId
* @ param { string } methodName
* @ param { ... * } params
* @ return { ! Promise < * > }
* /
async _send ( namespace , connectorId , methodName , ... params ) {
if ( this . _disposed )
throw new Error ( ` ERROR: channel ${ this . _name } is already disposed! Cannot send " ${ methodName } " to " ${ namespace } " ` ) ;
const id = ++ this . _messageId ;
const promise = new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _pendingMessages . set ( id , { connectorId , resolve , reject , methodName , namespace } ) ;
} ) ;
this . transport . sendMessage ( { requestId : id , methodName , params , namespace } ) ;
return promise ;
async _onMessage ( data ) {
if ( data . responseId ) {
const { resolve , reject } = this . _pendingMessages . get ( data . responseId ) ;
this . _pendingMessages . delete ( data . responseId ) ;
if ( data . error )
reject ( new Error ( data . error ) ) ;
resolve ( data . result ) ;
} else if ( data . requestId ) {
const namespace = data . namespace ;
const handler = this . _handlers . get ( namespace ) ;
if ( ! handler ) {
2020-10-02 14:13:42 +03:00
this . _bufferedRequests . push ( data ) ;
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return ;
const method = handler [ data . methodName ] ;
if ( ! method ) {
this . transport . sendMessage ( { responseId : data . requestId , error : ` error in channel " ${ this . _name } ": No method " ${ data . methodName } " in namespace " ${ namespace } " ` } ) ;
return ;
try {
const result = await method . call ( handler , ... data . params ) ;
this . transport . sendMessage ( { responseId : data . requestId , result } ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
this . transport . sendMessage ( { responseId : data . requestId , error : ` error in channel " ${ this . _name } ": exception while running method " ${ data . methodName } " in namespace " ${ namespace } ": ${ error . message } ${ error . stack } ` } ) ;
return ;
} else {
dump ( `
ERROR : unknown message in channel "${this._name}" : $ { JSON . stringify ( data ) }
` );
var EXPORTED _SYMBOLS = [ 'SimpleChannel' ] ;
this . SimpleChannel = SimpleChannel ;