|Test timeout|30000 ms|Timeout for each test, includes test, hooks and fixtures:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set default</span><br/><code>{`config = { timeout: 60000 }`}</code><br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Override</span><br/>`test.setTimeout(120000)` |
|Expect timeout|5000 ms|Timeout for each assertion:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set default</span><br/><code>{`config = { expect: { timeout: 10000 } }`}</code><br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Override</span><br/>`expect(locator).toBeVisible({ timeout: 10000 })` |
|Action timeout| no timeout |Timeout for each action:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set default</span><br/><code>{`config = { use: { actionTimeout: 10000 } }`}</code><br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Override</span><br/>`locator.click({ timeout: 10000 })` |
|Navigation timeout| no timeout |Timeout for each navigation action:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set default</span><br/><code>{`config = { use: { navigationTimeout: 30000 } }`}</code><br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Override</span><br/>`page.goto('/', { timeout: 30000 })` |
|Global timeout|no timeout |Global timeout for the whole test run:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set in config</span><br/>`config = { globalTimeout: 60*60*1000 }`<br/> |
|`beforeAll`/`afterAll` timeout|30000 ms|Timeout for the hook:<br/><spanstyle={{textTransform:'uppercase',fontSize:'smaller',fontWeight:'bold',opacity:'0.6'}}>Set in hook</span><br/>`test.setTimeout(60000)`<br/> |
Playwright Test enforces a timeout for each test, 30 seconds by default. Time spent by the test function, fixtures, `beforeEach` and `afterEach` hooks is included in the test timeout.
Timed out test produces the following error:
example.spec.ts:3:1 › basic test ===========================
### Change timeout for `beforeAll`/`afterAll` hook
`beforeAll` and `afterAll` hooks have a separate timeout, by default equal to test timeout. You can change it separately for each hook by calling [`method: TestInfo.setTimeout`] inside the hook.
Web-first assertions like `expect(locator).toHaveText()` have a separate timeout, 5 seconds by default. Assertion timeout is unrelated to the test timeout. It produces the following error:
example.spec.ts:3:1 › basic test ===========================
Test usually performs some actions by calling Playwright APIs, for example `locator.click()`. These actions do not have a timeout by default, but you can set one. Action that timed out produces the following error:
example.spec.ts:3:1 › basic test ===========================
Playwright Test supports a timeout for the whole test run. This prevents excess resource usage when everything went wrong. There is no default global timeout, but you can set a reasonable one in the config, for example one hour. Global timeout produces the following error:
By default, [fixture](./test-fixtures) shares timeout with the test. However, for slow fixtures, especially [worker-scoped](./test-fixtures#worker-scoped-fixtures) ones, it is convenient to have a separate timeout. This way you can keep the overall test timeout small, and give the slow fixture more time.