2020-07-16 02:52:41 +03:00
* Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const NodeEnvironment = require('jest-environment-node');
2020-07-16 21:18:38 +03:00
const registerFixtures = require('./fixtures');
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const os = require('os');
const platform = os.platform();
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class PlaywrightEnvironment extends NodeEnvironment {
constructor(config, context) {
super(config, context);
this.fixturePool = new FixturePool();
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const testOptions = {};
testOptions.MAC = platform === 'darwin';
testOptions.LINUX = platform === 'linux';
testOptions.WIN = platform === 'win32';
testOptions.CHROMIUM = process.env.BROWSER === 'chromium' || !process.env.BROWSER;
testOptions.FFOX = process.env.BROWSER === 'firefox';
testOptions.WEBKIT = process.env.BROWSER === 'webkit';
testOptions.USES_HOOKS = process.env.PWCHANNEL === 'wire';
testOptions.CHANNEL = !!process.env.PWCHANNEL;
testOptions.HEADLESS = !!valueFromEnv('HEADLESS', true);
this.global.testOptions = testOptions;
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this.global.registerFixture = (name, fn) => {
this.fixturePool.registerFixture(name, 'test', fn);
this.global.registerWorkerFixture = (name, fn) => {
this.fixturePool.registerFixture(name, 'worker', fn);
2020-07-16 21:18:38 +03:00
2020-07-16 02:52:41 +03:00
async setup() {
await super.setup();
async teardown() {
await this.fixturePool.teardownScope('worker');
await super.teardown();
runScript(script) {
return super.runScript(script);
async handleTestEvent(event, state) {
2020-07-17 02:59:45 +03:00
if (event.name === 'setup') {
const describeSkip = this.global.describe.skip;
this.global.describe.skip = (...args) => {
if (args.length = 1)
return args[0] ? describeSkip : this.global.describe;
return describeSkip(...args);
this.global.describe.fail = this.global.describe.skip;
const itSkip = this.global.it.skip;
this.global.it.skip = (...args) => {
if (args.length = 1)
return args[0] ? itSkip : this.global.it;
return itSkip(...args);
this.global.it.fail = this.global.it.skip;
this.global.it.slow = () => this.global.it;
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if (event.name === 'test_start') {
const fn = event.test.fn;
event.test.fn = async () => {
try {
return await this.fixturePool.resolveParametersAndRun(fn);
} finally {
await this.fixturePool.teardownScope('test');
class Fixture {
constructor(pool, name, scope, fn) {
this.pool = pool;
this.name = name;
this.scope = scope;
this.fn = fn;
this.deps = fixtureParameterNames(this.fn);
this.usages = new Set();
this.value = null;
async setup() {
for (const name of this.deps) {
await this.pool.setupFixture(name);
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const params = {};
for (const n of this.deps)
params[n] = this.pool.instances.get(n).value;
let setupFenceFulfill;
let setupFenceReject;
const setupFence = new Promise((f, r) => { setupFenceFulfill = f; setupFenceReject = r; });
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const teardownFence = new Promise(f => this._teardownFenceCallback = f);
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this._tearDownComplete = this.fn(params, async value => {
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this.value = value;
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2020-07-16 02:52:41 +03:00
await teardownFence;
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}).catch(e => setupFenceReject(e));
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await setupFence;
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this._setup = true;
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async teardown() {
if (this._teardown)
this._teardown = true;
for (const name of this.usages) {
const fixture = this.pool.instances.get(name);
if (!fixture)
await fixture.teardown();
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if (this._setup)
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await this._tearDownComplete;
class FixturePool {
constructor() {
this.registrations = new Map();
this.instances = new Map();
registerFixture(name, scope, fn) {
this.registrations.set(name, { scope, fn });
async setupFixture(name) {
let fixture = this.instances.get(name);
if (fixture)
return fixture;
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if (!this.registrations.has(name))
throw new Error('Unknown fixture: ' + name);
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const { scope, fn } = this.registrations.get(name);
fixture = new Fixture(this, name, scope, fn);
this.instances.set(name, fixture);
await fixture.setup();
return fixture;
async teardownScope(scope) {
for (const [name, fixture] of this.instances) {
if (fixture.scope === scope)
await fixture.teardown();
async resolveParametersAndRun(fn) {
const names = fixtureParameterNames(fn);
for (const name of names)
await this.setupFixture(name);
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const params = {};
for (const n of names)
params[n] = this.instances.get(n).value;
await fn(params);
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exports.getPlaywrightEnv = () => PlaywrightEnvironment;
exports.default = exports.getPlaywrightEnv();
function fixtureParameterNames(fn) {
const text = fn.toString();
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const match = text.match(/async(?:\s+function)?\s*\(\s*{\s*([^}]*)\s*}/);
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if (!match || !match[1].trim())
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return [];
let signature = match[1];
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return signature.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
function valueFromEnv(name, defaultValue) {
if (!(name in process.env))
return defaultValue;
return JSON.parse(process.env[name]);
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