mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 21:53:35 +03:00
feat(rpc): return objects for every protocol command (#2950)
For future extensibility, returning objects with fields instead of plain strings or channels.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ export type PlaywrightInitializer = {
export interface SelectorsChannel extends Channel {
register(params: { name: string, source: string, options: { contentScript?: boolean } }): Promise<void>;
createSelector(params: { name: string, handle: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<string | undefined>;
createSelector(params: { name: string, handle: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<{ value?: string }>;
export type SelectorsInitializer = {};
export interface BrowserTypeChannel extends Channel {
connect(params: types.ConnectOptions): Promise<BrowserChannel>;
launch(params: types.LaunchOptions): Promise<BrowserChannel>;
launchServer(params: types.LaunchServerOptions): Promise<BrowserServerChannel>;
launchPersistentContext(params: { userDataDir: string } & types.LaunchOptions & types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContextChannel>;
connect(params: types.ConnectOptions): Promise<{ browser: BrowserChannel }>;
launch(params: types.LaunchOptions): Promise<{ browser: BrowserChannel }>;
launchServer(params: types.LaunchServerOptions): Promise<{ server: BrowserServerChannel }>;
launchPersistentContext(params: { userDataDir: string } & types.LaunchOptions & types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<{ context: BrowserContextChannel }>;
export type BrowserTypeInitializer = {
executablePath: string,
@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ export interface BrowserChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'close', callback: () => void): this;
close(): Promise<void>;
newContext(params: types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContextChannel>;
newContext(params: types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<{ context: BrowserContextChannel }>;
crNewBrowserCDPSession(): Promise<CDPSessionChannel>;
crNewBrowserCDPSession(): Promise<{ session: CDPSessionChannel }>;
crStartTracing(params: { page?: PageChannel, path?: string, screenshots?: boolean, categories?: string[] }): Promise<void>;
crStopTracing(): Promise<Binary>;
crStopTracing(): Promise<{ binary: Binary }>;
export type BrowserInitializer = {};
export interface BrowserContextChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'bindingCall', callback: (params: BindingCallChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'bindingCall', callback: (params: { binding: BindingCallChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'close', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'page', callback: (params: PageChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'page', callback: (params: { page: PageChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'route', callback: (params: { route: RouteChannel, request: RequestChannel }) => void): this;
addCookies(params: { cookies: types.SetNetworkCookieParam[] }): Promise<void>;
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ export interface BrowserContextChannel extends Channel {
clearCookies(): Promise<void>;
clearPermissions(): Promise<void>;
close(): Promise<void>;
cookies(params: { urls: string[] }): Promise<types.NetworkCookie[]>;
cookies(params: { urls: string[] }): Promise<{ cookies: types.NetworkCookie[] }>;
exposeBinding(params: { name: string }): Promise<void>;
grantPermissions(params: { permissions: string[], origin?: string }): Promise<void>;
newPage(): Promise<PageChannel>;
newPage(): Promise<{ page: PageChannel }>;
setDefaultNavigationTimeoutNoReply(params: { timeout: number }): void;
setDefaultTimeoutNoReply(params: { timeout: number }): void;
setExtraHTTPHeaders(params: { headers: types.Headers }): Promise<void>;
@ -101,34 +101,34 @@ export interface BrowserContextChannel extends Channel {
setNetworkInterceptionEnabled(params: { enabled: boolean }): Promise<void>;
setOffline(params: { offline: boolean }): Promise<void>;
on(event: 'crBackgroundPage', callback: (params: PageChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'crServiceWorker', callback: (params: WorkerChannel) => void): this;
crNewCDPSession(params: { page: PageChannel }): Promise<CDPSessionChannel>;
on(event: 'crBackgroundPage', callback: (params: { page: PageChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'crServiceWorker', callback: (params: { worker: WorkerChannel }) => void): this;
crNewCDPSession(params: { page: PageChannel }): Promise<{ session: CDPSessionChannel }>;
export type BrowserContextInitializer = {};
export interface PageChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'bindingCall', callback: (params: BindingCallChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'bindingCall', callback: (params: { binding: BindingCallChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'close', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'console', callback: (params: ConsoleMessageChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'console', callback: (params: { message: ConsoleMessageChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'crash', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'dialog', callback: (params: DialogChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'download', callback: (params: DownloadChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'dialog', callback: (params: { dialog: DialogChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'download', callback: (params: { download: DownloadChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'domcontentloaded', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'fileChooser', callback: (params: { element: ElementHandleChannel, isMultiple: boolean }) => void): this;
on(event: 'frameAttached', callback: (params: FrameChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'frameDetached', callback: (params: FrameChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'frameAttached', callback: (params: { frame: FrameChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'frameDetached', callback: (params: { frame: FrameChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'frameNavigated', callback: (params: { frame: FrameChannel, url: string, name: string }) => void): this;
on(event: 'load', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'pageError', callback: (params: { error: types.Error }) => void): this;
on(event: 'popup', callback: (params: PageChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'request', callback: (params: RequestChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'popup', callback: (params: { page: PageChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'request', callback: (params: { request: RequestChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'requestFailed', callback: (params: { request: RequestChannel, failureText: string | null }) => void): this;
on(event: 'requestFinished', callback: (params: RequestChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'response', callback: (params: ResponseChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'requestFinished', callback: (params: { request: RequestChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'response', callback: (params: { response: ResponseChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'route', callback: (params: { route: RouteChannel, request: RequestChannel }) => void): this;
on(event: 'worker', callback: (params: WorkerChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'worker', callback: (params: { worker: WorkerChannel }) => void): this;
setDefaultNavigationTimeoutNoReply(params: { timeout: number }): void;
setDefaultTimeoutNoReply(params: { timeout: number }): Promise<void>;
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ export interface PageChannel extends Channel {
close(params: { runBeforeUnload?: boolean }): Promise<void>;
emulateMedia(params: { media?: 'screen' | 'print', colorScheme?: 'dark' | 'light' | 'no-preference' }): Promise<void>;
exposeBinding(params: { name: string }): Promise<void>;
goBack(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
goForward(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
opener(): Promise<PageChannel | null>;
reload(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
screenshot(params: types.ScreenshotOptions): Promise<Binary>;
goBack(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
goForward(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
opener(): Promise<{ page: PageChannel | null }>;
reload(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
screenshot(params: types.ScreenshotOptions): Promise<{ binary: Binary }>;
setExtraHTTPHeaders(params: { headers: types.Headers }): Promise<void>;
setNetworkInterceptionEnabled(params: { enabled: boolean }): Promise<void>;
setViewportSize(params: { viewportSize: types.Size }): Promise<void>;
@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ export interface PageChannel extends Channel {
mouseUp(params: { button?: types.MouseButton, clickCount?: number }): Promise<void>;
mouseClick(params: { x: number, y: number, delay?: number, button?: types.MouseButton, clickCount?: number }): Promise<void>;
accessibilitySnapshot(params: { interestingOnly?: boolean, root?: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<types.SerializedAXNode | null>;
pdf: (params: PDFOptions) => Promise<Binary>;
accessibilitySnapshot(params: { interestingOnly?: boolean, root?: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<{ rootAXNode: types.SerializedAXNode | null }>;
pdf: (params: PDFOptions) => Promise<{ pdf: Binary }>;
crStartJSCoverage(params: types.JSCoverageOptions): Promise<void>;
crStopJSCoverage(): Promise<types.JSCoverageEntry[]>;
crStopJSCoverage(): Promise<{ entries: types.JSCoverageEntry[] }>;
crStartCSSCoverage(params: types.CSSCoverageOptions): Promise<void>;
crStopCSSCoverage(): Promise<types.CSSCoverageEntry[]>;
crStopCSSCoverage(): Promise<{ entries: types.CSSCoverageEntry[] }>;
export type PageInitializer = {
@ -178,38 +178,38 @@ export type PageAttribution = { isPage?: boolean };
export interface FrameChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'loadstate', callback: (params: { add?: types.LifecycleEvent, remove?: types.LifecycleEvent }) => void): this;
evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<any>;
evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<any>;
addScriptTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string, type?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel>;
addStyleTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel>;
evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }>;
addScriptTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string, type?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }>;
addStyleTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }>;
check(params: { selector: string, force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
click(params: { selector: string, force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.MouseClickOptions & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
content(): Promise<string>;
content(): Promise<{ value: string }>;
dblclick(params: { selector: string, force?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.MouseMultiClickOptions & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
dispatchEvent(params: { selector: string, type: string, eventInit: any } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<any>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
fill(params: { selector: string, value: string } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
focus(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
frameElement(): Promise<ElementHandleChannel>;
getAttribute(params: { selector: string, name: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string | null>;
goto(params: { url: string } & types.GotoOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
frameElement(): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }>;
getAttribute(params: { selector: string, name: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string | null }>;
goto(params: { url: string } & types.GotoOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
hover(params: { selector: string, force?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
innerHTML(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string>;
innerText(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string>;
innerHTML(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string }>;
innerText(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string }>;
press(params: { selector: string, key: string, delay?: number, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
querySelector(params: { selector: string} & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null>;
querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string} & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel[]>;
selectOption(params: { selector: string, elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string[]>;
querySelector(params: { selector: string} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }>;
querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string} & PageAttribution): Promise<{ elements: ElementHandleChannel[] }>;
selectOption(params: { selector: string, elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ values: string[] }>;
setContent(params: { html: string } & types.NavigateOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
setInputFiles(params: { selector: string, files: { name: string, mimeType: string, buffer: Binary }[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
textContent(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string | null>;
title(): Promise<string>;
textContent(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string | null }>;
title(): Promise<{ value: string }>;
type(params: { selector: string, text: string, delay?: number, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
uncheck(params: { selector: string, force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void>;
waitForFunction(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & types.WaitForFunctionOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
waitForNavigation(params: types.WaitForNavigationOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
waitForSelector(params: { selector: string } & types.WaitForElementOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null>;
waitForFunction(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & types.WaitForFunctionOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
waitForNavigation(params: types.WaitForNavigationOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
waitForSelector(params: { selector: string } & types.WaitForElementOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }>;
export type FrameInitializer = {
url: string,
@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ export type FrameInitializer = {
export interface WorkerChannel extends Channel {
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
export type WorkerInitializer = {
url: string,
@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ export type WorkerInitializer = {
export interface JSHandleChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'previewUpdated', callback: (preview: string) => void): this;
on(event: 'previewUpdated', callback: (params: { preview: string }) => void): this;
dispose(): Promise<void>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
getPropertyList(): Promise<{ name: string, value: JSHandleChannel}[]>;
getProperty(params: { name: string }): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
jsonValue(): Promise<any>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
getPropertyList(): Promise<{ properties: { name: string, value: JSHandleChannel}[] }>;
getProperty(params: { name: string }): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
jsonValue(): Promise<{ value: any }>;
export type JSHandleInitializer = {
preview: string,
@ -244,37 +244,37 @@ export type JSHandleInitializer = {
export interface ElementHandleChannel extends JSHandleChannel {
evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any>;
evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any>;
boundingBox(): Promise<types.Rect | null>;
evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string; expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }>;
boundingBox(): Promise<{ value: types.Rect | null }>;
check(params: { force?: boolean } & { noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
click(params: { force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.MouseClickOptions & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
contentFrame(): Promise<FrameChannel | null>;
contentFrame(): Promise<{ frame: FrameChannel | null }>;
dblclick(params: { force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.MouseMultiClickOptions & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
dispatchEvent(params: { type: string, eventInit: any }): Promise<void>;
fill(params: { value: string } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void>;
focus(): Promise<void>;
getAttribute(params: { name: string }): Promise<string | null>;
getAttribute(params: { name: string }): Promise<{ value: string | null }>;
hover(params: { force?: boolean } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
innerHTML(): Promise<string>;
innerText(): Promise<string>;
ownerFrame(): Promise<FrameChannel | null>;
innerHTML(): Promise<{ value: string }>;
innerText(): Promise<{ value: string }>;
ownerFrame(): Promise<{ frame: FrameChannel | null }>;
press(params: { key: string, delay?: number } & types.TimeoutOptions & { noWaitAfter?: boolean }): Promise<void>;
querySelector(params: { selector: string }): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null>;
querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string }): Promise<ElementHandleChannel[]>;
screenshot(params: types.ElementScreenshotOptions): Promise<Binary>;
querySelector(params: { selector: string }): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }>;
querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string }): Promise<{ elements: ElementHandleChannel[] }>;
screenshot(params: types.ElementScreenshotOptions): Promise<{ binary: Binary }>;
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(params: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
selectOption(params: { elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): string[] | Promise<string[]>;
selectOption(params: { elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<{ values: string[] }>;
selectText(params: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
setInputFiles(params: { files: { name: string, mimeType: string, buffer: Binary }[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void>;
textContent(): Promise<string | null>;
textContent(): Promise<{ value: string | null }>;
type(params: { text: string, delay?: number, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
uncheck(params: { force?: boolean, noWaitAfter?: boolean } & types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
export interface RequestChannel extends Channel {
response(): Promise<ResponseChannel | null>;
response(): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }>;
export type RequestInitializer = {
frame: FrameChannel,
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ export type RouteInitializer = {
export interface ResponseChannel extends Channel {
body(): Promise<Binary>;
finished(): Promise<Error | null>;
body(): Promise<{ binary: Binary }>;
finished(): Promise<{ error: Error | null }>;
export type ResponseInitializer = {
request: RequestChannel,
@ -349,9 +349,9 @@ export type DialogInitializer = {
export interface DownloadChannel extends Channel {
path(): Promise<string | null>;
failure(): Promise<string | null>;
stream(): Promise<StreamChannel | null>;
path(): Promise<{ value: string | null }>;
failure(): Promise<{ error: string | null }>;
stream(): Promise<{ stream: StreamChannel | null }>;
delete(): Promise<void>;
export type DownloadInitializer = {
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ export type DownloadInitializer = {
export interface StreamChannel extends Channel {
read(params: { size?: number }): Promise<Binary>;
read(params: { size?: number }): Promise<{ binary: Binary }>;
export type StreamInitializer = {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ export interface CDPSessionChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'event', callback: (params: { method: string, params?: Object }) => void): this;
on(event: 'disconnected', callback: () => void): this;
send(params: { method: string, params?: Object }): Promise<Object>;
send(params: { method: string, params?: Object }): Promise<{ result: Object }>;
detach(): Promise<void>;
export type CDPSessionInitializer = {};
@ -403,18 +403,18 @@ export type ElectronLaunchOptions = {
timeout?: number,
export interface ElectronChannel extends Channel {
launch(params: { executablePath: string } & ElectronLaunchOptions): Promise<ElectronApplicationChannel>;
launch(params: { executablePath: string } & ElectronLaunchOptions): Promise<{ electronApplication: ElectronApplicationChannel }>;
export type ElectronInitializer = {};
export interface ElectronApplicationChannel extends Channel {
on(event: 'close', callback: () => void): this;
on(event: 'window', callback: (params: PageChannel) => void): this;
on(event: 'window', callback: (params: { page: PageChannel }) => void): this;
newBrowserWindow(params: { arg: any }): Promise<PageChannel>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<JSHandleChannel>;
newBrowserWindow(params: { arg: any }): Promise<{ page: PageChannel }>;
evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }>;
evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }>;
close(): Promise<void>;
export type ElectronApplicationInitializer = {
@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ export class Accessibility {
this._channel = channel;
snapshot(options: { interestingOnly?: boolean; root?: ElementHandle } = {}): Promise<types.SerializedAXNode | null> {
async snapshot(options: { interestingOnly?: boolean; root?: ElementHandle } = {}): Promise<types.SerializedAXNode | null> {
const root = options.root ? options.root._elementChannel : undefined;
return this._channel.accessibilitySnapshot({ interestingOnly: options.interestingOnly, root });
const result = await this._channel.accessibilitySnapshot({ interestingOnly: options.interestingOnly, root });
return result.rootAXNode;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class Browser extends ChannelOwner<BrowserChannel, BrowserInitializer> {
async newContext(options: types.BrowserContextOptions & { logger?: LoggerSink } = {}): Promise<BrowserContext> {
const logger = options.logger;
options = { ...options, logger: undefined };
const context = BrowserContext.from(await this._channel.newContext(options));
const context = BrowserContext.from((await this._channel.newContext(options)).context);
context._logger = logger || this._logger;
return context;
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ export class BrowserContext extends ChannelOwner<BrowserContextChannel, BrowserC
this._browser = parent;
this._browserName = browserName;
this._channel.on('bindingCall', bindingCall => this._onBinding(BindingCall.from(bindingCall)));
this._channel.on('bindingCall', ({binding}) => this._onBinding(BindingCall.from(binding)));
this._channel.on('close', () => this._onClose());
this._channel.on('page', page => this._onPage(Page.from(page)));
this._channel.on('page', ({page}) => this._onPage(Page.from(page)));
this._channel.on('route', ({ route, request }) => this._onRoute(network.Route.from(route), network.Request.from(request)));
this._closedPromise = new Promise(f => this.once(Events.BrowserContext.Close, f));
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ export class BrowserContext extends ChannelOwner<BrowserContextChannel, BrowserC
async newPage(): Promise<Page> {
if (this._ownerPage)
throw new Error('Please use browser.newContext()');
return Page.from(await this._channel.newPage());
return Page.from((await this._channel.newPage()).page);
async cookies(urls?: string | string[]): Promise<network.NetworkCookie[]> {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ export class BrowserContext extends ChannelOwner<BrowserContextChannel, BrowserC
urls = [];
if (urls && typeof urls === 'string')
urls = [ urls ];
return this._channel.cookies({ urls: urls as string[] });
return (await this._channel.cookies({ urls: urls as string[] })).cookies;
async addCookies(cookies: network.SetNetworkCookieParam[]): Promise<void> {
@ -43,20 +43,21 @@ export class BrowserType extends ChannelOwner<BrowserTypeChannel, BrowserTypeIni
async launch(options: types.LaunchOptions & { logger?: LoggerSink } = {}): Promise<Browser> {
const logger = options.logger;
options = { ...options, logger: undefined };
const browser = Browser.from(await this._channel.launch(options));
const browser = Browser.from((await this._channel.launch(options)).browser);
browser._logger = logger;
return browser;
async launchServer(options: types.LaunchServerOptions & { logger?: LoggerSink } = {}): Promise<BrowserServer> {
options = { ...options, logger: undefined };
return BrowserServer.from(await this._channel.launchServer(options));
return BrowserServer.from((await this._channel.launchServer(options)).server);
async launchPersistentContext(userDataDir: string, options: types.LaunchOptions & types.BrowserContextOptions & { logger?: LoggerSink } = {}): Promise<BrowserContext> {
const logger = options.logger;
options = { ...options, logger: undefined };
const context = BrowserContext.from(await this._channel.launchPersistentContext({ userDataDir, ...options }));
const result = await this._channel.launchPersistentContext({ userDataDir, ...options });
const context = BrowserContext.from(result.context);
context._logger = logger;
return context;
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ export class BrowserType extends ChannelOwner<BrowserTypeChannel, BrowserTypeIni
async connect(options: types.ConnectOptions & { logger?: LoggerSink }): Promise<Browser> {
const logger = options.logger;
options = { ...options, logger: undefined };
const browser = Browser.from(await this._channel.connect(options));
const browser = Browser.from((await this._channel.connect(options)).browser);
browser._logger = logger;
return browser;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export class CDPSession extends ChannelOwner<CDPSessionChannel, CDPSessionInitia
params?: Protocol.CommandParameters[T]
): Promise<Protocol.CommandReturnValues[T]> {
const result = await this._channel.send({ method, params });
return result as Protocol.CommandReturnValues[T];
return result.result as Protocol.CommandReturnValues[T];
async detach() {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { Browser } from './browser';
export class ChromiumBrowser extends Browser {
async newBrowserCDPSession(): Promise<CDPSession> {
return CDPSession.from(await this._channel.crNewBrowserCDPSession());
return CDPSession.from((await this._channel.crNewBrowserCDPSession()).session);
async startTracing(page?: Page, options: { path?: string; screenshots?: boolean; categories?: string[]; } = {}) {
@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ export class ChromiumBrowser extends Browser {
async stopTracing(): Promise<Buffer> {
return Buffer.from(await this._channel.crStopTracing(), 'base64');
return Buffer.from((await this._channel.crStopTracing()).binary, 'base64');
@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ export class ChromiumBrowserContext extends BrowserContext {
constructor(parent: ChannelOwner, type: string, guid: string, initializer: BrowserContextInitializer) {
super(parent, type, guid, initializer, 'chromium');
this._channel.on('crBackgroundPage', pageChannel => {
const page = Page.from(pageChannel);
this.emit(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.BackgroundPage, page);
this._channel.on('crBackgroundPage', ({ page }) => {
const backgroundPage = Page.from(page);
this.emit(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.BackgroundPage, backgroundPage);
this._channel.on('crServiceWorker', serviceWorkerChannel => {
const worker = Worker.from(serviceWorkerChannel);
worker._context = this;
this.emit(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.ServiceWorker, worker);
this._channel.on('crServiceWorker', ({worker}) => {
const serviceWorker = Worker.from(worker);
serviceWorker._context = this;
this.emit(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.ServiceWorker, serviceWorker);
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ export class ChromiumBrowserContext extends BrowserContext {
async newCDPSession(page: Page): Promise<CDPSession> {
return CDPSession.from(await this._channel.crNewCDPSession({ page: page._channel }));
const result = await this._channel.crNewCDPSession({ page: page._channel });
return CDPSession.from(result.session);
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class Coverage {
async stopJSCoverage(): Promise<types.JSCoverageEntry[]> {
return await this._channel.crStopJSCoverage();
return (await this._channel.crStopJSCoverage()).entries;
async startCSSCoverage(options: types.CSSCoverageOptions = {}) {
@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ export class Coverage {
async stopCSSCoverage(): Promise<types.CSSCoverageEntry[]> {
return await this._channel.crStopCSSCoverage();
return (await this._channel.crStopCSSCoverage()).entries;
@ -37,18 +37,18 @@ export class Download extends ChannelOwner<DownloadChannel, DownloadInitializer>
async path(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._channel.path();
return (await this._channel.path()).value;
async failure(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._channel.failure();
return (await this._channel.failure()).error;
async createReadStream(): Promise<Readable | null> {
const s = await this._channel.stream();
if (!s)
const result = await this._channel.stream();
if (!result.stream)
return null;
const stream = Stream.from(s);
const stream = Stream.from(result.stream);
return stream.stream();
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class Electron extends ChannelOwner<ElectronChannel, ElectronInitializer>
async launch(executablePath: string, options: ElectronLaunchOptions = {}): Promise<ElectronApplication> {
options = { ...options };
delete (options as any).logger;
return ElectronApplication.from(await this._channel.launch({ executablePath, ...options }));
return ElectronApplication.from((await this._channel.launch({ executablePath, ...options })).electronApplication);
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ export class ElectronApplication extends ChannelOwner<ElectronApplicationChannel
constructor(parent: ChannelOwner, type: string, guid: string, initializer: ElectronApplicationInitializer) {
super(parent, type, guid, initializer);
this._context = BrowserContext.from(initializer.context);
this._channel.on('window', pageChannel => {
const page = Page.from(pageChannel);
this.emit(ElectronEvents.ElectronApplication.Window, page);
this._channel.on('window', ({page}) => {
const window = Page.from(page);
this.emit(ElectronEvents.ElectronApplication.Window, window);
this._channel.on('close', () => {
@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ export class ElectronApplication extends ChannelOwner<ElectronApplicationChannel
async newBrowserWindow(options: any): Promise<Page> {
return Page.from(await this._channel.newBrowserWindow({ arg: serializeArgument(options) }));
const result = await this._channel.newBrowserWindow({ arg: serializeArgument(options) });
return Page.from(result.page);
context(): BrowserContext {
@ -100,13 +101,14 @@ export class ElectronApplication extends ChannelOwner<ElectronApplicationChannel
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
return parseResult(await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) }));
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return parseResult(result.value);
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<any, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
const handleChannel = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return JSHandle.from(handleChannel) as SmartHandle<R>;
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle) as SmartHandle<R>;
@ -43,27 +43,27 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends JSHandle<T> {
async ownerFrame(): Promise<Frame | null> {
return Frame.fromNullable(await this._elementChannel.ownerFrame());
return Frame.fromNullable((await this._elementChannel.ownerFrame()).frame);
async contentFrame(): Promise<Frame | null> {
return Frame.fromNullable(await this._elementChannel.contentFrame());
return Frame.fromNullable((await this._elementChannel.contentFrame()).frame);
async getAttribute(name: string): Promise<string | null> {
return await this._elementChannel.getAttribute({ name });
return (await this._elementChannel.getAttribute({ name })).value;
async textContent(): Promise<string | null> {
return await this._elementChannel.textContent();
return (await this._elementChannel.textContent()).value;
async innerText(): Promise<string> {
return await this._elementChannel.innerText();
return (await this._elementChannel.innerText()).value;
async innerHTML(): Promise<string> {
return await this._elementChannel.innerHTML();
return (await this._elementChannel.innerHTML()).value;
async dispatchEvent(type: string, eventInit: Object = {}) {
@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends JSHandle<T> {
async selectOption(values: string | ElementHandle | types.SelectOption | string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[] | null, options: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}): Promise<string[]> {
return await this._elementChannel.selectOption({ ...convertSelectOptionValues(values), ...options });
const result = await this._elementChannel.selectOption({ ...convertSelectOptionValues(values), ...options });
return result.values;
async fill(value: string, options: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
@ -123,31 +124,34 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends JSHandle<T> {
async boundingBox(): Promise<types.Rect | null> {
return await this._elementChannel.boundingBox();
return (await this._elementChannel.boundingBox()).value;
async screenshot(options: types.ElementScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise<Buffer> {
return Buffer.from(await this._elementChannel.screenshot(options), 'base64');
return Buffer.from((await this._elementChannel.screenshot(options)).binary, 'base64');
async $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
return ElementHandle.fromNullable(await this._elementChannel.querySelector({ selector })) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
return ElementHandle.fromNullable((await this._elementChannel.querySelector({ selector })).element) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
async $$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element>[]> {
return (await this._elementChannel.querySelectorAll({ selector })).map(h => ElementHandle.from(h) as ElementHandle<Element>);
const result = await this._elementChannel.querySelectorAll({ selector });
return result.elements.map(h => ElementHandle.from(h) as ElementHandle<Element>);
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
return parseResult(await this._elementChannel.evalOnSelector({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) }));
const result = await this._elementChannel.evalOnSelector({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return parseResult(result.value);
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
return parseResult(await this._elementChannel.evalOnSelectorAll({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) }));
const result = await this._elementChannel.evalOnSelectorAll({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return parseResult(result.value);
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async goto(url: string, options: GotoOptions = {}): Promise<network.Response | null> {
return network.Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.goto({ url, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall }));
return network.Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.goto({ url, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).response);
async waitForNavigation(options: types.WaitForNavigationOptions = {}): Promise<network.Response | null> {
return network.Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.waitForNavigation({ ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall }));
return network.Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.waitForNavigation({ ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).response);
async waitForLoadState(state: types.LifecycleEvent = 'load', options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
@ -101,29 +101,33 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async frameElement(): Promise<ElementHandle> {
return ElementHandle.from(await this._channel.frameElement());
return ElementHandle.from((await this._channel.frameElement()).element);
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return JSHandle.from(await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })) as SmartHandle<R>;
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle) as SmartHandle<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return parseResult(await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall }));
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return parseResult(result.value);
async $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
return ElementHandle.fromNullable(await this._channel.querySelector({ selector, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
const result = await this._channel.querySelector({ selector, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return ElementHandle.fromNullable(result.element) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
async waitForSelector(selector: string, options: types.WaitForElementOptions = {}): Promise<ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
return ElementHandle.fromNullable(await this._channel.waitForSelector({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
const result = await this._channel.waitForSelector({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return ElementHandle.fromNullable(result.element) as ElementHandle<Element> | null;
async dispatchEvent(selector: string, type: string, eventInit?: any, options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
@ -134,23 +138,25 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async $eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 3);
return await this._channel.evalOnSelector({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
const result = await this._channel.evalOnSelector({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return parseResult(result.value);
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 3);
return await this._channel.evalOnSelectorAll({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
const result = await this._channel.evalOnSelectorAll({ selector, expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return parseResult(result.value);
async $$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element>[]> {
const result = await this._channel.querySelectorAll({ selector, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return result.map(c => ElementHandle.from(c) as ElementHandle<Element>);
return result.elements.map(e => ElementHandle.from(e) as ElementHandle<Element>);
async content(): Promise<string> {
return await this._channel.content();
return (await this._channel.content()).value;
async setContent(html: string, options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
@ -183,14 +189,14 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
copy.content = (await fsReadFileAsync(copy.path)).toString();
copy.content += '//# sourceURL=' + copy.path.replace(/\n/g, '');
return ElementHandle.from(await this._channel.addScriptTag({ ...copy, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall }));
return ElementHandle.from((await this._channel.addScriptTag({ ...copy, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).element);
async addStyleTag(options: { url?: string; path?: string; content?: string; }): Promise<ElementHandle> {
const copy = { ...options };
if (copy.path)
copy.content = (await fsReadFileAsync(copy.path)).toString();
return ElementHandle.from(await this._channel.addStyleTag({ ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall }));
return ElementHandle.from((await this._channel.addStyleTag({ ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).element);
async click(selector: string, options: types.MouseClickOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}) {
@ -210,19 +216,19 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async textContent(selector: string, options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<null|string> {
return await this._channel.textContent({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return (await this._channel.textContent({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).value;
async innerText(selector: string, options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<string> {
return await this._channel.innerText({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return (await this._channel.innerText({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).value;
async innerHTML(selector: string, options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<string> {
return await this._channel.innerHTML({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return (await this._channel.innerHTML({ selector, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).value;
async getAttribute(selector: string, name: string, options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<string | null> {
return await this._channel.getAttribute({ selector, name, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return (await this._channel.getAttribute({ selector, name, ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).value;
async hover(selector: string, options: types.PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions = {}) {
@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async selectOption(selector: string, values: string | ElementHandle | types.SelectOption | string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[] | null, options: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}): Promise<string[]> {
return await this._channel.selectOption({ selector, ...convertSelectOptionValues(values), ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return (await this._channel.selectOption({ selector, ...convertSelectOptionValues(values), ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })).values;
async setInputFiles(selector: string, files: string | types.FilePayload | string[] | types.FilePayload[], options: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
@ -260,11 +266,12 @@ export class Frame extends ChannelOwner<FrameChannel, FrameInitializer> {
async waitForFunction<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async waitForFunction<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async waitForFunction<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg, options: types.WaitForFunctionOptions = {}): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
return JSHandle.from(await this._channel.waitForFunction({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall })) as SmartHandle<R>;
const result = await this._channel.waitForFunction({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg), ...options, isPage: this._page!._isPageCall });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle) as SmartHandle<R>;
async title(): Promise<string> {
return await this._channel.title();
return (await this._channel.title()).value;
@ -49,36 +49,37 @@ export class JSHandle<T = any> extends ChannelOwner<JSHandleChannel, JSHandleIni
constructor(parent: ChannelOwner, type: string, guid: string, initializer: JSHandleInitializer) {
super(parent, type, guid, initializer);
this._preview = this._initializer.preview;
this._channel.on('previewUpdated', preview => this._preview = preview);
this._channel.on('previewUpdated', ({preview}) => this._preview = preview);
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
return parseResult(await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) }));
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return parseResult(result.value);
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: FuncOn<T, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
const handleChannel = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return JSHandle.from(handleChannel) as SmartHandle<R>;
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle) as SmartHandle<R>;
async getProperty(name: string): Promise<JSHandle> {
const handleChannel = await this._channel.getProperty({ name });
return JSHandle.from(handleChannel);
const result = await this._channel.getProperty({ name });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle);
async getProperties(): Promise<Map<string, JSHandle>> {
const map = new Map<string, JSHandle>();
for (const { name, value } of await this._channel.getPropertyList())
for (const { name, value } of (await this._channel.getPropertyList()).properties)
map.set(name, JSHandle.from(value));
return map;
async jsonValue(): Promise<T> {
return parseResult(await this._channel.jsonValue());
return parseResult((await this._channel.jsonValue()).value);
asElement(): ElementHandle | null {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export class Request extends ChannelOwner<RequestChannel, RequestInitializer> {
async response(): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.response());
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.response()).response);
frame(): Frame {
@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ export class Response extends ChannelOwner<ResponseChannel, ResponseInitializer>
async finished(): Promise<Error | null> {
return await this._channel.finished();
return (await this._channel.finished()).error;
async body(): Promise<Buffer> {
return Buffer.from(await this._channel.body(), 'base64');
return Buffer.from((await this._channel.body()).binary, 'base64');
async text(): Promise<string> {
@ -88,26 +88,26 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
this._viewportSize = initializer.viewportSize;
this._closed = initializer.isClosed;
this._channel.on('bindingCall', bindingCall => this._onBinding(BindingCall.from(bindingCall)));
this._channel.on('bindingCall', ({ binding }) => this._onBinding(BindingCall.from(binding)));
this._channel.on('close', () => this._onClose());
this._channel.on('console', message => this.emit(Events.Page.Console, ConsoleMessage.from(message)));
this._channel.on('console', ({ message }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Console, ConsoleMessage.from(message)));
this._channel.on('crash', () => this._onCrash());
this._channel.on('dialog', dialog => this.emit(Events.Page.Dialog, Dialog.from(dialog)));
this._channel.on('dialog', ({ dialog }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Dialog, Dialog.from(dialog)));
this._channel.on('domcontentloaded', () => this.emit(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded));
this._channel.on('download', download => this.emit(Events.Page.Download, Download.from(download)));
this._channel.on('download', ({ download }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Download, Download.from(download)));
this._channel.on('fileChooser', ({ element, isMultiple }) => this.emit(Events.Page.FileChooser, new FileChooser(this, ElementHandle.from(element), isMultiple)));
this._channel.on('frameAttached', frame => this._onFrameAttached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameDetached', frame => this._onFrameDetached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameAttached', ({ frame }) => this._onFrameAttached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameDetached', ({ frame }) => this._onFrameDetached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameNavigated', ({ frame, url, name }) => this._onFrameNavigated(Frame.from(frame), url, name));
this._channel.on('load', () => this.emit(Events.Page.Load));
this._channel.on('pageError', ({ error }) => this.emit(Events.Page.PageError, parseError(error)));
this._channel.on('popup', popup => this.emit(Events.Page.Popup, Page.from(popup)));
this._channel.on('request', request => this.emit(Events.Page.Request, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('popup', ({ page }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Popup, Page.from(page)));
this._channel.on('request', ({ request }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Request, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('requestFailed', ({ request, failureText }) => this._onRequestFailed(Request.from(request), failureText));
this._channel.on('requestFinished', request => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFinished, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('response', response => this.emit(Events.Page.Response, Response.from(response)));
this._channel.on('requestFinished', ({ request }) => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFinished, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('response', ({ response }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Response, Response.from(response)));
this._channel.on('route', ({ route, request }) => this._onRoute(Route.from(route), Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('worker', worker => this._onWorker(Worker.from(worker)));
this._channel.on('worker', ({ worker }) => this._onWorker(Worker.from(worker)));
if (this._browserContext._browserName === 'chromium') {
this.coverage = new Coverage(this._channel);
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
async opener(): Promise<Page | null> {
return Page.fromNullable(await this._channel.opener());
return Page.fromNullable((await this._channel.opener()).page);
mainFrame(): Frame {
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
async reload(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.reload(options));
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.reload(options)).response);
async waitForLoadState(state?: types.LifecycleEvent, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void> {
@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
async goBack(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.goBack(options));
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.goBack(options)).response);
async goForward(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable(await this._channel.goForward(options));
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.goForward(options)).response);
async emulateMedia(options: { media?: types.MediaType, colorScheme?: types.ColorScheme }) {
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
async screenshot(options: types.ScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise<Buffer> {
return Buffer.from(await this._channel.screenshot(options), 'base64');
return Buffer.from((await this._channel.screenshot(options)).binary, 'base64');
async title(): Promise<string> {
@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
if (options.margin && typeof options.margin[index] === 'number')
transportOptions.margin![index] = transportOptions.margin![index] + 'px';
const binary = await this._channel.pdf(transportOptions);
const buffer = Buffer.from(binary, 'base64');
const result = await this._channel.pdf(transportOptions);
const buffer = Buffer.from(result.pdf, 'base64');
if (path)
await fsWriteFileAsync(path, buffer);
return buffer;
@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ export class Selectors extends ChannelOwner<SelectorsChannel, SelectorsInitializ
async _createSelector(name: string, handle: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<string | undefined> {
return this._channel.createSelector({ name, handle: handle._elementChannel });
return (await this._channel.createSelector({ name, handle: handle._elementChannel })).value;
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ class StreamImpl extends Readable {
async _read(size: number) {
const data = await this._channel.read({ size });
if (data)
this.push(Buffer.from(data, 'base64'));
const result = await this._channel.read({ size });
if (result.binary)
this.push(Buffer.from(result.binary, 'base64'));
@ -50,13 +50,15 @@ export class Worker extends ChannelOwner<WorkerChannel, WorkerInitializer> {
async evaluate<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return parseResult(await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) }));
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpression({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return parseResult(result.value);
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return JSHandle.from(await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) })) as SmartHandle<R>;
const result = await this._channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({ expression: String(pageFunction), isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function', arg: serializeArgument(arg) });
return JSHandle.from(result.handle) as SmartHandle<R>;
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ export class BrowserContextDispatcher extends Dispatcher<BrowserContext, Browser
this._context = context;
for (const page of context.pages())
this._dispatchEvent('page', new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page));
context.on(Events.BrowserContext.Page, page => this._dispatchEvent('page', new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page)));
this._dispatchEvent('page', { page: new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page) });
context.on(Events.BrowserContext.Page, page => this._dispatchEvent('page', { page: new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page) }));
context.on(Events.BrowserContext.Close, () => {
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ export class BrowserContextDispatcher extends Dispatcher<BrowserContext, Browser
if (context._browserBase._options.name === 'chromium') {
for (const page of (context as CRBrowserContext).backgroundPages())
this._dispatchEvent('crBackgroundPage', new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page));
context.on(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.BackgroundPage, page => this._dispatchEvent('crBackgroundPage', new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page)));
this._dispatchEvent('crBackgroundPage', { page: new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page) });
context.on(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.BackgroundPage, page => this._dispatchEvent('crBackgroundPage', { page: new PageDispatcher(this._scope, page) }));
for (const serviceWorker of (context as CRBrowserContext).serviceWorkers())
this._dispatchEvent('crServiceWorker', new WorkerDispatcher(this._scope, serviceWorker));
context.on(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.ServiceWorker, serviceWorker => this._dispatchEvent('crServiceWorker', new WorkerDispatcher(this._scope, serviceWorker)));
context.on(ChromiumEvents.CRBrowserContext.ServiceWorker, serviceWorker => this._dispatchEvent('crServiceWorker', { worker: new WorkerDispatcher(this._scope, serviceWorker) }));
@ -60,18 +60,18 @@ export class BrowserContextDispatcher extends Dispatcher<BrowserContext, Browser
async exposeBinding(params: { name: string }): Promise<void> {
await this._context.exposeBinding(params.name, (source, ...args) => {
const bindingCall = new BindingCallDispatcher(this._scope, params.name, source, args);
this._dispatchEvent('bindingCall', bindingCall);
return bindingCall.promise();
const binding = new BindingCallDispatcher(this._scope, params.name, source, args);
this._dispatchEvent('bindingCall', { binding });
return binding.promise();
async newPage(): Promise<PageChannel> {
return lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(await this._context.newPage());
async newPage(): Promise<{ page: PageChannel }> {
return { page: lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(await this._context.newPage()) };
async cookies(params: { urls: string[] }): Promise<types.NetworkCookie[]> {
return await this._context.cookies(params.urls);
async cookies(params: { urls: string[] }): Promise<{ cookies: types.NetworkCookie[] }> {
return { cookies: await this._context.cookies(params.urls) };
async addCookies(params: { cookies: types.SetNetworkCookieParam[] }): Promise<void> {
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ export class BrowserContextDispatcher extends Dispatcher<BrowserContext, Browser
await this._context.close();
async crNewCDPSession(params: { page: PageDispatcher }): Promise<CDPSessionChannel> {
async crNewCDPSession(params: { page: PageDispatcher }): Promise<{ session: CDPSessionChannel }> {
const crBrowserContext = this._object as CRBrowserContext;
return new CDPSessionDispatcher(this._scope, await crBrowserContext.newCDPSession(params.page._object));
return { session: new CDPSessionDispatcher(this._scope, await crBrowserContext.newCDPSession(params.page._object)) };
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ export class BrowserDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Browser, BrowserInitializer> i
async newContext(params: types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContextChannel> {
return new BrowserContextDispatcher(this._scope, await this._object.newContext(params) as BrowserContextBase);
async newContext(params: types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<{ context: BrowserContextChannel }> {
return { context: new BrowserContextDispatcher(this._scope, await this._object.newContext(params) as BrowserContextBase) };
async close(): Promise<void> {
await this._object.close();
async crNewBrowserCDPSession(): Promise<CDPSessionChannel> {
async crNewBrowserCDPSession(): Promise<{ session: CDPSessionChannel }> {
const crBrowser = this._object as CRBrowser;
return new CDPSessionDispatcher(this._scope, await crBrowser.newBrowserCDPSession());
return { session: new CDPSessionDispatcher(this._scope, await crBrowser.newBrowserCDPSession()) };
async crStartTracing(params: { page?: PageDispatcher, path?: string, screenshots?: boolean, categories?: string[] }): Promise<void> {
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ export class BrowserDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Browser, BrowserInitializer> i
await crBrowser.startTracing(params.page ? params.page._object : undefined, params);
async crStopTracing(): Promise<Binary> {
async crStopTracing(): Promise<{ binary: Binary }> {
const crBrowser = this._object as CRBrowser;
const buffer = await crBrowser.stopTracing();
return buffer.toString('base64');
return { binary: buffer.toString('base64') };
@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ export class BrowserTypeDispatcher extends Dispatcher<BrowserType, BrowserTypeIn
}, true, browserType.name());
async launch(params: types.LaunchOptions): Promise<BrowserChannel> {
async launch(params: types.LaunchOptions): Promise<{ browser: BrowserChannel }> {
const browser = await this._object.launch(params);
return new BrowserDispatcher(this._scope, browser as BrowserBase);
return { browser: new BrowserDispatcher(this._scope, browser as BrowserBase) };
async launchPersistentContext(params: { userDataDir: string } & types.LaunchOptions & types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContextChannel> {
async launchPersistentContext(params: { userDataDir: string } & types.LaunchOptions & types.BrowserContextOptions): Promise<{ context: BrowserContextChannel }> {
const browserContext = await this._object.launchPersistentContext(params.userDataDir, params);
return new BrowserContextDispatcher(this._scope, browserContext as BrowserContextBase);
return { context: new BrowserContextDispatcher(this._scope, browserContext as BrowserContextBase) };
async launchServer(params: types.LaunchServerOptions): Promise<BrowserServerChannel> {
return new BrowserServerDispatcher(this._scope, await this._object.launchServer(params));
async launchServer(params: types.LaunchServerOptions): Promise<{ server: BrowserServerChannel }> {
return { server: new BrowserServerDispatcher(this._scope, await this._object.launchServer(params)) };
async connect(params: types.ConnectOptions): Promise<BrowserChannel> {
async connect(params: types.ConnectOptions): Promise<{ browser: BrowserChannel }> {
const browser = await this._object.connect(params);
return new BrowserDispatcher(this._scope, browser as BrowserBase);
return { browser: new BrowserDispatcher(this._scope, browser as BrowserBase) };
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ export class CDPSessionDispatcher extends Dispatcher<CRSession, CDPSessionInitia
async send(params: { method: string, params?: Object }): Promise<Object> {
return this._object.send(params.method as any, params.params);
async send(params: { method: string, params?: Object }): Promise<{ result: Object }> {
return { result: await this._object.send(params.method as any, params.params) };
async detach(): Promise<void> {
@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ export class DownloadDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Download, DownloadInitializer
async path(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._object.path();
async path(): Promise<{ value: string | null }> {
return { value: await this._object.path() };
async stream(): Promise<StreamChannel | null> {
async stream(): Promise<{ stream: StreamChannel | null }> {
const stream = await this._object.createReadStream();
if (!stream)
return null;
return { stream: null };
await new Promise(f => stream.on('readable', f));
return new StreamDispatcher(this._scope, stream);
return { stream: new StreamDispatcher(this._scope, stream) };
async failure(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._object.failure();
async failure(): Promise<{ error: string | null }> {
return { error: await this._object.failure() };
async delete(): Promise<void> {
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ export class ElectronDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Electron, ElectronInitializer
super(scope, electron, 'electron', {}, true);
async launch(params: { executablePath: string } & ElectronLaunchOptions): Promise<ElectronApplicationChannel> {
async launch(params: { executablePath: string } & ElectronLaunchOptions): Promise<{ electronApplication: ElectronApplicationChannel }> {
const electronApplication = await this._object.launch(params.executablePath, params);
return new ElectronApplicationDispatcher(this._scope, electronApplication);
return { electronApplication: new ElectronApplicationDispatcher(this._scope, electronApplication) };
@ -42,22 +42,25 @@ export class ElectronApplicationDispatcher extends Dispatcher<ElectronApplicatio
electronApplication.on(ElectronEvents.ElectronApplication.Close, () => this._dispatchEvent('close'));
electronApplication.on(ElectronEvents.ElectronApplication.Window, (page: Page) => this._dispatchEvent('window', lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(page)));
electronApplication.on(ElectronEvents.ElectronApplication.Window, (page: Page) => {
this._dispatchEvent('window', { page: lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(page) });
async newBrowserWindow(params: { arg: any }): Promise<PageChannel> {
return lookupDispatcher<PageChannel>(await this._object.newBrowserWindow(parseArgument(params.arg)));
async newBrowserWindow(params: { arg: any }): Promise<{ page: PageChannel }> {
const page = await this._object.newBrowserWindow(parseArgument(params.arg));
return { page: lookupDispatcher<PageChannel>(page) };
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any> {
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }> {
const handle = this._object._nodeElectronHandle!;
return handle._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, true /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg));
return { value: await handle._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, true /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg)) };
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
const handle = this._object._nodeElectronHandle!;
const result = await handle._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, false /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg));
return createHandle(this._scope, result);
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, result) };
async close(): Promise<void> {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
import { ElementHandle } from '../../dom';
import * as js from '../../javascript';
import * as types from '../../types';
import { ElementHandleChannel, FrameChannel } from '../channels';
import { ElementHandleChannel, FrameChannel, Binary } from '../channels';
import { DispatcherScope, lookupNullableDispatcher } from './dispatcher';
import { JSHandleDispatcher, serializeResult, parseArgument } from './jsHandleDispatcher';
import { FrameDispatcher } from './frameDispatcher';
@ -40,28 +40,28 @@ export class ElementHandleDispatcher extends JSHandleDispatcher implements Eleme
this._elementHandle = elementHandle;
async ownerFrame(): Promise<FrameChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(await this._elementHandle.ownerFrame());
async ownerFrame(): Promise<{ frame: FrameChannel | null }> {
return { frame: lookupNullableDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(await this._elementHandle.ownerFrame()) };
async contentFrame(): Promise<FrameChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(await this._elementHandle.contentFrame());
async contentFrame(): Promise<{ frame: FrameChannel | null }> {
return { frame: lookupNullableDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(await this._elementHandle.contentFrame()) };
async getAttribute(params: { name: string }): Promise<string | null> {
return this._elementHandle.getAttribute(params.name);
async getAttribute(params: { name: string }): Promise<{ value: string | null }> {
return { value: await this._elementHandle.getAttribute(params.name) };
async textContent(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._elementHandle.textContent();
async textContent(): Promise<{ value: string | null }> {
return { value: await this._elementHandle.textContent() };
async innerText(): Promise<string> {
return this._elementHandle.innerText();
async innerText(): Promise<{ value: string }> {
return { value: await this._elementHandle.innerText() };
async innerHTML(): Promise<string> {
return this._elementHandle.innerHTML();
async innerHTML(): Promise<{ value: string }> {
return { value: await this._elementHandle.innerHTML() };
async dispatchEvent(params: { type: string, eventInit: Object }) {
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ export class ElementHandleDispatcher extends JSHandleDispatcher implements Eleme
await this._elementHandle.dblclick(params);
async selectOption(params: { elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<string[]> {
return this._elementHandle.selectOption(convertSelectOptionValues(params.elements, params.options), params);
async selectOption(params: { elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<{ values: string[] }> {
return { values: await this._elementHandle.selectOption(convertSelectOptionValues(params.elements, params.options), params) };
async fill(params: { value: string } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
@ -120,30 +120,30 @@ export class ElementHandleDispatcher extends JSHandleDispatcher implements Eleme
await this._elementHandle.uncheck(params);
async boundingBox(): Promise<types.Rect | null> {
return await this._elementHandle.boundingBox();
async boundingBox(): Promise<{ value: types.Rect | null }> {
return { value: await this._elementHandle.boundingBox() };
async screenshot(params: types.ElementScreenshotOptions): Promise<string> {
return (await this._elementHandle.screenshot(params)).toString('base64');
async screenshot(params: types.ElementScreenshotOptions): Promise<{ binary: Binary }> {
return { binary: (await this._elementHandle.screenshot(params)).toString('base64') };
async querySelector(params: { selector: string }): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null> {
async querySelector(params: { selector: string }): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }> {
const handle = await this._elementHandle.$(params.selector);
return handle ? new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, handle) : null;
return { element: handle ? new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, handle) : null };
async querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string }): Promise<ElementHandleChannel[]> {
async querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string }): Promise<{ elements: ElementHandleChannel[] }> {
const elements = await this._elementHandle.$$(params.selector);
return elements.map(e => new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, e));
return { elements: elements.map(e => new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, e)) };
async evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any> {
return serializeResult(await this._elementHandle._$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
async evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }> {
return { value: serializeResult(await this._elementHandle._$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any> {
return serializeResult(await this._elementHandle._$$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
async evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }> {
return { value: serializeResult(await this._elementHandle._$$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
@ -46,33 +46,33 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
async goto(params: { url: string } & types.GotoOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
async goto(params: { url: string } & types.GotoOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await target.goto(params.url, params));
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await target.goto(params.url, params)) };
async waitForNavigation(params: types.WaitForNavigationOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
async waitForNavigation(params: types.WaitForNavigationOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await target.waitForNavigation(params));
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await target.waitForNavigation(params)) };
async frameElement(): Promise<ElementHandleChannel> {
return new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await this._frame.frameElement());
async frameElement(): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }> {
return { element: new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await this._frame.frameElement()) };
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<any> {
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return serializeResult(await target._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
return { value: serializeResult(await target._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return createHandle(this._scope, await target._evaluateExpressionHandle(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, await target._evaluateExpressionHandle(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async waitForSelector(params: { selector: string } & types.WaitForElementOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null> {
async waitForSelector(params: { selector: string } & types.WaitForElementOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return ElementHandleDispatcher.createNullable(this._scope, await target.waitForSelector(params.selector, params));
return { element: ElementHandleDispatcher.createNullable(this._scope, await target.waitForSelector(params.selector, params)) };
async dispatchEvent(params: { selector: string, type: string, eventInit: any } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void> {
@ -80,29 +80,29 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
return target.dispatchEvent(params.selector, params.type, parseArgument(params.eventInit), params);
async evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<any> {
async evalOnSelector(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return serializeResult(await target._$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
return { value: serializeResult(await target._$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<any> {
async evalOnSelectorAll(params: { selector: string, expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: any }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return serializeResult(await target._$$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
return { value: serializeResult(await target._$$evalExpression(params.selector, params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async querySelector(params: { selector: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel | null> {
async querySelector(params: { selector: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return ElementHandleDispatcher.createNullable(this._scope, await target.$(params.selector));
return { element: ElementHandleDispatcher.createNullable(this._scope, await target.$(params.selector)) };
async querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel[]> {
async querySelectorAll(params: { selector: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ elements: ElementHandleChannel[] }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
const elements = await target.$$(params.selector);
return elements.map(e => new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, e));
return { elements: elements.map(e => new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, e)) };
async content(): Promise<string> {
return await this._frame.content();
async content(): Promise<{ value: string }> {
return { value: await this._frame.content() };
async setContent(params: { html: string } & types.NavigateOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void> {
@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
await target.setContent(params.html, params);
async addScriptTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string, type?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel> {
async addScriptTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string, type?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await target.addScriptTag(params));
return { element: new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await target.addScriptTag(params)) };
async addStyleTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<ElementHandleChannel> {
async addStyleTag(params: { url?: string, content?: string } & PageAttribution): Promise<{ element: ElementHandleChannel }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await target.addStyleTag(params));
return { element: new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, await target.addStyleTag(params)) };
async click(params: { selector: string } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.MouseClickOptions & types.TimeoutOptions & { force?: boolean } & { noWaitAfter?: boolean } & PageAttribution): Promise<void> {
@ -140,24 +140,24 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
await target.focus(params.selector, params);
async textContent(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string | null> {
async textContent(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return await target.textContent(params.selector, params);
return { value: await target.textContent(params.selector, params) };
async innerText(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string> {
async innerText(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return await target.innerText(params.selector, params);
return { value: await target.innerText(params.selector, params) };
async innerHTML(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string> {
async innerHTML(params: { selector: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return await target.innerHTML(params.selector, params);
return { value: await target.innerHTML(params.selector, params) };
async getAttribute(params: { selector: string, name: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string | null> {
async getAttribute(params: { selector: string, name: string } & types.TimeoutOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ value: string | null }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return await target.getAttribute(params.selector, params.name, params);
return { value: await target.getAttribute(params.selector, params.name, params) };
async hover(params: { selector: string } & types.PointerActionOptions & types.TimeoutOptions & { force?: boolean } & PageAttribution): Promise<void> {
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
await target.hover(params.selector, params);
async selectOption(params: { selector: string, elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<string[]> {
async selectOption(params: { selector: string, elements?: ElementHandleChannel[], options?: types.SelectOption[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ values: string[] }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return target.selectOption(params.selector, convertSelectOptionValues(params.elements, params.options), params);
return { values: await target.selectOption(params.selector, convertSelectOptionValues(params.elements, params.options), params) };
async setInputFiles(params: { selector: string, files: { name: string, mimeType: string, buffer: string }[] } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<void> {
@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ export class FrameDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Frame, FrameInitializer> impleme
await target.uncheck(params.selector, params);
async waitForFunction(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & types.WaitForFunctionOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
async waitForFunction(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any } & types.WaitForFunctionOptions & PageAttribution): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
const target = params.isPage ? this._frame._page : this._frame;
return createHandle(this._scope, await target._waitForFunctionExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg), params));
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, await target._waitForFunctionExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg), params)) };
async title(): Promise<string> {
return await this._frame.title();
async title(): Promise<{ value: string }> {
return { value: await this._frame.title() };
@ -26,33 +26,33 @@ export class JSHandleDispatcher extends Dispatcher<js.JSHandle, JSHandleInitiali
super(scope, jsHandle, jsHandle.asElement() ? 'elementHandle' : 'jsHandle', {
preview: jsHandle.toString(),
jsHandle._setPreviewCallback(preview => this._dispatchEvent('previewUpdated', preview));
jsHandle._setPreviewCallback(preview => this._dispatchEvent('previewUpdated', { preview }));
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<any> {
return this._object._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, true /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg));
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any }): Promise<{ value: any }> {
return { value: serializeResult(await this._object._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, true /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any}): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
const jsHandle = await this._object._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, false /* returnByValue */, parseArgument(params.arg));
return createHandle(this._scope, jsHandle);
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, jsHandle) };
async getProperty(params: { name: string }): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
async getProperty(params: { name: string }): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
const jsHandle = await this._object.getProperty(params.name);
return createHandle(this._scope, jsHandle);
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, jsHandle) };
async getPropertyList(): Promise<{ name: string, value: JSHandleChannel }[]> {
async getPropertyList(): Promise<{ properties: { name: string, value: JSHandleChannel }[] }> {
const map = await this._object.getProperties();
const result = [];
const properties = [];
for (const [name, value] of map)
result.push({ name, value: new JSHandleDispatcher(this._scope, value) });
return result;
properties.push({ name, value: new JSHandleDispatcher(this._scope, value) });
return { properties };
async jsonValue(): Promise<any> {
return serializeResult(await this._object.jsonValue());
async jsonValue(): Promise<{ value: any }> {
return { value: serializeResult(await this._object.jsonValue()) };
async dispose() {
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ export class RequestDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Request, RequestInitializer> i
async response(): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._object.response());
async response(): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._object.response()) };
@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ export class ResponseDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Response, ResponseInitializer
async finished(): Promise<Error | null> {
return await this._object.finished();
async finished(): Promise<{ error: Error | null }> {
return { error: await this._object.finished() };
async body(): Promise<Binary> {
return (await this._object.body()).toString('base64');
async body(): Promise<{ binary: Binary }> {
return { binary: (await this._object.body()).toString('base64') };
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
this._page = page;
page.on(Events.Page.Close, () => this._dispatchEvent('close'));
page.on(Events.Page.Console, message => this._dispatchEvent('console', new ConsoleMessageDispatcher(this._scope, message)));
page.on(Events.Page.Console, message => this._dispatchEvent('console', { message: new ConsoleMessageDispatcher(this._scope, message) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Crash, () => this._dispatchEvent('crash'));
page.on(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded, () => this._dispatchEvent('domcontentloaded'));
page.on(Events.Page.Dialog, dialog => this._dispatchEvent('dialog', new DialogDispatcher(this._scope, dialog)));
page.on(Events.Page.Download, dialog => this._dispatchEvent('download', new DownloadDispatcher(this._scope, dialog)));
page.on(Events.Page.Dialog, dialog => this._dispatchEvent('dialog', { dialog: new DialogDispatcher(this._scope, dialog) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Download, dialog => this._dispatchEvent('download', { download: new DownloadDispatcher(this._scope, dialog) }));
page.on(Events.Page.FileChooser, (fileChooser: FileChooser) => this._dispatchEvent('fileChooser', {
element: new ElementHandleDispatcher(this._scope, fileChooser.element()),
isMultiple: fileChooser.isMultiple()
@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
page.on(Events.Page.FrameNavigated, frame => this._onFrameNavigated(frame));
page.on(Events.Page.Load, () => this._dispatchEvent('load'));
page.on(Events.Page.PageError, error => this._dispatchEvent('pageError', { error: serializeError(error) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Popup, page => this._dispatchEvent('popup', lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(page)));
page.on(Events.Page.Request, request => this._dispatchEvent('request', RequestDispatcher.from(this._scope, request)));
page.on(Events.Page.Popup, page => this._dispatchEvent('popup', { page: lookupDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(page) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Request, request => this._dispatchEvent('request', { request: RequestDispatcher.from(this._scope, request) }));
page.on(Events.Page.RequestFailed, (request: Request) => this._dispatchEvent('requestFailed', {
request: RequestDispatcher.from(this._scope, request),
failureText: request._failureText
page.on(Events.Page.RequestFinished, request => this._dispatchEvent('requestFinished', RequestDispatcher.from(scope, request)));
page.on(Events.Page.Response, response => this._dispatchEvent('response', new ResponseDispatcher(this._scope, response)));
page.on(Events.Page.Worker, worker => this._dispatchEvent('worker', new WorkerDispatcher(this._scope, worker)));
page.on(Events.Page.RequestFinished, request => this._dispatchEvent('requestFinished', { request: RequestDispatcher.from(scope, request) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Response, response => this._dispatchEvent('response', { response: new ResponseDispatcher(this._scope, response) }));
page.on(Events.Page.Worker, worker => this._dispatchEvent('worker', { worker: new WorkerDispatcher(this._scope, worker) }));
async setDefaultNavigationTimeoutNoReply(params: { timeout: number }) {
@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
async opener(): Promise<PageChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(await this._page.opener());
async opener(): Promise<{ page: PageChannel | null }> {
return { page: lookupNullableDispatcher<PageDispatcher>(await this._page.opener()) };
async exposeBinding(params: { name: string }): Promise<void> {
await this._page.exposeBinding(params.name, (source, ...args) => {
const bindingCall = new BindingCallDispatcher(this._scope, params.name, source, args);
this._dispatchEvent('bindingCall', bindingCall);
return bindingCall.promise();
const binding = new BindingCallDispatcher(this._scope, params.name, source, args);
this._dispatchEvent('bindingCall', { binding });
return binding.promise();
@ -95,16 +95,16 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
await this._page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(params.headers);
async reload(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.reload(params));
async reload(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.reload(params)) };
async goBack(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.goBack(params));
async goBack(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.goBack(params)) };
async goForward(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<ResponseChannel | null> {
return lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.goForward(params));
async goForward(params: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<{ response: ResponseChannel | null }> {
return { response: lookupNullableDispatcher<ResponseDispatcher>(await this._page.goForward(params)) };
async emulateMedia(params: { media?: 'screen' | 'print', colorScheme?: 'dark' | 'light' | 'no-preference' }): Promise<void> {
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
async screenshot(params: types.ScreenshotOptions): Promise<Binary> {
return (await this._page.screenshot(params)).toString('base64');
async screenshot(params: types.ScreenshotOptions): Promise<{ binary: Binary }> {
return { binary: (await this._page.screenshot(params)).toString('base64') };
async close(params: { runBeforeUnload?: boolean }): Promise<void> {
@ -180,18 +180,19 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
await this._page.mouse.click(params.x, params.y, params);
async accessibilitySnapshot(params: { interestingOnly?: boolean, root?: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<types.SerializedAXNode | null> {
return await this._page.accessibility.snapshot({
async accessibilitySnapshot(params: { interestingOnly?: boolean, root?: ElementHandleChannel }): Promise<{ rootAXNode: types.SerializedAXNode | null }> {
const rootAXNode = await this._page.accessibility.snapshot({
interestingOnly: params.interestingOnly,
root: params.root ? (params.root as ElementHandleDispatcher)._elementHandle : undefined
return { rootAXNode };
async pdf(params: PDFOptions): Promise<Binary> {
async pdf(params: PDFOptions): Promise<{ pdf: Binary }> {
if (!this._page.pdf)
throw new Error('PDF generation is only supported for Headless Chromium');
const binary = await this._page.pdf(params);
return binary.toString('base64');
const buffer = await this._page.pdf(params);
return { pdf: buffer.toString('base64') };
async crStartJSCoverage(params: types.JSCoverageOptions): Promise<void> {
@ -199,9 +200,9 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
await coverage.startJSCoverage(params);
async crStopJSCoverage(): Promise<types.JSCoverageEntry[]> {
async crStopJSCoverage(): Promise<{ entries: types.JSCoverageEntry[] }> {
const coverage = this._page.coverage as CRCoverage;
return await coverage.stopJSCoverage();
return { entries: await coverage.stopJSCoverage() };
async crStartCSSCoverage(params: types.CSSCoverageOptions): Promise<void> {
@ -209,13 +210,13 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
await coverage.startCSSCoverage(params);
async crStopCSSCoverage(): Promise<types.CSSCoverageEntry[]> {
async crStopCSSCoverage(): Promise<{ entries: types.CSSCoverageEntry[] }> {
const coverage = this._page.coverage as CRCoverage;
return await coverage.stopCSSCoverage();
return { entries: await coverage.stopCSSCoverage() };
_onFrameAttached(frame: Frame) {
this._dispatchEvent('frameAttached', FrameDispatcher.from(this._scope, frame));
this._dispatchEvent('frameAttached', { frame: FrameDispatcher.from(this._scope, frame) });
_onFrameNavigated(frame: Frame) {
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ export class PageDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Page, PageInitializer> implements
_onFrameDetached(frame: Frame) {
this._dispatchEvent('frameDetached', lookupDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(frame));
this._dispatchEvent('frameDetached', { frame: lookupDispatcher<FrameDispatcher>(frame) });
@ -236,12 +237,12 @@ export class WorkerDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Worker, WorkerInitializer> impl
worker.on(Events.Worker.Close, () => this._dispatchEvent('close'));
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any, isPage?: boolean }): Promise<any> {
return serializeResult(await this._object._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
async evaluateExpression(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any, isPage?: boolean }): Promise<{ value: any }> {
return { value: serializeResult(await this._object._evaluateExpression(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any, isPage?: boolean }): Promise<JSHandleChannel> {
return createHandle(this._scope, await this._object._evaluateExpressionHandle(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg)));
async evaluateExpressionHandle(params: { expression: string, isFunction: boolean, arg: any, isPage?: boolean }): Promise<{ handle: JSHandleChannel }> {
return { handle: createHandle(this._scope, await this._object._evaluateExpressionHandle(params.expression, params.isFunction, parseArgument(params.arg))) };
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class SelectorsDispatcher extends Dispatcher<Selectors, SelectorsInitiali
await this._object.register(params.name, params.source, params.options);
async createSelector(params: { name: string, handle: ElementHandleDispatcher }): Promise<string | undefined> {
return this._object._createSelector(params.name, params.handle._object as dom.ElementHandle<Element>);
async createSelector(params: { name: string, handle: ElementHandleDispatcher }): Promise<{ value?: string }> {
return { value: await this._object._createSelector(params.name, params.handle._object as dom.ElementHandle<Element>) };
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
import { StreamChannel, StreamInitializer } from '../channels';
import { StreamChannel, StreamInitializer, Binary } from '../channels';
import { Dispatcher, DispatcherScope } from './dispatcher';
import * as stream from 'stream';
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ export class StreamDispatcher extends Dispatcher<stream.Readable, StreamInitiali
super(scope, stream, 'stream', {});
async read(params: { size?: number }): Promise<string> {
async read(params: { size?: number }): Promise<{ binary: Binary }> {
const buffer = this._object.read(Math.min(this._object.readableLength, params.size || this._object.readableLength));
return buffer ? buffer.toString('base64') : '';
return { binary: buffer ? buffer.toString('base64') : '' };
@ -99,6 +99,23 @@ describe('Page.evaluateHandle', function() {
describe('JSHandle.evaluate', function() {
it('should work with function', async({page, server}) => {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {
window.foo = [1, 2];
return window;
expect(await windowHandle.evaluate(w => w.foo)).toEqual([1, 2]);
it('should work with expression', async({page, server}) => {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {
window.foo = [1, 2];
return window;
expect(await windowHandle.evaluate('window.foo')).toEqual([1, 2]);
describe('JSHandle.getProperty', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({
@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ describe('Page.$eval', function() {
await page.setContent('<div><input placeholder="Select"date"></div>');
await inputPromise;
it('should return complex values', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent('<section id="testAttribute">43543</section>');
const idAttribute = await page.$eval('css=section', e => [{ id: e.id }]);
expect(idAttribute).toEqual([{ id: 'testAttribute' }]);
describe('Page.$$eval', function() {
@ -221,6 +226,11 @@ describe('Page.$$eval', function() {
await page.setContent('<div><div><span></span></div><span></span><span></span></div><div></div>');
expect(await page.$$eval('*css=div >> span', els => els.length)).toBe(2);
it('should return complex values', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent('<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>');
const texts = await page.$$eval('css=div', divs => divs.map(div => div.textContent));
expect(texts).toEqual(['hello', 'beautiful', 'world!']);
describe('Page.$', function() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user