mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 21:53:35 +03:00
chore: auto-detect ts esm mode (#12292)
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,18 +16,622 @@
* limitations under the License.
import { fork } from 'child_process';
import url from 'url';
/* eslint-disable no-console */
if (process.env.PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM) {
const NODE_OPTIONS = (process.env.NODE_OPTIONS || '') + ` --experimental-loader=${url.pathToFileURL(require.resolve('@playwright/test/lib/experimentalLoader'))}`;
const innerProcess = fork(require.resolve('./innerCli'), process.argv.slice(2), {
env: { ...process.env, NODE_OPTIONS }
import fs from 'fs';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
import { program, Command } from 'commander';
import { runDriver, runServer, printApiJson, launchBrowserServer } from './driver';
import { showTraceViewer } from '../server/trace/viewer/traceViewer';
import * as playwright from '../..';
import { BrowserContext } from '../client/browserContext';
import { Browser } from '../client/browser';
import { Page } from '../client/page';
import { BrowserType } from '../client/browserType';
import { BrowserContextOptions, LaunchOptions } from '../client/types';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import { registry, Executable } from '../utils/registry';
import { spawnAsync, getPlaywrightVersion } from '../utils/utils';
import { launchGridAgent } from '../grid/gridAgent';
import { GridServer, GridFactory } from '../grid/gridServer';
innerProcess.on('close', code => {
if (code !== 0 && code !== null) process.exit(code);
const packageJSON = require('../../package.json');
.version('Version ' + (process.env.PW_CLI_DISPLAY_VERSION || packageJSON.version))
commandWithOpenOptions('open [url]', 'open page in browser specified via -b, --browser', [])
.action(function(url, options) {
open(options, url, language()).catch(logErrorAndExit);
.addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ open $ open -b webkit https://example.com`);
commandWithOpenOptions('codegen [url]', 'open page and generate code for user actions',
['-o, --output <file name>', 'saves the generated script to a file'],
['--target <language>', `language to generate, one of javascript, test, python, python-async, csharp`, language()],
]).action(function(url, options) {
codegen(options, url, options.target, options.output).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ codegen
$ codegen --target=python
$ codegen -b webkit https://example.com`);
.command('debug <app> [args...]', { hidden: true })
.description('run command in debug mode: disable timeout, open inspector')
.action(function(app, options) {
spawn(app, options, {
env: { ...process.env, PWDEBUG: '1' },
stdio: 'inherit'
} else {
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ debug node test.js
$ debug npm run test`);
function suggestedBrowsersToInstall() {
return registry.executables().filter(e => e.installType !== 'none' && e.type !== 'tool').map(e => e.name).join(', ');
function checkBrowsersToInstall(args: string[]): Executable[] {
const faultyArguments: string[] = [];
const executables: Executable[] = [];
for (const arg of args) {
const executable = registry.findExecutable(arg);
if (!executable || executable.installType === 'none')
if (faultyArguments.length) {
console.log(`Invalid installation targets: ${faultyArguments.map(name => `'${name}'`).join(', ')}. Expecting one of: ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}`);
return executables;
.command('install [browser...]')
.description('ensure browsers necessary for this version of Playwright are installed')
.option('--with-deps', 'install system dependencies for browsers')
.action(async function(args: string[], options: { withDeps?: boolean }) {
try {
if (!args.length) {
const executables = registry.defaultExecutables();
if (options.withDeps)
await registry.installDeps(executables, false);
await registry.install(executables);
} else {
const installDockerImage = args.some(arg => arg === 'docker-image');
args = args.filter(arg => arg !== 'docker-image');
if (installDockerImage) {
const imageName = `mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v${getPlaywrightVersion()}-focal`;
const { code } = await spawnAsync('docker', ['pull', imageName], { stdio: 'inherit' });
if (code !== 0) {
console.log('Failed to pull docker image');
const executables = checkBrowsersToInstall(args);
if (options.withDeps)
await registry.installDeps(executables, false);
await registry.install(executables);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to install browsers\n${e}`);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
- $ install
Install default browsers.
- $ install chrome firefox
Install custom browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`);
.command('install-deps [browser...]')
.description('install dependencies necessary to run browsers (will ask for sudo permissions)')
.option('--dry-run', 'Do not execute installation commands, only print them')
.action(async function(args: string[], options: { dryRun?: boolean }) {
try {
if (!args.length)
await registry.installDeps(registry.defaultExecutables(), !!options.dryRun);
await registry.installDeps(checkBrowsersToInstall(args), !!options.dryRun);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to install browser dependencies\n${e}`);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
- $ install-deps
Install dependencies for default browsers.
- $ install-deps chrome firefox
Install dependencies for specific browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`);
const browsers = [
{ alias: 'cr', name: 'Chromium', type: 'chromium' },
{ alias: 'ff', name: 'Firefox', type: 'firefox' },
{ alias: 'wk', name: 'WebKit', type: 'webkit' },
for (const { alias, name, type } of browsers) {
commandWithOpenOptions(`${alias} [url]`, `open page in ${name}`, [])
.action(function(url, options) {
open({ ...options, browser: type }, url, options.target).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ ${alias} https://example.com`);
commandWithOpenOptions('screenshot <url> <filename>', 'capture a page screenshot',
['--wait-for-selector <selector>', 'wait for selector before taking a screenshot'],
['--wait-for-timeout <timeout>', 'wait for timeout in milliseconds before taking a screenshot'],
['--full-page', 'whether to take a full page screenshot (entire scrollable area)'],
]).action(function(url, filename, command) {
screenshot(command, command, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ screenshot -b webkit https://example.com example.png`);
commandWithOpenOptions('pdf <url> <filename>', 'save page as pdf',
['--wait-for-selector <selector>', 'wait for given selector before saving as pdf'],
['--wait-for-timeout <timeout>', 'wait for given timeout in milliseconds before saving as pdf'],
]).action(function(url, filename, options) {
pdf(options, options, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ pdf https://example.com example.pdf`);
.command('experimental-grid-server', { hidden: true })
.option('--port <port>', 'grid port; defaults to 3333')
.option('--agent-factory <factory>', 'path to grid agent factory or npm package')
.option('--auth-token <authToken>', 'optional authentication token')
.action(function(options) {
launchGridServer(options.agentFactory, options.port || 3333, options.authToken);
.command('experimental-grid-agent', { hidden: true })
.requiredOption('--agent-id <agentId>', 'agent ID')
.requiredOption('--grid-url <gridURL>', 'grid URL')
.action(function(options) {
launchGridAgent(options.agentId, options.gridUrl);
.command('run-driver', { hidden: true })
.action(function(options) {
.command('run-server', { hidden: true })
.option('--port <port>', 'Server port')
.action(function(options) {
runServer(options.port ? +options.port : undefined).catch(logErrorAndExit);
.command('print-api-json', { hidden: true })
.action(function(options) {
.command('launch-server', { hidden: true })
.requiredOption('--browser <browserName>', 'Browser name, one of "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit"')
.option('--config <path-to-config-file>', 'JSON file with launchServer options')
.action(function(options) {
launchBrowserServer(options.browserName, options.config);
.command('show-trace [trace...]')
.option('-b, --browser <browserType>', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium')
.description('Show trace viewer')
.action(function(traces, options) {
if (options.browser === 'cr')
options.browser = 'chromium';
if (options.browser === 'ff')
options.browser = 'firefox';
if (options.browser === 'wk')
options.browser = 'webkit';
showTraceViewer(traces, options.browser, false, 9322).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ show-trace https://example.com/trace.zip`);
if (!process.env.PW_LANG_NAME) {
let playwrightTestPackagePath = null;
try {
playwrightTestPackagePath = require.resolve('@playwright/test/lib/cli', {
paths: [__dirname, process.cwd()]
} catch {}
if (playwrightTestPackagePath) {
} else {
const command = program.command('test').allowUnknownOption(true);
command.description('Run tests with Playwright Test. Available in @playwright/test package.');
command.action(async () => {
console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');
console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');
const command = program.command('show-report').allowUnknownOption(true);
command.description('Show Playwright Test HTML report. Available in @playwright/test package.');
command.action(async () => {
console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');
console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');
type Options = {
browser: string;
channel?: string;
colorScheme?: string;
device?: string;
geolocation?: string;
ignoreHttpsErrors?: boolean;
lang?: string;
loadStorage?: string;
proxyServer?: string;
proxyBypass?: string;
saveStorage?: string;
saveTrace?: string;
timeout: string;
timezone?: string;
viewportSize?: string;
userAgent?: string;
type CaptureOptions = {
waitForSelector?: string;
waitForTimeout?: string;
fullPage: boolean;
async function launchContext(options: Options, headless: boolean, executablePath?: string): Promise<{ browser: Browser, browserName: string, launchOptions: LaunchOptions, contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions, context: BrowserContext }> {
const browserType = lookupBrowserType(options);
const launchOptions: LaunchOptions = { headless, executablePath };
if (options.channel)
launchOptions.channel = options.channel as any;
const contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions =
// Copy the device descriptor since we have to compare and modify the options.
options.device ? { ...playwright.devices[options.device] } : {};
// In headful mode, use host device scale factor for things to look nice.
// In headless, keep things the way it works in Playwright by default.
// Assume high-dpi on MacOS. TODO: this is not perfect.
if (!headless)
contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor = os.platform() === 'darwin' ? 2 : 1;
// Work around the WebKit GTK scrolling issue.
if (browserType.name() === 'webkit' && process.platform === 'linux') {
delete contextOptions.hasTouch;
delete contextOptions.isMobile;
if (contextOptions.isMobile && browserType.name() === 'firefox')
contextOptions.isMobile = undefined;
// Proxy
if (options.proxyServer) {
launchOptions.proxy = {
server: options.proxyServer
if (options.proxyBypass)
launchOptions.proxy.bypass = options.proxyBypass;
const browser = await browserType.launch(launchOptions);
// Viewport size
if (options.viewportSize) {
try {
const [ width, height ] = options.viewportSize.split(',').map(n => parseInt(n, 10));
contextOptions.viewport = { width, height };
} catch (e) {
console.log('Invalid window size format: use "width, height", for example --window-size=800,600');
// Geolocation
if (options.geolocation) {
try {
const [latitude, longitude] = options.geolocation.split(',').map(n => parseFloat(n.trim()));
contextOptions.geolocation = {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Invalid geolocation format: user lat, long, for example --geolocation="37.819722,-122.478611"');
contextOptions.permissions = ['geolocation'];
// User agent
if (options.userAgent)
contextOptions.userAgent = options.userAgent;
// Lang
if (options.lang)
contextOptions.locale = options.lang;
// Color scheme
if (options.colorScheme)
contextOptions.colorScheme = options.colorScheme as 'dark' | 'light';
// Timezone
if (options.timezone)
contextOptions.timezoneId = options.timezone;
// Storage
if (options.loadStorage)
contextOptions.storageState = options.loadStorage;
if (options.ignoreHttpsErrors)
contextOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors = true;
// Close app when the last window closes.
const context = await browser.newContext(contextOptions);
let closingBrowser = false;
async function closeBrowser() {
// We can come here multiple times. For example, saving storage creates
// a temporary page and we call closeBrowser again when that page closes.
if (closingBrowser)
closingBrowser = true;
if (options.saveTrace)
await context.tracing.stop({ path: options.saveTrace });
if (options.saveStorage)
await context.storageState({ path: options.saveStorage }).catch(e => null);
await browser.close();
context.on('page', page => {
page.on('dialog', () => {}); // Prevent dialogs from being automatically dismissed.
page.on('close', () => {
const hasPage = browser.contexts().some(context => context.pages().length > 0);
if (hasPage)
// Avoid the error when the last page is closed because the browser has been closed.
closeBrowser().catch(e => null);
if (options.timeout) {
context.setDefaultTimeout(parseInt(options.timeout, 10));
context.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(parseInt(options.timeout, 10));
if (options.saveTrace)
await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });
// Omit options that we add automatically for presentation purpose.
delete launchOptions.headless;
delete launchOptions.executablePath;
delete contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor;
return { browser, browserName: browserType.name(), context, contextOptions, launchOptions };
async function openPage(context: BrowserContext, url: string | undefined): Promise<Page> {
const page = await context.newPage();
if (url) {
if (fs.existsSync(url))
url = 'file://' + path.resolve(url);
else if (!url.startsWith('http') && !url.startsWith('file://') && !url.startsWith('about:') && !url.startsWith('data:'))
url = 'http://' + url;
await page.goto(url);
return page;
async function open(options: Options, url: string | undefined, language: string) {
const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH);
await context._enableRecorder({
device: options.device,
saveStorage: options.saveStorage,
await openPage(context, url);
if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXIT)
await Promise.all(context.pages().map(p => p.close()));
async function codegen(options: Options, url: string | undefined, language: string, outputFile?: string) {
const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH);
await context._enableRecorder({
device: options.device,
saveStorage: options.saveStorage,
startRecording: true,
outputFile: outputFile ? path.resolve(outputFile) : undefined
await openPage(context, url);
if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXIT)
await Promise.all(context.pages().map(p => p.close()));
async function waitForPage(page: Page, captureOptions: CaptureOptions) {
if (captureOptions.waitForSelector) {
console.log(`Waiting for selector ${captureOptions.waitForSelector}...`);
await page.waitForSelector(captureOptions.waitForSelector);
if (captureOptions.waitForTimeout) {
console.log(`Waiting for timeout ${captureOptions.waitForTimeout}...`);
await page.waitForTimeout(parseInt(captureOptions.waitForTimeout, 10));
async function screenshot(options: Options, captureOptions: CaptureOptions, url: string, path: string) {
const { browser, context } = await launchContext(options, true);
console.log('Navigating to ' + url);
const page = await openPage(context, url);
await waitForPage(page, captureOptions);
console.log('Capturing screenshot into ' + path);
await page.screenshot({ path, fullPage: !!captureOptions.fullPage });
await browser.close();
async function pdf(options: Options, captureOptions: CaptureOptions, url: string, path: string) {
if (options.browser !== 'chromium') {
console.error('PDF creation is only working with Chromium');
const { browser, context } = await launchContext({ ...options, browser: 'chromium' }, true);
console.log('Navigating to ' + url);
const page = await openPage(context, url);
await waitForPage(page, captureOptions);
console.log('Saving as pdf into ' + path);
await page.pdf!({ path });
await browser.close();
function lookupBrowserType(options: Options): BrowserType {
let name = options.browser;
if (options.device) {
const device = playwright.devices[options.device];
name = device.defaultBrowserType;
let browserType: any;
switch (name) {
case 'chromium': browserType = playwright.chromium; break;
case 'webkit': browserType = playwright.webkit; break;
case 'firefox': browserType = playwright.firefox; break;
case 'cr': browserType = playwright.chromium; break;
case 'wk': browserType = playwright.webkit; break;
case 'ff': browserType = playwright.firefox; break;
if (browserType)
return browserType;
function validateOptions(options: Options) {
if (options.device && !(options.device in playwright.devices)) {
console.log(`Device descriptor not found: '${options.device}', available devices are:`);
for (const name in playwright.devices)
console.log(` "${name}"`);
if (options.colorScheme && !['light', 'dark'].includes(options.colorScheme)) {
console.log('Invalid color scheme, should be one of "light", "dark"');
function logErrorAndExit(e: Error) {
function language(): string {
return process.env.PW_LANG_NAME || 'test';
function commandWithOpenOptions(command: string, description: string, options: any[][]): Command {
let result = program.command(command).description(description);
for (const option of options)
result = result.option(option[0], ...option.slice(1));
return result
.option('-b, --browser <browserType>', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium')
.option('--channel <channel>', 'Chromium distribution channel, "chrome", "chrome-beta", "msedge-dev", etc')
.option('--color-scheme <scheme>', 'emulate preferred color scheme, "light" or "dark"')
.option('--device <deviceName>', 'emulate device, for example "iPhone 11"')
.option('--geolocation <coordinates>', 'specify geolocation coordinates, for example "37.819722,-122.478611"')
.option('--ignore-https-errors', 'ignore https errors')
.option('--load-storage <filename>', 'load context storage state from the file, previously saved with --save-storage')
.option('--lang <language>', 'specify language / locale, for example "en-GB"')
.option('--proxy-server <proxy>', 'specify proxy server, for example "http://myproxy:3128" or "socks5://myproxy:8080"')
.option('--proxy-bypass <bypass>', 'comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example ".com,chromium.org,.domain.com"')
.option('--save-storage <filename>', 'save context storage state at the end, for later use with --load-storage')
.option('--save-trace <filename>', 'record a trace for the session and save it to a file')
.option('--timezone <time zone>', 'time zone to emulate, for example "Europe/Rome"')
.option('--timeout <timeout>', 'timeout for Playwright actions in milliseconds', '10000')
.option('--user-agent <ua string>', 'specify user agent string')
.option('--viewport-size <size>', 'specify browser viewport size in pixels, for example "1280, 720"');
async function launchGridServer(factoryPathOrPackageName: string, port: number, authToken: string|undefined): Promise<void> {
if (!factoryPathOrPackageName)
factoryPathOrPackageName = path.join('..', 'grid', 'simpleGridFactory');
let factory;
try {
factory = require(path.resolve(factoryPathOrPackageName));
} catch (e) {
factory = require(factoryPathOrPackageName);
if (factory && typeof factory === 'object' && ('default' in factory))
factory = factory['default'];
if (!factory || !factory.launch || typeof factory.launch !== 'function')
throw new Error('factory does not export `launch` method');
factory.name = factory.name || factoryPathOrPackageName;
const gridServer = new GridServer(factory as GridFactory, authToken);
await gridServer.start(port);
console.log('Grid server is running at ' + gridServer.urlPrefix());
function buildBasePlaywrightCLICommand(cliTargetLang: string | undefined): string {
switch (cliTargetLang) {
case 'python':
return `playwright`;
case 'java':
return `mvn exec:java -e -Dexec.mainClass=com.microsoft.playwright.CLI -Dexec.args="...options.."`;
case 'csharp':
return `pwsh bin\\Debug\\netX\\playwright.ps1`;
return `npx playwright`;
@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import fs from 'fs';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
import { program, Command } from 'commander';
import { runDriver, runServer, printApiJson, launchBrowserServer } from './driver';
import { showTraceViewer } from '../server/trace/viewer/traceViewer';
import * as playwright from '../..';
import { BrowserContext } from '../client/browserContext';
import { Browser } from '../client/browser';
import { Page } from '../client/page';
import { BrowserType } from '../client/browserType';
import { BrowserContextOptions, LaunchOptions } from '../client/types';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import { registry, Executable } from '../utils/registry';
import { spawnAsync, getPlaywrightVersion } from '../utils/utils';
import { launchGridAgent } from '../grid/gridAgent';
import { GridServer, GridFactory } from '../grid/gridServer';
const packageJSON = require('../../package.json');
.version('Version ' + (process.env.PW_CLI_DISPLAY_VERSION || packageJSON.version))
commandWithOpenOptions('open [url]', 'open page in browser specified via -b, --browser', [])
.action(function(url, options) {
open(options, url, language()).catch(logErrorAndExit);
.addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ open $ open -b webkit https://example.com`);
commandWithOpenOptions('codegen [url]', 'open page and generate code for user actions',
['-o, --output <file name>', 'saves the generated script to a file'],
['--target <language>', `language to generate, one of javascript, test, python, python-async, csharp`, language()],
]).action(function(url, options) {
codegen(options, url, options.target, options.output).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ codegen
$ codegen --target=python
$ codegen -b webkit https://example.com`);
.command('debug <app> [args...]', { hidden: true })
.description('run command in debug mode: disable timeout, open inspector')
.action(function(app, options) {
spawn(app, options, {
env: { ...process.env, PWDEBUG: '1' },
stdio: 'inherit'
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ debug node test.js
$ debug npm run test`);
function suggestedBrowsersToInstall() {
return registry.executables().filter(e => e.installType !== 'none' && e.type !== 'tool').map(e => e.name).join(', ');
function checkBrowsersToInstall(args: string[]): Executable[] {
const faultyArguments: string[] = [];
const executables: Executable[] = [];
for (const arg of args) {
const executable = registry.findExecutable(arg);
if (!executable || executable.installType === 'none')
if (faultyArguments.length) {
console.log(`Invalid installation targets: ${faultyArguments.map(name => `'${name}'`).join(', ')}. Expecting one of: ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}`);
return executables;
.command('install [browser...]')
.description('ensure browsers necessary for this version of Playwright are installed')
.option('--with-deps', 'install system dependencies for browsers')
.action(async function(args: string[], options: { withDeps?: boolean }) {
try {
if (!args.length) {
const executables = registry.defaultExecutables();
if (options.withDeps)
await registry.installDeps(executables, false);
await registry.install(executables);
} else {
const installDockerImage = args.some(arg => arg === 'docker-image');
args = args.filter(arg => arg !== 'docker-image');
if (installDockerImage) {
const imageName = `mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v${getPlaywrightVersion()}-focal`;
const { code } = await spawnAsync('docker', ['pull', imageName], { stdio: 'inherit' });
if (code !== 0) {
console.log('Failed to pull docker image');
const executables = checkBrowsersToInstall(args);
if (options.withDeps)
await registry.installDeps(executables, false);
await registry.install(executables);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to install browsers\n${e}`);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
- $ install
Install default browsers.
- $ install chrome firefox
Install custom browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`);
.command('install-deps [browser...]')
.description('install dependencies necessary to run browsers (will ask for sudo permissions)')
.option('--dry-run', 'Do not execute installation commands, only print them')
.action(async function(args: string[], options: { dryRun?: boolean }) {
try {
if (!args.length)
await registry.installDeps(registry.defaultExecutables(), !!options.dryRun);
await registry.installDeps(checkBrowsersToInstall(args), !!options.dryRun);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to install browser dependencies\n${e}`);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
- $ install-deps
Install dependencies for default browsers.
- $ install-deps chrome firefox
Install dependencies for specific browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`);
const browsers = [
{ alias: 'cr', name: 'Chromium', type: 'chromium' },
{ alias: 'ff', name: 'Firefox', type: 'firefox' },
{ alias: 'wk', name: 'WebKit', type: 'webkit' },
for (const { alias, name, type } of browsers) {
commandWithOpenOptions(`${alias} [url]`, `open page in ${name}`, [])
.action(function(url, options) {
open({ ...options, browser: type }, url, options.target).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ ${alias} https://example.com`);
commandWithOpenOptions('screenshot <url> <filename>', 'capture a page screenshot',
['--wait-for-selector <selector>', 'wait for selector before taking a screenshot'],
['--wait-for-timeout <timeout>', 'wait for timeout in milliseconds before taking a screenshot'],
['--full-page', 'whether to take a full page screenshot (entire scrollable area)'],
]).action(function(url, filename, command) {
screenshot(command, command, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ screenshot -b webkit https://example.com example.png`);
commandWithOpenOptions('pdf <url> <filename>', 'save page as pdf',
['--wait-for-selector <selector>', 'wait for given selector before saving as pdf'],
['--wait-for-timeout <timeout>', 'wait for given timeout in milliseconds before saving as pdf'],
]).action(function(url, filename, options) {
pdf(options, options, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ pdf https://example.com example.pdf`);
.command('experimental-grid-server', { hidden: true })
.option('--port <port>', 'grid port; defaults to 3333')
.option('--agent-factory <factory>', 'path to grid agent factory or npm package')
.option('--auth-token <authToken>', 'optional authentication token')
.action(function(options) {
launchGridServer(options.agentFactory, options.port || 3333, options.authToken);
.command('experimental-grid-agent', { hidden: true })
.requiredOption('--agent-id <agentId>', 'agent ID')
.requiredOption('--grid-url <gridURL>', 'grid URL')
.action(function(options) {
launchGridAgent(options.agentId, options.gridUrl);
.command('run-driver', { hidden: true })
.action(function(options) {
.command('run-server', { hidden: true })
.option('--port <port>', 'Server port')
.action(function(options) {
runServer(options.port ? +options.port : undefined).catch(logErrorAndExit);
.command('print-api-json', { hidden: true })
.action(function(options) {
.command('launch-server', { hidden: true })
.requiredOption('--browser <browserName>', 'Browser name, one of "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit"')
.option('--config <path-to-config-file>', 'JSON file with launchServer options')
.action(function(options) {
launchBrowserServer(options.browserName, options.config);
.command('show-trace [trace...]')
.option('-b, --browser <browserType>', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium')
.description('Show trace viewer')
.action(function(traces, options) {
if (options.browser === 'cr')
options.browser = 'chromium';
if (options.browser === 'ff')
options.browser = 'firefox';
if (options.browser === 'wk')
options.browser = 'webkit';
showTraceViewer(traces, options.browser, false, 9322).catch(logErrorAndExit);
}).addHelpText('afterAll', `
$ show-trace https://example.com/trace.zip`);
if (!process.env.PW_LANG_NAME) {
let playwrightTestPackagePath = null;
try {
playwrightTestPackagePath = require.resolve('@playwright/test/lib/cli', {
paths: [__dirname, process.cwd()]
} catch {}
if (playwrightTestPackagePath) {
} else {
const command = program.command('test').allowUnknownOption(true);
command.description('Run tests with Playwright Test. Available in @playwright/test package.');
command.action(async () => {
console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');
console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');
const command = program.command('show-report').allowUnknownOption(true);
command.description('Show Playwright Test HTML report. Available in @playwright/test package.');
command.action(async () => {
console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');
console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');
type Options = {
browser: string;
channel?: string;
colorScheme?: string;
device?: string;
geolocation?: string;
ignoreHttpsErrors?: boolean;
lang?: string;
loadStorage?: string;
proxyServer?: string;
proxyBypass?: string;
saveStorage?: string;
saveTrace?: string;
timeout: string;
timezone?: string;
viewportSize?: string;
userAgent?: string;
type CaptureOptions = {
waitForSelector?: string;
waitForTimeout?: string;
fullPage: boolean;
async function launchContext(options: Options, headless: boolean, executablePath?: string): Promise<{ browser: Browser, browserName: string, launchOptions: LaunchOptions, contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions, context: BrowserContext }> {
const browserType = lookupBrowserType(options);
const launchOptions: LaunchOptions = { headless, executablePath };
if (options.channel)
launchOptions.channel = options.channel as any;
const contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions =
// Copy the device descriptor since we have to compare and modify the options.
options.device ? { ...playwright.devices[options.device] } : {};
// In headful mode, use host device scale factor for things to look nice.
// In headless, keep things the way it works in Playwright by default.
// Assume high-dpi on MacOS. TODO: this is not perfect.
if (!headless)
contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor = os.platform() === 'darwin' ? 2 : 1;
// Work around the WebKit GTK scrolling issue.
if (browserType.name() === 'webkit' && process.platform === 'linux') {
delete contextOptions.hasTouch;
delete contextOptions.isMobile;
if (contextOptions.isMobile && browserType.name() === 'firefox')
contextOptions.isMobile = undefined;
// Proxy
if (options.proxyServer) {
launchOptions.proxy = {
server: options.proxyServer
if (options.proxyBypass)
launchOptions.proxy.bypass = options.proxyBypass;
const browser = await browserType.launch(launchOptions);
// Viewport size
if (options.viewportSize) {
try {
const [ width, height ] = options.viewportSize.split(',').map(n => parseInt(n, 10));
contextOptions.viewport = { width, height };
} catch (e) {
console.log('Invalid window size format: use "width, height", for example --window-size=800,600');
// Geolocation
if (options.geolocation) {
try {
const [latitude, longitude] = options.geolocation.split(',').map(n => parseFloat(n.trim()));
contextOptions.geolocation = {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Invalid geolocation format: user lat, long, for example --geolocation="37.819722,-122.478611"');
contextOptions.permissions = ['geolocation'];
// User agent
if (options.userAgent)
contextOptions.userAgent = options.userAgent;
// Lang
if (options.lang)
contextOptions.locale = options.lang;
// Color scheme
if (options.colorScheme)
contextOptions.colorScheme = options.colorScheme as 'dark' | 'light';
// Timezone
if (options.timezone)
contextOptions.timezoneId = options.timezone;
// Storage
if (options.loadStorage)
contextOptions.storageState = options.loadStorage;
if (options.ignoreHttpsErrors)
contextOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors = true;
// Close app when the last window closes.
const context = await browser.newContext(contextOptions);
let closingBrowser = false;
async function closeBrowser() {
// We can come here multiple times. For example, saving storage creates
// a temporary page and we call closeBrowser again when that page closes.
if (closingBrowser)
closingBrowser = true;
if (options.saveTrace)
await context.tracing.stop({ path: options.saveTrace });
if (options.saveStorage)
await context.storageState({ path: options.saveStorage }).catch(e => null);
await browser.close();
context.on('page', page => {
page.on('dialog', () => {}); // Prevent dialogs from being automatically dismissed.
page.on('close', () => {
const hasPage = browser.contexts().some(context => context.pages().length > 0);
if (hasPage)
// Avoid the error when the last page is closed because the browser has been closed.
closeBrowser().catch(e => null);
if (options.timeout) {
context.setDefaultTimeout(parseInt(options.timeout, 10));
context.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(parseInt(options.timeout, 10));
if (options.saveTrace)
await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });
// Omit options that we add automatically for presentation purpose.
delete launchOptions.headless;
delete launchOptions.executablePath;
delete contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor;
return { browser, browserName: browserType.name(), context, contextOptions, launchOptions };
async function openPage(context: BrowserContext, url: string | undefined): Promise<Page> {
const page = await context.newPage();
if (url) {
if (fs.existsSync(url))
url = 'file://' + path.resolve(url);
else if (!url.startsWith('http') && !url.startsWith('file://') && !url.startsWith('about:') && !url.startsWith('data:'))
url = 'http://' + url;
await page.goto(url);
return page;
async function open(options: Options, url: string | undefined, language: string) {
const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH);
await context._enableRecorder({
device: options.device,
saveStorage: options.saveStorage,
await openPage(context, url);
if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXIT)
await Promise.all(context.pages().map(p => p.close()));
async function codegen(options: Options, url: string | undefined, language: string, outputFile?: string) {
const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH);
await context._enableRecorder({
device: options.device,
saveStorage: options.saveStorage,
startRecording: true,
outputFile: outputFile ? path.resolve(outputFile) : undefined
await openPage(context, url);
if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXIT)
await Promise.all(context.pages().map(p => p.close()));
async function waitForPage(page: Page, captureOptions: CaptureOptions) {
if (captureOptions.waitForSelector) {
console.log(`Waiting for selector ${captureOptions.waitForSelector}...`);
await page.waitForSelector(captureOptions.waitForSelector);
if (captureOptions.waitForTimeout) {
console.log(`Waiting for timeout ${captureOptions.waitForTimeout}...`);
await page.waitForTimeout(parseInt(captureOptions.waitForTimeout, 10));
async function screenshot(options: Options, captureOptions: CaptureOptions, url: string, path: string) {
const { browser, context } = await launchContext(options, true);
console.log('Navigating to ' + url);
const page = await openPage(context, url);
await waitForPage(page, captureOptions);
console.log('Capturing screenshot into ' + path);
await page.screenshot({ path, fullPage: !!captureOptions.fullPage });
await browser.close();
async function pdf(options: Options, captureOptions: CaptureOptions, url: string, path: string) {
if (options.browser !== 'chromium') {
console.error('PDF creation is only working with Chromium');
const { browser, context } = await launchContext({ ...options, browser: 'chromium' }, true);
console.log('Navigating to ' + url);
const page = await openPage(context, url);
await waitForPage(page, captureOptions);
console.log('Saving as pdf into ' + path);
await page.pdf!({ path });
await browser.close();
function lookupBrowserType(options: Options): BrowserType {
let name = options.browser;
if (options.device) {
const device = playwright.devices[options.device];
name = device.defaultBrowserType;
let browserType: any;
switch (name) {
case 'chromium': browserType = playwright.chromium; break;
case 'webkit': browserType = playwright.webkit; break;
case 'firefox': browserType = playwright.firefox; break;
case 'cr': browserType = playwright.chromium; break;
case 'wk': browserType = playwright.webkit; break;
case 'ff': browserType = playwright.firefox; break;
if (browserType)
return browserType;
function validateOptions(options: Options) {
if (options.device && !(options.device in playwright.devices)) {
console.log(`Device descriptor not found: '${options.device}', available devices are:`);
for (const name in playwright.devices)
console.log(` "${name}"`);
if (options.colorScheme && !['light', 'dark'].includes(options.colorScheme)) {
console.log('Invalid color scheme, should be one of "light", "dark"');
function logErrorAndExit(e: Error) {
function language(): string {
return process.env.PW_LANG_NAME || 'test';
function commandWithOpenOptions(command: string, description: string, options: any[][]): Command {
let result = program.command(command).description(description);
for (const option of options)
result = result.option(option[0], ...option.slice(1));
return result
.option('-b, --browser <browserType>', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium')
.option('--channel <channel>', 'Chromium distribution channel, "chrome", "chrome-beta", "msedge-dev", etc')
.option('--color-scheme <scheme>', 'emulate preferred color scheme, "light" or "dark"')
.option('--device <deviceName>', 'emulate device, for example "iPhone 11"')
.option('--geolocation <coordinates>', 'specify geolocation coordinates, for example "37.819722,-122.478611"')
.option('--ignore-https-errors', 'ignore https errors')
.option('--load-storage <filename>', 'load context storage state from the file, previously saved with --save-storage')
.option('--lang <language>', 'specify language / locale, for example "en-GB"')
.option('--proxy-server <proxy>', 'specify proxy server, for example "http://myproxy:3128" or "socks5://myproxy:8080"')
.option('--proxy-bypass <bypass>', 'comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example ".com,chromium.org,.domain.com"')
.option('--save-storage <filename>', 'save context storage state at the end, for later use with --load-storage')
.option('--save-trace <filename>', 'record a trace for the session and save it to a file')
.option('--timezone <time zone>', 'time zone to emulate, for example "Europe/Rome"')
.option('--timeout <timeout>', 'timeout for Playwright actions in milliseconds', '10000')
.option('--user-agent <ua string>', 'specify user agent string')
.option('--viewport-size <size>', 'specify browser viewport size in pixels, for example "1280, 720"');
async function launchGridServer(factoryPathOrPackageName: string, port: number, authToken: string|undefined): Promise<void> {
if (!factoryPathOrPackageName)
factoryPathOrPackageName = path.join('..', 'grid', 'simpleGridFactory');
let factory;
try {
factory = require(path.resolve(factoryPathOrPackageName));
} catch (e) {
factory = require(factoryPathOrPackageName);
if (factory && typeof factory === 'object' && ('default' in factory))
factory = factory['default'];
if (!factory || !factory.launch || typeof factory.launch !== 'function')
throw new Error('factory does not export `launch` method');
factory.name = factory.name || factoryPathOrPackageName;
const gridServer = new GridServer(factory as GridFactory, authToken);
await gridServer.start(port);
console.log('Grid server is running at ' + gridServer.urlPrefix());
function buildBasePlaywrightCLICommand(cliTargetLang: string | undefined): string {
switch (cliTargetLang) {
case 'python':
return `playwright`;
case 'java':
return `mvn exec:java -e -Dexec.mainClass=com.microsoft.playwright.CLI -Dexec.args="...options.."`;
case 'csharp':
return `pwsh bin\\Debug\\netX\\playwright.ps1`;
return `npx playwright`;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { showHTMLReport } from './reporters/html';
import { GridServer } from 'playwright-core/lib/grid/gridServer';
import dockerFactory from 'playwright-core/lib/grid/dockerGridFactory';
import { createGuid } from 'playwright-core/lib/utils/utils';
import { fileIsModule } from './loader';
const defaultTimeout = 30000;
const defaultReporter: BuiltInReporter = process.env.CI ? 'dot' : 'list';
@ -136,11 +137,14 @@ async function runTests(args: string[], opts: { [key: string]: any }) {
process.env.PWDEBUG = '1';
const runner = new Runner(overrides, { defaultConfig });
// When no --config option is passed, let's look for the config file in the current directory.
const configFile = opts.config ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd();
const config = await runner.loadConfigFromFile(configFile);
const configFileOrDirectory = opts.config ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd();
const resolvedConfigFile = Runner.resolveConfigFile(configFileOrDirectory);
if (restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(resolvedConfigFile))
const runner = new Runner(overrides, { defaultConfig });
const config = resolvedConfigFile ? await runner.loadConfigFromResolvedFile(resolvedConfigFile) : runner.loadEmptyConfig(configFileOrDirectory);
if (('projects' in config) && opts.browser)
throw new Error(`Cannot use --browser option when configuration file defines projects. Specify browserName in the projects instead.`);
@ -168,10 +172,14 @@ async function runTests(args: string[], opts: { [key: string]: any }) {
async function listTestFiles(opts: { [key: string]: any }) {
const configFile = opts.config ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd();
const configFileOrDirectory = opts.config ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd();
const resolvedConfigFile = Runner.resolveConfigFile(configFileOrDirectory)!;
if (restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(resolvedConfigFile))
const runner = new Runner({}, { defaultConfig: {} });
await runner.loadConfigFromFile(configFile);
const report = await runner.listTestFiles(configFile, opts.project);
await runner.loadConfigFromResolvedFile(resolvedConfigFile);
const report = await runner.listTestFiles(resolvedConfigFile, opts.project);
process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(report), () => {
@ -223,3 +231,30 @@ async function launchDockerContainer(): Promise<() => Promise<void>> {
process.env.PW_GRID = gridServer.urlPrefix().substring(0, gridServer.urlPrefix().length - 1);
return async () => await gridServer.stop();
function restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(configFile: string | null): boolean {
if (!configFile)
return false;
if (!process.env.PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM)
return false;
if (process.env.PW_EXPERIMENTAL_TS_ESM_ON)
return false;
if (!configFile.endsWith('.ts'))
return false;
if (!fileIsModule(configFile))
return false;
const NODE_OPTIONS = (process.env.NODE_OPTIONS || '') + ` --experimental-loader=${require.resolve('@playwright/test/lib/experimentalLoader')}`;
const innerProcess = require('child_process').fork(require.resolve('playwright-core/cli'), process.argv.slice(2), {
env: {
innerProcess.on('close', (code: number | null) => {
if (code !== 0 && code !== null)
return true;
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ export class Loader {
private _config: Config = {};
private _configFile: string | undefined;
private _projects: ProjectImpl[] = [];
private _lastModuleInfo: { rootFolder: string, isModule: boolean } | null = null;
constructor(defaultConfig: Config, configOverrides: Config) {
this._defaultConfig = defaultConfig;
@ -222,32 +221,7 @@ export class Loader {
private async _requireOrImport(file: string) {
const revertBabelRequire = installTransform();
// Figure out if we are importing or requiring.
let isModule: boolean;
if (file.endsWith('.mjs')) {
isModule = true;
} else {
if (!this._lastModuleInfo || !file.startsWith(this._lastModuleInfo.rootFolder)) {
this._lastModuleInfo = null;
try {
const pathSegments = file.split(path.sep);
for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const rootFolder = pathSegments.slice(0, i).join(path.sep);
const packageJson = path.join(rootFolder, 'package.json');
if (fs.existsSync(packageJson)) {
isModule = require(packageJson).type === 'module';
this._lastModuleInfo = { rootFolder, isModule };
} catch {
// Silent catch.
isModule = this._lastModuleInfo?.isModule || false;
const isModule = fileIsModule(file);
try {
const esmImport = () => eval(`import(${JSON.stringify(url.pathToFileURL(file))})`);
if (isModule)
@ -488,3 +462,34 @@ function resolveScript(id: string, rootDir: string) {
return localPath;
return require.resolve(id, { paths: [rootDir] });
export function fileIsModule(file: string): boolean {
if (file.endsWith('.mjs'))
return true;
const folder = path.dirname(file);
return folderIsModule(folder);
const folderToIsModuleCache = new Map<string, { isModule: boolean }>();
export function folderIsModule(folder: string): boolean {
// Fast track.
const cached = folderToIsModuleCache.get(folder);
if (cached)
return cached.isModule;
const packageJson = path.join(folder, 'package.json');
let isModule = false;
if (fs.existsSync(packageJson)) {
isModule = require(packageJson).type === 'module';
} else {
const parentFolder = path.basename(folder);
if (parentFolder !== folder)
isModule = folderIsModule(parentFolder);
isModule = false;
folderToIsModuleCache.set(folder, { isModule });
return isModule;
@ -62,17 +62,25 @@ export class Runner {
this._loader = new Loader(options.defaultConfig || {}, configOverrides);
async loadConfigFromFile(configFileOrDirectory: string): Promise<Config> {
const loadConfig = async (configFile: string) => {
async loadConfigFromResolvedFile(resolvedConfigFile: string): Promise<Config> {
return this._loader.loadConfigFile(resolvedConfigFile);
loadEmptyConfig(configFileOrDirectory: string): Config {
return this._loader.loadEmptyConfig(configFileOrDirectory);
static resolveConfigFile(configFileOrDirectory: string): string | null {
const resolveConfig = (configFile: string) => {
if (fs.existsSync(configFile))
return await this._loader.loadConfigFile(configFile);
return configFile;
const loadConfigFromDirectory = async (directory: string) => {
const resolveConfigFileFromDirectory = (directory: string) => {
for (const configName of kDefaultConfigFiles) {
const config = await loadConfig(path.resolve(directory, configName));
if (config)
return config;
const configFile = resolveConfig(path.resolve(directory, configName));
if (configFile)
return configFile;
@ -80,15 +88,15 @@ export class Runner {
throw new Error(`${configFileOrDirectory} does not exist`);
if (fs.statSync(configFileOrDirectory).isDirectory()) {
// When passed a directory, look for a config file inside.
const config = await loadConfigFromDirectory(configFileOrDirectory);
if (config)
return config;
const configFile = resolveConfigFileFromDirectory(configFileOrDirectory);
if (configFile)
return configFile;
// If there is no config, assume this as a root testing directory.
return this._loader.loadEmptyConfig(configFileOrDirectory);
return null;
} else {
// When passed a file, it must be a config file.
const config = await loadConfig(configFileOrDirectory);
return config!;
const configFile = resolveConfig(configFileOrDirectory);
return configFile!;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user