@ -10,16 +10,15 @@
<!-- GEN:toc -->
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Working with Chrome Extensions](#working-with-chrome-extensions)
- [class: Playwright](#class-playwright)
* [playwright.connect(options)](#playwrightconnectoptions)
* [playwright.createBrowserFetcher([options])](#playwrightcreatebrowserfetcheroptions)
* [playwright.defaultArgs([options])](#playwrightdefaultargsoptions)
* [playwright.devices](#playwrightdevices)
* [playwright.downloadBrowser([options])](#playwrightdownloadbrowseroptions)
* [playwright.errors](#playwrighterrors)
* [playwright.executablePath()](#playwrightexecutablepath)
* [playwright.launch([options])](#playwrightlaunchoptions)
- [class: ChromiumPlaywright](#class-chromiumplaywright)
* [chromiumPlaywright.connect(options)](#chromiumplaywrightconnectoptions)
* [chromiumPlaywright.createBrowserFetcher([options])](#chromiumplaywrightcreatebrowserfetcheroptions)
* [chromiumPlaywright.defaultArgs([options])](#chromiumplaywrightdefaultargsoptions)
* [chromiumPlaywright.devices](#chromiumplaywrightdevices)
* [chromiumPlaywright.downloadBrowser([options])](#chromiumplaywrightdownloadbrowseroptions)
* [chromiumPlaywright.errors](#chromiumplaywrighterrors)
* [chromiumPlaywright.executablePath()](#chromiumplaywrightexecutablepath)
* [chromiumPlaywright.launch([options])](#chromiumplaywrightlaunchoptions)
- [class: BrowserFetcher](#class-browserfetcher)
* [browserFetcher.canDownload(revision)](#browserfetchercandownloadrevision)
* [browserFetcher.download(revision[, progressCallback])](#browserfetcherdownloadrevision-progresscallback)
@ -27,16 +26,16 @@
* [browserFetcher.platform()](#browserfetcherplatform)
* [browserFetcher.remove(revision)](#browserfetcherremoverevision)
* [browserFetcher.revisionInfo(revision)](#browserfetcherrevisioninforevision)
- [class: Browser](#class-browser)
- [class: ChromiumBrowser](#class-chromiumbrowser)
* [event: 'disconnected'](#event-disconnected)
* [browser.browserContexts()](#browserbrowsercontexts)
* [browser.chromium](#browserchromium)
* [browser.close()](#browserclose)
* [browser.defaultContext()](#browserdefaultcontext)
* [browser.disconnect()](#browserdisconnect)
* [browser.isConnected()](#browserisconnected)
* [browser.newContext(options)](#browsernewcontextoptions)
* [browser.process()](#browserprocess)
* [chromiumBrowser.browserContexts()](#chromiumbrowserbrowsercontexts)
* [chromiumBrowser.chromium](#chromiumbrowserchromium)
* [chromiumBrowser.close()](#chromiumbrowserclose)
* [chromiumBrowser.defaultContext()](#chromiumbrowserdefaultcontext)
* [chromiumBrowser.disconnect()](#chromiumbrowserdisconnect)
* [chromiumBrowser.isConnected()](#chromiumbrowserisconnected)
* [chromiumBrowser.newContext(options)](#chromiumbrowsernewcontextoptions)
* [chromiumBrowser.process()](#chromiumbrowserprocess)
- [class: BrowserContext](#class-browsercontext)
* [browserContext.browser()](#browsercontextbrowser)
* [browserContext.clearCookies()](#browsercontextclearcookies)
@ -47,11 +46,11 @@
* [browserContext.pages()](#browsercontextpages)
* [browserContext.permissions](#browsercontextpermissions)
* [browserContext.setCookies(cookies)](#browsercontextsetcookiescookies)
- [class: Overrides](#class-overrides)
* [overrides.setGeolocation(options)](#overridessetgeolocationoptions)
- [class: Permissions](#class-permissions)
* [permissions.clearOverrides()](#permissionsclearoverrides)
* [permissions.override(origin, permissions)](#permissionsoverrideorigin-permissions)
- [class: ChromiumOverrides](#class-chromiumoverrides)
* [chromiumOverrides.setGeolocation(options)](#chromiumoverridessetgeolocationoptions)
- [class: ChromiumPermissions](#class-chromiumpermissions)
* [chromiumPermissions.clearOverrides()](#chromiumpermissionsclearoverrides)
* [chromiumPermissions.override(origin, permissions)](#chromiumpermissionsoverrideorigin-permissions)
- [class: Page](#class-page)
* [event: 'close'](#event-close)
* [event: 'console'](#event-console)
@ -121,17 +120,17 @@
* [page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#pagewaitforselectorselector-options)
* [page.waitForXPath(xpath[, options])](#pagewaitforxpathxpath-options)
* [page.workers](#pageworkers)
- [class: Worker](#class-worker)
* [worker.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])](#workerevaluatepagefunction-args)
* [worker.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, ...args])](#workerevaluatehandlepagefunction-args)
* [worker.executionContext()](#workerexecutioncontext)
* [worker.url()](#workerurl)
- [class: Workers](#class-workers)
- [class: ChromiumWorker](#class-chromiumworker)
* [chromiumWorker.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])](#chromiumworkerevaluatepagefunction-args)
* [chromiumWorker.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, ...args])](#chromiumworkerevaluatehandlepagefunction-args)
* [chromiumWorker.executionContext()](#chromiumworkerexecutioncontext)
* [chromiumWorker.url()](#chromiumworkerurl)
- [class: ChromiumWorkers](#class-chromiumworkers)
* [event: 'workercreated'](#event-workercreated)
* [event: 'workerdestroyed'](#event-workerdestroyed)
* [workers.list()](#workerslist)
- [class: Accessibility](#class-accessibility)
* [accessibility.snapshot([options])](#accessibilitysnapshotoptions)
* [chromiumWorkers.list()](#chromiumworkerslist)
- [class: ChromiumAccessibility](#class-chromiumaccessibility)
* [chromiumAccessibility.snapshot([options])](#chromiumaccessibilitysnapshotoptions)
- [class: Keyboard](#class-keyboard)
* [keyboard.down(key[, options])](#keyboarddownkey-options)
* [keyboard.press(key[, options])](#keyboardpresskey-options)
@ -145,22 +144,22 @@
* [mouse.move(x, y[, options])](#mousemovex-y-options)
* [mouse.tripleclick(x, y[, options])](#mousetripleclickx-y-options)
* [mouse.up([options])](#mouseupoptions)
- [class: PDF](#class-pdf)
* [pdf.generate([options])](#pdfgenerateoptions)
- [class: Firefox](#class-firefox)
* [firefox.wsEndpoint()](#firefoxwsendpoint)
- [class: Chromium](#class-chromium)
- [class: ChromiumPDF](#class-chromiumpdf)
* [chromiumPDF.generate([options])](#chromiumpdfgenerateoptions)
- [class: FirefoxBrowser](#class-firefoxbrowser)
* [firefoxBrowser.wsEndpoint()](#firefoxbrowserwsendpoint)
- [class: ChromiumBrowser](#class-chromiumbrowser-1)
* [event: 'targetchanged'](#event-targetchanged)
* [event: 'targetcreated'](#event-targetcreated)
* [event: 'targetdestroyed'](#event-targetdestroyed)
* [chromium.browserTarget()](#chromiumbrowsertarget)
* [chromium.pageTarget(page)](#chromiumpagetargetpage)
* [chromium.serviceWorker(target)](#chromiumserviceworkertarget)
* [chromium.startTracing(page, [options])](#chromiumstarttracingpage-options)
* [chromium.stopTracing()](#chromiumstoptracing)
* [chromium.targets(context)](#chromiumtargetscontext)
* [chromium.waitForTarget(predicate[, options])](#chromiumwaitfortargetpredicate-options)
* [chromium.wsEndpoint()](#chromiumwsendpoint)
* [chromiumBrowser.browserTarget()](#chromiumbrowserbrowsertarget)
* [chromiumBrowser.pageTarget(page)](#chromiumbrowserpagetargetpage)
* [chromiumBrowser.serviceWorker(target)](#chromiumbrowserserviceworkertarget)
* [chromiumBrowser.startTracing(page, [options])](#chromiumbrowserstarttracingpage-options)
* [chromiumBrowser.stopTracing()](#chromiumbrowserstoptracing)
* [chromiumBrowser.targets(context)](#chromiumbrowsertargetscontext)
* [chromiumBrowser.waitForTarget(predicate[, options])](#chromiumbrowserwaitfortargetpredicate-options)
* [chromiumBrowser.wsEndpoint()](#chromiumbrowserwsendpoint)
- [class: Dialog](#class-dialog)
* [dialog.accept([promptText])](#dialogacceptprompttext)
* [dialog.defaultValue()](#dialogdefaultvalue)
@ -209,14 +208,14 @@
* [executionContext.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])](#executioncontextevaluatepagefunction-args)
* [executionContext.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, ...args])](#executioncontextevaluatehandlepagefunction-args)
* [executionContext.frame()](#executioncontextframe)
- [class: Interception](#class-interception)
* [interception.abort(request, [errorCode])](#interceptionabortrequest-errorcode)
* [interception.authenticate(credentials)](#interceptionauthenticatecredentials)
* [interception.continue(request, [overrides])](#interceptioncontinuerequest-overrides)
* [interception.disable()](#interceptiondisable)
* [interception.enable()](#interceptionenable)
* [interception.fulfill(request, response)](#interceptionfulfillrequest-response)
* [interception.setOfflineMode(enabled)](#interceptionsetofflinemodeenabled)
- [class: ChromiumInterception](#class-chromiuminterception)
* [chromiumInterception.abort(request, [errorCode])](#chromiuminterceptionabortrequest-errorcode)
* [chromiumInterception.authenticate(credentials)](#chromiuminterceptionauthenticatecredentials)
* [chromiumInterception.continue(request, [overrides])](#chromiuminterceptioncontinuerequest-overrides)
* [chromiumInterception.disable()](#chromiuminterceptiondisable)
* [chromiumInterception.enable()](#chromiuminterceptionenable)
* [chromiumInterception.fulfill(request, response)](#chromiuminterceptionfulfillrequest-response)
* [chromiumInterception.setOfflineMode(enabled)](#chromiuminterceptionsetofflinemodeenabled)
- [class: JSHandle](#class-jshandle)
* [jsHandle.asElement()](#jshandleaselement)
* [jsHandle.dispose()](#jshandledispose)
@ -278,26 +277,25 @@
* [response.statusText()](#responsestatustext)
* [response.text()](#responsetext)
* [response.url()](#responseurl)
- [class: Target](#class-target)
* [target.browser()](#targetbrowser)
* [target.browserContext()](#targetbrowsercontext)
* [target.createCDPSession()](#targetcreatecdpsession)
* [target.opener()](#targetopener)
* [target.page()](#targetpage)
* [target.type()](#targettype)
* [target.url()](#targeturl)
- [class: CDPSession](#class-cdpsession)
* [cdpSession.detach()](#cdpsessiondetach)
* [cdpSession.send(method[, params])](#cdpsessionsendmethod-params)
- [class: Coverage](#class-coverage)
* [coverage.startCSSCoverage([options])](#coveragestartcsscoverageoptions)
* [coverage.startJSCoverage([options])](#coveragestartjscoverageoptions)
* [coverage.stopCSSCoverage()](#coveragestopcsscoverage)
* [coverage.stopJSCoverage()](#coveragestopjscoverage)
- [class: ChromiumTarget](#class-chromiumtarget)
* [chromiumTarget.browser()](#chromiumtargetbrowser)
* [chromiumTarget.browserContext()](#chromiumtargetbrowsercontext)
* [chromiumTarget.createCDPSession()](#chromiumtargetcreatecdpsession)
* [chromiumTarget.opener()](#chromiumtargetopener)
* [chromiumTarget.page()](#chromiumtargetpage)
* [chromiumTarget.type()](#chromiumtargettype)
* [chromiumTarget.url()](#chromiumtargeturl)
- [class: ChromiumSession](#class-chromiumsession)
* [chromiumSession.detach()](#chromiumsessiondetach)
* [chromiumSession.send(method[, params])](#chromiumsessionsendmethod-params)
- [class: ChromiumCoverage](#class-chromiumcoverage)
* [chromiumCoverage.startCSSCoverage([options])](#chromiumcoveragestartcsscoverageoptions)
* [chromiumCoverage.startJSCoverage([options])](#chromiumcoveragestartjscoverageoptions)
* [chromiumCoverage.stopCSSCoverage()](#chromiumcoveragestopcsscoverage)
* [chromiumCoverage.stopJSCoverage()](#chromiumcoveragestopjscoverage)
- [class: TimeoutError](#class-timeouterror)
- [class: Selector](#class-selector)
* [selector.selector](#selectorselector)
* [selector.visibility](#selectorvisibility)
- [Working with selectors](#working-with-selectors)
- [Working with Chrome Extensions](#working-with-chrome-extensions)
<!-- GEN:stop -->
### Overview
@ -319,36 +317,7 @@ The Playwright API is hierarchical and mirrors the browser structure.
(Diagram source: [link](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Q_AM6KYs9kbyLZF-Lpp5mtpAWth73Cq8IKCsWYgi8MM/edit?usp=sharing))
### Working with Chrome Extensions
Playwright can be used for testing Chrome Extensions.
> **NOTE** Extensions in Chrome / Chromium currently only work in non-headless mode.
The following is code for getting a handle to the [background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) of an extension whose source is located in `./my-extension`:
const playwright = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const pathToExtension = require('path').join(__dirname, 'my-extension');
const browser = await playwright.launch({
headless: false,
args: [
const targets = await browser.chromium.targets();
const backgroundPageTarget = targets.find(target => target.type() === 'background_page');
const backgroundPage = await backgroundPageTarget.page();
// Test the background page as you would any other page.
await browser.close();
> **NOTE** It is not yet possible to test extension popups or content scripts.
### class: Playwright
### class: ChromiumPlaywright
Playwright module provides a method to launch a Chromium instance.
The following is a typical example of using Playwright to drive automation:
@ -365,7 +334,7 @@ const playwright = require('playwright');
#### playwright.connect(options)
#### chromiumPlaywright.connect(options)
- `options` <[Object]>
- `browserWSEndpoint` <?[string]> a [browser websocket endpoint](#browserwsendpoint) to connect to.
- `browserURL` <?[string]> a browser url to connect to, in format `http://${host}:${port}`. Use interchangeably with `browserWSEndpoint` to let Playwright fetch it from [metadata endpoint](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/#how-do-i-access-the-browser-target).
@ -375,14 +344,14 @@ const playwright = require('playwright');
This methods attaches Playwright to an existing Chromium instance.
#### playwright.createBrowserFetcher([options])
#### chromiumPlaywright.createBrowserFetcher([options])
- `options` <[Object]>
- `host` <[string]> A download host to be used. Defaults to `https://storage.googleapis.com`.
- `path` <[string]> A path for the downloads folder. Defaults to `<root>/.local-chromium`, where `<root>` is playwright's package root.
- `platform` <[string]> Possible values are: `mac`, `win32`, `win64`, `linux`. Defaults to the current platform.
- returns: <[BrowserFetcher]>
#### playwright.defaultArgs([options])
#### chromiumPlaywright.defaultArgs([options])
- `options` <[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields:
- `headless` <[boolean]> Whether to run browser in [headless mode](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome). Defaults to `true` unless the `devtools` option is `true`.
- `args` <[Array]<[string]>> Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list of Chromium flags can be found [here](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/).
@ -392,7 +361,7 @@ This methods attaches Playwright to an existing Chromium instance.
The default flags that Chromium will be launched with.
#### playwright.devices
#### chromiumPlaywright.devices
- returns: <[Object]>
Returns a list of devices to be used with [`page.emulate(options)`](#pageemulateoptions). Actual list of
@ -415,7 +384,7 @@ const iPhone = playwright.devices['iPhone 6'];
> **NOTE** The old way (Playwright versions <= v1.14.0) devices can be obtained with `require('playwright/DeviceDescriptors')`.
#### playwright.downloadBrowser([options])
#### chromiumPlaywright.downloadBrowser([options])
- `options` <[Object]>
- `onProgress` <[function]([number], [number])> A function that will be called with two arguments:
- `downloadedBytes` <[number]> how many bytes have been downloaded
@ -429,7 +398,7 @@ const iPhone = playwright.devices['iPhone 6'];
Downloads the default browser that Playwright controls. The browser is usually around 100mb.
#### playwright.errors
#### chromiumPlaywright.errors
- returns: <[Object]>
- `TimeoutError` <[function]> A class of [TimeoutError].
@ -452,10 +421,10 @@ try {
> **NOTE** The old way (Playwright versions <= v1.14.0) errors can be obtained with `require('playwright/Errors')`.
#### playwright.executablePath()
#### chromiumPlaywright.executablePath()
- returns: <[string]> A path where Playwright expects to find bundled Chromium.
#### playwright.launch([options])
#### chromiumPlaywright.launch([options])
- `options` <[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields:
- `headless` <[boolean]> Whether to run browser in [headless mode](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome). Defaults to `true` unless the `devtools` option is `true`.
- `executablePath` <[string]> Path to a Chromium or Chrome executable to run instead of the bundled Chromium. If `executablePath` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). **BEWARE**: Playwright is only [guaranteed to work](https://github.com/Microsoft/playwright/#q-why-doesnt-playwright-vxxx-work-with-chromium-vyyy) with the bundled Chromium, use at your own risk.
@ -546,7 +515,7 @@ The method initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host.
- `url` <[string]> URL this revision can be downloaded from
- `local` <[boolean]> whether the revision is locally available on disk
### class: Browser
### class: ChromiumBrowser
* extends: [EventEmitter](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter)
@ -587,36 +556,36 @@ Emitted when Playwright gets disconnected from the Chromium instance. This might
- Chromium is closed or crashed
- The [`browser.disconnect`](#browserdisconnect) method was called
#### browser.browserContexts()
#### chromiumBrowser.browserContexts()
- returns: <[Array]<[BrowserContext]>>
Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return
a single instance of [BrowserContext].
#### browser.chromium
#### chromiumBrowser.chromium
- returns: <[Chromium]>
#### browser.close()
#### chromiumBrowser.close()
- returns: <[Promise]>
Closes Chromium and all of its pages (if any were opened). The [Browser] object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore.
#### browser.defaultContext()
#### chromiumBrowser.defaultContext()
- returns: <[BrowserContext]>
Returns the default browser context. The default browser context can not be closed.
#### browser.disconnect()
#### chromiumBrowser.disconnect()
Disconnects Playwright from the browser, but leaves the Chromium process running. After calling `disconnect`, the [Browser] object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore.
#### browser.isConnected()
#### chromiumBrowser.isConnected()
- returns: <[boolean]>
Indicates that the browser is connected.
#### browser.newContext(options)
#### chromiumBrowser.newContext(options)
- `options` <[Object]>
- `ignoreHTTPSErrors` <?[boolean]> Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to `false`.
- `bypassCSP` <?[boolean]> Toggles bypassing page's Content-Security-Policy.
@ -649,7 +618,7 @@ Creates a new browser context. It won't share cookies/cache with other browser c
#### browser.process()
#### chromiumBrowser.process()
- returns: <?[ChildProcess]> Spawned browser process. Returns `null` if the browser instance was created with [`playwright.connect`](#playwrightconnectoptions) method.
### class: BrowserContext
@ -745,9 +714,9 @@ An array of all pages inside the browser context.
await browserContext.setCookies([cookieObject1, cookieObject2]);
### class: Overrides
### class: ChromiumOverrides
#### overrides.setGeolocation(options)
#### chromiumOverrides.setGeolocation(options)
- `options` <[Object]>
- `latitude` <[number]> Latitude between -90 and 90.
- `longitude` <[number]> Longitude between -180 and 180.
@ -762,9 +731,9 @@ await browserContext.overrides.setGeolocation({latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31
> **NOTE** Consider using [browserContext.permissions.override](#permissionsoverrideorigin-permissions) to grant permissions for the page to read its geolocation.
### class: Permissions
### class: ChromiumPermissions
#### permissions.clearOverrides()
#### chromiumPermissions.clearOverrides()
- returns: <[Promise]>
Clears all permission overrides for the browser context.
@ -776,7 +745,7 @@ context.permissions.override('https://example.com', ['clipboard-read']);
#### permissions.override(origin, permissions)
#### chromiumPermissions.override(origin, permissions)
- `origin` <[string]> The [origin] to grant permissions to, e.g. "https://example.com".
- `permissions` <[Array]<[string]>> An array of permissions to grant. All permissions that are not listed here will be automatically denied. Permissions can be one of the following values:
- `'geolocation'`
@ -1743,7 +1712,7 @@ Shortcut for [page.mainFrame().waitForXPath(xpath[, options])](#framewaitforxpat
> **NOTE** This does not contain ServiceWorkers
### class: Worker
### class: ChromiumWorker
The Worker class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API).
The events `workercreated` and `workerdestroyed` are emitted on the page object to signal the worker lifecycle.
@ -1757,7 +1726,7 @@ for (const worker of page.workers())
console.log(' ' + worker.url());
#### worker.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])
#### chromiumWorker.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])
- `pageFunction` <[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in the worker context
- `...args` <...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[Serializable]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`
@ -1768,7 +1737,7 @@ If the function passed to the `worker.evaluate` returns a non-[Serializable] val
Shortcut for [(await worker.executionContext()).evaluate(pageFunction, ...args)](#executioncontextevaluatepagefunction-args).
#### worker.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, ...args])
#### chromiumWorker.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, ...args])
- `pageFunction` <[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in the page context
- `...args` <...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction` as in-page object (JSHandle)
@ -1779,13 +1748,13 @@ If the function passed to the `worker.evaluateHandle` returns a [Promise], then
Shortcut for [(await worker.executionContext()).evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args)](#executioncontextevaluatehandlepagefunction-args).
#### worker.executionContext()
#### chromiumWorker.executionContext()
- returns: <[Promise]<[ExecutionContext]>>
#### worker.url()
#### chromiumWorker.url()
- returns: <[string]>
### class: Workers
### class: ChromiumWorkers
The Workers class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) collection.
@ -1799,13 +1768,13 @@ Emitted when a dedicated [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/We
Emitted when a dedicated [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) is terminated.
#### workers.list()
#### chromiumWorkers.list()
- returns: <[Array]<[Worker]>>
This method returns all of the dedicated [WebWorkers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) associated with the page.
> **NOTE** This does not contain ServiceWorkers
### class: Accessibility
### class: ChromiumAccessibility
The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access).
@ -1816,9 +1785,7 @@ access to the Blink Accessibility Tree.
Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. By default, Playwright tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only the "interesting" nodes of the tree.
#### accessibility.snapshot([options])
#### chromiumAccessibility.snapshot([options])
- `options` <[Object]>
- `interestingOnly` <[boolean]> Prune uninteresting nodes from the tree. Defaults to `true`.
- `root` <[ElementHandle]> The root DOM element for the snapshot. Defaults to the whole page.
@ -2057,9 +2024,9 @@ Shortcut for [`mouse.move`](#mousemovex-y-options), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownopt
Dispatches a `mouseup` event.
### class: PDF
### class: ChromiumPDF
#### pdf.generate([options])
#### chromiumPDF.generate([options])
- `options` <[Object]> Options object which might have the following properties:
- `path` <[string]> The file path to save the PDF to. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). If no path is provided, the PDF won't be saved to the disk.
- `scale` <[number]> Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to `1`. Scale amount must be between 0.1 and 2.
@ -2127,17 +2094,17 @@ The `format` options are:
> 1. Script tags inside templates are not evaluated.
> 2. Page styles are not visible inside templates.
### class: Firefox
### class: FirefoxBrowser
Firefox-specific features.
#### firefox.wsEndpoint()
#### firefoxBrowser.wsEndpoint()
- returns: <[string]> Browser websocket url.
Browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [playwright.connect](#playwrightconnectoptions).
### class: Chromium
### class: ChromiumBrowser
Chromium-specific features including Tracing, service worker support, etc.
You can use [`chromium.startTracing`](#chromiumstarttracingpage-options) and [`chromium.stopTracing`](#chromiumstoptracing) to create a trace file which can be opened in Chrome DevTools or [timeline viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/timeline-viewer/).
@ -2170,22 +2137,22 @@ Emitted when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed.
> **NOTE** This includes target destructions in incognito browser contexts.
#### chromium.browserTarget()
#### chromiumBrowser.browserTarget()
- returns: <[Target]>
Returns browser target.
#### chromium.pageTarget(page)
#### chromiumBrowser.pageTarget(page)
- `page` <[Page]> Page to return target for.
- returns: <[Target]> a target given page was created from.
#### chromium.serviceWorker(target)
#### chromiumBrowser.serviceWorker(target)
- `target` <[Target]> Target to treat as a service worker
- returns: <[Promise]<[Worker]>>
Attaches to the service worker target.
#### chromium.startTracing(page, [options])
#### chromiumBrowser.startTracing(page, [options])
- `page` <[Page]> Optional, if specified, tracing includes screenshots of the given page.
- `options` <[Object]>
- `path` <[string]> A path to write the trace file to.
@ -2195,17 +2162,17 @@ Attaches to the service worker target.
Only one trace can be active at a time per browser.
#### chromium.stopTracing()
#### chromiumBrowser.stopTracing()
- returns: <[Promise]<[Buffer]>> Promise which resolves to buffer with trace data.
#### chromium.targets(context)
#### chromiumBrowser.targets(context)
- `context` <[BrowserContext]> Optional, if specified, only targets from this context are returned.
- returns: <[Array]<[Target]>>
An array of all active targets inside the Browser. In case of multiple browser contexts,
the method will return an array with all the targets in all browser contexts.
#### chromium.waitForTarget(predicate[, options])
#### chromiumBrowser.waitForTarget(predicate[, options])
- `predicate` <[function]\([Target]\):[boolean]> A function to be run for every target
- `options` <[Object]>
- `timeout` <[number]> Maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass `0` to disable the timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds.
@ -2219,7 +2186,7 @@ await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/'));
const newWindowTarget = await browser.chromium.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/');
#### chromium.wsEndpoint()
#### chromiumBrowser.wsEndpoint()
- returns: <[string]> Browser websocket url.
Browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to
@ -2871,9 +2838,9 @@ await resultHandle.dispose();
> **NOTE** Not every execution context is associated with a frame. For example, workers and extensions have execution contexts that are not associated with frames.
### class: Interception
### class: ChromiumInterception
#### interception.abort(request, [errorCode])
#### chromiumInterception.abort(request, [errorCode])
- `request` <[Request]>
- `errorCode` <[string]> Optional error code. Defaults to `failed`, could be
one of the following:
@ -2897,7 +2864,7 @@ await resultHandle.dispose();
Aborts request. To use this, request interception should be enabled with `page.interception.enable()`.
Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
#### interception.authenticate(credentials)
#### chromiumInterception.authenticate(credentials)
- `credentials` <?[Object]>
- `username` <[string]>
- `password` <[string]>
@ -2907,7 +2874,7 @@ Provide credentials for [HTTP authentication](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-U
To disable authentication, pass `null`.
#### interception.continue(request, [overrides])
#### chromiumInterception.continue(request, [overrides])
- `request` <[Request]>
- `overrides` <[Object]> Optional request overwrites, which can be one of the following:
- `url` <[string]> If set, the request url will be changed. This is not a redirect. The request will be silently forwarded to the new url. For example, the address bar will show the original url.
@ -2931,12 +2898,12 @@ page.on('request', request => {
#### interception.disable()
#### chromiumInterception.disable()
- returns: <[Promise]>
Disables network request interception.
#### interception.enable()
#### chromiumInterception.enable()
- returns: <[Promise]>
Once request interception is enabled, every request will stall unless it's continued, responded or aborted.
@ -2963,7 +2930,7 @@ const playwright = require('playwright');
> **NOTE** Enabling request interception disables page caching.
#### interception.fulfill(request, response)
#### chromiumInterception.fulfill(request, response)
- `request` <[Request]>
- `response` <[Object]> Response that will fulfill this request
- `status` <[number]> Response status code, defaults to `200`.
@ -2992,7 +2959,7 @@ page.on('request', request => {
> **NOTE** Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not supported.
> Calling `request.respond` for a dataURL request is a noop.
#### interception.setOfflineMode(enabled)
#### chromiumInterception.setOfflineMode(enabled)
- `enabled` <[boolean]> When `true`, enables offline mode for the page.
- returns: <[Promise]>
@ -3530,44 +3497,44 @@ Contains the status text of the response (e.g. usually an "OK" for a success).
Contains the URL of the response.
### class: Target
### class: ChromiumTarget
#### target.browser()
#### chromiumTarget.browser()
- returns: <[Browser]>
Get the browser the target belongs to.
#### target.browserContext()
#### chromiumTarget.browserContext()
- returns: <[BrowserContext]>
The browser context the target belongs to.
#### target.createCDPSession()
#### chromiumTarget.createCDPSession()
- returns: <[Promise]<[CDPSession]>>
Creates a Chrome Devtools Protocol session attached to the target.
#### target.opener()
#### chromiumTarget.opener()
- returns: <?[Target]>
Get the target that opened this target. Top-level targets return `null`.
#### target.page()
#### chromiumTarget.page()
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Page]>>
If the target is not of type `"page"` or `"background_page"`, returns `null`.
#### target.type()
#### chromiumTarget.type()
- returns: <"page"|"background_page"|"service_worker"|"shared_worker"|"other"|"browser">
Identifies what kind of target this is. Can be `"page"`, [`"background_page"`](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages), `"service_worker"`, `"shared_worker"`, `"browser"` or `"other"`.
#### target.url()
#### chromiumTarget.url()
- returns: <[string]>
### class: CDPSession
### class: ChromiumSession
* extends: [EventEmitter](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter)
@ -3590,18 +3557,18 @@ await client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', {
#### cdpSession.detach()
#### chromiumSession.detach()
- returns: <[Promise]>
Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object won't emit any events and can't be used
to send messages.
#### cdpSession.send(method[, params])
#### chromiumSession.send(method[, params])
- `method` <[string]> protocol method name
- `params` <[Object]> Optional method parameters
- returns: <[Promise]<[Object]>>
### class: Coverage
### class: ChromiumCoverage
Coverage gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page.
@ -3635,12 +3602,12 @@ console.log(`Bytes used: ${usedBytes / totalBytes * 100}%`);
_To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs),
see [playwright-to-istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs/playwright-to-istanbul)._
#### coverage.startCSSCoverage([options])
#### chromiumCoverage.startCSSCoverage([options])
- `options` <[Object]> Set of configurable options for coverage
- `resetOnNavigation` <[boolean]> Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. Defaults to `true`.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise that resolves when coverage is started
#### coverage.startJSCoverage([options])
#### chromiumCoverage.startJSCoverage([options])
- `options` <[Object]> Set of configurable options for coverage
- `resetOnNavigation` <[boolean]> Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. Defaults to `true`.
- `reportAnonymousScripts` <[boolean]> Whether anonymous scripts generated by the page should be reported. Defaults to `false`.
@ -3648,7 +3615,7 @@ _To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanb
> **NOTE** Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous scripts will have `__playwright_evaluation_script__` as their URL.
#### coverage.stopCSSCoverage()
#### chromiumCoverage.stopCSSCoverage()
- returns: <[Promise]<[Array]<[Object]>>> Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all stylesheets
- `url` <[string]> StyleSheet URL
- `text` <[string]> StyleSheet content
@ -3658,7 +3625,7 @@ _To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanb
> **NOTE** CSS Coverage doesn't include dynamically injected style tags without sourceURLs.
#### coverage.stopJSCoverage()
#### chromiumCoverage.stopJSCoverage()
- returns: <[Promise]<[Array]<[Object]>>> Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all scripts
- `url` <[string]> Script URL
- `text` <[string]> Script content
@ -3675,14 +3642,11 @@ reported.
TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to timeout, e.g. [page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#pagewaitforselectorselector-options) or [playwright.launch([options])](#playwrightlaunchoptions).
### class: Selector
### Working with selectors
Selector describes an element in the page. It can be used to obtain `ElementHandle` (see [page.$()](#pageselector) for example) or shortcut element operations to avoid intermediate handle (see [page.click()](#pageclickselector-options) for example).
All methods accepting selector also accept a string shorthand which is equivalent to `{selector: 'string'}`.
#### selector.selector
- returns: <[string]> Selector in the following format: `engine=body [>> engine=body]*`. Here `engine` is one of the supported selector engines (currently, either `css` or `xpath`), and `body` is a selector body in the format of the particular engine. When multiple `engine=body` clauses are present (separated by `>>`), next one is queried relative to the previous one's result.
Selector has the following format: `engine=body [>> engine=body]*`. Here `engine` is one of the supported selector engines (currently, either `css` or `xpath`), and `body` is a selector body in the format of the particular engine. When multiple `engine=body` clauses are present (separated by `>>`), next one is queried relative to the previous one's result.
For convenience, selectors in the wrong format are heuristically converted to the right format:
- selector starting with `//` is assumed to be `xpath=selector`;
@ -3715,27 +3679,34 @@ const handle = await page.$('"foo"');
const handle = await divHandle.$('css=span');
#### selector.visibility
- returns: "visible"|"hidden"|"any"> Defaults to `visible`. Optional visibility to check for. If `visible` or `undefined`, only visible elements match. If `hidden`, only non-visible elements match. If `any`, all elements match.
### Working with Chrome Extensions
Note that elements are first queried by `selector`, and only after that are checked for visiblity. In particular, [page.$()](#pageselector) will not skip to the first visible element, but instead return `null` if the first matching element is not visible.
Playwright can be used for testing Chrome Extensions.
Element is defined visible if it does not have `visibility: hidden` CSS property and it's bounding box is not empty.
> **NOTE** Extensions in Chrome / Chromium currently only work in non-headless mode.
The following is code for getting a handle to the [background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) of an extension whose source is located in `./my-extension`:
// queries 'div', and only returns it when visible
const handle = await page.$({selector: 'css=div', visibility: 'visible'});
const playwright = require('playwright');
// queries 'div', and only returns it when non-visible
const handle = await page.$({selector: 'css=div', visibility: 'hidden'});
// queries 'div', and returns it no matter the visibility
const handle = await page.$({selector: 'css=div', visibility: 'any'});
// returns all visible 'div' elements
const handles = await page.$$({selector: 'css=div', visibility: 'visible'});
(async () => {
const pathToExtension = require('path').join(__dirname, 'my-extension');
const browser = await playwright.launch({
headless: false,
args: [
const targets = await browser.chromium.targets();
const backgroundPageTarget = targets.find(target => target.type() === 'background_page');
const backgroundPage = await backgroundPageTarget.page();
// Test the background page as you would any other page.
await browser.close();
> **NOTE** It is not yet possible to test extension popups or content scripts.
[AXNode]: #accessibilitysnapshotoptions "AXNode"
[Accessibility]: #class-accessibility "Accessibility"