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synced 2024-12-12 11:50:22 +03:00
chore: use 'mime' for various mimeType-extension mappings (#8426)
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { frameSnapshotStreamer, SnapshotData } from './snapshotterInjected';
import { calculateSha1, createGuid, monotonicTime } from '../../utils/utils';
import { FrameSnapshot } from './snapshotTypes';
import { ElementHandle } from '../dom';
import * as mime from 'mime';
export type SnapshotterBlob = {
buffer: Buffer,
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ export class Snapshotter {
for (const { url, content, contentType } of data.resourceOverrides) {
if (typeof content === 'string') {
const buffer = Buffer.from(content);
const sha1 = calculateSha1(buffer) + mimeToExtension(contentType);
const sha1 = calculateSha1(buffer) + '.' + (mime.getExtension(contentType) || 'dat');
this._delegate.onSnapshotterBlob({ sha1, buffer });
snapshot.resourceOverrides.push({ url, sha1 });
} else {
@ -162,31 +163,3 @@ export class Snapshotter {
const kMimeToExtension: { [key: string]: string } = {
'application/javascript': 'js',
'application/json': 'json',
'application/json5': 'json5',
'application/pdf': 'pdf',
'application/xhtml+xml': 'xhtml',
'application/zip': 'zip',
'font/otf': 'otf',
'font/woff': 'woff',
'font/woff2': 'woff2',
'image/bmp': 'bmp',
'image/gif': 'gif',
'image/jpeg': 'jpeg',
'image/png': 'png',
'image/tiff': 'tiff',
'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
'text/css': 'css',
'text/csv': 'csv',
'text/html': 'html',
'text/plain': 'text',
'video/mp4': 'mp4',
'video/mpeg': 'mpeg',
function mimeToExtension(contentType: string): string {
return '.' + (kMimeToExtension[contentType] || 'dat');
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import * as har from './har';
import * as types from '../../types';
import { calculateSha1, monotonicTime } from '../../../utils/utils';
import { eventsHelper, RegisteredListener } from '../../../utils/eventsHelper';
import * as mime from 'mime';
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ export class HarTracer {
content.text = buffer.toString('base64');
content.encoding = 'base64';
} else if (this._options.content === 'sha1') {
content._sha1 = calculateSha1(buffer) + mimeToExtension(content.mimeType);
content._sha1 = calculateSha1(buffer) + '.' + (mime.getExtension(content.mimeType) || 'dat');
if (this._started)
this._delegate.onContentBlob(content._sha1, buffer);
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ export class HarTracer {
}).catch(() => {}).then(() => {
const postData = response.request().postDataBuffer();
if (postData && harEntry.request.postData && this._options.content === 'sha1') {
harEntry.request.postData._sha1 = calculateSha1(postData) + mimeToExtension(harEntry.request.postData.mimeType);
harEntry.request.postData._sha1 = calculateSha1(postData) + '.' + (mime.getExtension(harEntry.request.postData.mimeType) || 'dat');
if (this._started)
this._delegate.onContentBlob(harEntry.request.postData._sha1, postData);
@ -426,31 +427,3 @@ function calculateRequestBodySize(request: network.Request): number|undefined {
return new TextEncoder().encode(postData.toString('utf8')).length;
const kMimeToExtension: { [key: string]: string } = {
'application/javascript': 'js',
'application/json': 'json',
'application/json5': 'json5',
'application/pdf': 'pdf',
'application/xhtml+xml': 'xhtml',
'application/zip': 'zip',
'font/otf': 'otf',
'font/woff': 'woff',
'font/woff2': 'woff2',
'image/bmp': 'bmp',
'image/gif': 'gif',
'image/jpeg': 'jpeg',
'image/png': 'png',
'image/tiff': 'tiff',
'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
'text/css': 'css',
'text/csv': 'csv',
'text/html': 'html',
'text/plain': 'text',
'video/mp4': 'mp4',
'video/mpeg': 'mpeg',
function mimeToExtension(contentType: string): string {
return '.' + (kMimeToExtension[contentType] || 'dat');
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { internalCallMetadata } from '../../instrumentation';
import type { CallLog, EventData, Mode, Source } from './recorderTypes';
import { BrowserContext } from '../../browserContext';
import { isUnderTest } from '../../../utils/utils';
import * as mime from 'mime';
import { installAppIcon } from '../../chromium/crApp';
declare global {
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ export class RecorderApp extends EventEmitter {
await route.fulfill({
status: 200,
headers: [
{ name: 'Content-Type', value: extensionToMime[path.extname(file)] }
{ name: 'Content-Type', value: mime.getType(path.extname(file)) || 'application/octet-stream' }
body: buffer.toString('base64'),
isBase64: true
@ -168,16 +169,3 @@ export class RecorderApp extends EventEmitter {
await this._page.bringToFront();
const extensionToMime: { [key: string]: string } = {
'.css': 'text/css',
'.html': 'text/html',
'.jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
'.js': 'application/javascript',
'.png': 'image/png',
'.ttf': 'font/ttf',
'.svg': 'image/svg+xml',
'.webp': 'image/webp',
'.woff': 'font/woff',
'.woff2': 'font/woff2',
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import * as http from 'http';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import * as mime from 'mime';
export type ServerRouteHandler = (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => boolean;
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ export class HttpServer {
try {
const content = fs.readFileSync(absoluteFilePath);
response.statusCode = 200;
const contentType = extensionToMime[path.extname(absoluteFilePath).substring(1)] || 'application/octet-stream';
const contentType = mime.getType(path.extname(absoluteFilePath)) || 'application/octet-stream';
response.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
response.setHeader('Content-Length', content.byteLength);
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headers || {}))
@ -91,18 +92,3 @@ export class HttpServer {
const extensionToMime: { [key: string]: string } = {
'css': 'text/css',
'html': 'text/html',
'jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
'gif': 'image/gif',
'js': 'application/javascript',
'png': 'image/png',
'ttf': 'font/ttf',
'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
'webp': 'image/webp',
'woff': 'font/woff',
'woff2': 'font/woff2',
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const zlib = require('zlib');
const util = require('util');
const mime = require('mime');
const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
const fulfillSymbol = Symbol('fullfil callback');
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ class TestServer {
const extension = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
const mimeType = extensionToMime[extension] || 'application/octet-stream';
const mimeType = mime.getType(extension) || 'application/octet-stream';
const isTextEncoding = /^text\/|^application\/(javascript|json)/.test(mimeType);
const contentType = isTextEncoding ? `${mimeType}; charset=utf-8` : mimeType;
response.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
@ -315,204 +316,4 @@ class TestServer {
const extensionToMime = {
'ai': 'application/postscript',
'apng': 'image/apng',
'appcache': 'text/cache-manifest',
'au': 'audio/basic',
'bmp': 'image/bmp',
'cer': 'application/pkix-cert',
'cgm': 'image/cgm',
'coffee': 'text/coffeescript',
'conf': 'text/plain',
'crl': 'application/pkix-crl',
'css': 'text/css',
'csv': 'text/csv',
'def': 'text/plain',
'doc': 'application/msword',
'dot': 'application/msword',
'drle': 'image/dicom-rle',
'dtd': 'application/xml-dtd',
'ear': 'application/java-archive',
'emf': 'image/emf',
'eps': 'application/postscript',
'exr': 'image/aces',
'fits': 'image/fits',
'g3': 'image/g3fax',
'gbr': 'application/rpki-ghostbusters',
'gif': 'image/gif',
'glb': 'model/gltf-binary',
'gltf': 'model/gltf+json',
'gz': 'application/gzip',
'h261': 'video/h261',
'h263': 'video/h263',
'h264': 'video/h264',
'heic': 'image/heic',
'heics': 'image/heic-sequence',
'heif': 'image/heif',
'heifs': 'image/heif-sequence',
'htm': 'text/html',
'html': 'text/html',
'ics': 'text/calendar',
'ief': 'image/ief',
'ifb': 'text/calendar',
'iges': 'model/iges',
'igs': 'model/iges',
'in': 'text/plain',
'ini': 'text/plain',
'jade': 'text/jade',
'jar': 'application/java-archive',
'jls': 'image/jls',
'jp2': 'image/jp2',
'jpe': 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
'jpf': 'image/jpx',
'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
'jpg2': 'image/jp2',
'jpgm': 'video/jpm',
'jpgv': 'video/jpeg',
'jpm': 'image/jpm',
'jpx': 'image/jpx',
'js': 'application/javascript',
'json': 'application/json',
'json5': 'application/json5',
'jsx': 'text/jsx',
'jxr': 'image/jxr',
'kar': 'audio/midi',
'ktx': 'image/ktx',
'less': 'text/less',
'list': 'text/plain',
'litcoffee': 'text/coffeescript',
'log': 'text/plain',
'm1v': 'video/mpeg',
'm21': 'application/mp21',
'm2a': 'audio/mpeg',
'm2v': 'video/mpeg',
'm3a': 'audio/mpeg',
'm4a': 'audio/mp4',
'm4p': 'application/mp4',
'man': 'text/troff',
'manifest': 'text/cache-manifest',
'markdown': 'text/markdown',
'mathml': 'application/mathml+xml',
'md': 'text/markdown',
'mdx': 'text/mdx',
'me': 'text/troff',
'mesh': 'model/mesh',
'mft': 'application/rpki-manifest',
'mid': 'audio/midi',
'midi': 'audio/midi',
'mj2': 'video/mj2',
'mjp2': 'video/mj2',
'mjs': 'application/javascript',
'mml': 'text/mathml',
'mov': 'video/quicktime',
'mp2': 'audio/mpeg',
'mp21': 'application/mp21',
'mp2a': 'audio/mpeg',
'mp3': 'audio/mpeg',
'mp4': 'video/mp4',
'mp4a': 'audio/mp4',
'mp4s': 'application/mp4',
'mp4v': 'video/mp4',
'mpe': 'video/mpeg',
'mpeg': 'video/mpeg',
'mpg': 'video/mpeg',
'mpg4': 'video/mp4',
'mpga': 'audio/mpeg',
'mrc': 'application/marc',
'ms': 'text/troff',
'msh': 'model/mesh',
'n3': 'text/n3',
'oga': 'audio/ogg',
'ogg': 'audio/ogg',
'ogv': 'video/ogg',
'ogx': 'application/ogg',
'otf': 'font/otf',
'p10': 'application/pkcs10',
'p7c': 'application/pkcs7-mime',
'p7m': 'application/pkcs7-mime',
'p7s': 'application/pkcs7-signature',
'p8': 'application/pkcs8',
'pdf': 'application/pdf',
'pki': 'application/pkixcmp',
'pkipath': 'application/pkix-pkipath',
'png': 'image/png',
'ps': 'application/postscript',
'pskcxml': 'application/pskc+xml',
'qt': 'video/quicktime',
'rmi': 'audio/midi',
'rng': 'application/xml',
'roa': 'application/rpki-roa',
'roff': 'text/troff',
'rsd': 'application/rsd+xml',
'rss': 'application/rss+xml',
'rtf': 'application/rtf',
'rtx': 'text/richtext',
's3m': 'audio/s3m',
'sgi': 'image/sgi',
'sgm': 'text/sgml',
'sgml': 'text/sgml',
'shex': 'text/shex',
'shtml': 'text/html',
'sil': 'audio/silk',
'silo': 'model/mesh',
'slim': 'text/slim',
'slm': 'text/slim',
'snd': 'audio/basic',
'spx': 'audio/ogg',
'stl': 'model/stl',
'styl': 'text/stylus',
'stylus': 'text/stylus',
'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
'svgz': 'image/svg+xml',
't': 'text/troff',
't38': 'image/t38',
'text': 'text/plain',
'tfx': 'image/tiff-fx',
'tif': 'image/tiff',
'tiff': 'image/tiff',
'tr': 'text/troff',
'ts': 'video/mp2t',
'tsv': 'text/tab-separated-values',
'ttc': 'font/collection',
'ttf': 'font/ttf',
'ttl': 'text/turtle',
'txt': 'text/plain',
'uri': 'text/uri-list',
'uris': 'text/uri-list',
'urls': 'text/uri-list',
'vcard': 'text/vcard',
'vrml': 'model/vrml',
'vtt': 'text/vtt',
'war': 'application/java-archive',
'wasm': 'application/wasm',
'wav': 'audio/wav',
'weba': 'audio/webm',
'webm': 'video/webm',
'webmanifest': 'application/manifest+json',
'webp': 'image/webp',
'wmf': 'image/wmf',
'woff': 'font/woff',
'woff2': 'font/woff2',
'wrl': 'model/vrml',
'x3d': 'model/x3d+xml',
'x3db': 'model/x3d+fastinfoset',
'x3dbz': 'model/x3d+binary',
'x3dv': 'model/x3d-vrml',
'x3dvz': 'model/x3d+vrml',
'x3dz': 'model/x3d+xml',
'xaml': 'application/xaml+xml',
'xht': 'application/xhtml+xml',
'xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml',
'xm': 'audio/xm',
'xml': 'text/xml',
'xsd': 'application/xml',
'xsl': 'application/xml',
'xslt': 'application/xslt+xml',
'yaml': 'text/yaml',
'yml': 'text/yaml',
'zip': 'application/zip'
module.exports = {TestServer};
Reference in New Issue
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