With this change, the script is now 2-stage:
- first, prepare browser build with `repack-juggler.js --prepare`
- afterwards, run the script to repack tot juggler version with the
Chromium-with-symbols is the first time we produce a second set of
builds for the same browser.
This patch adds support for this usecase to report build progress
This patch adds a new script -
This script lets you test Firefox changes if they are Juggler-specific
without firefox checkout / compilation.
The `repack-juggler.mjs` script does the following:
- downloads the latest build of Firefox-with-juggler
- finds an `omni.ja` file with Juggler files inside
- replaces juggler in omni.ja with the current juggler files in the index
The new message is much more prominent in the logs:
aslushnikov:~/prog/playwright(make-deprecation-error-more-prominent)$ node a.js
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
browserType.launch: Protocol error (Playwright.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> /Users/aslushnikov/prog/playwright/browser_patches/deprecated-webkit-mac-10.14/pw_run.sh --inspector-pipe --headless --no-startup-window
<launched> pid=5120
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ERROR: MacOS version is too old!
[pid=5120][out] This version of Playwright does not support running
[pid=5120][out] WebKit on MacOS 10.14. Please either:
[pid=5120][out] - update your operating system to version 10.15 or higher
[pid=5120][out] - use Playwright v1.11 or older
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120] <process did exit: exitCode=1, signal=null>
[pid=5120] starting temporary directories cleanup