When Firefox decides to perform an http->https redirect based on HSTS
information, it issues an "internal" redirect and cancels the http request.
Since there is no response for the http request, we forge 307 redirect
in this case, following Chromium lead.
The relevant code is in nsHttpChannel::StartRedirectChannelToHttps.
With this change, the script is now 2-stage:
- first, prepare browser build with `repack-juggler.js --prepare`
- afterwards, run the script to repack tot juggler version with the
Chromium-with-symbols is the first time we produce a second set of
builds for the same browser.
This patch adds support for this usecase to report build progress
This patch adds a new script -
This script lets you test Firefox changes if they are Juggler-specific
without firefox checkout / compilation.
The `repack-juggler.mjs` script does the following:
- downloads the latest build of Firefox-with-juggler
- finds an `omni.ja` file with Juggler files inside
- replaces juggler in omni.ja with the current juggler files in the index
The new message is much more prominent in the logs:
aslushnikov:~/prog/playwright(make-deprecation-error-more-prominent)$ node a.js
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
browserType.launch: Protocol error (Playwright.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> /Users/aslushnikov/prog/playwright/browser_patches/deprecated-webkit-mac-10.14/pw_run.sh --inspector-pipe --headless --no-startup-window
<launched> pid=5120
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ERROR: MacOS version is too old!
[pid=5120][out] This version of Playwright does not support running
[pid=5120][out] WebKit on MacOS 10.14. Please either:
[pid=5120][out] - update your operating system to version 10.15 or higher
[pid=5120][out] - use Playwright v1.11 or older
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=5120] <process did exit: exitCode=1, signal=null>
[pid=5120] starting temporary directories cleanup