The error looks like this:
aslushnikov:~/prog/playwright(main)$ npx playwright wk
[object.<anonymous>: Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> /Users/andreylushnikov/Library/Caches/ms-playwright/webkit-1616/ --inspector-pipe --no-startup-window
<launched> pid=15076
[pid=15076][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=15076][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=15076][out] ERROR: MacOS version is too old!
[pid=15076][out] This version of Playwright does not support running
[pid=15076][out] WebKit on MacOS 10.15. Please either:
[pid=15076][out] - update your operating system to version 11 or higher
[pid=15076][out] - use Playwright v1.25 or older
[pid=15076][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=15076][out] ****************************************************************
[pid=15076] <process did exit: exitCode=1, signal=null>
[pid=15076] starting temporary directories cleanup
=========================== logs ===========================
This makes `HttpServer` accept `preferredPort` option that will first
try to listen on that port, and if that port is already in use, listen
on some available port instead.
Element.checkVisibility is a new browser API that was shipped in
chromium 105:
Using checkVisibility accounts for the content-visibility:hidden in the
user-agent ShadowRoot of the details element, which means we can remove
the usage of the AutoExpandDetailsElementFlag (I am trying to remove the
flag in chromium).
This behavior is covered by the existing "isVisible and isHidden should
work with details" test in locator-convenience.spec.ts.
This patch introduces hidden commands to control container
- `npx playwright docker install-server-deps` to install fluxbox,
vnc, novnc & to configure them.
- `npx playwright docker run-server` to run a server inside the
Drive-by: remove old version of container image when building a new
version with the same name. This way we won't pile up untagged
container images.
Currently, we ues `#root` vs `#root > *` selector for component roots
depending on the number of root children. This heuristic detects
fragments that render multiple elements inside the root.
However, this does not work with empty fragments that do not render
The fix is to make the `#root >> control=component` selector that would
dynamically detect the root. This supports empty fragments and also
allows for dynamic updates of the fragments.