A summary about the attempts we tried in
https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/pull/26931 for
https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/26859 and
1. attempt: collect all the stdio from the worker host.
- this made it hard to capture the live console logs for the live trace
2. attempt: collect all the stdio from the worker host, but keep
proxying `process.{stdout,stderr}.write`.
- this solved the live console logs problem, since we could still listen
on them
- we found out about a race that the stdout/stderr streams can still
buffer data while the test already had finished
- we created a best effort flush implementation but didn't like the
complexity it introduced to the project
3. attempt: keep things like they are but also listen to stdio from the
worker host
- this solves the race of console.log in the test (things stay like they
- this keeps live trace working (things stay like they are)
- a known pitfall is that it could result in logs which don't end up in
the reporter onStdOut/onStdErr, but it is already a significant
improvement over how it was before.
- before: they were not getting displayed
- after: they are getting displayed and there is a low likelihood that
they don't end up in the reporter API if the write happens slightly
before a test finished.
This makes `test.fail` tests considered as passing when they actually fail:
- Stop restarting the worker.
- Retry when it passes instead of a fail.
- Behaves similar to regular tests in a `describe.serial` suite.
- Source now lives at `src/test`.
- Former folio tests live at `tests/playwright-test`.
- We use `src/test/internal.ts` that exposes base test without
Playwright fixtures for most tests (to avoid modifications for now).
- Test types live in `types/testFoo.d.ts`.
- Stable test runner is installed to `tests/config/test-runner` during `npm install`.
- All deps including test-only are now listed in `package.json`.
Non-test deps must also be listed in `build_package.js` to get included.