/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // @ts-check // This file is injected into the registry as text, no dependencies are allowed. import { createApp as __pwCreateApp, setDevtoolsHook as __pwSetDevtoolsHook, h as __pwH } from 'vue'; import { compile as __pwCompile } from '@vue/compiler-dom'; import * as __pwVue from 'vue'; /** @typedef {import('../playwright-ct-core/types/component').Component} Component */ /** @typedef {import('../playwright-ct-core/types/component').JsxComponentChild} JsxComponentChild */ /** @typedef {import('../playwright-ct-core/types/component').JsxComponent} JsxComponent */ /** @typedef {import('../playwright-ct-core/types/component').ObjectComponent} ObjectComponent */ /** @typedef {import('vue').Component} FrameworkComponent */ /** @type {Map Promise>} */ const __pwLoaderRegistry = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const __pwRegistry = new Map(); /** * @param {{[key: string]: () => Promise}} components */ export function pwRegister(components) { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(components)) __pwLoaderRegistry.set(name, value); } /** * @param {any} component * @returns {component is Component} */ function isComponent(component) { return !(typeof component !== 'object' || Array.isArray(component)); } /** * @param {Component | JsxComponentChild} component */ async function __pwResolveComponent(component) { if (!isComponent(component)) return; let componentFactory = __pwLoaderRegistry.get(component.type); if (!componentFactory) { // Lookup by shorthand. for (const [name, value] of __pwLoaderRegistry) { if (component.type.endsWith(`_${name}_vue`)) { componentFactory = value; break; } } } if (!componentFactory && component.type[0].toUpperCase() === component.type[0]) throw new Error(`Unregistered component: ${component.type}. Following components are registered: ${[...__pwRegistry.keys()]}`); if (componentFactory) __pwRegistry.set(component.type, await componentFactory()); if ('children' in component && component.children?.length) await Promise.all(component.children.map(child => __pwResolveComponent(child))); } const __pwAllListeners = new Map(); /** * @param {JsxComponentChild} child */ function __pwCreateChild(child) { if (Array.isArray(child)) return child.map(grandChild => __pwCreateChild(grandChild)); if (isComponent(child)) return __pwCreateWrapper(child); return child; } /** * Copied from: https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/blob/main/src/utils/compileSlots.ts * Vue does not provide an easy way to compile template in "slot" mode * Since we do not want to rely on compiler internals and specify * transforms manually we create fake component invocation with the slot we * need and pick slots param from render function later. Fake component will * never be instantiated but it requires to be a component so compile * properly generate invocation. Since we do not want to monkey-patch * `resolveComponent` function we are just using one of built-in components. * * @param {string} html */ function __pwCreateSlot(html) { let template = html.trim(); const hasWrappingTemplate = template && template.startsWith('${template}`; const { code } = __pwCompile(`${template}`, { mode: 'function', prefixIdentifiers: false }); const createRenderFunction = new Function('Vue', code); const renderFn = createRenderFunction(__pwVue); return (ctx = {}) => { const result = renderFn(ctx); const slotName = Object.keys(result.children)[0]; return result.children[slotName](ctx); }; } function __pwSlotToFunction(slot) { if (typeof slot === 'string') return __pwCreateSlot(slot)(); if (Array.isArray(slot)) return slot.map(slot => __pwCreateSlot(slot)()); throw Error(`Invalid slot received.`); } /** * @param {Component} component */ function __pwCreateComponent(component) { let componentFunc = __pwRegistry.get(component.type); componentFunc = componentFunc || component.type; const isVueComponent = componentFunc !== component.type; /** * @type {(import('vue').VNode | string)[]} */ const children = []; /** @type {{[key: string]: any}} */ const slots = {}; const listeners = {}; /** @type {{[key: string]: any}} */ let props = {}; if (component.kind === 'jsx') { for (const child of component.children || []) { if (typeof child !== 'string' && child.type === 'template' && child.kind === 'jsx') { const slotProperty = Object.keys(child.props).find(k => k.startsWith('v-slot:')); const slot = slotProperty ? slotProperty.substring('v-slot:'.length) : 'default'; slots[slot] = child.children?.map(__pwCreateChild); } else { children.push(__pwCreateChild(child)); } } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(component.props)) { if (key.startsWith('v-on:')) { const event = key.substring('v-on:'.length); if (isVueComponent) listeners[event] = value; else props[`on${event[0].toUpperCase()}${event.substring(1)}`] = value; } else { props[key] = value; } } } if (component.kind === 'object') { // Vue test util syntax. for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(component.options?.slots || {})) { if (key === 'default') children.push(__pwSlotToFunction(value)); else slots[key] = __pwSlotToFunction(value); } props = component.options?.props || {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(component.options?.on || {})) listeners[key] = value; } let lastArg; if (Object.entries(slots).length) { lastArg = slots; if (children.length) slots.default = children; } else if (children.length) { lastArg = children; } return { Component: componentFunc, props, slots: lastArg, listeners }; } function __pwWrapFunctions(slots) { const slotsWithRenderFunctions = {}; if (!Array.isArray(slots)) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(slots || {})) slotsWithRenderFunctions[key] = () => [value]; } else if (slots?.length) { slots['default'] = () => slots; } return slotsWithRenderFunctions; } /** * @param {Component} component * @returns {import('vue').VNode | string} */ function __pwCreateWrapper(component) { const { Component, props, slots, listeners } = __pwCreateComponent(component); // @ts-ignore const wrapper = __pwH(Component, { ...props, ...listeners }, slots); __pwAllListeners.set(wrapper, listeners); return wrapper; } /** * @returns {any} */ function __pwCreateDevTools() { return { emit(eventType, ...payload) { if (eventType === 'component:emit') { const [, componentVM, event, eventArgs] = payload; for (const [wrapper, listeners] of __pwAllListeners) { if (wrapper.component !== componentVM) continue; const listener = listeners[event]; if (!listener) return; listener(...eventArgs); } } } }; } const __pwAppKey = Symbol('appKey'); const __pwWrapperKey = Symbol('wrapperKey'); window.playwrightMount = async (component, rootElement, hooksConfig) => { await __pwResolveComponent(component); const app = __pwCreateApp({ render: () => { const wrapper = __pwCreateWrapper(component); rootElement[__pwWrapperKey] = wrapper; return wrapper; } }); __pwSetDevtoolsHook(__pwCreateDevTools(), {}); for (const hook of window.__pw_hooks_before_mount || []) await hook({ app, hooksConfig }); const instance = app.mount(rootElement); rootElement[__pwAppKey] = app; for (const hook of window.__pw_hooks_after_mount || []) await hook({ app, hooksConfig, instance }); }; window.playwrightUnmount = async rootElement => { const app = /** @type {import('vue').App} */ (rootElement[__pwAppKey]); if (!app) throw new Error('Component was not mounted'); app.unmount(); }; window.playwrightUpdate = async (rootElement, component) => { await __pwResolveComponent(component); const wrapper = rootElement[__pwWrapperKey]; if (!wrapper) throw new Error('Component was not mounted'); if (!wrapper.component) throw new Error('Updating a native HTML element is not supported'); const { slots, listeners, props } = __pwCreateComponent(component); wrapper.component.slots = __pwWrapFunctions(slots); __pwAllListeners.set(wrapper, listeners); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(props)) wrapper.component.props[key] = value; if (!Object.keys(props).length) wrapper.component.update(); };