/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // @ts-check const path = require('path'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const Documentation = require('./documentation'); const XmlDoc = require('./dotnetXmlDocumentation'); const PROJECT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..'); const fs = require('fs'); const { parseApi } = require('./api_parser'); const { Type } = require('./documentation'); const { EOL } = require('os'); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); const maxDocumentationColumnWidth = 80; Error.stackTraceLimit = 100; /** @type {Map} */ const modelTypes = new Map(); // this will hold types that we discover, because of .NET specifics, like results /** @type {Map} */ const documentedResults = new Map(); // will hold documentation for new types /** @type {Map} */ const enumTypes = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const optionTypes = new Map(); const customTypeNames = new Map([ ['domcontentloaded', 'DOMContentLoaded'], ['networkidle', 'NetworkIdle'], ]); const outputDir = process.argv[2] || path.join(__dirname, 'generate_types', 'csharp'); const apiDir = path.join(outputDir, 'API', 'Generated'); const optionsDir = path.join(outputDir, 'API', 'Generated', 'Options'); const enumsDir = path.join(outputDir, 'API', 'Generated', 'Enums'); const typesDir = path.join(outputDir, 'API', 'Generated', 'Types'); for (const dir of [apiDir, optionsDir, enumsDir, typesDir]) fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); const documentation = parseApi(path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'docs', 'src', 'api')); documentation.filterForLanguage('csharp'); documentation.setLinkRenderer(item => { const asyncSuffix = item.member && item.member.async ? 'Async' : ''; if (item.clazz) return ``; else if (item.member) return ``; else if (item.option) return ``; else if (item.param) return ``; else throw new Error('Unknown link format.'); }); // get the template for a class const template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'templates', 'interface.cs'), 'utf-8'); // map the name to a C# friendly one (we prepend an I to denote an interface) const classNameMap = new Map(documentation.classesArray.map(x => [x.name, `I${toTitleCase(x.name)}`])); // map some types that we know of classNameMap.set('Error', 'Exception'); classNameMap.set('TimeoutError', 'TimeoutException'); classNameMap.set('EvaluationArgument', 'object'); classNameMap.set('boolean', 'bool'); classNameMap.set('any', 'object'); classNameMap.set('Buffer', 'byte[]'); classNameMap.set('path', 'string'); classNameMap.set('URL', 'string'); classNameMap.set('RegExp', 'Regex'); classNameMap.set('Readable', 'Stream'); /** * * @param {string} kind * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.MarkdownNode[]} spec * @param {string[]} body * @param {string} folder * @param {string} extendsName */ function writeFile(kind, name, spec, body, folder, extendsName = null) { const out = []; // console.log(`Generating ${name}`); if (spec) { out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); } else { const ownDocumentation = documentedResults.get(name); if (ownDocumentation) { out.push('/// '); out.push(`/// ${ownDocumentation}`); out.push('/// '); } } if (extendsName === 'IEventEmitter') extendsName = null; if (body[0] === '') body = body.slice(1); out.push(`${kind} ${name}${extendsName ? ` : ${extendsName}` : ''}`); out.push('{'); out.push(...body); out.push('}'); const content = template.replace('[CONTENT]', out.join(EOL)); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(folder, name + '.cs'), content); } /** * @param {Documentation.Class} clazz */ function renderClass(clazz) { const name = classNameMap.get(clazz.name); if (name === 'TimeoutException') return; const body = []; for (const member of clazz.membersArray) { // Classes inherit it from IAsyncDisposable if (member.name === 'dispose') continue; if (member.alias.startsWith('RunAnd')) renderMember(member, clazz, { trimRunAndPrefix: true }, body); renderMember(member, clazz, {}, body); } writeFile( 'public partial interface', name, clazz.spec, body, apiDir, clazz.extends ? `I${toTitleCase(clazz.extends)}` : null); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.Type} type */ function renderModelType(name, type) { const body = []; // TODO: consider how this could be merged with the `translateType` check if (type.union && type.union[0].name === 'null' && type.union.length === 2) type = type.union[1]; if (type.name === 'Array') { throw new Error('Array at this stage is unexpected.'); } else if (type.properties) { for (const member of type.properties) { const fakeType = new Type(name, null); renderMember(member, fakeType, {}, body); } } else { console.log(type); throw new Error(`Not sure what to do in this case.`); } writeFile('public partial class', name, null, body, typesDir); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string[]} literals */ function renderEnum(name, literals) { const body = []; for (let literal of literals) { // strip out the quotes literal = literal.replace(/[\"]/g, ``); const escapedName = literal.replace(/[-]/g, ' ') .split(' ') .map(word => customTypeNames.get(word) || word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1)).join(''); body.push(`[EnumMember(Value = "${literal}")]`); body.push(`${escapedName},`); } writeFile('public enum', name, null, body, enumsDir); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.Type} type */ function renderOptionType(name, type) { const body = []; renderConstructors(name, type, body); for (const member of type.properties) renderMember(member, member.type, {}, body); writeFile('public class', name, null, body, optionsDir); } for (const element of documentation.classesArray) renderClass(element); for (const [name, type] of optionTypes) renderOptionType(name, type); for (const [name, type] of modelTypes) renderModelType(name, type); for (const [name, literals] of enumTypes) renderEnum(name, literals); /** * @param {string} name */ function toArgumentName(name) { return name === 'event' ? `@${name}` : name; } /** * @param {Documentation.Member} member */ function toMemberName(member, makeAsync = false) { const assumedName = toTitleCase(member.alias || member.name); if (member.kind === 'interface') return `I${assumedName}`; if (makeAsync && member.async) return assumedName + 'Async'; if (!makeAsync && assumedName.endsWith('Async')) return assumedName.substring(0, assumedName.length - 'Async'.length); return assumedName; } /** * @param {string} name * @returns {string} */ function toTitleCase(name) { return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); } /** * * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.Type} type * @param {string[]} out */ function renderConstructors(name, type, out) { out.push(`public ${name}(){}`); out.push(''); out.push(`public ${name}(${name} clone) {`); out.push(`if(clone == null) return;`); type.properties.forEach(p => { const propType = translateType(p.type, type, t => generateNameDefault(p, name, t, type)); const propName = toMemberName(p); const overloads = getPropertyOverloads(propType, p, propName, p.type); for (const { name } of overloads) out.push(`${name} = clone.${name};`); }); out.push(`}`); } /** * * @param {Documentation.Member} member * @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent * @param {{nojson?: boolean, trimRunAndPrefix?: boolean}} options * @param {string[]} out */ function renderMember(member, parent, options, out) { const name = toMemberName(member); if (member.kind === 'method') { renderMethod(member, parent, name, { trimRunAndPrefix: options.trimRunAndPrefix }, out); return; } let type = translateType(member.type, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent)); if (member.kind === 'event') { if (!member.type) throw new Error(`No Event Type for ${name} in ${parent.name}`); out.push(''); if (member.spec) out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); if (member.deprecated) out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`); out.push(`event EventHandler<${type}> ${name};`); return; } if (member.kind === 'property') { if (parent && member && member.name === 'children') { // this is a special hack for Accessibility console.warn(`children property found in ${parent.name}, assuming array.`); type = `IEnumerable<${parent.name}>`; } const overloads = getPropertyOverloads(type, member, name, parent); for (const overload of overloads) { const { name, jsonName } = overload; let { type } = overload; out.push(''); if (member.spec) out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); if (!member.clazz) out.push(`${member.required ? '[Required]\n' : ''}[JsonPropertyName("${jsonName}")]`); if (member.deprecated) out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`); if (!type.endsWith('?') && !member.required) type = `${type}?`; const requiredSuffix = type.endsWith('?') ? '' : ' = default!;'; if (member.clazz) out.push(`public ${type} ${name} { get; }`); else out.push(`public ${type} ${name} { get; set; }${requiredSuffix}`); } return; } throw new Error(`Problem rendering a member: ${type} - ${name} (${member.kind})`); } /** * * @param {string} type * @param {Documentation.Member} member * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent * @returns [{ type: string; name: string; jsonName: string; }] */ function getPropertyOverloads(type, member, name, parent) { const overloads = []; if (type) { let jsonName = member.name; if (member.type.expression === '[string]|[float]') jsonName = `${member.name}String`; overloads.push({ type, name, jsonName }); } return overloads; } /** * * @param {Documentation.Member} member * @param {string} name * @param {Documentation.Type} t * @param {*} parent */ function generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent) { if (!t.properties && !t.templates && !t.union && t.expression === '[Object]') return 'object'; // we'd get this call for enums, primarily const enumName = generateEnumNameIfApplicable(t); if (!enumName && member) { if (member.kind === 'method' || member.kind === 'property') { const names = [ parent.alias || parent.name, toTitleCase(member.alias || member.name), toTitleCase(name), ]; if (names[2] === names[1]) names.pop(); // get rid of duplicates, cheaply let attemptedName = names.pop(); const typesDiffer = function(left, right) { if (left.expression && right.expression) return left.expression !== right.expression; return JSON.stringify(right.properties) !== JSON.stringify(left.properties); }; while (true) { // crude attempt at removing plurality if (attemptedName.endsWith('s') && !['properties', 'httpcredentials'].includes(attemptedName.toLowerCase())) attemptedName = attemptedName.substring(0, attemptedName.length - 1); // For some of these we don't want to generate generic types. // For some others we simply did not have the code that was deduping the names. if (attemptedName === 'BoundingBox') attemptedName = `${parent.name}BoundingBoxResult`; if (attemptedName === 'BrowserContextCookie') attemptedName = 'BrowserContextCookiesResult'; if (attemptedName === 'File' || (parent.name === 'FormData' && attemptedName === 'SetValue')) attemptedName = `FilePayload`; if (attemptedName === 'Size') attemptedName = 'RequestSizesResult'; if (attemptedName === 'ViewportSize' && parent.name === 'Page') attemptedName = 'PageViewportSizeResult'; if (attemptedName === 'SecurityDetail') attemptedName = 'ResponseSecurityDetailsResult'; if (attemptedName === 'ServerAddr') attemptedName = 'ResponseServerAddrResult'; if (attemptedName === 'Timing') attemptedName = 'RequestTimingResult'; if (attemptedName === 'HeadersArray') attemptedName = 'Header'; const probableType = modelTypes.get(attemptedName); if ((probableType && typesDiffer(t, probableType)) || (['Value'].includes(attemptedName))) { if (!names.length) throw new Error(`Ran out of possible names: ${attemptedName}`); attemptedName = `${names.pop()}${attemptedName}`; continue; } else { registerModelType(attemptedName, t); } break; } return attemptedName; } if (member.kind === 'event') return `${name}Payload`; } return enumName || t.name; } /** * * @param {Documentation.Type} type * @returns */ function generateEnumNameIfApplicable(type) { if (!type.union) return null; const potentialValues = type.union.filter(u => u.name.startsWith('"')); if ((potentialValues.length !== type.union.length) && !(type.union[0].name === 'null' && potentialValues.length === type.union.length - 1)) return null; // this isn't an enum, so we don't care, we let the caller generate the name return type.name; } /** * Rendering a method is so _special_, with so many weird edge cases, that it * makes sense to put it separate from the other logic. * @param {Documentation.Member} member * @param {Documentation.Class | Documentation.Type} parent * @param {string} name * @param {{ * nodocs?: boolean, * abstract?: boolean, * public?: boolean, * trimRunAndPrefix?: boolean, * }} options * @param {string[]} out */ function renderMethod(member, parent, name, options, out) { out.push(''); if (options.trimRunAndPrefix) name = name.substring('RunAnd'.length); /** @type {Map} */ const paramDocs = new Map(); const addParamsDoc = (paramName, docs) => { if (paramName.startsWith('@')) paramName = paramName.substring(1); if (paramDocs.get(paramName) && paramDocs.get(paramName) !== docs) throw new Error(`Parameter ${paramName} already exists in the docs.`); paramDocs.set(paramName, docs); }; let type = translateType(member.type, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent), false, true); // TODO: this is something that will probably go into the docs // translate simple getters into read-only properties, and simple // set-only methods to settable properties if (member.args.size === 0 && type !== 'void' && !name.startsWith('Get') && name !== 'CreateFormData' && !name.startsWith('PostDataJSON') && !name.startsWith('As')) { if (!member.async) { if (member.spec && !options.nodocs) out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); if (member.deprecated) out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`); out.push(`${type} ${name} { get; }`); return; } } // HACK: special case for generics handling! if (type === 'T') name = `${name}`; // adjust the return type for async methods if (member.async) { if (type === 'void') type = `Task`; else type = `Task<${type}>`; } // render args /** @type {string[]} */ const args = []; /** @type {string[]} */ const explodedArgs = []; /** @type {Map} */ const argTypeMap = new Map([]); /** * * @param {string} innerArgType * @param {string} innerArgName * @param {Documentation.Member} argument * @param {boolean} isExploded */ function pushArg(innerArgType, innerArgName, argument, isExploded = false) { if (innerArgType === 'null') return; const requiredPrefix = (argument.required || isExploded) ? '' : '?'; const requiredSuffix = (argument.required || isExploded) ? '' : ' = default'; const push = `${innerArgType}${requiredPrefix} ${innerArgName}${requiredSuffix}`; if (isExploded) explodedArgs.push(push); else args.push(push); argTypeMap.set(push, innerArgName); } /** * @param {Documentation.Member} arg */ function processArg(arg) { if (options.trimRunAndPrefix && arg.name === 'action') return; if (arg.name === 'options') { const optionsType = rewriteSuggestedOptionsName(member.clazz.name + name.replace('', '') + 'Options'); if (!optionTypes.has(optionsType) || arg.type.properties.length > optionTypes.get(optionsType).properties.length) optionTypes.set(optionsType, arg.type); args.push(`${optionsType}? options = default`); argTypeMap.set(`${optionsType}? options = default`, 'options'); addParamsDoc('options', ['Call options']); return; } if (arg.type.expression === '[string]|[path]') { const argName = toArgumentName(arg.name); pushArg('string?', `${argName} = default`, arg); pushArg('string?', `${argName}Path = default`, arg); if (arg.spec) { addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); addParamsDoc(`${argName}Path`, [`Instead of specifying , gives the file name to load from.`]); } return; } else if (arg.type.expression === '[boolean]|[Array]<[string]>') { // HACK: this hurts my brain too // we split this into two args, one boolean, with the logical name const argName = toArgumentName(arg.name); const leftArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[0], parent, t => { throw new Error('Not supported'); }); const rightArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[1], parent, t => { throw new Error('Not supported'); }); pushArg(leftArgType, argName, arg); pushArg(rightArgType, `${argName}Values`, arg); addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); addParamsDoc(`${argName}Values`, [`The values to take into account when is true.`]); return; } const argName = toArgumentName(arg.alias || arg.name); const argType = translateType(arg.type, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, argName, t, parent)); if (argType === null && arg.type.union) { // we might have to split this into multiple arguments const translatedArguments = arg.type.union.map(t => translateType(t, parent, x => generateNameDefault(member, argName, x, parent))); if (translatedArguments.includes(null)) throw new Error('Unexpected null in translated argument types. Aborting.'); const argDocumentation = XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth); for (const newArg of translatedArguments) { pushArg(newArg, argName, arg, true); // push the exploded arg addParamsDoc(argName, argDocumentation); } args.push(arg.required ? 'EXPLODED_ARG' : 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG'); return; } addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); if (argName === 'timeout' && argType === 'decimal') { args.push(`int timeout = 0`); // a special argument, we ignore our convention return; } pushArg(argType, argName, arg); } let modifiers = ''; if (options.abstract) modifiers = 'protected abstract '; if (options.public) modifiers = 'public '; member.argsArray .sort((a, b) => b.alias === 'options' ? -1 : 0) // move options to the back to the arguments list .forEach(processArg); if (!explodedArgs.length) { if (!options.nodocs) { out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); paramDocs.forEach((value, i) => printArgDoc(i, value, out)); } if (member.deprecated) out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`); out.push(`${modifiers}${type} ${toAsync(name, member.async)}(${args.join(', ')});`); } else { let containsOptionalExplodedArgs = false; explodedArgs.forEach((explodedArg, argIndex) => { if (!options.nodocs) out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); const overloadedArgs = []; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { const arg = args[i]; if (arg === 'EXPLODED_ARG' || arg === 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG') { containsOptionalExplodedArgs = arg === 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG'; const argType = argTypeMap.get(explodedArg); if (!options.nodocs) printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out); overloadedArgs.push(explodedArg); } else { const argType = argTypeMap.get(arg); if (!options.nodocs) printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out); overloadedArgs.push(arg); } } out.push(`${modifiers}${type} ${toAsync(name, member.async)}(${overloadedArgs.join(', ')});`); if (argIndex < explodedArgs.length - 1) out.push(''); // output a special blank line }); // If the exploded union arguments are optional, we also output a special // signature, to help prevent compilation errors with ambiguous overloads. // That particular overload only contains the required arguments, or rather // contains all the arguments *except* the exploded ones. if (containsOptionalExplodedArgs) { const filteredArgs = args.filter(x => x !== 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG'); if (!options.nodocs) out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)); filteredArgs.forEach(arg => { if (arg === 'EXPLODED_ARG') throw new Error(`Unsupported required union arg combined an optional union inside ${member.name}`); const argType = argTypeMap.get(arg); if (!options.nodocs) printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out); }); out.push(`${type} ${name}(${filteredArgs.join(', ')});`); } } } /** * * @param {Documentation.Type} type * @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent * @param {function(Documentation.Type): string} generateNameCallback * @param {boolean=} optional * @returns {string} */ function translateType(type, parent, generateNameCallback = t => t.name, optional = false, isReturnType = false) { // a few special cases we can fix automatically if (type.expression === '[null]|[Error]') return 'void'; if (type.union) { if (type.union[0].name === 'null' && type.union.length === 2) return translateType(type.union[1], parent, generateNameCallback, true, isReturnType); if (type.expression === '[string]|[Buffer]') return `byte[]`; // TODO: make sure we implement extension methods for this! if (type.expression === '[string]|[float]' || type.expression === '[string]|[float]|[boolean]') { console.warn(`${type.name} should be a 'string', but was a ${type.expression}`); return `string`; } if (type.union.length === 2 && type.union[1].name === 'Array' && type.union[1].templates[0].name === type.union[0].name) return `IEnumerable<${type.union[0].name}>`; // an example of this is [string]|[Array]<[string]> if (type.expression === '[float]|"raf"') return `Polling`; // hardcoded because there's no other way to denote this // Regular primitive enums are named in the markdown. if (type.name) { enumTypes.set(type.name, type.union.map(t => t.name)); return optional ? type.name + '?' : type.name; } return null; } if (type.name === 'Array') { if (type.templates.length !== 1) throw new Error(`Array (${type.name} from ${parent.name}) has more than 1 dimension. Panic.`); const innerType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); return isReturnType ? `IReadOnlyList<${innerType}>` : `IEnumerable<${innerType}>`; } if (type.name === 'Object') { // take care of some common cases // TODO: this can be genericized if (type.templates && type.templates.length === 2) { // get the inner types of both templates, and if they're strings, it's a keyvaluepair string, string, const keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); const valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); if (['Request', 'Response', 'APIResponse'].includes(parent.name)) return `Dictionary<${keyType}, ${valueType}>`; return `IEnumerable>`; } if ((type.name === 'Object') && !type.properties && !type.union) return 'object'; // this is an additional type that we need to generate const objectName = generateNameCallback(type); if (objectName === 'Object') throw new Error('Object unexpected'); else if (type.name === 'Object') registerModelType(objectName, type); return `${objectName}${optional ? '?' : ''}`; } if (type.name === 'Map') { if (type.templates && type.templates.length === 2) { // we map to a dictionary const keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); const valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); return `Dictionary<${keyType}, ${valueType}>`; } else { throw 'Map has invalid number of templates.'; } } if (type.name === 'function') { if (type.expression === '[function]' || !type.args) return 'Action'; // super simple mapping let argsList = ''; if (type.args) { const translatedCallbackArguments = type.args.map(t => translateType(t, parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType)); if (translatedCallbackArguments.includes(null)) throw new Error('There was an argument we could not parse. Aborting.'); argsList = translatedCallbackArguments.join(', '); } if (!type.returnType) { // this is an Action return `Action<${argsList}>`; } else { const returnType = translateType(type.returnType, parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType); if (returnType === null) throw new Error('Unexpected null as return type.'); return `Func<${argsList}, ${returnType}>`; } } if (type.templates) { // this should mean we have a generic type and we can translate that /** @type {string[]} */ const types = type.templates.map(template => translateType(template, parent)); return `${type.name}<${types.join(', ')}>`; } if (type.name === 'Serializable') return isReturnType ? 'T' : 'object'; // there's a chance this is a name we've already seen before, so check // this is also where we map known types, like boolean -> bool, etc. const name = classNameMap.get(type.name) || type.name; return `${name}${optional ? '?' : ''}`; } /** * @param {string} typeName * @param {Documentation.Type} type */ function registerModelType(typeName, type) { if (['object', 'string', 'int'].includes(typeName)) return; if (typeName.endsWith('Option')) return; const potentialType = modelTypes.get(typeName); if (potentialType) { // console.log(`Type ${typeName} already exists, so skipping...`); return; } modelTypes.set(typeName, type); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string[]} value * @param {string[]} out */ function printArgDoc(name, value, out) { if (value.length === 1) { out.push(`/// ${value}`); } else { out.push(`/// `); out.push(...value.map(l => `/// ${l}`)); out.push(`/// `); } } /** * @param {string} name * @param {boolean} convert */ function toAsync(name, convert) { if (!convert) return name; if (name.includes('<')) return name.replace('<', 'Async<'); return name + 'Async'; } /** * @param {string} suggestedName * @returns {string} */ function rewriteSuggestedOptionsName(suggestedName) { if ([ 'APIRequestContextDeleteOptions', 'APIRequestContextFetchOptions', 'APIRequestContextGetOptions', 'APIRequestContextHeadOptions', 'APIRequestContextPatchOptions', 'APIRequestContextPostOptions', 'APIRequestContextPutOptions', ].includes(suggestedName)) return 'APIRequestContextOptions'; return suggestedName; }