/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const utils = require('../utils'); module.exports.describe = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, playwright, FFOX, CHROME, WEBKIT}) { const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner; const {it, fit, xit, dit} = testRunner; const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner; describe('Playwright.connect', function() { it('should be able to connect multiple times to the same browser', async({server}) => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({ ...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint() }); const page = await remote.defaultContext().newPage(); expect(await page.evaluate(() => 7 * 8)).toBe(56); remote.disconnect(); const secondPage = await local.defaultContext().newPage(); expect(await secondPage.evaluate(() => 7 * 6)).toBe(42, 'original browser should still work'); await browserServer.close(); }); it('should be able to close remote browser', async({server}) => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({ ...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint() }); await Promise.all([ utils.waitEvent(local, 'disconnected'), remote.close(), ]); }); it('should be able to reconnect to a browser', async({server}) => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const browser = await browserServer.connect(); const browserWSEndpoint = browserServer.wsEndpoint(); const page = await browser.defaultContext().newPage(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html'); const remote = await playwright.connect({...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint}); const pages = await remote.defaultContext().pages(); const restoredPage = pages.find(page => page.url() === server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html'); expect(utils.dumpFrames(restoredPage.mainFrame())).toEqual([ 'http://localhost:/frames/nested-frames.html', ' http://localhost:/frames/frame.html (aframe)', ' http://localhost:/frames/two-frames.html (2frames)', ' http://localhost:/frames/frame.html (dos)', ' http://localhost:/frames/frame.html (uno)', ]); expect(await restoredPage.evaluate(() => 7 * 8)).toBe(56); await remote.close(); }); // @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/4197#issuecomment-481793410 it('should be able to connect to the same page simultaneously', async({server}) => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({ ...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint() }); const [page1, page2] = await Promise.all([ new Promise(x => local.once('targetcreated', target => x(target.page()))), remote.defaultContext().newPage(), ]); expect(await page1.evaluate(() => 7 * 8)).toBe(56); expect(await page2.evaluate(() => 7 * 6)).toBe(42); await local.close(); }); }); describe('Browser.disconnect', function() { it('should reject navigation when browser closes', async({server}) => { server.setRoute('/one-style.css', () => {}); const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint()}); const page = await remote.defaultContext().newPage(); const navigationPromise = page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/one-style.html', {timeout: 60000}).catch(e => e); await server.waitForRequest('/one-style.css'); remote.disconnect(); const error = await navigationPromise; expect(error.message).toBe('Navigation failed because browser has disconnected!'); await local.close(); }); it('should reject waitForSelector when browser closes', async({server}) => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', () => {}); const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint()}); const page = await remote.defaultContext().newPage(); const watchdog = page.waitForSelector('div', { timeout: 60000 }).catch(e => e); remote.disconnect(); const error = await watchdog; expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error'); await local.close(); }); }); describe('Browser.close', function() { it('should terminate network waiters', async({context, server}) => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const remote = await playwright.connect({...defaultBrowserOptions, browserWSEndpoint: browserServer.wsEndpoint()}); const newPage = await remote.defaultContext().newPage(); const results = await Promise.all([ newPage.waitForRequest(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => e), newPage.waitForResponse(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => e), local.close() ]); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const message = results[i].message; expect(message).toContain('Target closed'); expect(message).not.toContain('Timeout'); } }); }); describe('Browser.isConnected', () => { it('should set the browser connected state', async () => { const browserServer = await playwright.launchServer(defaultBrowserOptions); const local = await browserServer.connect(); const browserWSEndpoint = browserServer.wsEndpoint(); const newBrowser = await playwright.connect({browserWSEndpoint}); expect(newBrowser.isConnected()).toBe(true); newBrowser.disconnect(); expect(newBrowser.isConnected()).toBe(false); await browserServer.close(); }); }); };