/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Documentation { /** * @param {!Array} classesArray */ constructor(classesArray) { this.classesArray = classesArray; /** @type {!Map} */ this.classes = new Map(); for (const cls of classesArray) this.classes.set(cls.name, cls); } } Documentation.Class = class { /** * @param {string} name * @param {!Array} membersArray * @param {?string=} extendsName * @param {string=} comment * @param {string[]=} templates */ constructor(name, membersArray, extendsName = null, comment = '', templates = []) { this.name = name; this.membersArray = membersArray; this.comment = comment; this.extends = extendsName; this.templates = templates; this.index(); } index() { /** @type {!Map} */ this.members = new Map(); /** @type {!Map} */ this.properties = new Map(); /** @type {!Array} */ this.propertiesArray = []; /** @type {!Map} */ this.methods = new Map(); /** @type {!Array} */ this.methodsArray = []; /** @type {!Map} */ this.events = new Map(); /** @type {!Array} */ this.eventsArray = []; for (const member of this.membersArray) { this.members.set(member.name, member); if (member.kind === 'method') { this.methods.set(member.name, member); this.methodsArray.push(member); } else if (member.kind === 'property') { this.properties.set(member.name, member); this.propertiesArray.push(member); } else if (member.kind === 'event') { this.events.set(member.name, member); this.eventsArray.push(member); } } } validateOrder(errors, cls) { const members = this.membersArray; // Events should go first. let eventIndex = 0; for (; eventIndex < members.length && members[eventIndex].kind === 'event'; ++eventIndex); for (; eventIndex < members.length && members[eventIndex].kind !== 'event'; ++eventIndex); if (eventIndex < members.length) errors.push(`Events should go first. Event '${members[eventIndex].name}' in class ${cls.name} breaks order`); // Constructor should be right after events and before all other members. const constructorIndex = members.findIndex(member => member.kind === 'method' && member.name === 'constructor'); if (constructorIndex > 0 && members[constructorIndex - 1].kind !== 'event') errors.push(`Constructor of ${cls.name} should go before other methods`); // Events should be sorted alphabetically. for (let i = 0; i < members.length - 1; ++i) { const member1 = this.membersArray[i]; const member2 = this.membersArray[i + 1]; if (member1.kind !== 'event' || member2.kind !== 'event') continue; if (member1.name > member2.name) errors.push(`Event '${member1.name}' in class ${this.name} breaks alphabetic ordering of events`); } // All other members should be sorted alphabetically. for (let i = 0; i < members.length - 1; ++i) { const member1 = this.membersArray[i]; const member2 = this.membersArray[i + 1]; if (member1.kind === 'event' || member2.kind === 'event') continue; if (member1.kind === 'method' && member1.name === 'constructor') continue; if (member1.name.replace(/^\$+/, '$') > member2.name.replace(/^\$+/, '$')) { let memberName1 = `${this.name}.${member1.name}`; if (member1.kind === 'method') memberName1 += '()'; let memberName2 = `${this.name}.${member2.name}`; if (member2.kind === 'method') memberName2 += '()'; errors.push(`Bad alphabetic ordering of ${this.name} members: ${memberName1} should go after ${memberName2}`); } } } }; Documentation.Member = class { /** * @param {string} kind * @param {string} name * @param {?Documentation.Type} type * @param {!Array} argsArray * @param {string=} comment * @param {string=} returnComment * @param {boolean=} required * @param {string[]=} templates */ constructor(kind, name, type, argsArray, comment = '', returnComment = '', required = true, templates = []) { this.kind = kind; this.name = name; this.type = type; this.comment = comment; this.returnComment = returnComment; this.argsArray = argsArray; this.required = required; this.templates = templates; /** @type {!Map} */ this.args = new Map(); for (const arg of argsArray) this.args.set(arg.name, arg); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {!Array} argsArray * @param {?Documentation.Type} returnType * @param {string=} returnComment * @param {string=} comment * @param {string[]=} templates * @return {!Documentation.Member} */ static createMethod(name, argsArray, returnType, returnComment, comment, templates) { return new Documentation.Member('method', name, returnType, argsArray, comment, returnComment, undefined, templates); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {!Documentation.Type} type * @param {string=} comment * @param {boolean=} required * @return {!Documentation.Member} */ static createProperty(name, type, comment, required) { return new Documentation.Member('property', name, type, [], comment, undefined, required); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {?Documentation.Type=} type * @param {string=} comment * @return {!Documentation.Member} */ static createEvent(name, type = null, comment) { return new Documentation.Member('event', name, type, [], comment); } }; Documentation.Type = class { /** * @param {string} name * @param {!Array=} properties */ constructor(name, properties = []) { this.name = name; this.properties = properties; } }; module.exports = Documentation;