/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { browserTest as it, expect } from './config/browserTest'; import fs from 'fs'; import type { BrowserContext, BrowserContextOptions } from '../index'; async function pageWithHar(contextFactory: (options?: BrowserContextOptions) => Promise, testInfo: any) { const harPath = testInfo.outputPath('test.har'); const context = await contextFactory({ recordHar: { path: harPath }, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); const page = await context.newPage(); return { page, getLog: async () => { await context.close(); return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(harPath).toString())['log']; } }; } it('should throw without path', async ({ browser }) => { const error = await browser.newContext({ recordHar: {} as any }).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('recordHar.path: expected string, got undefined'); }); it('should have version and creator', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.version).toBe('1.2'); expect(log.creator.name).toBe('Playwright'); expect(log.creator.version).toBe(require('../package.json')['version']); }); it('should have browser', async ({ browserName, browser, contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.browser.name.toLowerCase()).toBe(browserName); expect(log.browser.version).toBe(browser.version()); }); it('should have pages', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto('data:text/html,Hello'); // For data: load comes before domcontentloaded... await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.pages.length).toBe(1); const pageEntry = log.pages[0]; expect(pageEntry.id).toBe('page_0'); expect(pageEntry.title).toBe('Hello'); expect(new Date(pageEntry.startedDateTime).valueOf()).toBeGreaterThan(Date.now() - 3600 * 1000); expect(pageEntry.pageTimings.onContentLoad).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(pageEntry.pageTimings.onLoad).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it('should have pages in persistent context', async ({ launchPersistent }, testInfo) => { const harPath = testInfo.outputPath('test.har'); const { context, page } = await launchPersistent({ recordHar: { path: harPath } }); await page.goto('data:text/html,Hello'); // For data: load comes before domcontentloaded... await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); await context.close(); const log = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(harPath).toString())['log']; expect(log.pages.length).toBe(1); const pageEntry = log.pages[0]; expect(pageEntry.id).toBe('page_0'); expect(pageEntry.title).toBe('Hello'); }); it('should include request', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries.length).toBe(1); const entry = log.entries[0]; expect(entry.pageref).toBe('page_0'); expect(entry.request.url).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(entry.request.method).toBe('GET'); expect(entry.request.httpVersion).toBe('HTTP/1.1'); expect(entry.request.headers.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); expect(entry.request.headers.find(h => h.name.toLowerCase() === 'user-agent')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should include response', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); const entry = log.entries[0]; expect(entry.response.status).toBe(200); expect(entry.response.statusText).toBe('OK'); expect(entry.response.httpVersion).toBe('HTTP/1.1'); expect(entry.response.headers.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); expect(entry.response.headers.find(h => h.name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type').value).toContain('text/html'); }); it('should include redirectURL', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { server.setRedirect('/foo.html', '/empty.html'); const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/foo.html'); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries.length).toBe(2); const entry = log.entries[0]; expect(entry.response.status).toBe(302); expect(entry.response.redirectURL).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE); }); it('should include query params', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/har.html?name=value'); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries[0].request.queryString).toEqual([{ name: 'name', value: 'value' }]); }); it('should include postData', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.evaluate(() => fetch('./post', { method: 'POST', body: 'Hello' })); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries[1].request.postData).toEqual({ mimeType: 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8', params: [], text: 'Hello' }); }); it('should include binary postData', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.evaluate(async () => { await fetch('./post', { method: 'POST', body: new Uint8Array(Array.from(Array(16).keys())) }); }); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries[1].request.postData).toEqual({ mimeType: 'application/octet-stream', params: [], text: '' }); }); it('should include form params', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`
`); await page.click('input[type=submit]'); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries[1].request.postData).toEqual({ mimeType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', params: [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz', value: '123' } ], text: 'foo=bar&baz=123' }); }); it('should include cookies', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); const context = page.context(); await context.addCookies([ { name: 'name1', value: '"value1"', domain: 'localhost', path: '/', httpOnly: true }, { name: 'name2', value: 'val"ue2', domain: 'localhost', path: '/', sameSite: 'Lax' }, { name: 'name3', value: 'val=ue3', domain: 'localhost', path: '/' }, { name: 'name4', value: 'val,ue4', domain: 'localhost', path: '/' }, ]); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); expect(log.entries[0].request.cookies).toEqual([ { name: 'name1', value: '"value1"' }, { name: 'name2', value: 'val"ue2' }, { name: 'name3', value: 'val=ue3' }, { name: 'name4', value: 'val,ue4' }, ]); }); it('should include set-cookies', async ({ contextFactory, server, browserName, platform }, testInfo) => { it.fail(browserName === 'webkit' && platform === 'darwin', 'Does not work yet'); const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', [ 'name1=value1; HttpOnly', 'name2="value2"', 'name3=value4; Path=/; Domain=example.com; Max-Age=1500', ]); res.end(); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); const cookies = log.entries[0].response.cookies; expect(cookies[0]).toEqual({ name: 'name1', value: 'value1', httpOnly: true }); expect(cookies[1]).toEqual({ name: 'name2', value: '"value2"' }); expect(new Date(cookies[2].expires).valueOf()).toBeGreaterThan(Date.now()); }); it('should include set-cookies with comma', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', [ 'name1=val,ue1', ]); res.end(); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); const cookies = log.entries[0].response.cookies; expect(cookies[0]).toEqual({ name: 'name1', value: 'val,ue1' }); }); it('should include secure set-cookies', async ({ contextFactory, httpsServer }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); httpsServer.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', [ 'name1=value1; Secure', ]); res.end(); }); await page.goto(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE); const log = await getLog(); const cookies = log.entries[0].response.cookies; expect(cookies[0]).toEqual({ name: 'name1', value: 'value1', secure: true }); }); it('should include content', async ({ contextFactory, server }, testInfo) => { const { page, getLog } = await pageWithHar(contextFactory, testInfo); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/har.html'); const log = await getLog(); const content1 = log.entries[0].response.content; expect(content1.encoding).toBe('base64'); expect(content1.mimeType).toBe('text/html; charset=utf-8'); expect(Buffer.from(content1.text, 'base64').toString()).toContain('HAR Page'); const content2 = log.entries[1].response.content; expect(content2.encoding).toBe('base64'); expect(content2.mimeType).toBe('text/css; charset=utf-8'); expect(Buffer.from(content2.text, 'base64').toString()).toContain('pink'); });