/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as dom from './dom'; import * as frames from './frames'; import { helper, assert } from './helper'; import * as js from './javascript'; import * as types from './types'; import { ParsedSelector, parseSelector } from './common/selectorParser'; export type SelectorInfo = { parsed: ParsedSelector, world: types.World, selector: string, }; export class Selectors { readonly _builtinEngines: Set; readonly _engines: Map; constructor() { // Note: keep in sync with SelectorEvaluator class. this._builtinEngines = new Set([ 'css', 'css:light', 'xpath', 'xpath:light', 'text', 'text:light', 'id', 'id:light', 'data-testid', 'data-testid:light', 'data-test-id', 'data-test-id:light', 'data-test', 'data-test:light' ]); this._engines = new Map(); } async register(name: string, script: string | Function | { path?: string, content?: string }, options: { contentScript?: boolean } = {}): Promise { const { contentScript = false } = options; if (!name.match(/^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+$/)) throw new Error('Selector engine name may only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_] characters'); // Note: we keep 'zs' for future use. if (this._builtinEngines.has(name) || name === 'zs' || name === 'zs:light') throw new Error(`"${name}" is a predefined selector engine`); const source = await helper.evaluationScript(script, undefined, false); if (this._engines.has(name)) throw new Error(`"${name}" selector engine has been already registered`); this._engines.set(name, { source, contentScript }); } async _query(frame: frames.Frame, selector: string, scope?: dom.ElementHandle): Promise | null> { const info = this._parseSelector(selector); const context = await frame._context(info.world); const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript(); const handle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, { parsed, scope }) => { return injected.querySelector(parsed, scope || document); }, { parsed: info.parsed, scope }); const elementHandle = handle.asElement() as dom.ElementHandle | null; if (!elementHandle) { handle.dispose(); return null; } const mainContext = await frame._mainContext(); if (elementHandle._context === mainContext) return elementHandle; const adopted = frame._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(elementHandle, mainContext); elementHandle.dispose(); return adopted; } async _queryArray(frame: frames.Frame, selector: string, scope?: dom.ElementHandle): Promise> { const info = this._parseSelector(selector); const context = await frame._mainContext(); const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript(); const arrayHandle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, { parsed, scope }) => { return injected.querySelectorAll(parsed, scope || document); }, { parsed: info.parsed, scope }); return arrayHandle; } async _queryAll(frame: frames.Frame, selector: string, scope?: dom.ElementHandle, allowUtilityContext?: boolean): Promise[]> { const info = this._parseSelector(selector); const context = await frame._context(allowUtilityContext ? info.world : 'main'); const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript(); const arrayHandle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, { parsed, scope }) => { return injected.querySelectorAll(parsed, scope || document); }, { parsed: info.parsed, scope }); const properties = await arrayHandle.getProperties(); arrayHandle.dispose(); const result: dom.ElementHandle[] = []; for (const property of properties.values()) { const elementHandle = property.asElement() as dom.ElementHandle; if (elementHandle) result.push(elementHandle); else property.dispose(); } return result; } async _createSelector(name: string, handle: dom.ElementHandle): Promise { const mainContext = await handle._page.mainFrame()._mainContext(); const injectedScript = await mainContext.injectedScript(); return injectedScript.evaluate((injected, { target, name }) => { return injected.engines.get(name)!.create(document.documentElement, target); }, { target: handle, name }); } _parseSelector(selector: string): SelectorInfo { assert(helper.isString(selector), `selector must be a string`); const parsed = parseSelector(selector); for (const {name} of parsed.parts) { if (!this._builtinEngines.has(name) && !this._engines.has(name)) throw new Error(`Unknown engine "${name}" while parsing selector ${selector}`); } const needsMainWorld = parsed.parts.some(({name}) => { const custom = this._engines.get(name); return custom ? !custom.contentScript : false; }); return { parsed, selector, world: needsMainWorld ? 'main' : 'utility', }; } } export const selectors = new Selectors();