/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test as it, expect } from './config/browserTest'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import util from 'util'; import crypto from 'crypto'; it.describe('download event', () => { it.beforeEach(async ({server}) => { server.setRoute('/download', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment'); res.end(`Hello world`); }); server.setRoute('/downloadWithFilename', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=file.txt'); res.end(`Hello world`); }); }); it('should report downloads with acceptDownloads: false', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); let error; expect(download.url()).toBe(`${server.PREFIX}/downloadWithFilename`); expect(download.suggestedFilename()).toBe(`file.txt`); await download.path().catch(e => error = e); expect(await download.failure()).toContain('acceptDownloads'); expect(error.message).toContain('acceptDownloads: true'); await page.close(); }); it('should report downloads with acceptDownloads: true', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should report proper download url when download is from download attribute', async ({browser, server, browserName}) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'webkit', '@see https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/5537'); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html'); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); expect(download.url()).toBe(`${server.PREFIX}/chromium-linux.zip`); await page.close(); }); it('should report downloads for download attribute', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html'); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); expect(download.suggestedFilename()).toBe(`foo.zip`); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); await page.close(); }); it('should save to user-specified path', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const userPath = testInfo.outputPath('download.txt'); await download.saveAs(userPath); expect(fs.existsSync(userPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(userPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should save to user-specified path without updating original path', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const userPath = testInfo.outputPath('download.txt'); await download.saveAs(userPath); expect(fs.existsSync(userPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(userPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); const originalPath = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(originalPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(originalPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should save to two different paths with multiple saveAs calls', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const userPath = testInfo.outputPath('download.txt'); await download.saveAs(userPath); expect(fs.existsSync(userPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(userPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); const anotherUserPath = testInfo.outputPath('download (2).txt'); await download.saveAs(anotherUserPath); expect(fs.existsSync(anotherUserPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(anotherUserPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should save to overwritten filepath', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const dir = testInfo.outputPath('downloads'); const userPath = path.join(dir, 'download.txt'); await download.saveAs(userPath); expect((await util.promisify(fs.readdir)(dir)).length).toBe(1); await download.saveAs(userPath); expect((await util.promisify(fs.readdir)(dir)).length).toBe(1); expect(fs.existsSync(userPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(userPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should create subdirectories when saving to non-existent user-specified path', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const nestedPath = testInfo.outputPath(path.join('these', 'are', 'directories', 'download.txt')); await download.saveAs(nestedPath); expect(fs.existsSync(nestedPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(nestedPath).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should error when saving with downloads disabled', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: false }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const userPath = testInfo.outputPath('download.txt'); const { message } = await download.saveAs(userPath).catch(e => e); expect(message).toContain('Pass { acceptDownloads: true } when you are creating your browser context'); await page.close(); }); it('should error when saving after deletion', async ({browser, server}, testInfo) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const userPath = testInfo.outputPath('download.txt'); await download.delete(); const { message } = await download.saveAs(userPath).catch(e => e); expect(message).toContain('Target page, context or browser has been closed'); await page.close(); }); it('should report non-navigation downloads', async ({browser, server}) => { // Mac WebKit embedder does not download in this case, although Safari does. server.setRoute('/download', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.end(`Hello world`); }); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); expect(download.suggestedFilename()).toBe(`file.txt`); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it(`should report download path within page.on('download', …) handler for Files`, async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); const onDownloadPath = new Promise(res => { page.on('download', dl => { dl.path().then(res); }); }); await page.setContent(`download`); await page.click('a'); const path = await onDownloadPath; expect(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it(`should report download path within page.on('download', …) handler for Blobs`, async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); const onDownloadPath = new Promise(res => { page.on('download', dl => { dl.path().then(res); }); }); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/download-blob.html'); await page.click('a'); const path = await onDownloadPath; expect(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should report alt-click downloads', async ({browser, server, browserName}) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'firefox' || browserName === 'webkit'); // Firefox does not download on alt-click by default. // Our WebKit embedder does not download on alt-click, although Safari does. server.setRoute('/download', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.end(`Hello world`); }); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a', { modifiers: ['Alt']}) ]); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should report new window downloads', async ({browser, server, browserName, headful}) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'chromium' && headful); // TODO: - the test fails in headful Chromium as the popup page gets closed along // with the session before download completed event arrives. // - WebKit doesn't close the popup page const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); await page.close(); }); it('should delete file', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const path = await download.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeTruthy(); await download.delete(); expect(fs.existsSync(path)).toBeFalsy(); await page.close(); }); it('should expose stream', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const stream = await download.createReadStream(); let content = ''; stream.on('data', data => content += data.toString()); await new Promise(f => stream.on('end', f)); expect(content).toBe('Hello world'); await page.close(); }); it('should delete downloads on context destruction', async ({browser, server}) => { const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download1 ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const [ download2 ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const path1 = await download1.path(); const path2 = await download2.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path1)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.existsSync(path2)).toBeTruthy(); await page.context().close(); expect(fs.existsSync(path1)).toBeFalsy(); expect(fs.existsSync(path2)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should delete downloads on browser gone', async ({ server, browserType, browserOptions }) => { const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download1 ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const [ download2 ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const path1 = await download1.path(); const path2 = await download2.path(); expect(fs.existsSync(path1)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.existsSync(path2)).toBeTruthy(); await browser.close(); expect(fs.existsSync(path1)).toBeFalsy(); expect(fs.existsSync(path2)).toBeFalsy(); expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(path1, '..'))).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should close the context without awaiting the failed download', async ({browser, server, httpsServer, browserName}, testInfo) => { it.skip(browserName !== 'chromium', 'Only Chromium downloads on alt-click'); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`click me`); const [download] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), // Use alt-click to force the download. Otherwise browsers might try to navigate first, // probably because of http -> https link. page.click('a', { modifiers: ['Alt']}) ]); const [downloadPath, saveError] = await Promise.all([ download.path(), download.saveAs(testInfo.outputPath('download.txt')).catch(e => e), page.context().close(), ]); expect(downloadPath).toBe(null); expect(saveError.message).toContain('File deleted upon browser context closure.'); }); it('should close the context without awaiting the download', async ({browser, server, browserName, platform}, testInfo) => { it.skip(browserName === 'webkit' && platform === 'linux', 'WebKit on linux does not convert to the download immediately upon receiving headers'); server.setRoute('/downloadStall', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=file.txt'); res.writeHead(200); res.flushHeaders(); res.write(`Hello world`); }); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`click me`); const [download] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const [downloadPath, saveError] = await Promise.all([ download.path(), download.saveAs(testInfo.outputPath('download.txt')).catch(e => e), page.context().close(), ]); expect(downloadPath).toBe(null); expect(saveError.message).toContain('File deleted upon browser context closure.'); }); it('should throw if browser dies', async ({ server, browserType, browserName, browserOptions, platform}, testInfo) => { it.skip(browserName === 'webkit' && platform === 'linux', 'WebKit on linux does not convert to the download immediately upon receiving headers'); server.setRoute('/downloadStall', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=file.txt'); res.writeHead(200); res.flushHeaders(); res.write(`Hello world`); }); const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.setContent(`click me`); const [download] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const [downloadPath, saveError] = await Promise.all([ download.path(), download.saveAs(testInfo.outputPath('download.txt')).catch(e => e), (browser as any)._channel.killForTests(), ]); expect(downloadPath).toBe(null); expect(saveError.message).toContain('File deleted upon browser context closure.'); }); it('should download large binary.zip', async ({browser, server, browserName}, testInfo) => { const zipFile = testInfo.outputPath('binary.zip'); const content = crypto.randomBytes(1 << 20); fs.writeFileSync(zipFile, content); server.setRoute('/binary.zip', (req, res) => server.serveFile(req, res, zipFile)); const page = await browser.newPage({ acceptDownloads: true }); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html'); await page.setContent(`download`); const [ download ] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('download'), page.click('a') ]); const downloadPath = await download.path(); const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(downloadPath); expect(fileContent.byteLength).toBe(content.byteLength); expect(fileContent.equals(content)).toBe(true); const stream = await download.createReadStream(); const data = await new Promise((fulfill, reject) => { const bufs = []; stream.on('data', d => bufs.push(d)); stream.on('error', reject); stream.on('end', () => fulfill(Buffer.concat(bufs))); }); expect(data.byteLength).toBe(content.byteLength); expect(data.equals(content)).toBe(true); await page.close(); }); });