/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import fs from 'fs'; import type { Suite } from '../../types/testReporter'; import path from 'path'; import type { InlineConfig, Plugin } from 'vite'; import type { TestRunnerPlugin } from '.'; import { parse, traverse, types as t } from '../common/babelBundle'; import { stoppable } from '../utilsBundle'; import type { ComponentInfo } from '../common/tsxTransform'; import { collectComponentUsages, componentInfo } from '../common/tsxTransform'; import type { FullConfig } from '../common/types'; import { assert, calculateSha1 } from 'playwright-core/lib/utils'; import type { AddressInfo } from 'net'; import { getPlaywrightVersion } from 'playwright-core/lib/utils'; import type { PlaywrightTestConfig as BasePlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test'; let stoppableServer: any; const playwrightVersion = getPlaywrightVersion(); type CtConfig = BasePlaywrightTestConfig['use'] & { ctPort?: number; ctTemplateDir?: string; ctCacheDir?: string; ctViteConfig?: InlineConfig | (() => Promise); }; const importReactRE = /(^|\n)import\s+(\*\s+as\s+)?React(,|\s+)/; const compiledReactRE = /(const|var)\s+React\s*=/; export function createPlugin( registerSourceFile: string, frameworkPluginFactory: () => Promise): TestRunnerPlugin { let configDir: string; let config: FullConfig; return { name: 'playwright-vite-plugin', setup: async (configObject: FullConfig, configDirectory: string) => { config = configObject; configDir = configDirectory; }, begin: async (suite: Suite) => { const use = config.projects[0].use as CtConfig; const port = use.ctPort || 3100; const viteConfig = typeof use.ctViteConfig === 'function' ? await use.ctViteConfig() : (use.ctViteConfig || {}); const relativeTemplateDir = use.ctTemplateDir || 'playwright'; const rootDir = viteConfig.root || configDir; const templateDir = path.join(rootDir, relativeTemplateDir); const outDir = viteConfig?.build?.outDir || (use.ctCacheDir ? path.resolve(rootDir, use.ctCacheDir) : path.resolve(templateDir, '.cache')); const buildInfoFile = path.join(outDir, 'metainfo.json'); let buildExists = false; let buildInfo: BuildInfo; const registerSource = await fs.promises.readFile(registerSourceFile, 'utf-8'); const registerSourceHash = calculateSha1(registerSource); const { version: viteVersion } = require('vite/package.json'); try { buildInfo = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(buildInfoFile, 'utf-8')) as BuildInfo; assert(buildInfo.version === playwrightVersion); assert(buildInfo.viteVersion === viteVersion); assert(buildInfo.registerSourceHash === registerSourceHash); buildExists = true; } catch (e) { buildInfo = { version: playwrightVersion, viteVersion, registerSourceHash, components: [], tests: {}, sources: {}, }; } const componentRegistry: ComponentRegistry = new Map(); // 1. Re-parse changed tests and collect required components. const hasNewTests = await checkNewTests(suite, buildInfo, componentRegistry); // 2. Check if the set of required components has changed. const hasNewComponents = await checkNewComponents(buildInfo, componentRegistry); // 3. Check component sources. const sourcesDirty = !buildExists || hasNewComponents || await checkSources(buildInfo); viteConfig.root = rootDir; viteConfig.preview = { port, ...viteConfig.preview }; viteConfig.build = { outDir }; // React heuristic. If we see a component in a file with .js extension, // consider it a potential JSX-in-JS scenario and enable JSX loader for all // .js files. if (hasJSComponents(buildInfo.components)) { viteConfig.esbuild = { loader: 'jsx', include: /.*\.jsx?$/, exclude: [], }; viteConfig.optimizeDeps = { esbuildOptions: { loader: { '.js': 'jsx' }, } }; } const { build, preview } = require('vite'); // Build config unconditionally, either build or build & preview will use it. viteConfig.plugins = viteConfig.plugins || [ await frameworkPluginFactory() ]; // But only add out own plugin when we actually build / transform. if (sourcesDirty) viteConfig.plugins.push(vitePlugin(registerSource, relativeTemplateDir, buildInfo, componentRegistry)); viteConfig.configFile = viteConfig.configFile || false; viteConfig.define = viteConfig.define || {}; viteConfig.define.__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = true; viteConfig.css = viteConfig.css || {}; viteConfig.css.devSourcemap = true; viteConfig.build = { ...viteConfig.build, target: 'esnext', minify: false, rollupOptions: { treeshake: false, input: { index: path.join(templateDir, 'index.html') }, }, sourcemap: true, }; if (sourcesDirty) { await build(viteConfig); await fs.promises.rename(`${outDir}/${relativeTemplateDir}/index.html`, `${outDir}/index.html`); } if (hasNewTests || hasNewComponents || sourcesDirty) await fs.promises.writeFile(buildInfoFile, JSON.stringify(buildInfo, undefined, 2)); const previewServer = await preview(viteConfig); stoppableServer = stoppable(previewServer.httpServer, 0); const isAddressInfo = (x: any): x is AddressInfo => x?.address; const address = previewServer.httpServer.address(); if (isAddressInfo(address)) { const protocol = viteConfig.preview.https ? 'https:' : 'http:'; process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_BASE_URL = `${protocol}//localhost:${address.port}`; } }, end: async () => { await new Promise(f => stoppableServer.stop(f)); }, }; } type BuildInfo = { version: string, viteVersion: string, registerSourceHash: string, sources: { [key: string]: { timestamp: number; } }; components: ComponentInfo[]; tests: { [key: string]: { timestamp: number; components: string[]; } }; }; type ComponentRegistry = Map; async function checkSources(buildInfo: BuildInfo): Promise { for (const [source, sourceInfo] of Object.entries(buildInfo.sources)) { try { const timestamp = (await fs.promises.stat(source)).mtimeMs; if (sourceInfo.timestamp !== timestamp) return true; } catch (e) { return true; } } return false; } async function checkNewTests(suite: Suite, buildInfo: BuildInfo, componentRegistry: ComponentRegistry): Promise { const testFiles = new Set(); for (const project of suite.suites) { for (const file of project.suites) testFiles.add(file.location!.file); } let hasNewTests = false; for (const testFile of testFiles) { const timestamp = (await fs.promises.stat(testFile)).mtimeMs; if (buildInfo.tests[testFile]?.timestamp !== timestamp) { const components = await parseTestFile(testFile); for (const component of components) componentRegistry.set(component.fullName, component); buildInfo.tests[testFile] = { timestamp, components: components.map(c => c.fullName) }; hasNewTests = true; } else { // The test has not changed, populate component registry from the buildInfo. for (const componentName of buildInfo.tests[testFile].components) { const component = buildInfo.components.find(c => c.fullName === componentName)!; componentRegistry.set(component.fullName, component); } } } return hasNewTests; } async function checkNewComponents(buildInfo: BuildInfo, componentRegistry: ComponentRegistry): Promise { const newComponents = [...componentRegistry.keys()]; const oldComponents = new Set(buildInfo.components.map(c => c.fullName)); let hasNewComponents = false; for (const c of newComponents) { if (!oldComponents.has(c)) { hasNewComponents = true; break; } } if (!hasNewComponents) return false; buildInfo.components = newComponents.map(n => componentRegistry.get(n)!); return true; } async function parseTestFile(testFile: string): Promise { const text = await fs.promises.readFile(testFile, 'utf-8'); const ast = parse(text, { errorRecovery: true, plugins: ['typescript', 'jsx'], sourceType: 'module' }); const componentUsages = collectComponentUsages(ast); const result: ComponentInfo[] = []; traverse(ast, { enter: p => { if (t.isImportDeclaration(p.node)) { const importNode = p.node; if (!t.isStringLiteral(importNode.source)) return; for (const specifier of importNode.specifiers) { if (!componentUsages.names.has(specifier.local.name)) continue; if (t.isImportNamespaceSpecifier(specifier)) continue; result.push(componentInfo(specifier, importNode.source.value, testFile)); } } } }); return result; } function vitePlugin(registerSource: string, relativeTemplateDir: string, buildInfo: BuildInfo, componentRegistry: ComponentRegistry): Plugin { buildInfo.sources = {}; return { name: 'playwright:component-index', transform: async (content, id) => { const queryIndex = id.indexOf('?'); const file = queryIndex !== -1 ? id.substring(0, queryIndex) : id; if (!buildInfo.sources[file]) { try { const timestamp = (await fs.promises.stat(file)).mtimeMs; buildInfo.sources[file] = { timestamp }; } catch { // Silent if can't read the file. } } // Vite React plugin will do this for .jsx files, but not .js files. if (id.endsWith('.js') && content.includes('React.createElement') && !content.match(importReactRE) && !content.match(compiledReactRE)) { const code = `import React from 'react';\n${content}`; return { code, map: { mappings: '' } }; } const indexTs = path.join(relativeTemplateDir, 'index.ts'); const indexTsx = path.join(relativeTemplateDir, 'index.tsx'); const indexJs = path.join(relativeTemplateDir, 'index.js'); const idResolved = path.resolve(id); if (!idResolved.endsWith(indexTs) && !idResolved.endsWith(indexTsx) && !idResolved.endsWith(indexJs)) return; const folder = path.dirname(id); const lines = [content, '']; lines.push(registerSource); for (const [alias, value] of componentRegistry) { const importPath = value.isModuleOrAlias ? value.importPath : './' + path.relative(folder, value.importPath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (value.importedName) lines.push(`import { ${value.importedName} as ${alias} } from '${importPath}';`); else lines.push(`import ${alias} from '${importPath}';`); } lines.push(`register({ ${[...componentRegistry.keys()].join(',\n ')} });`); return { code: lines.join('\n'), map: { mappings: '' } }; }, }; } function hasJSComponents(components: ComponentInfo[]): boolean { for (const component of components) { const extname = path.extname(component.importPath); if (extname === '.js' || !extname && fs.existsSync(component.importPath + '.js')) return true; } return false; }