/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import '../base.fixture'; import { ChromiumBrowserContext, ChromiumBrowser } from "../../types/types"; it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should work', async function({page}) { const client = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); await Promise.all([ client.send('Runtime.enable'), client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: 'window.foo = "bar"' }) ]); const foo = await page.evaluate(() => window['foo']); expect(foo).toBe('bar'); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should send events', async function({page, server}) { const client = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); await client.send('Network.enable'); const events = []; client.on('Network.requestWillBeSent', event => events.push(event)); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(events.length).toBe(1); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should only accept a page', async function({page}) { const error = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page.context() as any).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('page: expected Page'); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should enable and disable domains independently', async function({page}) { const client = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); await client.send('Runtime.enable'); await client.send('Debugger.enable'); // JS coverage enables and then disables Debugger domain. await page.coverage.startJSCoverage(); await page.coverage.stopJSCoverage(); page.on('console', console.log); // generate a script in page and wait for the event. await Promise.all([ new Promise(f => client.on('Debugger.scriptParsed', event => { if (event.url === 'foo.js') f(); })), page.evaluate('//# sourceURL=foo.js') ]); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should be able to detach session', async function({page}) { const client = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); await client.send('Runtime.enable'); const evalResponse = await client.send('Runtime.evaluate', {expression: '1 + 2', returnByValue: true}); expect(evalResponse.result.value).toBe(3); await client.detach(); let error = null; try { await client.send('Runtime.evaluate', {expression: '3 + 1', returnByValue: true}); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain('Target browser or context has been closed'); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should throw nice errors', async function({page}) { const client = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); const error = await theSourceOfTheProblems().catch(error => error); expect(error.stack).toContain('theSourceOfTheProblems'); expect(error.message).toContain('ThisCommand.DoesNotExist'); async function theSourceOfTheProblems() { await client.send('ThisCommand.DoesNotExist' as any); } }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should not break page.close()', async function({browser}) { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); const session = await (page.context() as ChromiumBrowserContext).newCDPSession(page); await session.detach(); await page.close(); await context.close(); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should detach when page closes', async function({browser}) { const context = await browser.newContext() as ChromiumBrowserContext; const page = await context.newPage(); const session = await context.newCDPSession(page); await page.close(); let error; await session.detach().catch(e => error = e); expect(error).toBeTruthy(); await context.close(); }); it.skip(!CHROMIUM)('should work', async function({browser}) { const session = await (browser as ChromiumBrowser).newBrowserCDPSession(); const version = await session.send('Browser.getVersion'); expect(version.userAgent).toBeTruthy(); let gotEvent = false; session.on('Target.targetCreated', () => gotEvent = true); await session.send('Target.setDiscoverTargets', { discover: true }); expect(gotEvent).toBe(true); await session.detach(); });