/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import path from 'path'; import { test, expect, stripAnsi } from './playwright-test-fixtures'; test('should be able to call expect.extend in config', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'helper.ts': ` pwt.expect.extend({ toBeWithinRange(received, floor, ceiling) { const pass = received >= floor && received <= ceiling; if (pass) { return { message: () => 'passed', pass: true, }; } else { return { message: () => 'failed', pass: false, }; } }, }); export const test = pwt.test; `, 'expect-test.spec.ts': ` import { test } from './helper'; test('numeric ranges', () => { test.expect(100).toBeWithinRange(90, 110); test.expect(101).not.toBeWithinRange(0, 100); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); test('should not expand huge arrays', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'expect-test.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('numeric ranges', () => { const a1 = Array(100000).fill(1); const a2 = Array(100000).fill(1); a2[500] = 2; test.expect(a1).toEqual(a2); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.output.length).toBeLessThan(100000); }); test('should include custom error message', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'expect-test.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('custom expect message', () => { test.expect(1+1, 'one plus one is two!').toEqual(3); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain([ ` Error: one plus one is two!`, ``, ` Expected: 3`, ` Received: 2`, ].join('\n')); }); test('should include custom error message with web-first assertions', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'expect-test.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('custom expect message', async ({page}) => { await expect(page.locator('x-foo'), { message: 'x-foo must be visible' }).toBeVisible({timeout: 1}); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain([ ` Error: x-foo must be visible`, ``, ` Call log:`, ].join('\n')); }); test('should work with default expect prototype functions', async ({ runTSC, runInlineTest }) => { const spec = ` const { test } = pwt; test('pass', async () => { const expected = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; test.expect([4, 1, 6, 7, 3, 5, 2, 5, 4, 6]).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(expected), ); expect('foo').toEqual(expect.any(String)); expect('foo').toEqual(expect.anything()); expect('hello world').toEqual(expect.not.stringContaining('text')); }); `; { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': spec, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); } { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': spec, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); } }); test('should work with default expect matchers', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test.expect(42).toBe(42); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should work with expect message', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test.expect(42, 'this is expect message').toBe(42); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should work with default expect matchers and esModuleInterop=false', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test.expect(42).toBe(42); `, 'tsconfig.json': JSON.stringify({ 'compilerOptions': { 'target': 'ESNext', 'moduleResolution': 'node', 'module': 'commonjs', 'strict': true, 'rootDir': '.', 'esModuleInterop': false, 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports': false, 'lib': ['esnext', 'dom', 'DOM.Iterable'] }, 'exclude': [ 'node_modules' ] }), }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should work with custom PlaywrightTest namespace', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'global.d.ts': ` declare namespace PlaywrightTest { interface Matchers { toBeEmpty(): R; } interface Matchers { toBeNonEmpty(): R; } } `, 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test.expect.extend({ toBeWithinRange() { }, }); test.expect('').toBeEmpty(); test.expect('hello').not.toBeEmpty(); test.expect([]).toBeEmpty(); test.expect(['hello']).not.toBeEmpty(); test.expect({}).toBeEmpty(); test.expect({ hello: 'world' }).not.toBeEmpty(); test.expect('').toBeNonEmpty(); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should propose only the relevant matchers when custom expect matcher classes were passed', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('custom matchers', async ({ page }) => { await test.expect(page).toHaveURL('https://example.com'); await test.expect(page).not.toHaveURL('https://example.com'); await test.expect(page).toBe(true); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(page).toBeEnabled(); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(page).not.toBeEnabled(); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeEnabled(); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeEnabled({ enabled: false }); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).not.toBeEnabled({ enabled: true }); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeEnabled({ unknown: false }); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeEnabled({ enabled: 'foo' }); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBe(true); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toHaveURL('https://example.com'); const res = await page.request.get('http://i-do-definitely-not-exist.com'); await test.expect(res).toBeOK(); await test.expect(res).toBe(true); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(res).toHaveURL('https://example.com'); await test.expect(res as any).toHaveURL('https://example.com'); // @ts-expect-error await test.expect(123).toHaveURL('https://example.com'); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeChecked(); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).not.toBeChecked({ checked: true }); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).not.toBeEditable(); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeEditable({ editable: false }); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).toBeVisible(); await test.expect(page.locator('foo')).not.toBeVisible({ visible: false }); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should return void/Promise when appropriate', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` type AssertType = S extends T ? AssertNotAny : false; type AssertNotAny = {notRealProperty: number} extends S ? false : true; pwt.test('example', async ({ page }) => { { const value = expect(1).toBe(2); const assertion: AssertType = true; } { const value = expect(1).not.toBe(2); const assertion: AssertType = true; } { const value = expect(page).toHaveURL(''); const assertion: AssertType, typeof value> = true; } { const value = expect(Promise.resolve(1)).resolves.toBe(1); const assertion: AssertType, typeof value> = true; } { const value = expect.soft(1).toBe(2); const assertion: AssertType = true; } { const value = expect.poll(() => true).toBe(2); const assertion: AssertType, typeof value> = true; } }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test.describe('helpful expect errors', () => { test('top-level', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('explodes', () => { expect(1).nope(); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain(`expect: Property 'nope' not found.`); }); test('soft', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('explodes', () => { expect.soft(1).nope(); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain(`expect: Property 'nope' not found.`); }); test('poll', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('explodes', () => { expect.poll(() => {}).nope(); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain(`expect: Property 'nope' not found.`); }); test('not', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('explodes', () => { expect(1).not.nope(); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain(`expect: Property 'nope' not found.`); }); test('bare', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('explodes', () => { expect(''); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); }); test('should reasonably work in global setup', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { globalSetup: './global-setup' }; `, 'global-setup.ts': ` const { expect } = pwt; export default async () => { expect(1).toBe(1); await expect.poll(async () => { await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 50)); return 42; }).toBe(42); expect(1).toBe(2); }; `, 'a.spec.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('skipped', () => {}); `, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain('> 11 | expect(1).toBe(2);'); }); test('should support toHaveURL with baseURL from webServer', async ({ runInlineTest }, testInfo) => { const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 10500; const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('pass', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/foobar'); await expect(page).toHaveURL('/foobar'); await expect(page).toHaveURL('http://localhost:${port}/foobar'); }); test('fail', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/foobar'); await expect(page).toHaveURL('/kek', { timeout: 1000 }); }); `, 'playwright.config.ts': ` module.exports = { webServer: { command: 'node ${JSON.stringify(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'simple-server.js'))} ${port}', port: ${port}, }, }; `, }, { workers: 1 }); const output = stripAnsi(result.output); expect(output).toContain('expect(page).toHaveURL'); expect(output).toContain(`Expected string: \"http://localhost:${port}/kek\"`); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should respect expect.timeout', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.js': `module.exports = { expect: { timeout: 1000 } }`, 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('timeout', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('data:text/html,
'); const error = await expect(page).toHaveURL('data:text/html,
').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('expect.toHaveURL with timeout 1000ms'); expect(error.message).toContain('data:text/html,
'); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); test('should log scale the time', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('pass', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent('
'); await expect(page.locator('div')).toHaveText('Text', { timeout: 2000 }); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); const output = stripAnsi(result.output); const tokens = output.split('unexpected value'); // Log scale: 0, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1000, should be less than 8. expect(tokens.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); expect(tokens.length).toBeLessThan(8); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should print expected/received before timeout', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('times out waiting for text', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent('
Text content
'); await expect(page.locator('#node')).toHaveText('Text 2'); }); `, }, { workers: 1, timeout: 2000 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Test timeout of 2000ms exceeded.'); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain('Expected string: "Text 2"'); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain('Received string: "Text content"'); }); test('should print pending operations for toHaveText', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('fail', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent('
Text content
'); await expect(page.locator('no-such-thing')).toHaveText('Text'); }); `, }, { workers: 1, timeout: 2000 }); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); const output = stripAnsi(result.output); expect(output).toContain('Pending operations:'); expect(output).toContain('expect(received).toHaveText(expected)'); expect(output).toContain('Expected string: "Text"'); expect(output).toContain('Received string: ""'); expect(output).toContain('waiting for locator(\'no-such-thing\')'); }); test('should print expected/received on Ctrl+C', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('times out waiting for text', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent('
Text content
'); const promise = expect(page.locator('#node')).toHaveText('Text 2'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000)); console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); await promise; }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, {}, { sendSIGINTAfter: 1 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(130); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.interrupted).toBe(1); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain('Expected string: "Text 2"'); expect(stripAnsi(result.output)).toContain('Received string: "Text content"'); }); test('should print timed out error message', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('fail', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent('
Text content
'); await expect(page.locator('no-such-thing')).toBeChecked({ timeout: 1 }); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); const output = stripAnsi(result.output); expect(output).toContain('Timed out 1ms waiting for expect(received).toBeChecked()'); }); test('should not leak long expect message strings', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let logs: string = 'Ab'; const consoleLogWatcher = (msg: ConsoleMessage) => { if (logs.length < (1<<28)) logs += logs; expect(msg.text(), logs).toMatch(/^\\d+$/); } test('main', async ({ page }) => { page.on('console', consoleLogWatcher); await page.evaluate(() => { for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) console.log(i); }); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); // expect(result.output).toBe(''); expect(result.failed).toBe(0); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); });