/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type { JSONReport, JSONReportSpec, JSONReportSuite, JSONReportTest, JSONReportTestResult } from '@playwright/test/reporter'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { rimraf, PNG } from 'playwright-core/lib/utilsBundle'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import type { CommonFixtures, CommonWorkerFixtures, TestChildProcess } from '../config/commonFixtures'; import { commonFixtures } from '../config/commonFixtures'; import type { ServerFixtures, ServerWorkerOptions } from '../config/serverFixtures'; import { serverFixtures } from '../config/serverFixtures'; import type { TestInfo } from './stable-test-runner'; import { expect } from './stable-test-runner'; import { test as base } from './stable-test-runner'; export const removeFolderAsync = promisify(rimraf); export type CliRunResult = { exitCode: number, output: string, }; export type RunResult = { exitCode: number, output: string, outputLines: string[], rawOutput: string, passed: number, failed: number, flaky: number, skipped: number, interrupted: number, report: JSONReport, results: any[], }; type TSCResult = { output: string; exitCode: number; }; export type Files = { [key: string]: string | Buffer }; type Params = { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | string[] }; export async function writeFiles(testInfo: TestInfo, files: Files, initial: boolean) { const baseDir = testInfo.outputPath(); if (initial && !Object.keys(files).some(name => name.includes('package.json'))) { files = { ...files, 'package.json': `{ "name": "test-project" }`, }; } if (initial && !Object.keys(files).some(name => name.includes('tsconfig.json') || name.includes('jsconfig.json'))) { files = { ...files, 'tsconfig.json': `{}`, }; } await Promise.all(Object.keys(files).map(async name => { const fullName = path.join(baseDir, name); await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(fullName), { recursive: true }); await fs.promises.writeFile(fullName, files[name]); })); return baseDir; } export const cliEntrypoint = path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/playwright-test/cli.js'); async function runPlaywrightTest(childProcess: CommonFixtures['childProcess'], baseDir: string, params: any, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, options: RunOptions): Promise { const paramList: string[] = []; for (const key of Object.keys(params)) { for (const value of Array.isArray(params[key]) ? params[key] : [params[key]]) { const k = key.startsWith('-') ? key : '--' + key; paramList.push(params[key] === true ? `${k}` : `${k}=${value}`); } } const reportFile = path.join(baseDir, 'report.json'); const args = ['test']; args.push( '--workers=2', ...paramList ); if (options.additionalArgs) args.push(...options.additionalArgs); const cwd = options.cwd ? path.resolve(baseDir, options.cwd) : baseDir; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { exitCode, output } = await runPlaywrightCommand(childProcess, cwd, args, { PW_TEST_REPORTER: path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/playwright-test/lib/reporters/json.js'), PLAYWRIGHT_JSON_OUTPUT_NAME: reportFile, ...env, }, options.sendSIGINTAfter); const summary = (re: RegExp) => { let result = 0; let match = re.exec(output); while (match) { result += (+match[1]); match = re.exec(output); } return result; }; const passed = summary(/(\d+) passed/g); const failed = summary(/(\d+) failed/g); const flaky = summary(/(\d+) flaky/g); const skipped = summary(/(\d+) skipped/g); const interrupted = summary(/(\d+) interrupted/g); let report; try { report = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(reportFile).toString()); } catch (e) { output += '\n' + e.toString(); } const results: JSONReportTestResult[] = []; function visitSuites(suites?: JSONReportSuite[]) { if (!suites) return; for (const suite of suites) { for (const spec of suite.specs) { for (const test of spec.tests) results.push(...test.results); } visitSuites(suite.suites); } } if (report) visitSuites(report.suites); const strippedOutput = stripAnsi(output); return { exitCode, output: strippedOutput, outputLines: strippedOutput.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('%%')).map(line => line.substring(2).trim()), rawOutput: output, passed, failed, flaky, skipped, interrupted, report, results, }; } function watchPlaywrightTest(childProcess: CommonFixtures['childProcess'], baseDir: string, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, options: RunOptions): TestChildProcess { const args = ['test', '--workers=2']; if (options.additionalArgs) args.push(...options.additionalArgs); const cwd = options.cwd ? path.resolve(baseDir, options.cwd) : baseDir; const command = ['node', cliEntrypoint]; command.push(...args); const testProcess = childProcess({ command, env: cleanEnv({ PWTEST_WATCH: '1', ...env }), cwd, }); return testProcess; } async function runPlaywrightCommand(childProcess: CommonFixtures['childProcess'], cwd: string, commandWithArguments: string[], env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, sendSIGINTAfter?: number): Promise { const command = ['node', cliEntrypoint]; command.push(...commandWithArguments); const testProcess = childProcess({ command, env: cleanEnv(env), cwd, }); let didSendSigint = false; testProcess.onOutput = () => { if (sendSIGINTAfter && !didSendSigint && countTimes(testProcess.output, '%%SEND-SIGINT%%') >= sendSIGINTAfter) { didSendSigint = true; process.kill(testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); } }; const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; return { exitCode, output: testProcess.output.toString() }; } export function cleanEnv(env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv): NodeJS.ProcessEnv { return { ...process.env, // BEGIN: Reserved CI CI: undefined, BUILD_URL: undefined, CI_COMMIT_SHA: undefined, CI_JOB_URL: undefined, CI_PROJECT_URL: undefined, GITHUB_REPOSITORY: undefined, GITHUB_RUN_ID: undefined, GITHUB_SERVER_URL: undefined, GITHUB_SHA: undefined, // END: Reserved CI PW_TEST_HTML_REPORT_OPEN: undefined, PW_TEST_REPORTER: undefined, PW_TEST_REPORTER_WS_ENDPOINT: undefined, PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM: undefined, PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM_SCOPE: undefined, TEST_WORKER_INDEX: undefined, TEST_PARLLEL_INDEX: undefined, NODE_OPTIONS: undefined, ...env, }; } export type RunOptions = { sendSIGINTAfter?: number; additionalArgs?: string[]; cwd?: string, }; type Fixtures = { writeFiles: (files: Files) => Promise; deleteFile: (file: string) => Promise; runInlineTest: (files: Files, params?: Params, env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, options?: RunOptions) => Promise; runWatchTest: (files: Files, env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, options?: RunOptions) => Promise; runTSC: (files: Files) => Promise; nodeVersion: { major: number, minor: number, patch: number }; }; export const test = base .extend(commonFixtures) .extend(serverFixtures) .extend({ writeFiles: async ({}, use, testInfo) => { await use(files => writeFiles(testInfo, files, false)); }, deleteFile: async ({}, use, testInfo) => { await use(async file => { const baseDir = testInfo.outputPath(); await fs.promises.unlink(path.join(baseDir, file)); }); }, runInlineTest: async ({ childProcess }, use, testInfo: TestInfo) => { const cacheDir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'playwright-test-cache-')); await use(async (files: Files, params: Params = {}, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = {}, options: RunOptions = {}) => { const baseDir = await writeFiles(testInfo, files, true); return await runPlaywrightTest(childProcess, baseDir, params, { ...env, PWTEST_CACHE_DIR: cacheDir }, options); }); await removeFolderAsync(cacheDir); }, runWatchTest: async ({ childProcess }, use, testInfo: TestInfo) => { const cacheDir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'playwright-test-cache-')); let testProcess: TestChildProcess | undefined; await use(async (files: Files, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = {}, options: RunOptions = {}) => { const baseDir = await writeFiles(testInfo, files, true); testProcess = watchPlaywrightTest(childProcess, baseDir, { ...env, PWTEST_CACHE_DIR: cacheDir }, options); return testProcess; }); await testProcess?.kill(); await removeFolderAsync(cacheDir); }, runTSC: async ({ childProcess }, use, testInfo) => { await use(async files => { const baseDir = await writeFiles(testInfo, { 'tsconfig.json': JSON.stringify(TSCONFIG), ...files }, true); const tsc = childProcess({ command: ['npx', 'tsc', '-p', baseDir], cwd: baseDir, shell: true, }); const { exitCode } = await tsc.exited; return { exitCode, output: tsc.output }; }); }, nodeVersion: async ({}, use) => { const [major, minor, patch] = process.versions.node.split('.'); await use({ major: +major, minor: +minor, patch: +patch }); }, }); const TSCONFIG = { 'compilerOptions': { 'target': 'ESNext', 'moduleResolution': 'node', 'module': 'commonjs', 'strict': true, 'esModuleInterop': true, 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports': true, 'rootDir': '.', 'lib': ['esnext', 'dom', 'DOM.Iterable'], 'noEmit': true, }, 'exclude': [ 'node_modules' ] }; export { expect } from './stable-test-runner'; const asciiRegex = new RegExp('[\\u001B\\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\\u0007)|(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~]))', 'g'); export function stripAnsi(str: string): string { return str.replace(asciiRegex, ''); } export function countTimes(s: string, sub: string): number { let result = 0; for (let index = 0; index !== -1;) { index = s.indexOf(sub, index); if (index !== -1) { result++; index += sub.length; } } return result; } export function createImage(width: number, height: number, r: number = 0, g: number = 0, b: number = 0, a: number = 255): Buffer { const image = new PNG({ width, height }); // Make both images red. for (let i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) { image.data[i * 4 + 0] = r; image.data[i * 4 + 1] = g; image.data[i * 4 + 2] = b; image.data[i * 4 + 3] = a; } return PNG.sync.write(image); } export function createWhiteImage(width: number, height: number) { return createImage(width, height, 255, 255, 255); } export function paintBlackPixels(image: Buffer, blackPixelsCount: number): Buffer { const png = PNG.sync.read(image); for (let i = 0; i < blackPixelsCount; ++i) { for (let j = 0; j < 3; ++j) png.data[i * 4 + j] = 0; } return PNG.sync.write(png); } function filterTests(result: RunResult, filter: (spec: JSONReportSpec) => boolean) { const tests: JSONReportTest[] = []; const visit = (suite: JSONReportSuite) => { for (const spec of suite.specs) spec.tests.forEach(t => filter(spec) && tests.push(t)); suite.suites?.forEach(s => visit(s)); }; visit(result.report.suites[0]); return tests; } export function expectTestHelper(result: RunResult) { return (title: string, expectedStatus: string, status: string, annotations: string[]) => { const tests = filterTests(result, s => s.title === title); for (const test of tests) { expect(test.expectedStatus, `title: ${title}`).toBe(expectedStatus); expect(test.status, `title: ${title}`).toBe(status); expect(test.annotations.map(a => a.type), `title: ${title}`).toEqual(annotations); } }; }