/** * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const utils = require('./utils'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const rm = require('rimraf').sync; const {TestServer} = require('../utils/testserver/'); const { DispatcherConnection } = require('../lib/rpc/server/dispatcher'); const { Connection } = require('../lib/rpc/client/connection'); const { BrowserTypeDispatcher } = require('../lib/rpc/server/browserTypeDispatcher'); class ServerEnvironment { async beforeAll(state) { const assetsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets'); const cachedPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'cached'); const port = 8907 + state.parallelIndex * 2; state.server = await TestServer.create(assetsPath, port); state.server.enableHTTPCache(cachedPath); state.server.PORT = port; state.server.PREFIX = `http://localhost:${port}`; state.server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX = `${port}`; state.server.EMPTY_PAGE = `http://localhost:${port}/empty.html`; const httpsPort = port + 1; state.httpsServer = await TestServer.createHTTPS(assetsPath, httpsPort); state.httpsServer.enableHTTPCache(cachedPath); state.httpsServer.PORT = httpsPort; state.httpsServer.PREFIX = `https://localhost:${httpsPort}`; state.httpsServer.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX = `${httpsPort}`; state.httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE = `https://localhost:${httpsPort}/empty.html`; } async afterAll({server, httpsServer}) { await Promise.all([ server.stop(), httpsServer.stop(), ]); } async beforeEach(state) { state.server.reset(); state.httpsServer.reset(); } } class DefaultBrowserOptionsEnvironment { constructor(defaultBrowserOptions, dumpLogOnFailure, playwrightPath) { this._defaultBrowserOptions = defaultBrowserOptions; this._dumpLogOnFailure = dumpLogOnFailure; this._playwrightPath = playwrightPath; this._loggerSymbol = Symbol('DefaultBrowserOptionsEnvironment.logger'); } async beforeAll(state) { state[this._loggerSymbol] = utils.createTestLogger(this._dumpLogOnFailure, null, 'extra'); state.defaultBrowserOptions = { ...this._defaultBrowserOptions, logger: state[this._loggerSymbol], }; state.playwrightPath = this._playwrightPath; } async beforeEach(state, testRun) { state[this._loggerSymbol].setTestRun(testRun); } async afterEach(state) { state[this._loggerSymbol].setTestRun(null); } } // simulate globalSetup per browserType that happens only once regardless of TestWorker. const hasBeenCleaned = new Set(); class GoldenEnvironment { async beforeAll(state) { const { OUTPUT_DIR, GOLDEN_DIR } = utils.testOptions(state.browserType); if (!hasBeenCleaned.has(state.browserType)) { hasBeenCleaned.add(state.browserType); if (fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)) rm(OUTPUT_DIR); fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR, { recursive: true }); } state.golden = goldenName => ({ goldenPath: GOLDEN_DIR, outputPath: OUTPUT_DIR, goldenName }); } async afterAll(state) { delete state.golden; } async afterEach(state, testRun) { if (state.browser && state.browser.contexts().length !== 0) { if (testRun.ok()) console.warn(`\nWARNING: test "${testRun.test().fullName()}" (${testRun.test().location()}) did not close all created contexts!\n`); await Promise.all(state.browser.contexts().map(context => context.close())); } } } class TraceTestEnvironment { static enableForTest(test) { test.setTimeout(100000000); test.addEnvironment(new TraceTestEnvironment()); } constructor() { this._session = null; } async beforeEach() { const inspector = require('inspector'); const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); const url = require('url'); const readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile.bind(fs)); this._session = new inspector.Session(); this._session.connect(); const postAsync = util.promisify(this._session.post.bind(this._session)); await postAsync('Debugger.enable'); const setBreakpointCommands = []; const N = t.body().toString().split('\n').length; const location = t.location(); const lines = (await readFileAsync(location.filePath(), 'utf8')).split('\n'); for (let line = 0; line < N; ++line) { const lineNumber = line + location.lineNumber(); setBreakpointCommands.push(postAsync('Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl', { url: url.pathToFileURL(location.filePath()), lineNumber, condition: `console.log('${String(lineNumber + 1).padStart(6, ' ')} | ' + ${JSON.stringify(lines[lineNumber])})`, }).catch(e => {})); } await Promise.all(setBreakpointCommands); } async afterEach() { this._session.disconnect(); } } class PlaywrightEnvironment { constructor(playwright) { this._playwright = playwright; } name() { return 'Playwright'; }; beforeAll(state) { state.playwright = this._playwright; } afterAll(state) { delete state.playwright; } } class BrowserTypeEnvironment { constructor(browserType) { this._browserType = browserType; } async beforeAll(state) { // Channel substitute let overridenBrowserType = this._browserType; if (process.env.PWCHANNEL) { const dispatcherConnection = new DispatcherConnection(); const connection = new Connection(); dispatcherConnection.onmessage = async message => { setImmediate(() => connection.dispatch(message)); }; connection.onmessage = async message => { const result = await dispatcherConnection.dispatch(message); await new Promise(f => setImmediate(f)); return result; }; new BrowserTypeDispatcher(dispatcherConnection.rootScope(), this._browserType); overridenBrowserType = await connection.waitForObjectWithKnownName(this._browserType.name()); } state.browserType = overridenBrowserType; } async afterAll(state) { delete state.browserType; } } class BrowserEnvironment { constructor(launchOptions, dumpLogOnFailure) { this._launchOptions = launchOptions; this._dumpLogOnFailure = dumpLogOnFailure; this._loggerSymbol = Symbol('BrowserEnvironment.logger'); } async beforeAll(state) { state[this._loggerSymbol] = utils.createTestLogger(this._dumpLogOnFailure); state.browser = await state.browserType.launch({ ...this._launchOptions, logger: state[this._loggerSymbol], }); } async afterAll(state) { await state.browser.close(); delete state.browser; } async beforeEach(state, testRun) { state[this._loggerSymbol].setTestRun(testRun); } async afterEach(state, testRun) { state[this._loggerSymbol].setTestRun(null); } } class PageEnvironment { async beforeEach(state) { state.context = await state.browser.newContext(); state.page = await state.context.newPage(); } async afterEach(state) { await state.context.close(); state.context = null; state.page = null; } } module.exports = { ServerEnvironment, GoldenEnvironment, TraceTestEnvironment, DefaultBrowserOptionsEnvironment, PlaywrightEnvironment, BrowserTypeEnvironment, BrowserEnvironment, PageEnvironment, };